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☽ asura nightshade's sheet ☾

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#1Asura Nightshade 

☽ asura nightshade's sheet ☾ Empty Fri Mar 02, 2018 11:59 am

Asura Nightshade

✧ G E N E R A L ✧

☽ asura nightshade's sheet ☾ ATBZP6i
Asura Nightshade



「Date Of Birth」
1st September, X764



Rune Knights


「Relationship Status」

✧ A P P E A R A N C E ✧

☽ asura nightshade's sheet ☾ ATBZP6i

59 kgs



「Skin Tone」

Asura, generally, keeps a very minimalist appearance. Preferring to keep her blonde hair tied up in a small bun that is held together with a clip at the back, she lets a few strands frame her face and peek out from the back. Asura's face is a very thin heart shaped face that emphasizes on her cheekbones and jawline. She has a very lean and busty figure where her curves tend to be very prominent regardless of what she may be wearing. Her height gives her an obvious advantage as it makes her look even leaner that she might already be.

As for her outfit, her position as a Rune Knight is very visible in the clothes that she chooses to adorn. Donning an outfit that very closely resembles a uniform, it's navy blue in shade and is a one-piece outfit that reaches her knees. While that is her primary outfit, she also does occasionally wear very casual clothes wherein she leaves her hair open that reaches till her mid-back. Along with that, she wears knee high boots at all times with them being her trademark in terms of appearance.

「Face Claim」
Seri Awashima: K Project

✧ P E R S O N A L I T Y ✧

☽ asura nightshade's sheet ☾ ATBZP6i
Asura Nightshade is a very simple and monotonous woman. She wears on her face a blank look at all times regardless of what she may be feeling. This is due to the fact that Asura never had the luxury to develop her emotions into facial expressions when she was younger. As such, no matter what Asura may be feeling - be it happiness or sadness - her face is a blank canvas whose paint is always white. However, even though Asura's incompetence at displaying her emotions is very prominent, it does in no way make her emotionless. Asura feels in every way possible; possibly more than other people do as well. She is very sensitive; she will become happier at the smallest things such as seeing a small cat on the street or even upset if her favourite candy is sold out. She can be whiny and compassionate, ruthless and endearing, troubled and gleeful; all of these emotions always swirl in her heart but never on her visage.

Asura has a very kind heart that moves at the distress of others. It is what caused her to become a Rune Knight in the first place: the overabundance of unfairness and selfishness in this world. She hopes to change that one day in her own way. She hopes that no child will ever have to feel alone like she did, that no child will ever be deprived of the childhood that they deserve. She aspires for happiness and is a strong believer of justice; that people reap what they sow and must face the consequences. However, she prefers to keep situations in mind, as well. Sometimes, things no one has control over, tend to happen and are inevitable. In that case, it may be excused.

Asura aspires for love and peace and for a world where no one has to be treated unfairly anymore. As such, she has no discrimination in her heart for anyone (which contributes to her sexuality) as well and wants to be an active part in eradicating the discrimination that exists. Her sexual orientation is separate from her fear of commitment. Simply put, Asura wants to love but she is scared to love. Yet, in her heart, she knows that she is capable of it and a part of her hopes that one day, someone can put her fear to the test.

Overall, Asura has an abundance of emotions in her heart which are mostly pure and sincere. However, when time calls for it, if she needs to be ruthless, she will have no qualms in giving people what they deserve no matter how severe the punishment may be. Her emotions can change extremely quick yet, none will notice for it never shows on her face unless someone were to pay close attention to the way her eyes crinkly or the way her mouth curls slightly. Asura does want to be able to express herself more freely and has vowed to herself to challenge her fears and try her best to the absolute best version of herself she can be.

Asura is a kind woman, one with a big heart. It doesn't always show but she cares and she will go to whatever lengths possible to make sure that the world, even if in a little way possible, becomes a better place.

✧ H I S T O R Y ✧

☽ asura nightshade's sheet ☾ ATBZP6i
Asura was born in a relatively normal house. She grew up in a rural, village like area which has long since been abandoned due to the distress and poor condition that it was in. Due to that fact, Asura grew up, not studying or playing as children her age should have but instead, working in order to sustain herself and her family. There weren't a lot of people living there in the first place and one by one, everyone kept leaving. Asura only had her parents and a few other people whom she would see on a daily basis.

Her parents absence, due to them working, heavily contributed in Asura's inability to communicate well as she would be left alone for hours on end, with no one to talk to, sitting there in the sand by herself due to the absence of villagers in the area. Her parents didn't want to leave the village as they had an emotional attachment to it; it was where they grew up (when the village was still prosperous), where they played together, where they fell in love and eventually got married. Of course, a flood overtook the land and with no help from the authorities, most people left the village. However, her parents remained vigilant in their belief that they could bring the village back to life. None of them had magic so it was all up to their own desire and will. Although, it was unintentional, their love for their land caused them to neglect their own daughter. But Asura never held them accountable for it because she understood that they were doing it to show her how beautiful the place really could be.

Unfortunately, conditions got worse and both of her parents collapsed and fell extremely sick due to overworking and the rough conditions they were in, both financially and mentally. They never let Asura knew as they kept her fed and made sure she had enough while she tried to be helpful to them, as well by working. However, fate wasn't in their favour. Her mother died when Asura was 5 and her father followed shortly afterwards, a few months later.

Asura was taken to an orphanage however, the absence of her parents and the grief left in their wake kept her from associating herself with others. Her inability to communicate was further taken away from her due to her grief and sadness. She studied, ate, helped out in chores and slept until she could leave the orphanage. However, in that time, Asura learnt a lot. She learnt to feel even though she had trouble showing it on her face, she learnt of the rough conditions of the world, of the reasons her parents died, of the reasons so many children were deprived of a loving family and she developed the view in her mind that the world was a ruthless person. Asura vowed to herself when she left the orphanage that she would help change it and thus, her decision to become a Rune Knight emerged.

#2Asura Nightshade 

☽ asura nightshade's sheet ☾ Empty Fri Mar 02, 2018 12:35 pm

Asura Nightshade

✧ E Q I U P M E N T ✧

☽ asura nightshade's sheet ☾ ATBZP6i



Warrior Sword
Warrior Shoulder Plates

+10 Strength

「Warrior Sword」
Damage: +10 Strength
Durability: 1x A-rank
Type: Sword
Element: None
Handling: Both hands
Details: A one meter long sword

「Warrior Shoulder Plates」
Durability: 1x A-rank
Element: None
Details: A pair of plates on the shoulders

#3Asura Nightshade 

☽ asura nightshade's sheet ☾ Empty Fri Mar 02, 2018 1:07 pm

Asura Nightshade

#4Asura Nightshade 

☽ asura nightshade's sheet ☾ Empty Sat Mar 03, 2018 2:02 pm

Asura Nightshade

✧ O N G O I N G Q U E S T S ✧

✧ D R A N K C O M P L E T E D Q U E S T S ✧

✧ E V E N T S C O M P L E T E D ✧

#5Asura Nightshade 

☽ asura nightshade's sheet ☾ Empty Wed Apr 11, 2018 10:01 am

Asura Nightshade

✧ C O M P A N I O N ✧

☽ asura nightshade's sheet ☾ F5mTVty

☽ asura nightshade's sheet ☾ ATBZP6i




3x S-Rank


3'03" | 1.0 m

59.5 lbs. | 27.0 kg


Umbreon has a sleek black body with four slender legs and crimson eyes. There are two pairs of pointed teeth visible when its mouth is open, one in the upper jaw and one in the lower. It has long pointed ears and a bushy tail, each with a yellow band around them. Its forehead and legs have yellow rings on them. Its yellow markings glow at night and strike fear into anyone nearby. It hides in the darkness while waiting for its opponents, and its yellow rings glow when it leaps to attack.

STR: 40
SPD: 40
END: 40

List Of Spells

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