The Number One Duelist: Seta Kaiba Almost... she could almost consider her preparations complete. Holding a small device in her hands Seta was standing in a small plaza surrounded by several warehouses. It was a location slightly familiar to her, in the end, it was here that she and Sage had fought the thieves who were stealing rare cards belonging to children and teenagers. However, today she wasn't here to deliver justice upon wicked fiends. No, today she was here to take the first step in her grand plan. "Did you find anything yet Sis?" Mokuba's question made Seta briefly glance at the boy who had just approached her, holding a beverage that seemingly was called a 'Hot Dog', but she wasn't sure if it truly was made from warm canines, nor did she want to find out. "It seems my assumption was correct: Within Crocus there are several small sources of mana, consider them like ley lines. However, what fascinates me, even more, is that according to this device's readings, and a map of Crocus there is one location where those ley lines gather: Nearby Mercurius." Mokuba, who had been chewing on his hot dog had just finished swallowing his food as he asked in an excited tone. "So you believe that by attuning with those ley lines you will be able to draw forth more power from your magic?" That was the idea, if she could attune the ley lines to her card deck, then perhaps she could call forth more powerful beings and use more advanced cards for her spells... |
Seeking Power[Alisa]
Mon Feb 12, 2018 8:26 am
Tue Feb 13, 2018 6:54 pm
Wearing Junketsu all the time felt a bit like overkill to Alisa, who despite favoring armor wondered if constantly brandishing such power wouldn't make her sloppy in the long run... She wore it for along every mission now; in her goal of carrying them out as professionally as possible, she refused to hold back even an inch of her power. Not that she'd hunt down flies with a bazooka, but she still kept the rocket launcher close at hand just in case those same targets turned into giant mutant flies one couldn't simply swat away...
But then, she wasn't doing any missions now... Instead, Alisa simply walked along the streets of Crocus with Lumen by her side, clad in pure, snowy white even though the snow itself had melted long ago. Wierdly enough with this cold, where even the slightest breeze made her nose feel numb. With the air roughly zero degrees to the point every breath made a visibly puff of mist over her mouth. Alisa could finally say:
"Now this feels more like home...", she'd comment, not the slightest bit bothered by this level of cold as even her lips widened into a smile, just before her head turned to one side, hearing a pair of voices that felt familiar...
To her left stood a narrower road that seemed to lead into a plaza, after yet another turn. Alisa narrowed her eyes, trying to recall where she heard these voices, for they yet stood sufficiently far away for her to make little sense of their identity; or what they were saying. Not could she see the speakers either... Curious, she rose an eyebrow and looked at Lumen as if seeking answers, to which the Litwick simply shrugged and shook her head.
Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game
"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"
Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
Tue Feb 13, 2018 8:13 pm
The Number One Duelist: Seta Kaiba Tapping on the device she was holding a soft beeping noise resounded from the gadget, making Seta seemingly recognize something before turning to her little brother. "It seems we got all we needed from this location Mokuba, let us go to the next one." The boy had just finished his snack and made a playful salute as he bounced onto his feet from the nearby bench he had taken a seat at. The young lad was quick to rush toward his sister, looking over at her gadget. "The next one is at the Crocus Gardens isn't it?" The light nod made by the brunette quickly confirmed the answer to Mokuba's question, leading the young lad to spin around and darting from the alleyway into the street the poor lad was oblivious to the fact that unless Lumen would have reacted, the boy would have bumped straight into the girl. "Uwaah~ Sis someone places a soft wall here!" Mokuba cried out as he brushed a hand over his eyes to clear the bits of snow that got into his eyes, making Seta muse softly. "Calling a girl's bust a 'soft wall', you're being quite savage today, aren't you Mokuba? almost makes me proud. And it seems we got some familiar company." Noticing their identities Mokuba's cheeks flushed up lightly as he exclaimed in a panic. "Sorry about that Lumen! Hey Alisa~" |
Tue Feb 13, 2018 9:33 pm
As they approached those two voices, Alisa gradually made more and more sense of them, until she finally identified them as belonging to the card player she met the other day, and her little brother. The woman showed great promise despite the humble beginnings of her summoning magic, and the sculptress immediately remembered that brimming sense of curiosity:
"Ara~ That's hardly a nice thing to say about a girl~", Alisa teased, glancing at Mokuba with a playfully accusing tone, though his own sister soon pointed it out for the entirely opposite perspective, before the two newcomers finally greeted them, "Rather lovely seeing you two again... How are you?"
Lumen, however, didn't look the slightest bit bothered by the comment simply giggling at both Mokuba's comment and his older sister's praise. Clearly it seemed like very little could genuinely bother this girl, who'd spent over a year letting people assume her gender. Only turning into a human finally shed some light on that topic, though with her modest bust and youthful look, she could easily pass for an androgynous boy with the right choice of outfit:
"Whatever might you two be up to here... Looking around warehouses, away from prying eyes.", she'd inquire quizzically, crossing her arms and pointing out their shady choice of location. She hardly looked judgmental about it, instead, the more secretive someone acted the more curious it made Alisa.
Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game
"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"
Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
Wed Feb 14, 2018 3:46 am
The Number One Duelist: Seta Kaiba Poor Mokuba seemed rather flustered by the teasing about his mistake, but fortunately, the subject was quickly changed to an equally curious matter: the reason for them being in such a peculiar location. For a moment Seta had remained quiet, a hand raised to her chin as she thought about what to say and what to reveal while Mokuba curiously observed her, clearly waiting for a reaction. "If you're about to suggest that I was here seeking monetary wealth then you'd be sorely mistaken." The young woman stated before she continued. "You likely heard about them before, but there are various ley lines running across Fiore that are imbued with mana, consider it like the mana of the world itself." However, Mokuba was all too eager to brag about their accomplishment as he added with a grin. "Sis discovered that there are several unique points among those ley lines. For the time being we are calling those 'Core Points'. Sis plans to attune herself to those core points! By properly doing that she'd be able to draw forth much more powerful summons!" Seta, who had still been looking as if she was thinking about something explained a bit further. "Nonetheless, it's not an easy feat to accomplish and for most with different magic, it likely is impossible. But I believe that by employing my cards as a catalyst I'd be able to create a ritual that would allow me to obtain the means to succeed where others fail. Although at this point in time it will only serve to improve my Mana Reservoir, after this I plan to travel to Era to visit the next Core Point." |
Wed Feb 14, 2018 4:51 pm
"Oho...? So you're telling me those things aren't just a myth?", she'd ask with visible interest. Indeed she'd heard about them, yet so far had seen no proof that they actually existed. Even with the attack on Crocus where magic power lines could have probably been weaponized in some way; still nobody laid eyes on them or anything attesting to their existence.
Even that, what did the woman expect to do with them to look around like this? She had a nudging suspicion, narrowing her eyes inquisitively as she tried to figure things out. But she had no need to do as Mokuba promptly explained it for her. Alisa and Lumen alike turned to the smaller boy with interest, listening as he explained his sister planned on harnessing those power lines. But the more he spoke the more Alisa's brow quirked with doubt:
"That doesn't seem like a very good idea... Feels more like a shortcut to something you'd better achieve with training...", she shifted her gaze to Kaiba, wondering if the woman had actually thought this through. But in the end she'd simply shrug and shake her head, "But I suppose if you know what you're doing, it can't be that bad.", but ultimately, her lips drew into a smirk, "I suppose I should come along with you."
She, of course, had another interest to this, well, several in fact. If things went wrong, she could pull the plug on the whole operation and prevent Kaiba from killing herself, or worse, prevent her from blowing up half the city when messing with power sources she likely didn't understand in full. And if it could actually work to improve one's power, than, well... Alisa would much rather have it, and she'd get to see the mythical leylines with her own eyes.
Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game
"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"
Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
Wed Feb 14, 2018 5:09 pm
The Number One Duelist: Seta Kaiba "Hah, if only it was that simple." Seta shook her head lightly in disapproval as she explained further. "It's not some sort of magical remedy that cures all woes. Unlike other magic users, it's not just a case of physical training improving my body, I mean that would do little for a magic like mine." Seta explained as she lowered her hand toward her deck and fulled forth what appeared to be a collection of cards. The first seemed to be quite familiar, for it was the Battle Ox. Next was a card showing a beautiful maiden with blue eyes, the third card showered a mysterious male humanoid but the most special card seemed to be the final one, the one who contained a picture of a pure white dragon. "To properly create the power behind my magic I need to attune them to this planet. Consider it like a layered process. First I got to make the world itself accept the concept of my cards. Take Battle Ox for example. It is no longer 'just' a card, it is a vessel that contains the concept of the Battle Ox his existence, and as weird as it might sound, the cards also are directly imprinted into my soul, which as a result requires me to obtain a source of mana that goes beyond the human capacity. Although training and mana vials work for it to a degree, to truly be able to wield enough mana to succeed in this plan I need to infuse my cards with the mana of the land itself. It is this part that makes me succeed where others fail..." A momentary pause followed as she turned around to face Alisa, stepping along backward as she guided her to the next spot. "If you or someone else would carry out this process? Your body would overload and it would explode in a fount of pure mana, a grotesque experience I'd suggest you avoid. But my cards lack the restrains of the mortal body, and it's for that reason I want to confirm the nature of the Core Points, to see if they can bring me a step closer to bringing forth the power of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon... This time I want to make that power mine, in my own way... So that I can prove to that Fenrir that my skills are superior..." |
Wed Feb 14, 2018 5:41 pm
While she didn't doubt the woman's magic to be different, Alisa did know this feel more like an excuse than anything else. Just like any other magic, it required magic power to function, and the more she had the better it would work. Although, she did fully understand how summoning magics require a stupendous amount of mana to work to their fullest potential, but to use them at that level they also required far more combat experience than any other magic.
"It still seems far too convoluted a process just to train some spells... You went to the trouble of finding the mythical leylines; but if you hadn't been anywhere near them I'm sure you'd have to train them the old fashioned way. You might have even reached the same results faster, but then I don't know how long it took you to find it.", Alisa answered, still undeterred. Clearly nothing would convince her that finding the leylines was absolutely necessary to train whatever magic. However, Kaiba also needn't convince her of the value of such a find: For Alisa, such a find was its own reward, and she wanted to witness it with her own eyes for no reason beyond her own curiosity, "Still, I'll commend you for locating something few people believed actually existed."
So for what she understood, the woman didn't actually plan to throw herself into some mana charged nexus point and hope she came out stronger. If she did, Alisa might seriously consider knocking her upside the head and getting her out of there. Throwing some cards in there seemed comparatively harmless however, and Alisa nodded at that statement, not finding it so troublesome an experiement as what she'd imagined:
"And here I thought you'd actually happened upon the fountain of youth. So much for immortality~", Alisa gibed with a hint of irony, chuckling, clearly stating how little rational interest she had on throwing herself at a broiling pool of mana from the whole planet. Lumen giggle softly and followed right behind her as Alisa's ponytail swayed with the gentle breeze, and the sculptress took interest in the name dropped by the card player, "Fernir huh... So that guy is actually strong?", Alisa inquired, surprised, but actually wondering if they were talking about the same person. Alas, Fernir was quite the unusual name around these parts, though slightly more common in Northern lands, "I do hope he didn't give you with some perverted words."
Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game
"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"
Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
Thu Feb 15, 2018 8:07 am
The Number One Duelist: Seta Kaiba A groan of annoyance escaped Seta's lips at the mentioning of Fenrir, leading the young woman to explain with a soft huff of annoyance. "I have never heard of a magic like his before. Although there are magical abilities that involve enhancing the owner's body, this magic seemed entirely different in nature. It was as if the worse he got beaten up, the stronger he retaliated and finally at the last moment he underwent some sort of transformation into a being with a golden aura." She couldn't help but feel annoyed at the memory of their fight, yet the inquiry about what the man had said made her grumble in annoyance. "He is the worst pervert I ever met, being so obsessed with 'slurping noodles and flipping my body' when it's likely he doesn't even know how to open the cup or would slip before getting anywhere close to it." Yet as they made their way toward the next point rushed footsteps of several armored guards arrived, worriedly addressing her. "Miss Kaiba, please return to the house immediately, it's about your father..." Sensing the direness in their words Seta was quick to nod her head in acknowledgment to Mokuba while addressing Alisa and Lumen. "I'll show you the leylines another time Alisa, for now, I got to go back home." And with that the two were rather quick to leave the scene... [EXIT] |
Thu Feb 15, 2018 10:30 pm
That annoyed grumble said it all, it looked just like how a girl might react to his... Rather forward manner of greeting. Only Kaiba didn't complain about any of that, and instead chose to mention his magic, apparently a rather powerful breed of enhancement magic. Hearing this made Alisa's brow raise even more visibly than when she mentioned leylines, after all, she just heard that random, clueless guy she met in the restaurant was actually unbelievably strong, which in turn made her curious to see just how much for herself.
"To think he was hiding something like that...", but the her words broke off into a laughter at the entertaining words, hand raising over her mouth, "That defenietly sounds like him. Although i remember telling him to do the exact opposite.", she narrowed her eyes, her smirk gaining a slightly vicious hint as she felt some punishment to be in order, "If i find he's been doing this after I told him all that, well... Let's say he needs a more disciplinary approach."
But then, it appeared something rather important happened. Out of nowhere, Alisa found herself surrounded by men in black and instinctively reached for her sword. However, they were simply Kaiba's bodyguards, who simply urged her away over seemingly urgent matters:
"Hmmm, guess we'll call a rain check on that one.", sighed Alisa, scarcely concealing a hint of disappointment, shaking her head, "You sure know how to get a girl's hopes up..."
Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game
"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"
Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
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