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Pirates #6 [Quest: Vyra]

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Pirates #6 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Thu Mar 24, 2022 1:27 pm

The sound of the bottles falling over barely registered a sound. A full crate, nearly two dozen bottles in total, all smashing into a million pieces as it fell upon the hard stone ground, the deep purple liquid spreading through the area, staining it as streaks and trails spread further and further outwards to the point where the numerous trails seemed to more resemble that of a spider web than that of a spillage. It didn’t seem to matter much though, outside perhaps of the two men whom had failed in carrying the crate the short distance from the ship docked just beyond at the furthest end of the pier. It was, or at least should have been a simple trip, one that they had replicated over and over again before, days upon days in the past. It should have been completely routine. But the difference between all of those times and now ere the gathering just outside of the pier, the one that seemed to be growing larger and larger by the second. And for that matter too, angrier and angrier.



Pirates #6 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Thu Mar 24, 2022 1:50 pm

A gathering, however many people there were likely less than how many were there a moment later; the process repeating over and over again until it seemed that the sheer existence of the gathering was enough to simultaneously cease all productivity within the docks whilst still gathering more and more interest towards it. Why exactly, what prompted it at first, it was hard to say entirely. Perhaps a dispute over some sort of wages lost. Would not be the first time anyways. Plenty of times, those who operated within these docks conducted themselves in such a way that often led to the most profit, but seldom did such operations enable for them to preserve their integrity. Wealth did not come freely, and the docks were a constant reminder of that, regardless of what profession one might have been there. Ship crewmen, subjected to the dangers that came with the sea. Dock workers, constantly at risk of threats emerging from desperation or nefarious plots. Merchants, similarly at risk due to the value of their goods. For everyone to work together within the pseudo-ecosystem that was the Hargeon Docks, always something had to give.



Pirates #6 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Thu Mar 24, 2022 1:57 pm

Cries of exploitation filled the air, leaving a sense that whatever the root cause for such an uproar, no doubt that greed was at the bare minimum an attributing factor. Seldom a rare thing. Even Vyra, as she sat upon the edge of the docks, watching as everything played out, as much fascinated as she was curious as to the root cause of all of this, had seen plenty of examples of this exploitation before. Workers that were poorly paid, thrown into precarious and harsh conditions, not just attributed to the nature of the people who worked the docks, but also the risk that came with the weather itself. Especially during either the storms or winter, or worse even a storm during winter, it was much a risk to their own survival that they would be working in such conditions. Should there have been any outside factors too, it was all but certain that they would be in danger. And those were just some of the more obvious examples that the Demi-Human had seen. No doubt that there were many worse examples that had befallen these people to merit this sort of reaction.



Pirates #6 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Thu Mar 24, 2022 2:10 pm

It almost made her feel a little guilty, watching as this unfolded. Seeing everyone gathered, she knew that not all of them were people whom had been working at the docks. Maybe for every dozen or so people that she could see from her vantage – and this being multiple dozens or so by this point based on what she was able to tell – perhaps three or four of them had previously worked at some point in time for the people who operated at the docks. It was hard to say entirely. Typically based off of what one would see, seldom would it be that women would be working the docks, which was arguably where most of the risk was tied towards. That was not to say that women did not work there, as often within the stalls that were owned by the various trading companies would take fullest advantage of hiring what women they could. Especially if they were attractive. Even Vyra, someone as innocent as she was, knew that there was a level of appeal towards attractive people, and for these companies that were invested in establishing trade relationships, beauty was golden.



Pirates #6 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Thu Mar 24, 2022 2:23 pm

But among the crowds, it was unlikely that the trading companies were much under the ire of the mob. Though their business practices may have been considered disgusting to some, particularly given how shamelessly they tried to push the appeal of their clientele towards prospective merchants, it did not seem that there were many within that crowd that seemed to fit the bill as far as attractiveness went. Even then, Vyra had heard about those companies and the one thing that she seemed to hear time and time again were that they actually paid quite well. Despite the blatant exploitation of their looks, those who were able to find jobs with the trading companies, namely the key companies that had offices within the Hargeon Docks, they found themselves hardly regretting the decision. It seemed rather unlikely that those who were working there would have been protesting whatever it was that was going on, but it certainly could have been a factor towards the feelings felt through the crowd. The trading companies had seldom seen issue as far as profits, despite the typical drop that came with the changing of the seasons, and it was easy to generate feelings of resentment towards them because of it.



Pirates #6 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Thu Mar 24, 2022 2:34 pm


It actually made Vyra wonder how it was that these companies did not see that sort of backlash. In few places quite like the Hargeon Dock had she encountered such drastic changes in terms of the productivity and profits encountered. During the spring and summer seasons, they were fully flourished with business and profit. Not just the trading companies, but the companies that made sure to watch the docks, that handled the docking of the ships, those that performed repairs and inspections on them, when the warm weather arrived, everyone seemed to benefit. But as the cold started to blow in, that quality of business changed drastically. The ship repairs slowed down drastically as fewer ships bothered to dock due to the inherent risk of ice and the dangerous nature of the open sea in the cold weather. Less ships docking also meant that fewer reasons to have people who handled the inspections and also meant less reason to handle any sort of liaison-like affairs with those who were upon those ships. It was a snowball effect, and as the cold came in, almost everyone suffered for it.



Pirates #6 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Thu Mar 24, 2022 2:40 pm

Her curiosity eventually won over her intentions to remain anonymous. Getting up, she began walking towards the group, not realizing just how much larger it had grown than compared to what her original vantage point allowed. Seated on a crate observing everything, it only gave a partial glance. It did little to actually show the full extent of it, how the amount of people was actually that much larger than what she had first figured, in part due to the people all pushing forward, trying to get their way to the front, to make their voices heard louder amongst their fellow man and woman. Watching it all, Vyra tried to remain as small as possible; the need to be exposed or otherwise try to make herself known would only stand to cause problems. Especially given her connection to Alisa. The last thing that she wanted was to be tied into the level of frustration and anger that was just continuing to build up and up with each passing second, nor did she want to have Blue Pegasus associated with this. Although she did not know for sure, she had a strong feeling that something like this, regardless of how valid their complaints may have been, would have been something that Alisa would want to be involved with.



Pirates #6 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Thu Mar 24, 2022 3:15 pm

It was surprisingly enough easy to blend in despite everything that was going on. It seemed that everyone who were at the docks fell into one of two camps, those who found themselves getting involved with the growing mob, or people who just wanted nothing to do with it. Vyra found herself in the latter group. Taking a seat underneath one of the small tents that were set up to help organize the distribution of goods coming off of one of the nearby ships already docked, the Demi-Human was able to get a much fuller glance of just what had been going on. It seemed exactly as she might have feared a scenario like this playing out, all it taking being just something, a single event to cause everything to go to hell. She found herself fixated on it all, the reactions of the people angry, the reactions of the dock workers who had the unfortunate task of trying to maintain some level of order. All of it simply spelled out a miserable situation entirely.



Pirates #6 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Thu Mar 24, 2022 3:44 pm

Cries and shouts fueled with rage and animosity echoed out from the crowd, unwavering both in the quantity and viciousness in their voices. For some, it almost seemed as though they thrived on the panic that was occurring, the unrest that they were causing only driving them to further cause more. Others, though their numbers far fewer by comparison, seemed offput by the increasing levels of violence, some even seeming to slip away, not wanting to be associated with what was going on at this point. Though Vyra noticed this herself, she wondered precisely what it was that was the pushing point for them. Something clearly seemed to upset people, making them uneasy, and though she couldn’t see it herself, Vyra could feel that there was something amiss. Even others who happened to watch and notice everything that was going on, it seemed that they seemed to understand that there was something amiss as well. A few of them went so far as to even completely leave the dock areas, though Vyra did not. She was still there, watching, waiting, almost hoping that something would happen, not for the sake of violence, but rather to see what happens next.



Pirates #6 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Thu Mar 24, 2022 5:11 pm

Vyra was not sure as to what caused it, or why it was that at that point that everything came to a head, but sure enough, as she watched on with intrigue, she happened to notice it out of the corner of her eye. Something, nothing particularly large, maybe a bottle of some sort, flying through the air, the heads of the people in the crowd either focused forward and completely oblivious to it, or utterly fixated upon it to the point that they seemed to know – just like Vyra – of what was to happen next. For that brief second, it seemed like the world stood still, and then suddenly panic broke out. Whatever may have been holding the people back before, it was no longer a factor. The crowd started to push as one, despite those within the group struggling to find their way out of there. Yet, despite their efforts, the large group continued to move as a single entity, moving with enough presence to the point that the few unfortunate dock workers whom had been tasked with preventing any access onto the few ships docked eventually gave up, retreating for their own safety.



Pirates #6 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Thu Mar 24, 2022 6:26 pm

As a mob, they stormed as one, a few people finding themselves pushed to the ground, narrowly avoiding being trampled though it did seem that a handful were not so fortunate. Their cries, at first drowned out by the madness around them, were eventually heard and while the frenzied group seemed to all be intent upon rushing out, causing whatever sort of hell and pandemonium upon the docked ships as possible, it did seem that there were some instances in which the people showed humanity. It seemed more isolated than anything else, but it was still something, and Vyra, simply watching it, was utterly in shock at how quickly things had unraveled. The situation aside from those who were unfortunate enough to be trampled, it seemed too that things were only becoming more and more like that of people indulging in actions that they wouldn’t dare attempt otherwise. Loud bangs echoed through the docks, and at first Vyra had assumed the worst, only to realize after a moment that rather than some sort of resistance against the imposed riot, instead it appeared to have been a group of men whom had begun to unload crates from atop the ship, right down onto the docks below.



Pirates #6 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Thu Mar 24, 2022 7:49 pm

The first crate took her by surprise. The second one she had somewhat come to expect it, or at the bare minimum was able to expect that it would have fallen. When it did, perhaps it was the unexpected loudness that came with it, but she still found herself jumping slightly in surprise at the nature of it. Looking around, she noticed that she was not alone in that; multiple people had taken to interpret the boxes and crates falling as evidence of whatever this had been turning into something that none of them could wished to occur. Vyra found herself struggling to believe it herself, how things had so utterly devolved into this sort of madness and chaos. But after a moment passed and she returned to her senses, she finally came to appreciate what was going on around, parituclary the aftermath of those crates being destroyed. The carnage notwithstanding, as she examined the drestroyed crates, the contents within it caused her eyes to open with anticipation.



Pirates #6 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Thu Mar 24, 2022 8:51 pm

Looking into the contents of one of the broken crates, Vyra peered in, careful to make sure not to be struck by another crate that similarly descended down onto the pier below. However, for her own benefit, she peered forward, carefully examining the contents and as she noticed the small gems and golden pieces, she realized just the sort of ship that these people were pillaging. A ship designated for the trading companies. To say that it wasn’t tempting to take from the crate would have been a lie, though as she looked around, seeing the other people being even more depraved and unwaivering in their stealing of all of the goods located around, she figured that while she did not agree with the nature of things, it would have been impossible to turn down the opportunity. The fact was, there were no shortage of people stealing goods at the moment, there was nobody trying to stop them, and as she further looked around, she did not see any sort of law enforcement nearby, she knew that there was a chance to get away with this unphased. As another crate fell upon the ground, Vyra reached out, taking a handful of gems, her grip wrapping around a large emerald. Peering at it within her grip, she smiled but quickly put it away within her garments as she departed as quickly as possible, making sure to not be associated with what happened while at the same time managing to get away safety. As she walked out of the area, she could not help but smile as she ran her fingers along the emerald.


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