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Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa]

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#1Káilètte † 

Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] Empty Thu Feb 01, 2018 2:12 pm

Yawning softly as she lays in bed alone, without her lover. She has yet to see him even after the letter she sent as it told him where she was. Perhaps the things he has to do was important which she wasn't going to get mad over it. Her blonde medium hair was a mess as it mopped against the pillows while she was asleep. Twisting and turning with frustration in her dreams. There she laid silently asleep with a peaceful facial expression in her deep sleep. Rather or not her dreams were truly peaceful was in question and no one could know unless they were her.

This was of course before she started to walk through the streets alone. Baron was doing whatever he wished to do which she got them to split the hotel room - giving them their own side. It was silly, but Arisa later found it necessary that their rooms were separated. 'Wonder if I'll find that mystery person here today....' she wondered as she continued on going. Today, she wore black short-pants with ties on the ends of the legs. Black sneakers so when she trains she had a sturdy grip of the ground. For her shirt she wore her casual white tank top that fitted her fit and womanly body. Sure her breasts weren't as big as they use to be, but her larger hips and greater assets made up for it. Her stomach was more fit and her curves were even curvaceous in its own glory. The white tank top was tucked into her pants as the pants had a dark brown belt with a flower winged belt. The people around her gazed upon her beauty and into her sun lit eyes - unique eyes only set for her from the heavens. They had no pupils, non-tainted by the darkness that was not needed.


For Training


Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] Empty Thu Feb 01, 2018 2:39 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @arisa | CLOTHES

She'd reached Crocus yesterday, and so far, the battle had yet to start. Alisa got dressed before daybreak, struggling between getting as much sleep as she possibly could and also not spending too much time doing so, for the enemy could strike at any moment. Calm, cool and composed, she stood ready to face off against whatever threat came down on the capital city, at any time. Even in bed - clad in a simple set of panties and tank top - she had sword nearby (she'd have it under the pillow if that actually made any sense), prepared for the worst... But since no attack came in the dark of night, Alisa could wake up in peace at the first hints of sunlight peering through her windows; too faint to wake one in deep slumber, but more than enough for an alert warrior mage expecting an incoming attack.

Apparently, she yet had time for a little warmup before the battle... Alisa had run into Baron last night, but other than him she'd yet to see that many acquaintances around... Oddly enough since many of them would no doubt come to defend Crocus, answering the call like she did. She slipped on her yet dormant sailor uniform and strapped Bakuzan to her left hip, then stepped outside after a short, balanced breakfast, ready for another morning of training. Even as she stepped outside she yet saw none of her friends, no people at all really... Between the threat of attack and the early morning hours, she actually understood this. As her hair fluttered about under a stronger gust of wind, Alisa tucked it behind her ear, looking around with inquisitive ruby eyes before walking through the streets idly, looking for a place where she could spar in peace:

 "Seems peace is a hard commodity to find nowadays...", she mused to herself

Training Sword mastery: 300/5000

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#3Káilètte † 

Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] Empty Thu Feb 01, 2018 2:49 pm

Arisa looked around, the area was lit up by the sun. The cobblestones were shining as if they had grease on them, shined to the baldness of the grazing material. Her foot steps couldn't be heard like the women who were wearing dress shoes of black or any color. She remembered the night of when her and Baron went to some club. The area was covered in smoke of grey and toxic air of ecstasy and despair. She wore something like shorts of black leather, hangovers that connected to a white crop top that showed her belly button. In short story, she devoured a woman's neck, but that was all the drugs right? It was actually that candy made body that she was eating, devouring and gnawing upon.

The woman that Baron saw was her, but not her at the same time. So what did that mean exactly? It was a mystery, but before she exited out of that hotel room, she had to get ready with a shower and perhaps something to bring out such as food or a smoothie. She loved smoothies as every smoothie was different. There were fruit ones, iced ones, druggie ones, vege ones and so many more on that very long list that she didn't really care to write down - the details. Her eyes of golden suns gazed in the mirror that was against the door. ''I feel like I'm getting old, but I keep getting younger...'' she spoke to herself as she then walked out of the bathroom with her clothes on.

Slowly she walked to the kitchen to open the fridge, get some oranges and once again - like always, she squeezed the juices to make some as it was delicious. Juice was great, mostly homemade with some ice in it. Yawning softly with a stretch her full glossed pink lips parted to breathe slowly as she walked towards the elevator with her glass of juice. 'Time for a walk I suppose.' she thought and waited for the elevator to go down. The music was boring, but that was the usual. 'Perhaps I can talk to the book keeper about changing it...' she thought once more and then saw the door open. With a grip on her juice and her other hand dangling against her side, she walked to the door. Thankfully, the door opened by itself and truly she didn't expect to see what she saw next.

She saw a famliar face not far from her as she was a few steps perhaps away. ''Alisa?!'' she spoke surprised while having her left hand still gripping her covered orange juice. ''How have you been?'' she smiled motherly and spoke with her soft motherly voice that could tame children and even animals if she wanted to. She missed having that power, the power of nature and the closeness she had with nature. The embrace she had with everything. She sighed softly as she kept her distance though. Alisa might not remember her eyes nor voice so she didn't wish to alarm the woman around the same human age.



For Training


Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] Empty Thu Feb 01, 2018 3:18 pm


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @arisa | CLOTHES

Her heels clacked across the cobblestones with every step, and this proved surprisingly less uncomfortable as it may sound had she been wearing ordinary heels. Even its dormant form, Junketsu had been tailored and built for combat... She couldn't hear its voice now while it was dormant, yet that bloodthirsty nature obviously hinted what it had been made for... Rather recklessly in fact...

"Just who in the world made you...", she muttered, glancing down to look at the now lifeless eye shaped lapels above her bust. She wouldn't be training with it today so she probably wouldn't try to wake it up. But then, if she injured herself, her armor might very well awaken of its own volition. Probably try to take control of her again?

But then, somebody called out to her, and not the dark, ravenous voice in her head whenever her armor awoke. She didn't know this voice, but the tone felt familiar, indeed not many addressed Alisa with such proximity:

"Araa...?", she turned her head and her body soon followed, a soft smile adorning her lips as she once more ran a hand down her hair. She didn't recognize this face at all... But she'd grown close to Arisa, like a sister even, enough to feel at ease in her soothing, angelic aura. Thus, it took her little more than a few moments to guess the girl's identity, "Oh, Arisa...? I've been alright, how about you?"

She tilted her head slightly, bringing one hand down to her hip as her eyes of red trailed down the girl's form. Indeed she'd changed a lot, with a rather fitting mass of blonde hair held up in a ponytail. Her alluring hourglass shape didn't change at all, hinting at how ALisa indeed preferred such a figure over a slimmer, toned one. And it suited her. Last time, she'd grown used to the girl's beauty, but now that she had a new body, Alisa took a slight moment to appraise her friend's newfound figure, though perhaps not as much as she would to a stranger, then letting out an approving hum as her eyes trailed back up to meet Ari's.

Training Sword mastery: 650/5000

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#5Káilètte † 

Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] Empty Thu Feb 01, 2018 3:30 pm

The area was blazed by the sun light that the sun gave off on its daily course. She wondered how hot the sun really was and perhaps she'll never find out without of course the death of frying like a pig within the turn-over coven over a fire. Arisa's hair of golden blonde locks was pushed up with a material that branded with a clip. The clip itself had a bird of gold on it and diamonds for its eyes. She stood tall of her same height of six foot four with her hour glass modeled body. She wasn't sure on how this was going to go with Alisa since they haven't seen each other since the day of that mission.

She smiled happily hearing Alisa saying her name as it felt longer than months even - same goes with Noel though. ''Did you get my letter then?'' she spoke happily. She leaned over, hand still holding her covered cup of orange juice and the other on her knee. Her sweet smile was angelic and it was a pro of being herself. If she didn't get her letter then she wondered what the woman was doing here. She stood up straight and tall with a small hunch as it felt tiresome to stand up straight all the time. She wasn't a soldier. Never will she be, but if anyone of her friends or her lover needed her, she will be there.

''Haha.~'' she laughed as she used her free hand to scratch the back of her head. ''I'm alright, just been through a few things and thought to go out to get some food to take with me to train maybe.'' she explained and put down her hand that scrated the back of her head to look at her friend once more. 'Wait..' she thought and scanned her outfit. ''Whoa! New outfit huh?'' she spoke now with curiosity. If anyone knew anything about Arisa, it was that she was always curious of new things and new people - if they seemed interesting. ''Do anything special or is it just a design of nothingness?'' she joked with a smile. She studied it as she leaned forward again. Her body leaned left and then right with her eyes as they wandered on the outfit. She was about a foot close as she did this. Her golden sun eyes lit up as she liked it. With that she shot up to stand semi-straight and looked at her. ''It's very pretty.~'' she spoke happily and softly. ''You wish to join me?'' she spoke and smiled happily.




Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] Empty Thu Feb 01, 2018 3:58 pm


WORDS: 450 | TAG: @arisa | CLOTHES

Unlike before, Alisa's high heels brought her pretty close to her friend's natural height, and the fact she could walk on them in this terrain seemed nothing short of miraculous. Soon though, Ari asked about her letter and Alisa all but tensed slightly, reminded how that totally slipped her mind:

"Mmmm, I did~", Alisa nodded, not mentioning how she'd all but forgotten about it when the news of the attack came about. As Ari was also in Crocus, the sculptress knew she'd meet her best friend there and in that case she no longer had to worry about whether they'd go their separate ways, "But you didn't mention such a radical change...", at this, she approached her friend but instead walked shifted her head aside, somewhat still appraising the girl's new look before asking, "Any particular reason for the sudden change?"

Indeed, Arisa changed bodies quite often. The first time she met her - before they became friends - she'd taken a rather different form with an unusual skin color. Then she changed to a far more curvaceous, violet haired form. In that form ALisa and her grew to become the closest of friends, a closeness they yet shared despite having faced each other as foes at least once. She somewhat understood her issues with inner demons - issues undoubtedly stemming from her dark past - and for the most part tried to help the girl cope with them.

"I see, glad to hear it~ It seems we had the same idea.", And then, Ari's gaze soon shifted to the sculptress outfit. Indeed Alisa changed clothes often yet this one drew visibly more attention not only for its intricate design, but no doubt also for the same reason the raven haired woman wound up buying it. This majestic sailor uniform looked almost alive, and little did Arisa know, it truly did live, "Indeed it does, but, It's not something I'd do lightly..."

Alisa turned on her side, all but striking a pose and letting her friend appraise her attire not unlike how Alisa herself admired Ari's new figure. She wind up scratching her head slightly, right behind her hairpins the more Arisa showed interest in the armor's abilities. Little did she know where did Alisa's unease come from, and by the time she did see it, she still wouldn't guess Alisa worried more about the needles used to draw her blood than the fact she almost had to strip naked...

"Thank you~ Sure; If you insist, I guess I'll show what it does."

Training Sword mastery: 1100/5000

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#7Káilètte † 

Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] Empty Thu Feb 01, 2018 5:21 pm

Her eyes looked at her friend who hasn't changed a bit and her? She changed about four times or so since they met upon each other's sight the first time. She also 'died' once as well beforehand though. She still remembers hearing the chimes, the shackles of the golden tool that they jingle with a dance at the shrines of eternity at Sin. She didn't get the traditional death sending as her body changed, her soul was the same yet added as a whole new part of her became born. She didn't know the details as she doesn't even know who the hell she is or was.

She stood there awing the girl and her outfit that looked like some kendo instructor or student even as she had a skirt like some school girl. It didn't really bother her any, but beside the outfit Alisa did answer her. She smiled normally and casually as she heard her say that she did find her letter. 'Does that mean Noel is here too?!' she thought worrisome and hopefully. Her heart was pounding fast like some hummingbird having some spazzem, which is quite the heart pace. She almost wanted to faint at the thought as she has missed her dear beloved all so much. Her eyes of golden suns gazed at the woman's blood colored stones as they shined due to the light above them.

Alisa questioned finally about the body change. 'What do I say? The truth?' she softly thought as a worrisome expression was painted across her face. She looked nervous yet more worried. ''Well...'' she started and then turned away towards the market area where they were to get something to eat. No one should train under an empty stomach nor too full. With that in mind she was going to only get a few things. A 'few' things. ''I suppose you could say it was painful. The sun sort of beamed its' flames and glory towards me as I then curled up. I felt every bone in my body crack rather they became smaller or larger bones. The muscles were quite torn and a spa was great for it. It wasn't that bad since this was the third time the sun decided to say ''It's time to change you.''. It happened when I... well... nevermind that.'' she spoke as she was going to tell the story of when the Arisa she knew semi-died. Her smile was genuine and she took a drink of her sweet cold orange juice.

The Gods and goddesses seem to have some messed up humor since they decided to choose her as one of their angels/Seraphims. Arisa knew she wasn't the only there, she couldn't be. She was too much chaotic good though so perhaps that was why. They were continuing to walk among the streets of Crocus towards the markets that had stalls of food. Rather or not it was good food was in question. Her large hips swayed while her flawless fair skin shined like sweet cream colored pearls shining by the beam of the element of light - her element. How many were there to be? Seraphims. She only saw them in books and now herself after so many months she thought she was going to see more.

Her eyes cornered to look at Alisa if she followed and walked with her side-by-side. ''A sword too huh?~'' she teased. Her heart was sad since she had Yoru, a beautiful darkened sword. That sword - after research, killed many vampires, lycans and the such. It was sad that after she found that out it went missing. Who stole it? Arisa was curious about this as well. 'Oh Yoru... you were so beautiful, mostly with red on it.' she thought some what crazed. She shook her head and looked forward once more. ''I can't wait for you to show me. Perhaps someday I'll have something to call my own? To fight with that is... Like a lot of people have these companions and none ever came to me... Am I not loving enough? Passionate?'' she questioned out loud and turned towards Alisa while not paying attention to where she was walking. ''Why or how did you get one? It just came to you, yes?'' she wondered and turned back. Right at that second she tripped over an uneven cobbled stone that tripped her shoes. Swiftly she landed on her face in despair as her heart started to beat slowly. She felt so alone when Noel wasn't around and even with Alisa around sometimes, she missed him so much. Perhaps too much some could say.

The stone felt cold against her face that now had a scrap on it, but it didn't really affect her much. She was saddened, too saddened to even care. Everyone and their fancy stuff... She wanted one too... One that was pretty and looked good on her. A companion that followed and loved her - one that will easily follow her whim or even had the same views. Envy was aboard the train. Her eyes lowered half-way as her golden eyes dimmed a little. It was only a second since she fell and she already thought of all this as her mind kept going and going with no stops. 'I better get up I suppose...' she thought and pushed herself up and bent her knees to even herself. Her legs pushed themselves up straight so she stood up straight. She smiled fake but seemed real. ''I'm all okay.~ Haha.~'' she laughed with that smile. She turned away and walked towards the market, looking around. Arisa wondered if the people around here had special things too... Sometimes she saw married couples with their fancy rings and people with cool companions, friends, pets... whatever they wish to call them. 'It's alright to be mad at them... To hate them. They look happy, don't they? You'll never be happy unless you have their life, their stuff... everything.' two voices synced as it spoke in her head. Some could say it was greed and envy or even other things, but she still didn't know.

It was like some alarm to her though as these thoughts and voices were random and had no clue about them. She felt disgusted that the people were happy married, children even... and a companion/pet?! 'Ugh...' she spoke and felt her heart beat from her chest with the free hand (the one not holding the orange juice). The orange juice seemed like it was going to get warm soon and warm juice did not taste the best. Luckily she drank it all before continuing on their 'little' walk. ''What shall we have then?'' she questioned out loud as she ignored the small fall in general. She didn't want to act like she was in pain after something so small. She had some pain tolerance - more than some other people and more than regular people.

Arisa smelled fresh bread, some meat of ham and bacon or perhaps it was just bacon. Bacon had some amazing smell to it - mostly if it was fresh and cooked! With bacon she didn't like all that grease on it. Rinsing bacon with cold water takes the extra stuff off which grease is bad for health anyways. She walked all girly-like in a dress kind of way towards a certain stall that had sandwiches and donuts balls covered in sugar and filled with sweet cream. ''Morning.~'' she spoke, bowed her head and looked at all the stuff that she could get out of this one tiny stall. There were so many options to making a sandwich in which could be perfect.

Breads of all kind with seeds, without seeds, with cheese, without cheese and jalapenos even! She took a deep breather to calm herself down so she didn't have some food high from just gazing upon it. her gluttony really was speaking right now as she thought of the details of each thing which didn't take long- but it felt like it was taking so long. She imagined someone picking off the grains with some machine or magic. One-by-one they plucked as it took many to make one thing of bread. It didn't take just that though as it took yeast as well. It was a weird name since there was also some disease named 'Yeast'. 'Ew...' she thought and shook her head as she tried to get that imagine out of her thoughts. There was also flower which also came from the plant she mentioned earlier. She wondered on how many factories it took to make bread for this Country since the town she lived in made their own stuff with no factory.

'Not everything can be like the town...' she stated a fact to her own thoughts as she crossed her arms against her chest, squishing them against her own skin. Her eyes of golden dimmed lights gazed upon the food choices still. The jalapenos were great, mostly the fresh ones with the juice from them still inside. It wasn't that spicy, but it gave good flavor to different foods. Growing out of the ground, several peppers are stocked on the 'family' stems that come from a single seed. It was quite unique for one seed to create so many. Imagine if humans or any race could do that. The population because of it was obviously going to be crazy, but thankfully she didn't have to worry about that as humans need two to create one or at most ... well a lot. She wanted a child, perhaps two, but no more than that. Anyone with more than five children was sort of messed up in her opinion.

People tend to slice the jalapenos in leveled sections that they then stuck in a jar with other jalapenos which adds a question; Do they add water to it to make the juice? The peppers don't create juice nor have juice when they are created nor when you cut them. So many questions, but never answers. It seems to be that way, but for now she had to pick what kind of sandwich she wanted. What did she all want on her sandwich anyways? There were so many sweet and delicious things that she could get, but she maybe should see what Alisa wants.. Yes! ''Hold on!'' she told him and didn't mind if someone went ahead of her as she stepped a couple of steps to walk towards Alisa. ''Do you even want sandwiches?'' she wondered and chuckled. Her stomach was hungry so she didn't care where they went, but her stomach growled as if she could eat any food that these markets had. Some markets had some good stuff and some had some bad stuff, but how could you tell which one had some disease or some nasty shit that'll make you sick and perhaps make a human die? It was good to know as some humans were disgusting, but it wasn't just humans either. She remembered that in some other form of time she thought about how they got bacon with the whole cutting of the pig and all, but bacon is amazing and wouldn't feel bad at all for it dying for the good of her hunger as she saved other people of her own kind - sounds racist, doesn't it?

Arisa waited for Alisa's answer as she could smell the freshness of onions. It has the cousin of thee garlic, shallot, leek, chive, and onions from Sin which are apparently different for some reason. She didn't question the logic, but she did search a lot about with all the free time in the world til she did some mission or walked about with some friends like right now! Arisa didn't care what people thought of that as she did this for her own self. The foods had so many factors that were interesting. Onions are part of diets ever since man kind existed or so they said in the book. Other things that were factors in the book were also stating other things... Arisa waited for her dear friend's response to what food she wanted.




Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] Empty Thu Feb 01, 2018 5:49 pm


WORDS: 800 | TAG: @arisa | CLOTHES

She could tell at first glance Arisa wasn't too keen on answering this question, she always had her own reasons for changing appearance and for the most part Alisa wondered if they had anything to do with her past in Sin, where changing her body might have been the only way to evade her pursuers. And now that Black Sun had resurfaced, perhaps she'd found having dangerous people after her meant she should proabably change and lay low once more. This time though, she actually spoke up

"Hmmm... I see...", Alisa commented no further for this tale made little sense even for her. They may live in a world without magic, but for the most part things don't just happen randomly like that without anybody to trigger such changes. She knew Ari still had some lingering damage from her time spent on Sin, and wondered how much her 'inner demons' weren't simply a symptom of dissociative identity. Either way, Alisa couldn't do much beyond supporting her, and that's what she planned on doing.

Thus, she gladly took Ari's cue to change subject and look at something else... Like food. Just as usual, Alisa had just eaten breakfast and she never ate much before intense workout sessions. Arisa on the other hand, ate as much as she could

"They sold the sword as part of the same set, the salesman wouldn't give one up without the other...", answered Alisa, betraying her confusion even before she put it into words, reaching one hand for the unusually decorated handle of the sword named Bakuzan, "Though I've yet to see what the two have to do with each other."

Of course, Arisa's frustration about lacking equipment of her own was met with a sort of impish response from Alisa, whose smile simply widened into the seductive smirk she normally gave those she wanted to seduce:

"Not passionate enough hmmm...? Don't tell me you want me to find that out~?", she'd say throwing her friend a wink, soon followed by a flirtatious chuckle. Though Ari was obviously attractive, Alisa had few reasons to believe her friend played for the same team. That didn't stop her from teasing her as such to amuse herself. But whether or not as a result of her playful flirtation, she soon tripped on the cobblestones out of nowhere, leading Alisa to reflexively reach out with a swift forward dash, closing the distance fast enough to intercept Ari's fall with a hand on the girl's arm, "Ara, Ari... You should be more careful...", she'd admonish despite the obvious concern on her face.

And yet the swiftness of Alisa's reactions at a situation when she'd normally let her guard down hinted at the focused state she was in as a result of the impending attack. And at the next question she simply shook her head, smiling understandingly:

"No, I bought it. Saw it at a store, and thought it looked beautiful. Indeed, just like you I felt there was something special about this outfit, something I'd never seen in all my time shopping for clothes.", then she reached behind her neck, glancing away with a tinge of unease, "Buying it nearly drove me bankrupt... Surely you can buy yourself something nice one of these days too, hmmm~?"

Alisa's smile had a reassuring hint to it, and for all her values, her love of luxury convinced her one could get just about anything in this world if they had the money to buy it... And mages like herself and Arisa - with all that power at their disposal - could purchase just about anything their heart desired. If Arisa had yet to find something that appealed to her, then, she'd surely find it in time. Lost in her thoughts as she was, she simply accompanied Arisa for the most part, giggling every now and then as she saw her best friend buy food as if her life depended on it. She was used to seeing this in Arisa, yet it always amused her... Her choice of meals were far from the healthiest - compared with Alisa at least - but at least she had a good appetite. The only time she didn't feel like eating actually made the sculptress worry for her health:

"No, I've just eaten, really~", she'd wave one hand dismissively, but then, after seeing the girl carry all that food and smelling that enticing scent from all the food stalls, she yielded with a playful smirk, "Though surely I could make some room for a ham and cheese sandwich~"

Training Sword mastery: 1900/5000

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#9Káilètte † 

Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] Empty Thu Feb 01, 2018 6:05 pm

Before the whole tripping on her face accident, she heard Alisa talk about how she just bought it in some store that appeared to have some legendary armor. Arisa wondered more about it as she was some sort of researcher. Her heart was telling her to don't worry about questioning it and so she kept quiet about it. Alisa believed that Arisa will someday find something for herself and she'll be able to buy it. 'You can't buy companions... They come to you I believe...' she thought and then the tripping happened, but instead as she was tripping forward she was caught, blushing as she was against her squishy skin and softness like pillows as Alisa wasn't all muscle like how men are. The chest area was still squishy and soft like pillows themselves. She coughed slightly as she straightened up herself and continued on with the sandwich process as described beforehand. She listened to Alisa's word of passion. There was that word again... She chuckled with a small huff. ''Alisa please.~ You know the only passion that does anything to me, is from you know who.~'' she spoke rather alluring and a smirk to tease back. She turned towards the stall. ''Wonder how he is by the way...'' she spoke and then tried to change subject with the power of sandwiches.

''Alright! A sandwich we'll have!'' she spoke happily and got in line. There was a little girl who couldn't make up her mind. Dear her. She waited patiently with a calm breather and relaxed. She already threw away the cup she had with orange juice in it so she was going to get something else to drink. After the girl got out of the damn way, Arisa stepped up. ''Hello again.~ I wish to have a ham and cheese sandwich for my friend here and I'll have a lettuce, turkey, bacon and onion sandwich with some mayo, salt and pepper on it. For drinks, I'll have four cold water bottles.'' she spoke happily. The man was so cheerful and with that he slowly made the food. She patiently looked around, every move of the man that he made as he made the sandwiches. She didn't really trust people on the market since most people don't use gloves (gross). She shook her head and saw him put them both in a paper clean bag and another for her waters. ''Here you go ma'am.'' he spoke in a bearish manly way.

"One second!'' she spoke breathing heavily for a second as she reached in her pocket on the left butt side. She reached for some money and then handed it over to the man. He nodded, she grabbed her stuff and turned towards Alisa. ''Alright. Let's get this done.~'' she spoke happily and walked through the crowd of people and towards the forest area. People loved to train there and so they were of course going there. The area was so clean, the trees were growing slowly once again - enough for there to be some leafs. As they walked the path they saw the perfect area with a dirt-like area of about twenty meters. ''This is perfect.'' she spoke  and put down their stuff on the ground, covered with the bags so nothing ruins their food. ''Shall we start now or eat the sandwiches real quick?'' she wondered as she swift turned to Alisa.




Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] Empty Thu Feb 01, 2018 6:40 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @arisa | CLOTHES

Alisa was about to make a witty comment on how that line worked best before Arisa shoved her face between her breasts, but the prior conversation reminded how there was living being between those two at this point in time. She didn't know if she could explain to Arisa how her outfit was actually alive, so it might be better to just tell her all about that later.

"Companions, sure, but I don't know how I feel about my armors coming to me~...", Alisa mumbled, scratching her head once again, visibly sounding like she was speaking from experience. Indeed, while her armor hadn't come to her it had definitely tried to be the one in charge of their partnership, which Alisa naturally objected to... And won... For all its power, no way in hell a free spirit like Alisa would ever let anyone else control her.

Naturally, she appreciated the offer to change the subject as much as Arisa did (for different reasons), and joined her at the line... It didn't look like a very long line until... A lone girl stalled the whole thing by deciding what she wanted after she had a great number of people waiting for her decision. Oh, how nice of her. She let Ari do the talking for her as she clearly already knew the salesman, understandably so.

She was actually comfortable with the salesman not wearing gloves so long as they actually bothered to wash their hands, and with the sheer amount of people waiting in line for this Alisa doubted someone had actually gotten sick or anything of the sort.

"Thank you~", she thanked the blonde when she handed the sculptress her second breakfast. She followed Arisa out of the crowd and into a far more pleasant park where she could also spot a fair number of joggers going about their daily training as the two of them were about to. But then, they had somewhat warm food right in front of them... Surely it would taste better now before it got cold, right? Yeah, and Arisa thought so to, understandably, "Yes, eating them now sounds like the best idea~ We wouldn't want to eat them cold now would we?"

Well, they probably would if they were really hungry... But eating their food while it tastes best definitely felt like the best idea. Even if Alisa preferred to eat after she'd trained, she'd make an exception this one time.

Training Sword mastery: 2300/5000

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#11Káilètte † 

Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] Empty Thu Feb 01, 2018 6:51 pm

Her stomach growled as she waited for Alisa to answer as it was starting again. 'Shut up... You'll get human food and you'll deal with it.' she spoke in her mind as if she was speaking to some other entity within her. She listened to her beloved friend and the answer was of course what she said earlier. It was better to eat before training and that was a grand idea, right? She didn't really know as she wasn't a doctor. That really reminded her of that talk, that night, that time as it was the worst day in her life - other than that night she died, her soul, that body. Everything was inflated as lies, the truth the facts the fiction just blew up in her face. It harmed, it made peace as everything had it's Yin and Yang. That reminded her of Grim of how he was like that in her opinion. She didn't feel right talking about Grim with other people as she didn't know details about him. It's not because she thinks wrong of him, but it's because if he was someone possibly from a guild that harmed people, she didn't wish to get him in trouble. Truly, the only reason she would do anything is if he harmed her best friend or lover. No one really got up to that level besides her lover, Noel and her one best friend, Alisa.

She grabbed her sandwich and sat beside Alisa rather she sat or stayed standing up. Unwrapping the wrap the kind man used, she threw it in the bag that had everything in it once before. As she took a bite she felt relaxed and soon she was done with it as the growling devoured her stomach slowly. It was like that vision of her gnawing on that woman's flesh except it was her stomach eating itself. She relaxed a little till Alisa was done and then stood up. ''Alright. I'll get about so far away.~'' she spoke as she jogged about twenty meters. 'Yes... This is good.'' she spoke and then sighed by taking a deep breather. Her aura glowed a golden as the sun shined upon her soul and body as if the sun, the holy gods were being called. The materialized tattoo next glowed as it formed wings of two, fluffy and white. They flapped as Arisa hovered at first only a foot. ''Still not use to this flying, but I suppose this is the only way to get use to it?'' she spoke loud enough for Alisa to hear. She was worried, but it was Alisa... She wouldn't go try hard on her right away, right?...





Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] Empty Thu Feb 01, 2018 7:32 pm


WORDS: 450 | TAG: @arisa | TRANSFORMED

They had different ideas of what it meant to eat before training... Alisa ate light, sugary meals - preferrably fruit - before the workout, and heavier carb and protein meals afterwards. When she first started training her body, eating heavy meals before the workout could easily make her sick. Now, while she doubted she'd experience the same side effects if she were to eat more, Alisa found old habits died hard and she still favored light meals before workouts. Arisa looked to be deep in thought this time around, but that ended once they started eating.

Alisa too unwrapped her sandwich, even though she knew she was about to train, her body didn't and appreciated the extra food the moment she sniffed it. She started with a single dainty bite, but before long she ate almost as fast as Arisa, and finished the equal sized portion not long after the angel... That was, assuming the angel would only eat as much as Alisa did, which never happened anyway...

"Hmmm, that far...? I'd like to train my sword fighting skills so, I guess you'll make me get close to you~?", teased the sculptress, watching as her friend back off to about twenty meters. In this grassy terrain, if the girl went invisible Alisa could see it coming from her footprints... But then she flew up skywards, "Hmm, flying out of the blue huh... In that case, I'll show what you wanted to see~"

While she still preferred keeping this armor hidden as a trump card, Alisa had promise to show it to her best friend, and now seemed like the perfect time... Thus, her left hand reached for her right bicep, for the three blue braces adorning it, and one by one, pulled them all open. Gritting her teeth as the three needles pierced her skin and drew blood, she felt her armor rising from its slumber, soaking in red before transforming:

"Life fiber override... Godrobe Junketsu!", she called out as her power spiked with a steam cloud, before the jets her shoulders propelled enough of it to launch Alisa into the sky, perfectly leveled with Arisa. Unlike the last time, her living armor had grown somewhat calmer and showed no intention of taking over her body...

On the other hand, the way the eyes on her shoulder moved around and fixed themselves on Arisa, what the artist mentioned before now seemed clear as day: Alisa's armor was alive.

"Indeed, I also need to get a few miles before I can say I know how to fly this thing~", she'd say, grinning in amusement at the though of facing Ari for the first time. She knew the angel to be strong, yet Arisa had never shown any interest in fighting her before... However could Alisa not feel excited at this?


Training Sword mastery: 2750/5000

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#13Káilètte † 

Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] Empty Thu Feb 01, 2018 7:46 pm

Her eyes of golden suns gazed upon Alisa and her armor as it formed. She wanted to see what this could do, a special armor made by being bought - simple. Arisa believed that it should come to you - anything and everything unless it was money of course! She felt her wings, the feathers feel the wind go through the strands of each and every feather. It felt as if it was her hair, but her blonde hair was all neatly tied up as she was hovering from the ground. She smiled at Alisa as she was prepared to move - rather it be flying up higher or to the side. ''I know you're faster than me. Haha~ I should see if I can keep my sweet distance from you, my dear friend.~'' she teased with a smile. ''Although, if this was real fighting... I would take this more seriously.'' she spoke. 'And I wouldn't be me....' she thought as her heart pained just thinking of that. It didn't take long to have small talk, if she moved while she was talking then Arisa would make her move immediately, but not making it obvious.

Her hands were ready as they became sweaty and twitchy. Her heart was racing fast paced as she swiftly flung her hand towards Alisa who was within the 20 meters, taking only a second to beam at her. Before that her fingers were in a form of a gun - both of them as she giggled doing so. A beam came from the right as she wanted to try this out as it happened after the fling. Something was increasing inside of her, like some adrenaline. ''Hahah.~'' she laughed while the beam went towards her. This was like some cops and robbers type of deal, but for fun and play. She needed to control this before it become rather bad. She couldn't stop it as she watched from her eyes and truly feeling some weird feel that made her want to do more... More chaos and more training, more fighting and more of this!





Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] Empty Thu Feb 01, 2018 8:23 pm


WORDS: 420 | TAG: @arisa | TRANSFORMED

"Hmm, you should, I've no intention to go easy on you~", snickered the sculptress. She didn't want to hurt her friend, but she did want her to get used to fighting more seriously as she undoubtedly would in the battle to come.

Although, Alisa grew even faster when this armor activated, and she'd always been able to out speed Arisa... The girl's magical power was on a whole other level though, so she'd need to watch out for that as well. Her invisibility posed another troublesome issue to deal with as the sculptress intended to seize victory with her weapon alone, but she'd see how it went. Instead of dashing though, she flew towards her friend, picking up speed at a regular pace. While she was indeed fast, reaching her top speed wasn't as easy when she could go so high, yet that also allowed her an added measure of control to better avoid attacks.

She hadn't advanced any further than two or so meters when Arisa fired the first beam at her. From this far away, Alisa felt no need to employ her jet boosted dashes and instead simply angled sideways with a quick burst of her jets. Closer in speed to a regular dash, she didn't benefit from the instant acceleration from using the full power of her armor, but in turn this allowed her to conserve mana somewhat.

Considering the width of the beam and their distance, Alisa had no trouble dodging as it passed her by, and by that point she'd reached about fifteen meters from her opponent and only got faster as time went on, soon exceeding the natural speed at which she could dash... She kept her eyes fixed on the blonde, watching for the slightest motion as they fought about ten meters up in the air. At this point, all trace of that affection she felt towards Ari seemed completely absent, evidencing a woman who didn't fool around when it was time to fight. She started reaching her right hand for her sword, gripping it and measuring distances.

Wielding a katana required a keen awareness of distancing even more than most swords... She'd already this much, and knew these blades were brittle, far too brittle to trade blows. They'd been created for quick drawing, at distances close enough to settle a fight on the first hit. By drawing it at such distance, Alisa could use the scabbard like the rails on a train track, guiding, steadying and focusing the force of her draw into a single, precise hit...


Training Sword mastery: 3170/5000

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#15Káilètte † 

Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] Empty Thu Feb 01, 2018 8:56 pm

Arisa watched the woman fly up, using her jets and for some reason she was doing this up to ten meters while she herself was only hovering a foot off the ground. She giggled as she saw the speed. 'Quite nice...' she thought and wondered if she will someday get to fly that fast. She watched for no more than a second if that even as she dashed back six meters more and into the trees. She felt the shadows devour her light, but nonetheless she saw Alisa in the sky. Guessing she still was going to stay about ten meters up in the sky she on the other hand was now on the ground with her wings no longer motioning to fly.

While hiding in the dark forest yet still semi-in the entrance of it, she formed a rather meter disc or light that was flat yet large of a 1meterx1meter. 'Welp, here we go.~' she thought playfully, walked out quickly to throw it at Alisa who was ten meters in the sky. If she moved then she motioned it with her hand to follow Alisa to where she was flying to. If this hit her or distracted, she planned on doing something more, but if it somehow missed. The fast disc that was being motioned by Arisa's hand then followed Alisa to the location Alisa decided to fly. Arisa concentrated on all faults, movements and any attack Alisa decided as she still had her wings out. She had to get this done as something doesn't feel right. 'It's okay... I'm coming for you...' she heard as she kept on concentrating what was in front of her, but the voice was coming from the forest...




Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] Empty Thu Feb 01, 2018 9:25 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @arisa | TRANSFORMED

Indeed, she'd gotten far too high... At this distance there wasn't really much action that could threaten her; part of it came from misjudging the power of her jets, but after flying up she figured she might as well just roll with it. Fortunately, the same distance worked out perfectly for her as she could perfectly see Ari retreating for shelter in some trees, and promptly turned her head down, using gravity to accelerate and pick up speed. Gravity came to her assistance and rather quickly she'd reached a respectable forty meters per second.

Considering Alisa descended forwards and her friend dashed backwards, she had enough of a speed advantage to reach down and carefully spot Ari's movements. When Alisa's descent came to an end, she'd be almost completely horizontally at about two meters height. Having gotten a pretty good look at the area as they ate - more of a wild park than a forest proper - Alisa knew she had more than six or so meters space between trees, enough she could maneuver with ease, and if needed even use the them. Though dark and shaded, even a slight descent sufficed to see properly as enough light peered down through the canopies.

Still having about fifteen meters between herself and Ari, Alisa now found it a bit harder to dash without the aid of her mana heavy thrusters. However, as the disc came at her vertically, she found it far easier to simply draw her sword. Already having mastered the weight and speed of Bakuzan, Alisa intercepted the disc with a quick strike, slicing it half with superior power until it dispersed into dust.

This would definitely deal some damage to her Katana, but allowed Alisa to keep moving forward; her sword firmly in her grasp, held mostly in front of her where she could use . She'd lost the chance to employ her fastest Iai strike, but stood at about ten meters, ready to flow into a different motion, devoid of conscious thought and simply following flow her various training exercises had drilled into her. At about ten meters away, Alisa prepared for the decisive strike, with no trees between between herself and Ari, the closest one about two meters to Ari's left...

Yet something felt wierd... Again... Alisa kept her head in the game, but her instincts seldom lied...


Training Sword mastery: 3570/5000

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#17Káilètte † 

Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] Empty Thu Feb 01, 2018 9:39 pm

Arisa sighed as she heard the voice again in the forest. 'I'm going to get you... Hehe...' spoke a rather dark husky male voice. It almost made her tear up, but she mentally tried to concentrait. 'I can't show Alisa how scared I am... I got to get stronger.' she thought quickly and then it was time. She looked at the woman, Alisa as she saw that she was still flying. With that disc in contact as Alisa was distracted by it she brought out her other hand that didn't shoot out last time as it gunned out a lazor from her soft finger and at her. If she decided to swing at the sword at the disc, she had no time to dodge the lazor in which was aiming for her shoulder. If she moved her shoulder during this exact time, it'd hit her chest instead. Something was stopping her in telling or warning Alisa on it hitting her chest if she decided to move her arm as she swung at the disc spell.

Arisa was ready once again to move, to do anything, but what she wasn't prepared for was that it was all going to be stopped soon, by a stranger. 'Heeehee...' she heard and motioned away from the forest and in the middle of the opening area that was 20 meters large left and right, up and down of diameter. She was fearing what was in the trees as it felt haunting. Arisa didn't really know who it was, but it was making her tear up. Slowly her eyes slanted as if she was getting irritated. Rather or not Alisa was ready, it was in question. Who was in those trees. How will this fight go? She won't find out till the next move of Alisa.... As she was going to watch what Alisa was going to do she felt something sticky against her shoulder and heavy. Her eyes cornered to see some sort of thick vine against her shoulder as if ready to grab. ''Leave me alone!'' she yelled and moved away to see that there was nothing there. She then started to fly up at least five meters off the air now and looked at the trees for a split second. There was nothing so what was wrong with her!? Was she imagining things? She gulped and looked at alisa as they were now five meters away from up and down ways and about 15 meters away from distance of left and right. She was scared, but it was training time, it was supposed to be fun, right?! She bit her lower lip and clenched her fist as she was ready for whatever the woman had. If she was going to fight her seriously then she should try more than just giving up, right? ...





Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] Empty Thu Feb 01, 2018 10:30 pm


WORDS: 450 | TAG: @arisa | TRANSFORMED

As Arisa was waiting to see how the sculptress dealt with the disc, she only fired the follow up laser when Alisa was about 10 meters from her... But thanks to the dark haired woman's position, any hit not aimed directly at her center would be stopped by the armor, which was exactly what happened. Courtesy of her over sized shoulder guards, she pressed forth and allowed her armor to tank the hit. She had no hope of fully dodging the laser and thus allowed the spell to meet her faster moving self at about four meters away from Arisa.

At this point, Alisa's strike would initiate. She was moving far too fast to properly hear her friend's objection, gritting her teeth at the recent hit to her shoulder out of reflex more than anything else: That said, Alisa wouldn't strike her friend too seriously though. Thus, she simply swung her blade in the opposite direction with which she'd struck the disc earlier. Without flipping the blade around first, she'd instead strike Ari's temple in roughly 0,1 seconds.

She kept her swing short, bending her elbow to turn faster while her idle left arm moved in front of her, ensuring that instead of simply crashing into Arisa, she could grab the girl by her shirt and hold her at an ideal distance to finish her strike, which would come far too fast to allow any potential counter attack.

Alisa saw no way her attack could possibly fail, and thus, once it did, she'd gradually slow down and ease the dazed/unconscious Arisa down to the ground. At that instant before attacking, she swore the girl might have been trying to say something. In the heat of battle, just an instant's hesitation could mean certain death, and when it came to earnest sparring Alisa willingly entered the same mindset... Yet this came with the single minded drawback of making her miss things she otherwise wouldn't have.

"Ari... What happened there...", she'd ask, softly petting the girl's golden hair as she let the angel's head rest on her lap, undoing Junketsu's transformation. At that instant before her attack connected, Alisa would have seen Arisa's attention turn away from her and towards a vine on her shoulder...

Though she clicked her tongue - frustrated at her inability to stop when she probably should have - she also knew better than to resent the kind of focus that could possibly save her life when Grimoire attacked. It wasn't even the first time this happened, though Xandra's attack had been far more serious than a simple sparring match, Alisa regretted hurting after it happened, and could do nothing but stand by her side until the girl regain consciousness...


Training Sword mastery: 3970/5000

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#19Káilètte † 

Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] Empty Thu Feb 01, 2018 10:42 pm

Arisa saw the spell hit her friend, but as it hit Alisa's armor it seemed the girl beamed for her in speed. She wasn't sure on what to do because if she used her high ranked spells, who knows what it might do to Alisa. She felt worried, but it was all over as her dear beloved friend striked her down. Between the mental shit that was happening with the voices, being chased down and fighting a training-like battle with Alisa... it was getting too much for her right now. 'I guess I'm just not strong enough yet...' she thought and passed out. Her wings disappeared as they materialized into the tattoo on her back. She felt so much sorrow that it wasn't even funny. A small frown escaped her lips as she was waking back up.

She woke up to be on Alisa's knee or some soft squishy body part. She didn't care at this time as she just sat up to twist and turn to Alisa. ''I'm fine.....'' she spoke calmly and a sorrowful expression.  Alisa was wondering on what happened, but how was she going to explain to the woman what happened? Softly sighing once more she got up slowly to walk over to get a water or two, one for herself and one for Alisa. Once that was done, she came back and sat beside Alisa as the spar was done and over. She knew her friend was quite stronger, but she wanted to try... How strong was her lover? Has he gotten stronger too? Her eyes cornered to look at her. ''I suppose I was hearing voices again... that someone was coming to get me. When I looked away from you, I saw a large vine grabbing for my shoulder - ready to grab and take me away....'' she spoke with sadness and worry in her tone. It usually is motherly, but not this time... no. ''I was so distracted I suppose, but I knew you'd win since my power isn't great enough.... yet I was chosen to be a guild master??... Why me?'' she wondered out loud as she frowned a bit. Arisa sat there with Alisa as they drank water and relaxed during that very day...




40% Reduction: 20% from INT and 20% from Race


Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] Empty Fri Feb 02, 2018 11:51 am


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @arisa | CLOTHES

Alisa tended to her friend until she rose from her slumber, which thankfully didn't take long. She sighed relievedly once the girl's eyes fluttered open, but nonetheless kept brushing and petting her blonde hair up until the moment Arisa rose upright. She too hadn't gone all out in the fight, partly because she wished to train her sword fighting skills but mainly because she knew throwing her highest level spells could seriously wound her. A grace Arisa returned, for Alisa also knew her own stronger spells to be much stronger. In the end if they both fought each other all out one of them would need a healer once they'd finished, most likely both of them would...

"So I was right... You did look off your game the moments before I hit you, but at that point I couldn't really stop.", Alisa shook her head, letting out a soft chuckle concealing her frustration, "It seems I won't easily get a chance at facing you at your fullest... But if this was just a fluke, we should rematch sometime soon."

Little did Alisa know the same man Arisa now thought of fighting was the same one Alisa herself had been looking to fight, thinking back to his apparent skill more often since Finn one sidedly defeated her. That day she understood she could learn more from facing a single stronger opponent than a myriad others of equal power to her. Yet after reaching this level, finding them wasn't so easy as noting it to herself...

"You're stronger than you give yourself credit for... But no Guild Master is worth anything without their guild by their side, supporting them.", reassured Alisa, once more reaching out to pet her friend's rather silky blonde hair, which she was obviously growing rather fond of...

Regardless, the time for training had come to an end, well, for Ari at least... Alisa still had her sword techniques to practice.


Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Seraphim's Mercy [Training:Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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