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Bad moon rising [Training spells]

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 Bad moon rising [Training spells] Empty Tue Sep 05, 2017 10:24 am


WORDS: 1100 | TAG: @solo | CLOTHES

What a lovely late summer day, clear, sunny, and a tad bit windy. What a terrible day to coop herself up indoors... Alas, Alisa didn't do it because she wanted to, but rather she didn't have a choice. Several reasons had brought her back to Hargeon at this specific time, yet no matter how different they were. First, she needed to be here to protect the guild. However, that didn't explain why she came now, after all, with her speed and light packing, she was constantly ready to travel at a moment's notice. Therein came the second reason: The Blue Pegasus training grounds were by far the most efficient she'd ever set foot in, the increased density of mana in the place not only made learning spells easier, but placed a greater strain on the user when controlling that added amount of magic power. Like an athelete training atop a mountain, this added strain on her body would translate to greater power once she tried weaving her spell normally.

And last but not least, Marina. She had the girl join the guild, but had never actually taken her to see the guild hall, despite how much she hyped and built up her expectations. She didn't bring Marina along out of a desperate need for backup in the fight to come; quite the opposite, she hoped she could keep the girl outside the fighting, assuming it ever came to pass. But she needed the girl to formally meet her allies and know her way around the home that would probably be attacked in a matter of days. Between herself, Finn, Snow and Chel, Alisa hoped they'd have enough firepower to stave off any invasions without the guildmaster needing to step in, assuming he'd even get here in time. After all, even though she joined the guild and stood among the strongest members, she could count with the fingers in her hand the amount of times she'd laid eyes on Lance.

That said, the sculptress as she was now wouldn't really be that helpful. As she much as she loved her guild and anyone in it, she still valued her quest as paramount, and wouldn't throw away her life until it was completed. So she needed to get stronger, much, much stronger, enough that she could protect her guild without dying in the process. And for once, she knew she wouldn't accomplish that with just weak spells and melee attacks.

"No, I need a trump card... Something I can use to break just about anyone.", she thought out loud, clenching her fist hard enough until a faint orb of mana surrounded it. If she had to pick her magic's most dangerous facet, her crystallizing touch would be the only logical choice. But as the name implied, she had to touch an opponent to make use of it. At least up until this point. But after honing her body for battle so she could suvive getting in close to her opponents, she could now realistically make use of this ability without taking unecessary risks

She'd been working out intensely as of late, with visible results. Her muscle tone grew far more visible than usual, especially with short, tight sports wear. Black bike shorts and a red sports bra - matching her eyes - with black fighting gloves and boots. Even though she'd shed some of her softness, Alisa had actually gained weight from increased muscle tone, not really that much to make a difference, but still enough to draw attention. Of course, she never had a problem getting her guildmates' attention, but when she looked like this in an outfit clearly built for training, they looked even less reluctant to crowd around her.

She should walk around in reduced sportswear more often, clearly she was on to something here...

Though she could still hardly bring herself to smile, flipping her hair behind her as she stepped inside the training grounds. A wide, closed space with tatami for a floor and several test dummies to shoot spells and swing swords at. With a ceiling almost entirely made of glass yet keeping out the bulk of the heat, this room had the best of both worlds rolled into one. Alisa could admire the beautiful blue sky as she got tired, and wouldn't have to deal with any extra heat beyond her own.

Not that she'd sweat that much training spells, much of the strain came from mental exhaustion rather than physical, but focusing under searing heat still proved troublesome.

No matter, she had the training grounds all to herself this morning, so she could develop her new spell in peace. First off, tests. Narrowing her eyes, Alisa focused as much mana as she could weave at once into her left hand, clenching her fist so hard it might very well draw blood. Channeling that mana was easy, but holding it in place was a hassle. The longer she tried holding it, the more she found herself wincing as she felt her magic power fade away wastefully... But after holding it for a while, she found her hand appeared to have crystallized painlessly, all the way down to little cracks in her forearm. The effort of binding so much mana to her body came with this side effect apparently, not that it bothered her anyway.

But now she needed to test this. Ideally, she wouldn't kill those who weren't involved with her tragic past; even those dark mages were better left as prey for those they had wronged, they were the target of somebody else's vengeance. But she wouldn't shed a tear if any attacker died as a result of trying to get through her. She focused on one of the test dummies, imagining an attacker... The mere thought was enough to make her furrow her brow with annoyance, and once she touched it's head, it turned to crystal in a split second, quickly spreading up to half its chest.

In a fight, she probably wouldn't be able to crystallize more than a meter's worth of surface of an enemy's body... Yet after grabbing the test dummy's head, the faintest squeeze was also enough to shatter it. If she could sustain this spell, she could probably make it work on her enemies' magic and weapons, so long as she got a chance to touch them....

This wasn't enough though... A strong enough enemy might not give her a chance to touch them...

Training Vajradeha (3200 words needed - 20% Word count discount from C-rank intelligence + Blue Pegasus training hall)

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

 Bad moon rising [Training spells] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

 Bad moon rising [Training spells] Empty Thu Sep 07, 2017 6:53 am


WORDS: 1610 | TAG: @solo | CLOTHES

A spell like this put an absurd strain on her mana reserves. Just keeping it up for this long had Alisa feeling she'd be burning off her very soul as fuel in an attempt to turn a foe into either a pretty statue or a pile of dust. And the spell wasn't nearly powerful enough that she should be feeling something like this; indeed requiring physical contact proves a pretty nasty limitation, especially for one with this much mana; the kind of spell mages use to level buildings in their wake.

True, Alisa's spell employed a more focused effect, allowing her to keep it up for long instead of the old 'fire and forget'... But the more time went on the more she felt there was a truck load of Mana she wasn't employing at all, merely letting it go to waste instead. So she took a deep breath and focused, not so much on power output but rather on containment, holding all of that untapped power in as tight an orb as she could picture, small enough to fit in the palm of her hand. Even the crystallized portion of her hand contracted tighter.

"Now, for the second test...", Alisa looked at the nearest, intact training dummy and once more pictured a living foe in its place.

She could feel all that magic power in her hand, compressed so tightly she could all but feel its weight. If she couldn't use her spell from so measly a distance - no further than five meters from her current position - no way she could use this spell as a reliable trump card. With deep, calm breaths, she could keep this focused power mostly still, unwavering... But even then she hesitated to move too fast, and instead slowly raised her arm, stretching it out towards her target, and finally, opening her palm. That mere act had some of her compressed slip away immediately, and it was all Alisa could do to route it in a single direction, a short, one meter long crystal beam protuding forward from her palm.

Whatever position she held her hand in mattered little, it was little more than a mechanism to help her channel her power. However, that didn't mean she could go without it. At least, not yet anyway.

That said, she was in the right direction, but nowhere near sampling success. Seeing how easily she could route the crystallizing power in one direction simply by compressing it, and went with it, trying to loosen her grasp a bit more until the beam stretched yet another meter in her desired direction... But to her surprise (and soon pain), loosening did a lot more than that: It also widened the released beam to half a meter in a split second, painfully crystallizing all the way back to her forearm as well.

Alisa gritted her teeth not to cry out. This was still her magic, still partly under her control, enough that it didn't hurt her nearly as much as it would have hurt somebody else caught in the way.

Training Vajradeha (3200 words needed - 20% Word count discount from C-rank intelligence + Blue Pegasus training hall)

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

 Bad moon rising [Training spells] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

 Bad moon rising [Training spells] Empty Thu Sep 07, 2017 2:59 pm


WORDS: 2200 | TAG: @solo | CLOTHES

Though it came as a fresh reminder how difficult it would be to control a spell this powerful, even for her. But if she focused on the area above the crystallization, then surely she could endure it without hurting herself in the process? Hopefully... For now, she simply pulled that aura all back to her hand, clenching and holding it there. The crystallization receded as well, leaving only a few cracks on the area of her forearm it had suddenly damaged before Alisa could ward off against it. No matter, she could get that patched up later, assuming the wound itself didn't heal.

First off, she started moving her hand around a bit faster, trying to control her power through it. It got pretty hard at first, but as she got used to it, Alisa finally had a decent way of dealing with her problem and possibly figuring out a way to project her power at a distance.

"Maybe if I send it off like this...", she mumbled, looking at the intact training dummy she had yet to reach. Taking a deep breath, she concentrated, and then pulled her arm back... And suddenly shifted her hips to the right throwing a full power straight while opening her palm at the end.

She overdid it. Out of nowhere she projected that crystal beam just like the first time, but for once it shot its way through to her target, hitting the training dummy's head square and immediately turning it to crystal all the way down to its waist. Had she hit an opponent with this, she could have easily killed them, no matter how powerful. So much damage focused on one's upper body naturally had that effect. The problem was her own arm. As she shot her beam forward, some of the energy broke free and once more damaged everything, this time all the way up to her elbow. She winced, this time it hurt, enough that ALisa couldn't help but grab her arm in pain. She had to be careful, many more of these and she'd cripple her own arm and likely destroy any chances she might have of seeing this training through to end. But how to do it?

Stressful struggles with the pain made it harder to control her power so she took a deep breath, relaxed, and contained her energy again by clenching her fist. Clearly, she had to do something about all the flowing energy. She couldn't release it without hurting herself with the recoil. But strangely enough, parts of her body that crystallized slowly were completedly unaffected by the sudden release. Perhaps the key to mastering this new spell laid there? Maybe... She had to try. Before testing this out on her final targets - the training dummies further away - she needed a way to protect her body against explosive discharges of crystallizing mana.

When she first tried channeling this spell, the powerful magic power immediately turned part of her hand to crystal, but without hurting her. How? She had spells that could do it naturally to her body for protection, but this was a damaging spell, not supposed to have such an effect in the first place. Being the caster, Alisa naturally had more control over her own spells with zero desire to hurt herself. Magic is will, so much it cannot be controlled properly without focus and a strong will. So maybe if she focused, she could let a minimal amount of this power flow through her whole body?

Training Vajradeha (3200 words needed - 20% Word count discount from C-rank intelligence + Blue Pegasus training hall)

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

 Bad moon rising [Training spells] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

 Bad moon rising [Training spells] Empty Fri Sep 08, 2017 4:08 am


WORDS: 2780 | TAG: @solo | CLOTHES

"Let's put it to the test.", she thought out loud like she so often did, releasing the pressure from her clenching fist ever so slightly, "If it do it like this..."

First test. No, not really first test, she'd been testing this unwittingly ever since she started training... But now was the first time she tested what she recognized as serious drawback to her own spell, a natural consquence of her waning skill with magic and inexperience wielding spells this strong. Inexperience as a whole really, there's only so much a girl can learn at the tender age of nineteen, only having started with magic no more than five years ago. As Alisa had been neglecting training her magic lately, her ability to wield stronger spells effectively had weakened considerably. Her martial arts were (hopefully) as strong as ever, but devoid of strong magic and swordsmanship skill, she wouldn't stand a chance against the strongest fighters in Grimoire Heart.

No matter, she could think about that once she mastered this spell, after all, for every problem she solved, three more would reveal themselves. For now, her attempt at slowly leaking more and more magic power inch by inch was paying off, slowly crystallizing up her arm without really hurting her. Even the pain from the damaged skin vanished somewhat. Yeah, this would work... If she could keep it up until her mana successfully coated most of her body, she could theoretically handle this spell in a real fight.

But as the spell strated spreading further, she felt something else other than pain... Cold... Having a part of her body that for all intents and purposes became inorganic, dead... Felt as frigid as she'd imagine it might if it were frozen. Was this what it felt like to her enemies when she crystallized them? It wasn't really painful so she honestly hoped they felt more pain. Deep down, Alisa could never forget how she learned magic for the sole purpose of vengeance... But some say you can't really understand a weapon until you've been hurt by it, so in that sense, Alisa was actually glad it worked like this.

Once the crystallization reached her shoulder, and from then her head and chest, Alisa actually started feeling cold, shivering slightly. But as the crystallization spread to different parts of her body and covered her in armor-like crystal construct, the cold gradually disappeared. Too much of her body had become one with the crystals, and once only the lower part of her legs and uncharged hand remained, those were the spots that felt strange. Alisa kept her breath calm and under control, letting the magic flow through her unimpeded... And once she stared at herself really hard on those glassy windows, she saw her body had changed.


Tying this power to a human form might easily come with the consequences she witnessed previously. To master it in time, she needed a shortcut, something to help her control it a bit more easily. Then if this form could do it, that was enough for her. She looked down at her pale, shimmery white palm, opening and closing, then throwing a punch into the air. She didn't really feel that different, but the mana condensed in her other hand felt easier to handle. Even then, the strain was real; even in a training condition, sustaining an S-rank level for so long tired her out. She wagered she wouldn't be able to hold it in for much longer...

Training Vajradeha (3200 words needed - 20% Word count discount from C-rank intelligence + Blue Pegasus training hall)

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

 Bad moon rising [Training spells] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

 Bad moon rising [Training spells] Empty Fri Sep 08, 2017 8:39 am


WORDS: 3420 | TAG: @solo | CLOTHES

For all her awe at what she'd just done, Alisa's curiosity clamored louder than ever. Like a child who'd just recieved the best toy ever, her lips widened into an impish faint smile with poorly concealed giddyness, and she once more targeted that same training dummy. Suddenly, her eyes narrowed and she swept her spell charged palm right at it, imagining her magic as a strecthing whip. This time, she got it to work. She no longer worried about the spell backlashing on her body or leaking accidentally, and could focus completely on making it stretch as wide as she needed to grab it's target.

By coiling her hand like an undulating serpent, the Pegasus went as far as commanding the narrow beam to do the same to the training dummy's arm, round and round, all the way up until it had firmly grasped the foe's neck, watching as every bit of surface from the target's elbow to it's neck - including the bottom part of its head - turned into a shimmering white crystal form. Indeed any opponent she caught with this could be defeated instantly; Alisa didn't know anybody strong enough to endure such damage and still remain standing. Maybe the guildmaster could do it, and those with equal or greater power... Anybody else would have no choice but to dodge her attack or try to destroy it before it reached her.

"...Though I won't make that any easier for them.", she thought, pondering on the best, most efficient way to release this spell while ensuring she caught her opponent.

The mana cost was too taxing for her to waste such power trying to catch a fast moving foe. When the time came to use this during live combat, she'd need to ensure it made contact. And right now, she needed to test its power as much as she could before running out of mana. Wasting not a single moment, Alisa uncoiled the whip from around the freshly destroyed training dummy and swung her body around, aiming for yet another training dummy, this time one over fifteen meters away. With this much power, she wouldn't consider the spell complete until she could strike an enemy up to twenty five meters away. She'd most likely never do so in live combat as the spell was imagined to catch a foe up close and personal. No matter how she went about it, she had created it to project her touch over a distance and overcome the contact limitation for that power.

As she swung her body in that direction, Alisa grabbed the whip a little ahead the spellcharged hand, the extra grip giving enough control to help her turn it around 180Âş in a flash, and with a quick whipping motion, add a serpentine undulation to her beam. That gave her enough precision to coil it around a static target's neck, which no matter how easy it was on a static target, ultimately turned out to be essential if she were ever to catch a mobile opponent. But this was only the beginning. She had destroyed three training dummies in record time, faster than any spell she'd ever thrown at them, but exhausted her mana after the third.

Exhausted, her whip shattered and her crystallized skin faded away into its normal form, with the woman herself keeling over from exhaustion. Turning her body into something crystalline helped her muster her willpower against the weaknesses of the flesh, but they were still there. This effect was psychological if anything, forcing her to rest her palms on her knees as she recovered her breath. Exhausted, Alisa simply sat down on the ground and crossed her legs, closing her eyes, and breathing deeply. Until she recovered her mana, she couldn't test her spell again, so might as well calm down and rest. She still had to test it once more before calling Finn over for a swordmanship practice...

[Topic End]

Training Vajradeha (3200 words needed - 20% Word count discount from C-rank intelligence + Blue Pegasus training hall) - COMPLETED!

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

 Bad moon rising [Training spells] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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