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Heist Surveillance

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Heist Surveillance  Empty Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:41 pm


Today she was going to meet Neil in the back alley in the town square. She was curious in what he wanted to talk about as he was going to tell her something. Once she got to the alley, she then looked around and make sure no one was behind her. Thankfully, no one was stupid enough to follow her, as she then went inside of the building that she was going to scope out. Today she was going to scope out, see how many security cameras, employees, and all the other things that could possibly harm his mission. Today, she was wearing a black cat outfit without the headpiece. She had some black boots on with her black pants and a black shirt as she liked wearing black today. Her pink hair matched perfectly with her outfit as pink and black were very good at mixing with each other.


Heist Surveillance  Empty Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:41 pm


Once she entered the building, she realized that there were a lot of guards around. Her eyes started account for each one as she was wondering which one was actually not paying attention. Those kinds of details were really important. She counted about 7 inside the whole building within the first area. She noticed that they were all staring at her, though, as they noticed her entering. She took a deep breath as to calm herself as she started to walk forward. As she goes further into the building without raising any sauce, attitudes, or positioning. She studied account more. Her eyes noticed more room nights as they were more several employees in actual establishments. Highest counted exactly for. One person was doing paper, which she assumed that was a secretary. The other one was by a desk and the other two were chatting with each other by some barrel of water.


Heist Surveillance  Empty Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:41 pm


As she was walking around, she was just paying her own mind as she didn't bother anyone. A girl with a pencil skirt came over and asked if she needed anything. This was why, as she was wearing the typical banker attire to attract attention. Was she the busy body of the whole entire floor? She shook her head no and told her that she didn't need any assistance and was just looking around to see if she should stay here or not. Her eyes looked around even more as she noticed the guards weren't looking at her much anymore. It seemed like she got Scott free out of being watched 24/7. The thing she noticed, though, was that there were several cameras in the inside of the area. In her head, she drew a map of exactly what was aware so she could draw an actual map when she left.


Heist Surveillance  Empty Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:41 pm


It would be really suspicious if she brought a pen and paper to draw things in here. As she was finishing her walk, she looked around and saw that there was the vault. And she saw that it was powered by magical crystal, that she really hasn't seen before. Once again, she was trying to draw the map of the wet. The crystal looks like while she was standing there. The more she looked at the, the more she realized she was then being watched by a guard. He slowly came up to her and asked her questions on what her purpose was in here. She told them that she thought this was some other place that she was supposed to look for for her sibling. He believed the story, and she exited the building, telling them that they don't need to be here anymore. She returned to the alley and told Neil all her details.


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