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Something Blue (Alisa ft. MJ)

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#1Mary Jane 

Something Blue (Alisa ft. MJ) Empty Thu May 25, 2023 12:54 pm

Mary Jane
Hargeon had been overwhelming. There had been good memories, there had been bad ones. There had been very vague ones. So she had seen something that looked like a symbol, that of a horse with like feathers, wings or so, in a blue colour and well... It must be a pegasus. A Blue Pegasus to be honest and now she stood in front of the Guild Hall. She was not sure how Guilds worked, not yet. It was not a memory that she could recognize or a vision that explained more. But maybe that's why she should ask questions. She hoped that someone would be able to actually do so or at least was kind enough to show her where to ask the questions anyway.

But if she was honest, this made her nervous. It felt like she was actually infiltrating someone's house. She shivered, the attack that she had seen in front of her eyes, or well like a vision, returned. The attack of Blue Pegasus? Had that been a thing? Should she ask that as well or would that upset everyone way too much? She twiddled with her thumbs before deciding that this was a quest, and that was apparently normal to ask of Guild members. But as she looked up at the building, it still felt so unsure to step inside. She lingered at the door, should she? Anyone here to ask? But of course, at moments like this, everyone seemed to be gone. Was there a doorbell? She could not remember if Caelum had something like guilds or if that was taken away from her memory as she had always been with the family. Always been in the Cult. She wished that she could be more abrash, more steadfast. She felt like a shy baby and that did not give her answers. So another deep breath and she stepped inside. She could after all honestly excuse herself if this was not the case. Her accent and not yet fluent-Fiorian was probably obvious. Though she was looking for someone, she was certainly quickly distracted and looked around when she entered. It was so pretty here, so different.

Maybe she should focus, and repeat the question. She was looking for answers for Adelaide. She wanted to know what a guild was, she wanted to know the attack on Blue Pegasus, if that was true, and if it were visions or something that happened in the past. She wanted to find someone that looked like... looked like the picture in her memory. With beautiful raven black hair, Adelaide her best friend. Her name started with an A as well. But it was so long ago that she had visions that she could not remember... or well visions about that. If only the other visions had been more clear. This was confusing and frustrating and a mild headache bothered her now as well. Maybe she would get a new one, hopefully, she would not leave a bad impression.


Something Blue (Alisa ft. MJ) Empty Thu May 25, 2023 3:05 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Mary Jane | Stylish Bikini

In Alisa's mind, the war seemed as though it had been almost a whole lifetime ago. Back then she was simply a lone, aloof huntress who travelled across the land in search for quarry. It started as simply a hunt for the dark mages who killed her mother, but, driven by incessant hatred, she bared her fangs against any who even remotely reminded her of those people and the grief they'd brought her family. Compared to the Alisa of those days, the current Guildmaster of Blue Pegasus may as well be a different person.


As she dove into the pool and felt those cool, refreshing waters embracing her whole body head to toe, welcoming her in, so did her thoughts seep away. Truly, there was no better way to finish a workout than a long dip in the pool. And this early in the day, there was nobody else around her. The pool provided a welcomeing relief to the the sizzling heat on her skin after a long, stenuous jog under the morning sun, and gave her a much needed space to clear her head. So much time had passed since the war... She'd fought in yet another war, during which she met the woman of her dreams, married her, built a family with her... And became the master of the Guild that sheltered her since she was a fervent minded teenager. Never in a million years could she expect to meet a blast from the past in a situation such as this:


As Mary Jane looked around for Alisa, she'd inevitably find her outside at the swimming pool, just as the sculptress emerged from the clear blue waters, climbing up the stairs and back onto solid ground one step at a time, long, steady trickles of water cascading down her glistening, curvaceous frame, clad in a stylish swimsuit that seemed more at home in Sorcerer's Magazine than a casual setting such as this... Then again... They were in Blue Pegasus' Guild Hall after all. As her gaze met that of the mysterious woman, though Alisa had never seen her before she couldn't help but feel like she recognized her, as a sense of deja vu filled her body to the core. As she fetched her towel, she held the beautiful woman's gaze, and finally spoke up:

"And who might you be...~?", her throaty, husky voice honeyed as ever, she flashed the mysterious woman a cool, welcoming smile, risining off the water yet dripping down her dark, wet hair, tilting her head ever so softly to the side as she approached her, "If you're looking to join the guild, I'd be happy to induct you."

She knew her... She trusted her instincts well enough to understand that. And yet... Who was she? As Alisa dried her hair, she met the woman halfway, hoping something, anything about her might give away her identity.

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Something Blue (Alisa ft. MJ) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#3Mary Jane 

Something Blue (Alisa ft. MJ) Empty Fri May 26, 2023 12:26 pm

Mary Jane
While still a little hesitant, Mary Jane looked around and wondered what she should do. All the nerves and senses in her body told her to turn around and run. No. Not possible, not if she wanted answers. She felt that this was a collision of her normal nature. The headaches returned and she wished it would all just stop. Not in the sense of her life but that she would know what to do and stop feeling so damn dumb! Answers were out of her reach and nothing was not going to happen if she was not going to continue... But she also told herself two days ago to take it slow. She did not want to get seriously ill from these visions and headaches.

She heard a sound and stared at her left. She had not even noticed that there was a pool. She had been far too deep into her thoughts to notice but now it was hard to notice. She let her eyes go over Alisa and she felt that sharp twang in her head, like someone pushed a sharp knife through her right eyebrow. Although she had never had it, it was the best way to describe it. That face, the beautiful black hair and the bright eyes. She had to close her eyes to look away and blinked a couple of times. Wow that had to be rude. She quickly turned her own golden eyes back to look at the beauty. She was unable to speak, words simply disappeared. The name of this woman was on the tip of her tongue and yet she did not know anything. It was like she saw her twice, a slight younger version of this woman and this one, merched as Mary Jane watched. Right... name. God she started to sound like Michael.

"I am sorry, that was rude of me. I am Mary Jane. I am-I am ehm new to Fiore and I..." and I what? How was she going to explain that she was hunting or following someone's visions? That might even make her weird for Fiore standard. "I am trying to find someone or well answers about her and I was looking for I think her name was Alisa." That made sense right? That was clear she was not here to join the guild but she did not immediately dismiss it as she was new to Fiore. She realised that she mumbled and jumbled up everything. She was not trying to find answers for Alisa, "It's about Adelaide." Okay, now she had to admit how she knew Adelaide if this person could direct her to Alisa. She did not nothing about Adelaide. She assumed thanks to the magic and the visions that the woman was dead. But that would be a horrible thing to say if she was not a hundred per cent certain. She should not have come here. She should turn around and leave, but she could not. Not with all the emotions that she held on to as she thought about the visions.

~#FCC201 [Mary Jane] & ~ #FF9900 [Adelaide]

Something Blue (Alisa ft. MJ) Empty Sat May 27, 2023 12:32 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Mary Jane | Stylish Bikini

Indeed, she knew her... Though she had never seen this woman before, something about her body language hit home, and Alisa knew she'd met her somewhere before. That said, the woman too seemed almost confused as she meandered her way into the guild hall. As though she was looking for something, but wasn't sure which? Alisa kept dyring her hair, and finally draped her towel over her shoulder as she approached the mysterious redhead, brushing that long, silky wet hair away from her eyes as she walked up to her with a smile on her face and a subtle, elegant sway to her hips:

"Not at all... I can understand if it might be a little overwhelming~...", Alisa motioned her hand reassuringly, her smile brightening as an understanding look drew on her face. She could tell from her accent that the woman must be a foreigner, and yet the way she wandered here seemed anything but. Like she knew what she'd find, but didn't at the same time? As such, when she finally mentioned her purpose, Alisa rested her hand against the flare of her hip, adjusting the band of her bikini as her brow arched, "Oh, and who might she be...?"

A member of the guild perhaps? Her curiosity piqued, Alisa hung off the woman's every word, understanding she wasn't here to join her guild, but still wondering who it was that she'd came here to look. And when she heard the name, Alisa's eyes flared. She folded her arms under her full bust and cupped her chin, glancing upwards as she thought back to her old friend:

"Oh... Now there's a name I haven't heard in a while. In a very long time really. We fought together back during the war, but I haven't seen her since her wedding day.", she informed, making it clear she wouldn't be much use in actually finding the woman... More importantly, she felt curious about the connection between the two, and just why this woman felt so familiar, "But how do you know her?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Something Blue (Alisa ft. MJ) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#5Mary Jane 

Something Blue (Alisa ft. MJ) Empty Mon May 29, 2023 1:09 am

Mary Jane
This pretty woman telling her that it might be a little overwhelming was definitely knocking down the impact it had. She did remember Michael's jest and everything but it was well... it was... she was lost for words. How pretty this lady was (and she had no idea who this lady was). She was explaining that she was trying to find someone because of someone else and she realised saying it in the way she had done... Made it all the more confusing. She was looking for an Alisa. Thank god not the Guildmaster called Alice, but that did not matter right now. How to take precious time away from anyone else, it felt a little rude nonetheless. So she was looking for Alisa to talk about Adelaide. Not sure if Adelaide was dead or not, she assumed that she was, why else gain visions.

She took a deep breath and said it, albeit cleared it up and she looked at this model of a person. Yes, Blue Pegasus was definitely for the pretty faces. She noticed the quick change in stance when she dropped the name Adelaide. There was a spark, so this person did know her. Or was this person Alisa? How lucky would that be! Her wedding? She had not had flashbacks or visions of that yet. It was not really flashbacks if it were not your own memories. And the war this woman must be speaking about, that must be the memory of her feeling choked and feeling every bone break in her body. She shuddered for a second.

Obviously the last question was to be expected and yet... no one asked it really before. She opened her mouth to speak, than close it again. How normal was this? Even in a magical world. Should she speak about visions or about another way that she had gained the insights of Adelaide. "I ehm. Eh..." Oopsie, this question overwhelmed her. "I get visions..." See this woman her stance and look in her eyes had changed once she mentioned the name. She had been at the wedding of Adelaide and the blond man that she saw in her visions. So... she must be dear to Adelaide. "I get visions from her life and I am trying to find her or... find her loved ones to tell them what possibly happened." Though she had never seen Adelaide die, it only made sense... right?


Something Blue (Alisa ft. MJ) Empty Mon May 29, 2023 4:23 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Mary Jane | Stylish Bikini

What was her connection to Adelaide...? The mystery nagged away at her, and though she was far too polite to simply ask the question outright and probe into the mysterious woman's past, that didn't stop her doing her damndest to figuring that out herself. Though she did meet her friend after the war, the meeting had been so spontaneous and fleeting that Alisa seldom thought back too hard on it:

"Oh... What kind of visions...?", she inquired, rubbing her chin as she pondered, her brow furrowing. Visions come in all manner of sizes, shapes and forms, but even before the redhead answered this question, Alisa already had a good idea... Why a woman she'd never met seemed so familiar, and why was she wandered along these halls like a lost lamb, and yet had a clear goal of who she wanted to meet? When her words finally cofirmed it, Alisa sighed, her chest rising and falling as she rubbed her towel over her body, dabbing the lingering trickles of wetness before mentioning for the woman to join her as she sat down at the nearest lounge chair, "That does sound like a troubling burden to bear... To have inherited the visions of a complete stranger... I can understand why you'd come to look for me. So..."

Alisa tilted her head, pulling her long hair behind her shoulders as her eyes scanned over the woman once more. Truly, she was as beautiful as the one whose memories she'd inherited, and just as deserving of her place in Blue Pegasus if she so desired. But Alisa knew now she'd come here with a different goal in mind, and she had every intention to assist her:

"How much have you recalled already...? And more importantly... You have me at a loss hmm? You clearly know my name, and yet you never told me yours~", Alisa chimed, a soft, lopsided smile drawing on her glossy pink lips.

Rather than trying to fill in the blanks, she'd first try to hear just what did she knew.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Something Blue (Alisa ft. MJ) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#7Mary Jane 

Something Blue (Alisa ft. MJ) Empty Tue May 30, 2023 1:33 pm

Mary Jane
Hallelujah Mary Jane? Had you not promised yourself not to mention visions and look at her. The next day! She looked at her own feet, not sure how to explain this issue about visions. She again did not want to sound crazy and yet she wanted to find answers. Those moments about the attack on Blue Pegasus and the knights fighting, at least that's what Mary Jane thought she had seen. She could not always hear everything, but she was sure she had heard Adelaide say something about knights. What knights were was still a mystery as well but for now she had found someone that might be able to help.

It was an assumption, that was for sure. But she told Alisa that it was about Adelaide her life. "I have to be honest, I assume she is no longer with us because how else would I get visions of her life." She shivered again when she thought about the fight she had with a prisoner here in the streets of Hargeon. That had been very vivid. "Sometimes her visions overwhelm me and I see how she walked the streets of Hargeon." Would this happen to every city she would go to in Fiore? That would be a heavy burden to carry for sure. She was not sure why the Illumin had given her this but she had to hold on. Find more answers and be able to give this to her loved ones. "So you did know her?" Mary Jane asked relieved, this really was Alisa? That was an obvious expression of that on her face. That she was glad that she might be able to get some answers.

Mary Jane stared with big golden eyes at Alisa when she figured out indeed that she had been so rude as not to introduce herself. A red crimson blush appeared on her pale cheeks. "Oh, I am so sorry. My name is Mary Jane Nightingale. I travelled here from Caelum." Which was only the more strange why she would inherit the Fioran woman her memories. She put her hands on her cheeks as she felt them burning red. God, that was bad. "I eh, I eh had a vision about her wedding, I had a vision about the attack on this guild, something also with a demon. She has been wandering around to find her husband in the last years. I think she was forced to stay away from him after they had been taken hostage. It was hard to understand. I think she ended her journey in Caelum." Almost five or six years ago.


Something Blue (Alisa ft. MJ) Empty Tue May 30, 2023 3:23 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Mary Jane | Stylish Bikini

Well, nothing crazy about visions in a world filled with magic. Alisa didn't think she was being scammed or lied to in any way, after all, this seemed woefully random for somebody to have cooked it up on the spot. Adelaide had vanished from the public eye years ago. For all anybody know, she might not even be alive anymore... Her name bought little weight, and far too little advantage one might gleam from it when not even Adelaide's own husband would easily trust a woman claiming to have inherited her memories. Alisa knew Kon well enough but even to the public he wasn't known for being warm and trusting, easily evidenced by his actions up until now.

"Hmmm, one thing doesn't exclude the other...", Alisa shook her head, thinking back to all the organizations Adelaide had worked for throughout the course of her career, "Rune Knights are subjected to plenty of checkups and examinations... It's not entirely unfeasible that somebody could have taken her memories without needing to kill her. And the Holy Knights are even more secretive. They were known to give their members powers Earthland hasn't seen since."

Her hands came to rest behind her back as she slowly eased herself back onto her lounge chair, propping her head up on her hand as she looked at the woman at her side, motioning for her to join her, smiling as she thought back to her memories of Adelaide... Back in those days, she not in a million years imagined herself in her shoes, inviting everybody and their mother to their wedding, or, even having a wedding, and a family at that. But here she was, happily married and a mother of two. She did skip the big wedding of course, so Alisa had that going for her:

"I did know her. About as well as you can know somebody you fought beside~... Country was fairly hectic in those days. I know it may seem as much right now, but back then... Disasters were never alone?", she explained, her smile fading as rubbed her temple. However unstable the country still was, it had been doing much better since, "Fufu~... Pleasure to meet you Mary Jane. Call me Alisa~... And hmm... Maybe she's still there then?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Something Blue (Alisa ft. MJ) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#9Mary Jane 

Something Blue (Alisa ft. MJ) Empty Mon Jun 12, 2023 12:14 am

Mary Jane
For the first time, Mary Jane realized that memories did not mean death. Alisa explained something that she had never thought of. Knights. Rune Knights or Holy Knights. They might be able to take someone's memories and insert it into another being. But why... and when would they have found Mary Jane. So this was not magic? This was not something done by the Divine? It felt like her world which had been very colourful turned out to be just black and white. Was that why she had been called a miracle? Because they inserted memories into her mind? Than who was Mary Jane and who was Adelaide and and and... stop. This would not give her any help at the moment.

She watched Alisa motion her to sit down and although a bit clumsy, she followed the example. She wanted to know so much about the woman whose memories she apparently inherited. This might mean that she was alive. Thank god she found Alisa first before actually telling someone that Adelaide was dead. She swallowed that feeling of bile and disaster away from her throat. The country had been in disray. Well, thank god she had not been here. She was not sure if she could handle that.

This really was Alisa, how lucky Mary Jane had been. She looked the woman up and down, the red blush not instantly disappearing from her cheeks. However she froze and closed her eyes when she heard the last words. Maybe Adelaide still was in Caelum? Than she had traveled to the wrong country. "Than I need to figure out where she is so we, I mean I can rescue her." Maybe that was her task, not actually finding her loved ones, but finding her... the real Adelaide. Though it might be helpful if her loved ones were tough and powerful mages that wanted to help... Alisa was far more impressive in probably everything than this little nightingale ever would be.


Something Blue (Alisa ft. MJ) Empty Tue Jun 13, 2023 3:19 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Mary Jane | Stylish Bikini

She heard about the woman's own husband being subjected to similar procedures, even if by now, she didn't exactly know for sure which of Kon's many employers over the years would have subjected him to such horrifying procedures. Without the memories that make you who you are... Who are you really? The reverse is also true. For this woman, now endowed with the memories of a woman she'd never met... How could she ever tell where her own self ended and Adelaide's began? How would those memories influence her personality? Alisa shuddered at the thought, which she saw as an attack on a person's very being. Neither Adelaide nor Kon had any blame in this, but she held no love for whoever had done this:

"Once again... The fact that you have her memories now doesn't necessarily mean she's in any immediate danger?", pragmatic as always, Alisa called upon years of experience of dealing with the supernatural, years of wars in various shapes and form... her eyes narrows as she met the redhead's gorgeous hues, "And if she is in any danger... So will you be as well if you rush in headfirst. When the time comes, I'll help you, if you need it."

In the end, she flashed her a soft smile. But she knew you couldn't possibly comb through an entire country and find someone who most likely didn't want to be found, or was being held by somebody who felt the same way. Alisa ran her hands down her ponytail, rinsing some last loose droplets out of her hair as she watched as Mary Jane sat down, reaching out and resting her hand on hers with a soft smile:

"Now... Do any of her memories tell you who she may have met in Caelum? Or what part of the country she could be in?", whether she was simply looking for Adelaide, rescuing her, or both... The more she knew the quicker she'd find her. There were some adventures to a more... Calculated approach, so long as one could muster the patience to enact them. It wasn't easy... Alisa knew that if something happened to Sofia she'd be beside herself with worry, and probably jump in headfirst without thinking... But her smile was empathetic, understanding. She knew that if such a time ever came, she'd want someone she trusted to help keep her cool, "Alternatively... That there are certain powers you could learn that would easily reveal her location."

Magic in this world was limitless in its potential, after all... One only had to find the right tool for the task at hand.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Something Blue (Alisa ft. MJ) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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