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A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa)

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A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) Empty Sat Feb 19, 2022 2:48 am

The waves crashed upon the shore, sending splashes of clear blue water spraying the small island near the city of Hargeon. The ever clear rage swelled and flowed as the sky darkened with a sea of gray clouds as if to hide the lone inhabitant of this island. An eerie song rang through the land and sea almost enshrouding the minds of those it heard.

Rumors of this "Siren" and her song spread through the port of Hargeon like a wildfire, as gossip is the true strongest form of magic. Rumors that a demon with powers of manipulation through song has taken to crashing ships and drowning men and women alike. Other rumors of sparkling lights blinding ships causing them to crash into rocks and sinking to murky waters below. These rumors cascading through the walls of the port town, and reached a stranger's ears when she docked for supplies.

This was not something she did often, but good supplies were hard to come by. The island did not have much on it in terms of survival. Shrouded in a dark cloak she would quickly by graceful glide through the town picking up what was required before she returned. The island had been her home for the last few years. She left her life and her friends her behind. Her past had wounded her deeply, not physically, but enough for her once loving nature seemed shatter.

Her long flowing hair, the shade of cherry blossom leaves, was wild in an almost feral manner. Her beauty did not seem to suffer from this new hair style. The island conditions did not seem to have any adverse affect on the beauty or her physique. Her body adorned in a white laced swimsuit only seemed to add to the rumor of the beautiful siren and her deadly song.

It had been so long since she had spoken to anyone for more then a few minutes. She almost forgotten how too. She often wondered if this was how her life would end. Secluded on an island alone. A far better ending then what her parents received. Her crimson eyes watched the waves crashed and swell against the ground as tears formed and fell, bombarding the ground below.

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) OxCDm8d

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) Empty Sat Feb 19, 2022 3:48 am


WORDS: 430 | TAG: @Ava | SPORTY 

My~... What a beautiful day... Amazing how we could still get days like this in the winter. Or maybe that was something to worry about, especially for those lovers of cold, snowy days... Once again, Alisa had gotten up at the break of dawn for a long jog around Hargeon... But now she found herself anywhere but, caught in the middle of the ocean as a friendly sailor ferried her across to the nearest islands:

"So, a siren off the coasts of Hargeon hmmm~..?", mused the sculptress, sitting at the front of the ship, those gales whipping her long, lustruous black hair wildly behind her, even under the tight, unyielding grip of her ponytail. Alisa could have probably used her key, or any other unusual magical ability to get her right onto the island, but...

As she found the idle ship amidst her usual jogging route, she wound up taking a little detour... Granted, she didn't see herself continuing her training anytime soon... After all, she'd mostly cooled down by now, even if a stubborn sheen of sweat yet clung to her body as she finally reached the island she'd requested the ride to:

"And here we are... Ufufu~... Still, I'd feel awfully surprised if we wound up running into an actual, literal siren here, don't you think~...?", she chimed, looking over her shoulder, hand falling down to the flare of her full, womanly hip as her fingertips idly toyed with the hem of her shorts, her sneakers all but sinking into the soft, pure white sands... Still, this hypothetical siren sure had quite the good taste here... Letting out a long, deep breath, her shapely chest heaved up and down as she took in that saline scent, "If we do find her, well... I have to admire her taste..."

The fisherman wasn't even in the mood to answer her. He just nodded and sailed away, reinforcing the agreed pickup time. For the time being, Alisa was effectively stranded here, at least, unless she found some mysterious way out... Which she arguably could, even if she had no intention to...

"For starters...", with the waves licking at her sneakers, the sculptress soon bent over, plucking her feet from her shoes, carrying them safely in her hand as she steered clear of the water's edge, marvelling at the feeling of those soft, silken sands sifting between her toes.

Looking left, then sight, looking for the mysterious siren... But finding none thus far. Her brow furrowe. Hmm... So it had been a myth after all? Alisa sighed... Not surprising, but still disappointing...

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) Empty Sat Feb 19, 2022 4:05 am

Raina saw the ship dock near the secluded beach and she took off towards the trees darting behind the closest one. Her pink hair trailed in the breeze as she moved. "Someone... someone is here. Is this it? Has she finally found me. I... I refuse to let this be my end." She muttered to herself as her eyes twinkled from the fear and anxiety.

The raven haired girl was not someone Raina recognized. Maybe... just maybe.. this girl was not here to murder her. She timidly walked to the edge of the small cliff on the island, determined to not let fear get the best of her. The orange landscape, lit up by the fire of the sun falling in the evening sky, seemed to illuminate her skin as she turned her back to the beach and stared out at the cascading waves. She crossed her arms, wrapping them around herself almost to protect herself from the fear. "If this is it... I will go out on my terms. With my song the last thing this girl hears." Raina started to sing a song, an enchanting melody of emotions and anguish, loud enough that it seemed to radiate the island. The song was gentle but with an hidden surge of strength.

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) OxCDm8d

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) Empty Sat Feb 19, 2022 4:16 am


WORDS: 430 | TAG: @Ava | SPORTY 

Alisa didn't know who or what she'd come here to find... As she strolled leisurly around the beach, idly humming as she took in her surroundings, marvelling at that soft sea breeze as it brushed against her cheeks like a lover's caress... All too easily she found her eyes drifting upwards, taking in the violet hues of sunset. My~... This trip had wound up taking longer than she'd like? Regardless, she'd have no complains as before long, that siren's song reached her ears, making her breath hitched her eyes flared open:

"O-Oh my~...", as that song reached her ears, Alisa felt not the slightest ounce of fear or apprehension... Instead, that melody shot right through her core, shooting a shiver up her spine in a clear, unmistakable reminder that the girl she'd come her to find did indeed exist... Chewing her bottom lip, those plush pink lips curled into a soft, welcoming smile... For once, she didn't even need the power in her left eye to pinpoint the girl's location, cooly announcing her presence in that throaty, melodious voice, "You have a beautiful voice, don't you...? I don't suppose you'd be willing to come out~? Ufufu~... Feels like a waste to hear you without a face to go with the voice~?"

Those honeyed, words would reach the siren's ears, not liking in their own fair share of allure as Alisa drew closer, heartrate quickening with antecipation as she knew oh so well... That hiding beauty with the bewitching voice would leave nothing to be desired... As Alisa drew close, she eventually halted her step, leaving the mysterious girl the time and space she needed to decide whether to show herself.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) Empty Sun Feb 20, 2022 3:43 am

Raina heard the melodious voice of the raven haired beauty who had stepped on to the island. Just because the woman had the respect enough to talk to her first does not mean she wasn't here to harm her. She ended her song abruptly almost chillingly quickly. Her lips pursed as she her melodious but boisterous voice radiated through the trees, reaching the dark haired girl with an almost enchanting force. "Who said I was hiding? Clearly if I did not wish to be sought out, you would not have heard my song upon arrival. If you are here based on Aria's orders, I promise you. I will not cease so easily."

Raina outstretched her hand and shot a sparkling light into the sky, illuminating her position on the island. She turned to face the direction the girl would be arriving from and prepared her self for the worst. Her long hair billowing in the raging breeze almost in defiance to gravity itself. Her crimson eyes blazed with a fiery determination, an inner strength to go out on her terms if needed. "So if you are here to hurt me. Have at thee!" she continued on before preparing herself to fight if need be.

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) OxCDm8d

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) Empty Sun Feb 20, 2022 5:09 am


WORDS: 430 | TAG: @Raina | SPORTY 

"Ufufu~... Aria...?", chimed the sculptress, stepping in closer, still silently hoped the alluring siren would finally grace her eyes with her bewitching visage... Letting out a low, graceful giggle, Alisa reached closer to the source of that sound, yet unable to make out the beauty it belonged to, "Seems to me like the only Aria I hear is the one from your lips~..."

Almost instinctively, she found herself running her hands down her long, lustruous black hair, making herself presentable, betraying that hint of vanity as she cleared her throat and chuckled. Despite the playfulness in her voice or that soft smile on those plush pink lips, tinged with a hint of mirth... Alisa could tell the girl was hiding from this Aria, whoever they were... Yet she didn't have long to mull over it as the girl shot a radiant ray of light into the skies. But no radiance quite measured up to the sight of the pink haired beauty as she stepped before her. Alisa's plush lips parted in astonishment, feeling a tingle shot up her spine at the beauty before her:

"Rest assured, I'm not here to hurt you~...", in the end, she could only raise her hand defensively, partly to show she meant no harm, but most of all to keep her stance up should she need to cast a quick spell to protect herself. She ran a hand under the band of her sports bra, adjusting the garment over the swell of her bust as it jostled ever so slightly, putting the finishing touches on her ponytail as her eyes washed over the mysterious beauty, "I came here because I heard rumours of a siren living in these islands, and...", she nibbled her bottom lip, as her eyes fell on those vibrant emeralds, "I see there was some truth to those rumours. Have you been here by yourself all this time?"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) Empty Mon Feb 21, 2022 11:48 pm

Raina sighed relief. This woman seemed some what sincere with her tone, if not a little flirty. She elt her guard down ever so slightly as she flicked the strands and locks of hair that had fallen of her shoulder behind, almost sparkling with grace while doing it. She pierced her gaze of her blazing crimson eyes towards the woman, almost as if trying to see into her very soul. "The songs I sing are for no one other then me. A Siren sings to cause misfortune, I sing to hide mine. It seems the rumors are wrong on all accounts." She said melodically as her even graceful voice traveled the surrounding area, almost soothing the atmosphere around her. "So tell me..." She continued. "Did you just come out here to search for a siren then?" Raina crossed her arms almost pressing them against her chest, causing her bust to bounce a little in an act of self defiance.

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) OxCDm8d

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) Empty Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:42 pm


WORDS: 430 | TAG: @Raina | SPORTY 

"Ufufu~... Well, you know how fishermen are. They hear a beautiful song out at sea and immediately think it will lure them to a watery grave", winked the sculptress, a sly, knowing smile drawing on her face as she sashayed over to the beauty, admiring that vibrant pink hair that put even the dazzling shades of sunset to shame.

Indeed, she saw plenty to admire in front of her, wine red hues looking right back into those dazzing jades as she reached closer to the woman, sliding a hand to the swell of her hip, still idly preoccupied with adjusting her wardrobe:

"Indeed I have, though I will say... I'm not the slightest bit disappointed."

Too elegant to simply stare, Alisa nonetheless admired the beauty before her as her eyes traced that sinuous shape once more, and yet something about the scarcely dressed vision in front of her made her gulp, feeling the faint, chilly breeze against her silky soft alabaster skin. Reminding her how despite the sunny days they had so far, the cold grip of winter had yet to give way, and this woman was out here, wearing little more than rags:

"Have you... Been sleeping out here all by yourself?", Alisa wasn't really wearing much more than this but... At night she'd retreat back into her room for a shower and a long night's sleep. This woman though... She didn't really have that luxury while stranded on an island did she? Alisa looked left, than right, feeling the chill bringing goosebumps to her bare skin as she scratched her temple awkwardly, folding one arm under her full bust as she rubbed her arm, "Must be hard to sleep out here."

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) Empty Sat Feb 26, 2022 10:53 pm

The crashing waves slammed against the side of the cliff behind the rose tinted beauty. Droplets of frigid cold sea water misted the surrounded area. The crimson eyes pierced the area as the girl scanned the woman in front of her. "A watery grave is a blessing for some, trust me. There are much, much worse ways to go." Raina grinned at the woman's comment about not being disappointed by her visage. "I am glad you find me so... let us just say appealing? But alas, I do not look this way for anyone." She continued as she flipped her hair off her shoulder and shooting it behind her delicate frame. Droplets of water from the storm almost twinkling, dancing with each colored strand. "Sleeping out here is not that bad. You learn to make do. Now.. tell me. Who are you?" She said sternly.

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) OxCDm8d

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) Empty Sat Feb 26, 2022 11:09 pm


WORDS: 430 | TAG: @Raina | SPORTY 

"Fufu~... I'm sure you and those sailors could have some rather interesting conversations on the worst ways to go~", winked the sculptress, actually looking back over her shoulder, that supple, sinuous shape twisting back around as she looked back the way she came, tracing her own footsteps, finding the fisherman hadn't even deigned to wait around for a little while.

Alisa rolled her eyes... Not as though she asked him, or even needed it to get back to shore but still. That would have been nice of him huh? Still, thats's fine.... It just meant she could devote all her attention to the beauty in front of her:

"Ufufu~ They'd have to be blind if you ask me~", chimed the sculptress, running a hand down that long, lustruous black hair, reaching both hands behind her head to ajust that flowing ponytail as it whipped around in the wind, smile curling wider as yet another chilly breeze blew across the sands.

Alisa had a pretty good tolerance for cold, but that didn't mean she'd feel comfortable sleeping next to a chilly ocean breeze blowing all night long.

"I can't imagine that's as comfortable as a proper bed...", she shook her head, once again folding her arms under her bust, rubbing her palms along her arms as she reached closer to the girl, offering her hand a name, close enough for the tall woman's soft, soothing lavander scent to reach her, "Call me Alisa~ I'm the Guildmaster of Blue Pegasus. And i'll say, quite the pleasure to meet you, miss~...?"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 1:09 am

The wind ripped through the island at an almost insulting pace, sending strands of the girl's bright pink hair flying along side in, in a sort of reckless dance. The girl listening to the woman's comments about sailors and how uncomfortable her sleeping arrangements must be. She tried her best not to let her thoughts splash across her face, something she has never been particularly strong at. At the mention of Alisa being a guild master, Raina's face lit up a hint of fear and anxiety.

"I... I think you need to leave. You do not want me in your guild." She said turning her back to Alisa and hugging herself tighter, as if to hide away from the world. "You... really don't want me involved."

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) OxCDm8d

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 2:48 am


WORDS: 430 | TAG: @Raina | SPORTY 

Those frigid gales shot across the sands once more, howling as they blew across the vegetation, Alisa shivering as they whipped across her still damp skin... Even a woman whose family hailed from the frigid north could quite resist such chill when soaking wet:

"Now, what in the world would make you think that~...?", Alisa tilted her head, both hands falling onto her chest as she examined the girl once more. In the end, her brow arched as she approached, hips sashaying every so softly as that subtle smile drew on her lips. By the time she heard Alisa's voice once more, Raina would hear it mere inches away from her, like a soft, soothing whisper to put any real siren to shame, "Absolutely not."

And with this words and an playful, amused giggle, Alisa suddenly leaned down and scooped the defeated sounding beauty into her arms, hooking one arm under her knees as she princess carried the tired, reclusive pinkette, letting Raina rest against the supple, welcoming softness of her chest:

"No way I'm going to leave a bright, beautiful young woman sleeping alone all the way out here.", she reinforced, sternly, not hearing no for an answer. The girl might not be interested in the guild, and Alisa accepted that. But she wouldn't take no for an answer when it came to offering her a proper bed. She flashed her a soft smile as that dark, ebony hair draped down across Raina's body, holding her close until that soothing lavander scent was all she could breathe in, "Don't worry... Nothing will happen to you as long as I'm here~"

And with these words, she tapped her foot against the soft sands, producing a large, crystalline door in front of her. And with a bit of help from the magical ring on her finger, Alisa Vollan pulled out the skeleton key and inserted it into the makeshift door she'd just built... All she really needed was a door, and once she stepped through it, she'd immediately cross over all the way back to the Blue Pegasus guild hall.

To safety.

No matter what Raina was fleeing from... She could find solace in the guild.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 3:15 am

Raina shuddered when she heard the almost competitive Sirenic voice of Alisa, mere inches away from her. It was like this woman was in a seduction contest with her, not that Raina wanted anything to do with it. It was just her nature. Suddenly without much warning, Raina was swept off her feet, bridal style. Hands in places she had not had hands in such a long time.

The woman tried her best to soothe the pink haired beauty. Tried to remove any ounce of insecurity or mediocrity she had in her mind. Her face lit up a scarlet brush as she felt the hands on her body and she almost let herself ease into the comfort, but of course, being the stubborn and almost pathologically self destructive woman she is, she had no intention of letting her off so easy.

Raina looked at Alisa's fair chest and without even thinking grabbed both of the woman's breasts almost roughly. "Hey! What the hell do you think you are doing, Thunder Tits!" She called out, almost flailing in the woman's arms.

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) OxCDm8d

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 3:35 am


WORDS: 430 | TAG: @Raina | SPORTY 

Now, Alisa expected some resistance here. She knew the girl was running away from something and would likely refuse any attempts to carry her elsewhere. For a moment everything looked to be going well. She felt Raina relaxing in her arms as Alisa approached the door, but just as she herself began to ease into it with a smile, the girl jolted her right back to reality:

"Aahn~...!", Alisa's eyes shot wide as she felt the sudden, unexpected squeeze to her chest, shivering at the sensation as it caught her completely off guard, that springy softness spilling out between Raina's fingers as they really sunk in, giving her an intimate feel of that full figured firmness.

She would have liked to fight back... But with her arms preoccupied carrying Raina, she had no intentions of letting go of the girl and merely bit her lip as a hint of redness drew on her cheeks, her eyes narrowing as she returned Raina's determined look:

"M-My, my, not even buying me dinner first hmmm~...?", she couldn't fight back with her hands... Instead she used the only weapon available to her: Allure. A sensual smile drew on her plush, pale pink lips, a seductive, melodious giggle as she leaned in, defiantly pulling Raina closer, trapping the woman's hand between her chest and the girl's own, kneading her hand between their full firmness. Close enough for her warm breath to brush her skin with every word, Alisa let out a low growl, biting her lip at the tenderness, but pushing through it to take yet another step forwards towards the door, "Ufufufu~... Besides... Thunder tits hmm? Those are awfully rich words coming from you~"

She defenitely hoped she remembered to open the door somewhere a little more private... Even the sexually confident guild master wouldn't simply show up in the middle of her guild with a mysterious beauty squeezing her chest. Almost there... Just another step and she'd have carried her into the guild. Once there, Raina could go wherever she chose, but Alisa would at least feel comfortable knowing she was sleeping better than out here in the middle of nowhere.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 12:39 am

Raina's face lit up a deep crimson at the situation she found herself in. She really thought her "attack" would make the woman release her, but unfortunately that was not the case. The woman seemed to emit some strange magic, enveloping them and creating a door in front of them. Alisa stepped through and they seemed to transport themselves in front of a very elaborate looking guild hall. Raina's eyes sparkled as she looked at the divine architecture, completely forgetting what she was currently doing.

Raina looked down at the her hands and then the door, then back to her hands because she made a a shrill eek! before pushing herself out of the woman's arms, landing on her feet and stumbling backwards knocking the door open. As lucky as Raina was, Lady Luck clearly wanted her to make show upon arrival, as for there was a person crouched down tying their shoe as Raina stumbled in. Stumbling backwards, and not seeing the crouched guild member, Raina fell into the guild member and flipped over him, without meaning to. Upon landing and noticing her balance was way off, she tried to land into a somersault but upon finishing that her footing gave out and landed in the middle of the grand looking fountain in the guild hall, sending a torrent of water all around, splashing many.

As she laid embarrassed and irritated, submerged in the water, Raina remembered a time before she arrived on the island. A time of love and happiness, almost forgotten. She remembered the silky skin of man conflicted by darkness. His blonde hair that illuminated and shimmered in the sun. How much he meant to her. Sadly life had other plans. Even submerged in the warm water of the fountain, Raina felt the tears swell in her eyes. She pushed herself up into a sitting position sending even more water flying, her hair flipped in a crescent loon shape, the form accentuating her delicate but mature frame.

Raina opened her eyes and notice everyone staring at her. Her face lit up a deep crimson, deeper then the reds of her irises as she covered her face with her hands and shrieked very cutely.

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) OxCDm8d

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 9:03 pm


WORDS: 430 | TAG: @Raina | SPORTY 

Even for Alisa, that kind of entrance defenitely earned a reaction... Their guildmaster stepping out through a doorway with a beauty in her arms, a beauty with rather conspicuously positioned hands:

"Hnnnn~... Just how long... Are you planning to keep this up hmmm~...?", she teased at last, chuckling at the redness in the girl's cheeks, arching her back, smirking confidently, all but kneading that telltale softness into Raina's hands until she decided to peel them away, "Wha...?!"

She'd already made a mental note of paying her back for that later, but before she could get to that, a startled Raina suddenly spring from her arms as Alisa's trembling grip weakened at last. She pulled her arm over her chest on reflex, raising her guard, though before long found her hand reaching back, as though trying to catch the girl as she stumbled over one of her crouching guildmates:

"Look out...!"

In the end, Alisa all but winced as no amount of warning could save her from that fall, gritting her teeth, chest jostling ever so softly as she loosened her arm from around it and shuffled over to the girl, lips parting at the bewitching sight:

"Fufu~... Seems like those fishermen might have been onto something after all", no Pegasus worth their salt could ever resist a view like that... She nibbled her bottom lip, admiring the water cascading down those captivating curves... For a moment Alisa merely stood there, transfixed, her outstretched hand raising over her mouth as Raina showed off with the kind of unassuming flair that would put most to shame, "Well... I defenitely brought you to the right place... Seems to me like you're already a member of Blue Pegasus."

Hips swaying subtly left and right, Alisa walked over and pulled one of her own coats from the pocket dimension in her ring, reflexively draping it around the woman's wet figure, providing her a measure of modesty while, glaring over her shoulder at the suddenly very interested guy she tripped over:

"Come on now, you shouldn't play around in the fountain at this hour... You might catch a cold~", she'd say, offering the girl a hand as she guided her out of the fountain, holding it firm but gently as she lead her inside the lavish Guildhall she'd seen when she first arrived, "Tell me, when was the last time you had a decent meal? Or slept in a proper bed?"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) Empty Tue Mar 08, 2022 11:56 pm

Water dripped down her delicate but voluptuous frame, almost clinging to her clothes and skin. Picking herself up and staring at Alisa handing her a coat, Raina spoke, her words full of anxiety and frustration. "I don't get cold anymore. I am fine."

Raina smiled ever so slightly, a type of smile some miniscule you would have to really pay attention to the musculature of her face to even notice, but still, it seemed to light up the room. She missed having someone who deeply cared for her. It seems like this girl, leader of the sparkle dorks, the Blue Pegasus guild, might be someone she could count on. She had to be forth an effort, not get lost in her past or insecurities. She had a goal in mind. She will find him and figure out what happened and probably knock some sense into him.

"Sign me up, boss lady." She continued before leaning close to Alisa's ear. "And next time you want to get me wet, all you got to do is ask. Not stage a full on pool in the entrance hall."

Raina winked before putting the coat on over her wet clothes and turning around towards the onlookers, flipping the strands of her soaked her behind her back and smiling almost seductively at the crowd. "So who wants to show me the bar?"

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) OxCDm8d

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) Empty Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:05 pm


WORDS: 430 | TAG: @Raina | SPORTY 

Alisa, unsure whether she meant those words or whether she was merely playing up her strengths... Her brow arched, determined to at least give the girl a semblance of comfort as she settled into her new guild. She caught that smidge of a smile all too easily, and returned it in kind when the young woman agreed to her proposition, topping it off to those honeyed words, laced with innuendo. Alisa nibbled her bottom lip, though had to admit... She always got a smidge of a thrill when she met a seductress worth turning up the heat on, stylishly flipping her hair behind her:

"Fufufu~... Keep dreaming, love~", at the same time, she wouldn't let her peel away with those words unanswered. Alisa leaned in, those very same measurements the woman just took her time feeling now pressing oh so firmly to her side, letting her feel the full firmness she'd grown so intimately familiar with... With a low growl making it clear she hadn't forgotten what the girl just did, Alisa responded in kind as she nibbled Raina's earlobe, just out of sight from the onlookers as a seductive whisper left her lips, "And besides... We both know I wouldn't even need to ask~..."

And with those alluring words, Alisa gave Raina her personal space back, cocking that wide, womanly hip to the side as her hand came to rest on that generous swell, brow arching as she quickly turned her attention to the lovestruck lot staring at her:

"Also, before you go about getting the boys drunk, don't you think you're forgetting something?", with a sly smirk, Alisa called out to the pinkette, wiggling her finger before forming a crystalline stamp on her idle hand, "Where do you want your stamp?"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) Empty Sun Mar 13, 2022 3:14 pm

Raina's face again lit up with a streak of blush as she realized she got ahead of herself. She quickly twirled sending strands of her damp, rose tinted, hair spraying across the sky like a wave. She turned back to the guild master and spoke softly, "um... On the top of the right hand please." She said clearly embarrassed.

It had been a while since she had a guild stamp on her body. She never seemed to have must luck when it came to guilds. She had been in two others before, both seemed to slip from her fingers due to unforeseen circumstances. She had believed to be cursed, why else could she not find a family to keep her? She wondered if she would have better luck this time.

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) OxCDm8d

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) Empty Sun Mar 13, 2022 5:52 pm


WORDS: 430 | TAG: @Raina | SPORTY 

Alisa chuckled as she took in that vibrant shade of redness on the girl's cheeks, matching almost perfectly with the vibrant redness of her hair... For someone so obviously confident, the girl still had those impossibly cute moments... That made her almost irresitible to tease~... Alisa nibbled her bottom lip, producing a glimmering crystalline in her dominant left hand as she stepped closer to the girl, taking that dainty hand in her own:

"As you wish~...", with a soft, throaty tone as she took her hand in her own, Alisa gently pressed the cool crystal against the back of the hand, a warm glow of magic power radiating up Raina's arm and leaving her with a clear Pegasus mark in her hand, in the colour of her choosing, "Now then... I suppose I'd best show you to you room hmm?"

She didn't know what kind of history the girl had with different guilds, but in here... She'd find a home that would always welcome her, even if by some chance she eventually left the guild for whatever reason. For an independent, self reliant soul like Raina, Alisa thought it best to help her get settled in now before she went off on her adventures... Thankfully she always kept a couple keys to her spare rooms in her pocket dimension

"Come with me~...", and with those words, Alisa turned around, that subtle, elegant sway to her hips, hooking her finger at her, motioning for her to come along, giggling as she shot her a flirtatious wink over her shoulder, shooting a knowing look at the overeager boys, "Don't worry, I'm sure the boys will be waiting for you still by the time you get back~"

Alisa approached the large staircase on the other end of the room, hand falling on the marbled handrail as she guided Raina up the stairs, towards one hallway adorned with countless doors to each and every room and quite a few pegasi going about their daily lives. Thankful to have teleported directly to the living quarters, Alisa fished out one of the keys from her pocket dimension as she stepped face to face with the door, unlocking it and swinging the door open, motioning with her hand for Raina to step inside:

"Come on in... I do hope you'll find it to your liking~", she invited, a knowing, welcoming smile drawing on her face as Raina would find herself in a wide, spacious room, a large queen sized bed fit for royalty with soft, luxurious sheets that one could melt right in, silken drapes adorning the windows beyond which laid a wide, expansive balcony with a breathtaking view of Hargeon awaiting for her.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) Empty Sun Mar 20, 2022 11:34 pm

Raina listened to the guild leader's words as she joked about the boys waiting on her, and showing her to her room. She almost could not believe what was happening. Did she really join another guild? Will she finally find a home? Or will this just be another crack in her already shattered heart?

The door opened to her apparent bed room, a lavish looking room, fit for a princess or queen. Raina's crimson eyes sparkled like twinkling stars at the pure fanciness of the room. She took off, with a crazy excited energy and speed and jumped on the bed, enjoying the fluffiness and comfort it provided. "This... is such heaven. Are you sure this is for me?" She said while lounging in the bed, her hair sprayed across the white sheet like paint on a canvas.

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) OxCDm8d

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) Empty Wed Mar 23, 2022 11:12 pm


WORDS: 430 | TAG: @Raina | SPORTY 

Alisa regaled in the sight of the angelic beauty basking in the luxury presented before her eyes, a stark contrast to the wilderness where she'd been sleeping this whole time. She admired that sparkle in her eyes like the most beautiful view she'd ever laid eyes on:

"It is indeed for you~", Alisa stood there for a moment, her hand resting on that full shape of her hip as she Cocked it to the side, fingertip dipping under the edge of her shorts as she adjusting the band around her waist, vain as ever... Yup, you love to see it~ Alisa always strove to provide her guildmates with the best money could buy, "What, did you think for a second that blue pegasus would let you live in a motel room~?"

Work hard, and pamper yourself once the day is over. Like most guilds, Blue Pegasus had many such little philosophies to live by. She scooted over to the girl, sitting down at the foot of the bed beside her, flashing her a knowing smile as she brushed her hair behind her ear:

"Life is too short, you should treat yourself as much as possible~", she added, before pointing at the dresser on the other end of the room, "We're welcome to all the clothes in the dresser, provided they fit you, and if they don't, well...", she scanned down that full, curvaceous frame draped lazily across the bedsheets, "...You can always ask me until you get around to buying a fresh change of clothes~"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) Empty Sun Mar 27, 2022 11:23 pm

Raina laid in the bed, her hair sprayed across the white blanket like an array of cherry blossom leaves. The ruffled blankets were soft to the touch, almost enveloping her whole form in their cushon-ey goodness. Raina listened to the words the woman spoke, about dresses and living in a motel, apparently the last part was a bit of a joke. She smiled as she let her guard down, at least for a minute. "You do realize there was a house on that island you plucked me from, right? Just because you did not see it, does not mean it didn't exist." She said her voice ringing out almost like a song. She held her hand up a little shooting sparkles of light out of it. Not anything harmful, just to remind the Guild Master of her holy magic.

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) OxCDm8d

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 3:28 pm


WORDS: 430 | TAG: @Raina | SPORTY 

She looked quite pretty when she let her hair down didn't she...? Alisa's brow arched as she took in the voluptuous beauty with vibrant pink hair as she laid down across the sheets, all but lulling the guildmaster to lay down beside her with a heaving sigh, her bust jostling visibly as her raven black hair draped around the sheets in a clear, stark contrast with the pure whiteness. She tilted her head towards the girl, still very much interested in the captivating siren, enough to keep her company for a while longer:

"So you can even make things invisible hmm...? I'll say, you're quite the talented woman.", turning her head her way, Alisa too rose her palm, crystallizing her hand as that glowing aura of light magic merged with Raina's in a dazzling light show. Her lips drew into a smile, as she chimed, "What, you thought you were the only one could do that~?"

Throwing the girl a teasing little wink, she rolled onto her side, a hint of curiosity in her voice as she arched her brow:

"Ufufu~... What kind of house was it~?"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) Empty Wed Apr 06, 2022 12:34 am

Raina smiled as the lights danced and entwined with a dance of sultry emotion. Like all of their feelings just had to burst out of the invisible plane of existence and explode in the sky above. She was truly at piece, laying here in this bed without a care in the world. She laughed a little as the woman next to her made a comment about what kind of house she had.

"It was not that impressive, just a typical house.. I do not really know how to explain it any other way. Let me guess, you grew up in a big ol mansion, with servants and minions doting on you? You do seem like the queen type, not that I am any different." Raina said in her seductive song like voice.

A Siren's Song! (Raina/Alisa) OxCDm8d

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