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8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]

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8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  Empty Tue Dec 06, 2016 7:52 pm



So Alisa had reunited with her cousin yesterday, but as one might expect one sole afternoon was defenitely not enough time for four years worth of catching up. Even if they were, no way the artist would let this opportunity pass by: So long as her cousin was in Crocus, she planned on inviting her out every other day, and this would be one of those days.

The question was, what to do?

Since they spent all that time playing as children, Alisa's idea was naturally childish to match: They agreed to meet in front of the nearby arcade. It was hardly a time to be cooped up indoors, even though winter was coming, it was a sunny, albeit chilly day. But then they could always go for a walk later... Alisa sat at a bench right across the meeting place, flipping through a maganize as she awaited her cousin's arrival



Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  Empty Wed Dec 07, 2016 6:50 pm

Softly she would yawn and stretch as she went out to meet her cousin. She had some fun with her at the pool as they attacked each other. Her galaxy eyes would wander around to see if she could find her. She had a lot to tell her, mostly about her new friend. She's done a lot of missions with him and she felt somewhat weird. She wasn't quite sure what it was nor did she know how to act. They were super strong though! Her other experience was dancing with some guy that she met a long while ago.

She would remember how her body moved and everything! It was quite an experience. She would twirl simply once as she would giggle, raising her hands to the roof and then walked straight forward. As she walked her hips would sway. She was wearing some black boots with a simple pink puffball on the curve of the front of each one. Black high thigh sicks with white frills at the top. Simply she wore a skort (shorts+skirt) and a black ruffled shirt. Her hair was fully down and her ears were pierced with hoop earrings. Brightly she would smile as she then waved. ''Alisa chan.~'' she called out sweetly and innocently.

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  Kuri

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  Empty Wed Dec 07, 2016 8:03 pm



Nothing particularly interesting had been happening in the past few days, at least no major events worth noting. Thus Alisa found herself thoroughly focused on the reunion with her cousin, every now and then wondering what Finn might be up to. They agreed to go on a mission together but as far as she knew he too was still in Crocus, so that would likely not be happening anytime soon. She wouldn't have much longer to ponder on this however, and would eagerly save it for later when she heard that familiar voice she'd been waiting for, "Ari-chaaan~", answering in a chippery tone, Alisa put away the magazine and stood up, walking up to and happily glomping her missing cousin.

"How are you doing today, cousin?", she'd ask, petting the girl's hair slightly and smiling before she pulled away, giving the girl some space, only holding on to her hand and urging her towards the arcade with all its flashing lights and cybernetic sound effects.


Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  Empty Wed Dec 07, 2016 8:47 pm

The sky was rather nice and beautiful. The air was somewhat chilling, but it wasn't enough to freeze her nor her cousin. She wondered on where to start when it came to having a conversation with Alisa. Surely though Alisa would start something instead. As Areissa thought of such things she would then be glomped by her like usual. Flailing she would fall on her butt and look up at her. Her cheeks puffed out as her face pouted cutely. ''Alisa chaaan...'' she mumbled in a childish whiny way. Suddenly she'd see her cousin pull away, herself getting up and then being pulled off to wonderland (the arcade).

She wasn't sure where she was going till they finally got there. ''An arcade? How fun.~'' she spoke happily and softly. Her eyes closed and her lips joyfully smiled with glee. She hasn't been to one of these things in forever, it seemed fun. The sound and light effects were hay-wire as the people within them were most likely wearing glow-in-the-dark bands. Her eyes glowed as she looked at all the colors and wondered. ''Where will we start first?'' she questioned her cousin quietly.

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  Kuri

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  Empty Thu Dec 08, 2016 5:58 pm



Giggling sheepishly, she offered her hand and helped pull her cousin back to her feet, wondering how did she fall down just from that. However, she had other more important thoughts to be pondered on, for the moment she lead the girl inside she had to pick from the many games on display. Areissa liked letting others do the choosing for her as did Alisa for the most part, letting the sculptress have a taste of her own medicine.

Alisa hadn't been to any arcades or gaming venues in a long time, not since that day... But her cousin's presence seemingly brought back some of those childish impulses she had long since forgotten.

Turning to look at her and smiling, Alisa shot the question back, "Maybe one of those racing games...? I wonder if you'd prefer those or the fighting ones... Or maybe that crane game?!", she looked around some more, finding some of the dolls inside the nearby crane to be rather cute.


Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  Empty Thu Dec 08, 2016 6:50 pm

She would walk along side her cousin. Her eyes would look up at her taller cousin which honestly being short didn't really bother her. Her long twintailed hair would sway left and right as she walked. She could feel the simple breeze as if an invisible hand caressed her face. As they opened the door she would have her eyes enlightened. There were many games here, more than she could maybe count, but that was most likely an exaggerated way to explain. The music there was rather techno-like and so she listened to Alisa speak about different games.

She started to say racing then the fighting ones, but then she brought up the crane. Her head turned to look at all of them as they walked passed some other ones. Her eyes brightened as she saw the crane game with all these different things. She gasped child-like as her eyes widened. ''T-they have a white tiger!'' she squeaked cutely and ran over to the crane game. When it came to certain things she would get so excited, her child personality would just appear.

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  Kuri

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  Empty Thu Dec 08, 2016 8:37 pm



As Areissa awed at the many games before her, Alisa knew she too hadn't wandered inside an arcade in years. She did remember going to such places with her when they were younger, all the more reason that she'd end up picking this meeting place now. The keen eyed Pegasus looked closely at her cousin's shimmering eyes with each suggestion she spoke, and naturally noticed how the first two earned virtually no reaction... Indifference, something both cousins were known for even if the reasons differed.

The crane however, got a different response. As she looked and saw a (rather adorable) stuffed white bear, her eyes lit up further and Alisa grinned, "Well, let's start with that one shall we~?", they went along to the crane machine and Alisa plopped a coin inside, "Well...? What are you waiting for?"

She smiled, inviting her cousin to go first.


Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  Empty Thu Dec 08, 2016 10:02 pm

Areissa was looking at the machine which had that white tiger in there. It was fluffy, big and very lovely. It was the best plush in there in her opinion. It truly riled up her child side. Her heart beated as she would then hear a song come on. A song that felt strange to her yet it was speaking to a part of her that she never lets out. 'No...' she thought and shook her head. 'Dominate...' a voice spoke that only she could hear. Her head turned left and right, wondering where the voice was coming from. Who was saying it and where?

Her eyes payed her attention back to the machine as she gripped onto the toggle and started to move it after putting money in it. Her heart and eyes looked upon the tiger. As she was doing that it felt like her hands were being controlled. Left, left, right, up and cornered right/down. She moved it in motion and then the button was pressed. After it was pressed the crane went down and picked it up. After it got to the top and started to move towards where it should drop for her to get it, it dropped right before it moved. ''What?! I had it...'' she whispered and sighed somewhat disappointed..

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  Kuri

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  Empty Fri Dec 09, 2016 7:05 pm



Alisa looked on as Ari stared the machine down as if it were a foe standing between her and the plushie she so desired. The crystal mage also heard the music but had no idea of what it meant to her or whatever was going on inside the purplette's mind. Crossing her arms and looking on expectantly, her eyes were instantly glued on the crane arm the moment she started moving it around. With a focused look in her eyes, the younger girl tried her best to grab the white tiger, while the older one examined the machine and how well it responded to her input. In case she failed, Alisa would have a go next and she would be prepared.

But alas when it finally seemed like she'd just nailed it, the crane dropped the prize, right before a disappointed Areissa, "Don't stress it, now its my turn~", resting one hand on her shoulder, Alisa smiled and took her place with a reassuring nod.

She inserted another coin in the machine, and and her hands made full use of what her brain did while her cousin was at it. The machine had a slight lag when it was time to stop, and the grip on the prizes wasn't that strong either... In no time she aligned the crane arm with the same white tiger, moving her torso to either side to make sure it was correctly aligned, and then hit the button.


Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  Empty Fri Dec 09, 2016 8:36 pm

Areissa would look at her cousin in a rather really disappointed manner. Her eyes lowered all saddened and were somewhat wide like the puppy look. Her hands would go to the left side of her long and played with it. Her lips were frowning and her right foots tip was digging into the carpet. ''It fell...'' she would whisper softly and then watched her cousin try. She seemed so determined, but her heart felt so sad cause she really wanted that fluffy tiger. Soon she would hear the machine on which meant that Alisa was going to try now to get it.

She watched her cousin move the thing around and then after so long she pressed the button. Soon enough she saw the tiger get picked up, but once again as soon as it got to the top before moving to the empty slot - it fell. Slowly Areissa would clench her fist as her aura started to turn rather black. Her eyes darkened to a blood red as she felt cheated. Was this the places doing? To get money from the poor children who want such prizes? What the hell was their deal? She was going to take care of this problem...unless something is fixed. What was with that tiger and why did she want it so bad?

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  Kuri

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  Empty Sun Dec 11, 2016 3:53 pm


"Tch... So that's how it is.", Alisa clicked her tongue in a very slight display of frustration... Dropping the prize the first time could be counted as bad luck, but twice in a row and it started suggesting a different implication. Like most people, Alisa didn't like to feel cheated and she wagered her cousin didn't either. So, she would give them a taste of their own medicine, "Not yet.", was all she could say as she inserted another coin in the machine, narrowing her eyes.

Now it was serious.

Alisa repeated exactly the same as she had done before, but the moment she grabbed the doll, she turned her thoughts into action. Discreetly snapping her finger, she crystallized part of the crane and the doll, effectively gluing the two together temporarily. A faint red cystalline hue indicated her own emotional state when using her magic, even as she tried hiding it: Annoyance.

When the crane passed over the hole, Alisa snapped her finger again, shattering the crystals and dropping the plushie, with no evidence of her little cheating. With this, she picked it up and wiped off the leftover crystal dust before presenting it to Ari cousin with a smile, "Took a while, but there you go, Ari-chan~"

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  Empty Mon Dec 12, 2016 3:33 pm

Her eyes looked at the machine and then at Alisa with a rather grudge-feeling stare. She hated to feel cheated and she most likely hated being made a fool of herself. She saw how her cousin was rather assure of their success by her trying again. What was she going to do? Was she going to do what she could've done? Or was it something else? Nonetheless as the moment passed she would see the tiger being caught and dropped. Succeeding, Alisa picked it up, dusted whatever was on it and gave it to her. Areissa's eyes widened and sparkled as she embraced it tight. ''Kwhaa~ It's so cuute.'' she cheered happily as her aura changed to a rather yellowish color. Her head tilted up to look at her cousin in curiosity. ''So what shall we do now?~'' she wondered curiously as slowly the time passed.

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  Kuri

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  Empty Wed Dec 14, 2016 2:01 pm


Nothing quite like beating a cheater at their own game to put a smile on one's face, with the added bonus of getting the victory she always wanted for adorable Areissa. Alisa could only smile and pet her beloved cousin as she cuddled her new plush tiger and at that moment both of them forgot about all the frustration they went through to get it. Taking the girl's hand once more, Alisa led her through the many game machines on display, soon stepping away from the purely mechanical and into the more electronic. Driving games, shooters, fighting games and others, all out on display:

"Hmm, how about a racing game?", she nodded towards an empty chair, crossing her arms and looking at the demo on screen.

It looked pretty random for racing games, with cartoonish characters riding go karts and flinging turtles at each other. Looked pretty fun indeed.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  Empty Thu Dec 15, 2016 12:51 pm

The plush would feel warm, comforting as she held it against her heart..her chest. The tiger felt as if it was real as she nuzzled it. Slowly she closed her eyes and held it so close to her. What was with this tiger? Why was her own soul feeling so safe with this? Her free hand was soon taken by her cousin which made Areissa look forward as they walked. What were they going to do now? Were they going to play actual games and have fun? It was either that or they would happy to find some game they'd cheat money out of again. If that did happen then Areissa wouldn't take their crap again.

They would look around and then find some racing game. ''Okay!'' she spoke, letted go of her hand and jogged to the other side of the racing game. It was set up so there were two racing chairs - one on each side. The two could go against each other with the NPCs to win. As she plopped her butt on the chair she would insert some coins. ''Kwah~ So cute.'' she would claim as she put her tiger on her own lap. ''We're going to beat her! And everyone else!'' she claimed as if it was some kawaii war. Her eyes would look at all the characters and picked the brown headed princess. ''Alright, let's do this.'' she spoke and smirked as her aura/soul went into the game. Her eyes glowed and changed as shapes appeared and there they would start.

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  Kuri

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  Empty Sat Dec 17, 2016 5:28 pm


With both girls now in their respective chairs, Alisa started the game. There didn't seem to be any real difference between each cart rider other than aesthetics, so the shallow artist just picked the prettiest one and that was it. Once the race begun, however, she soon found how the game really wasn't so much about the race itself, but about knocking your opponents off

"If you think you can, then come at me~", Alisa teased in return, having just figured out how to shoot projectiles at the foes.

Flinging a turtle against an npc, a faint smile appeared on her face as she grew more and more into the game, narrowing her eyes at each opponent like enemies she had to take down...

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  Empty Sat Dec 17, 2016 6:06 pm

Areissa looked into the screen and smiled as she watched what she was doing. Her heart was into the game as well as her soul. she watched as her character swarmed into her car and shot off the glowing turtle shells towards a blonde characters. Then used a mushroom-like boost to go faster to hit second place. Her soul made the electronic give her another as she zoomed. Her smile became wider as her aura went bizarre. Her hair flowed back as her galaxy eyes became the screen itself. What was this? Areissa was really into this. The area was really jungle-like as she felt the heat. Was this some magic hype? She played these games with her cousin for the rest of the day.


8 Bit Adventures [Areissa]  Kuri

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