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Super Best Friends [Blue Pegasus/Invite]

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 Super Best Friends [Blue Pegasus/Invite]  Empty Fri Nov 25, 2016 8:40 am



It must be a cold day in hell for her to be getting a personal letter from the Guildmaster. In all three years as a Guild member that didn't happen even once to speak of, and now here it was, a stamped letter in her hands. Apparently he had a job for both her and Finn, but that in and of itself wouldn't be enough to warrant an urgent letter; no, the Master had other ideas as she soon read. He wanted two of his strongest members to team up, yes, but the chiefly important part was why: They were to take three more inexperienced members and bring under their wing. The job was thus not so much gauged for her or Finn's power levels, but that of rookie members whose names she didn't even know yet. Did Master handpick them? The absence of any names implied he didn't, and they were to find the those three members themselves.

There had to be other Pegasus in Crocus, right? The only question was; who?

Would Alisa be acquainted with them? Maybe... She wasn't the most assiduous frequenter of the Guild Hall even if she did enjoy spending time there... Her own quest and missions usually took precendence, her newfound partnership with Finn would have been the first step towards changing that. In the end she expected to recognize their faces and names once they did arrive.

As for the meeting place, the guild master had decided that part himself as well: The artisan's building in Crocus. After a short walk through rainy streets, there was Alisa, absently staring at the various pieces of artwork on display, holding a soaked umbrella and clad  in a stylish blue outfit with golden trims, an outward sign her guild members would likely pick up even if they didn't recognize her immediately...

@Finn @Silas @Ariel @Snowflake


Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

 Super Best Friends [Blue Pegasus/Invite]  CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#2Tenshi † 

 Super Best Friends [Blue Pegasus/Invite]  Empty Fri Nov 25, 2016 10:56 am

Tenshi †
Finn had been given orders, though not from the Guild Master. This was a letter from Jake, though the letter contained a powerful suggestion from the older brother. Apparently, in Finn's absence, there had been a deal struck between the adventurers brother and the guild master. The blond haired boy was to meet with Alisa and some other guild members to form a team. The letter essentially stated that while Finn had enjoyed (and preferred) taking requests solo or with Jake, they needed him to do so with other members from now on. Such a thing wasn't necessarily bad, but it was odd.

The reasons behind this decision were many. Finn had only the briefest idea as to why this had happened, his assumption being that they wanted Finn to help bring up some of the more inexperienced members along with the strongest of the guild, Alisa. What the young man had no idea of was the fact that this was almost as much for him as it was for the other members. This was an attempt for force Finn to socialize with more humans, and to make actual connections with them.

Finn arrived at the meeting place, relatively drenched by the rain that he had no cover for. Stepping inside and ringing off his clothes the best he could, he has lucked into a wind mage at the gate who sent a gust at him (per request). Mostly dried, and now fairly cold, Finn shuffled into the building and quickly found Alisa. "H-h-hey there Alisa. I f-figured you'd b-be here first" he said through chattering teeth, rubbing his arms in an attempt to warm himself.

 Super Best Friends [Blue Pegasus/Invite]  D09aavQ
#3Venus Rosé 

 Super Best Friends [Blue Pegasus/Invite]  Empty Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:18 pm

Venus Rosé


Queen Of Tempest

Silver hues glided along the lines written on the brittle yellow pages of the letter that was delivered at her door. A team? The Blue Pegasus insignia stamped at the bottom at the page confused her even further and made her wonder why the guild master would want her to be in a team. Perhaps to gain experience from the other members and to socialize with them, which was a major flaw of Snowflake. As someone who preferred to be alone and who is terrible at holding conversations, being forced to be in a team made her feel slightly uncomfortable – not to mention, she barely knew anyone from the guild. I guess there’s no other choice. A sigh escaped her lips and quickly folded the letter with two of her fingers before she began dressing up to meet the other members of her so-called team.

The sound of the rain pattering against her umbrella and the howling of the wind echoed throughout the empty streets. The weather was chilly but her attire stated otherwise: a large white T-shirt, a pair of ripped shorts and flip flops. The cold never bothered her much but she hated the rain – the feeling of having your body soaked and drenched was an unbearable thought for her. Her blue sandals splashed through the stream of water that coursed down the uneven road and soon, she would arrive her destination. The building stood tall above her and the young maiden would involuntarily glance upwards to the top of the building while clutching onto her umbrella.

Her attention shifted towards to a young girl standing outside the building, accompanied by a male friend of hers. There was no one else in the surrounding which led her to the assumption that they were no other than the members of Blue Pegasus. Upon approaching them, Snowflake would gently wave towards them as a greeting and bowed slightly.

#4Blake VanderDekken 

 Super Best Friends [Blue Pegasus/Invite]  Empty Tue Dec 06, 2016 11:26 pm

Blake VanderDekken
 Super Best Friends [Blue Pegasus/Invite]  Tumblr_inline_o5p17n3Q4E1rg41vg_500

Silas walked in the rain with nothing but his rain poncho. He walked knowing he was annoyed at the master for essentially forcing him to practice magic. Silas had a deep fear of practicing again after everything that happened that resulted in his magic being drained to begin with but he never assumed the master would just force Silas back into the midst of things so soon. The rain poured on the thought baring blonde as he continued to march through Crocus looking for this damn building he was suppose to be meeting his guild teammates at. "This can't be that bad can it?" said Silas after a deep sigh and his continuance through Crocus.

"Las, I believe your break from magic is coming to an end. I along with others in the guild believe you need to get back out there. And because of this belief i'll be needing you to travel to Crocus. There you along with three other wizards will align to become one of Blue Pegasus's brightest teams. You may be concerned about the lack of magic you face, but I assure you just as your heart remains strong your magic does too" Silas read those words in his head in the voice of his master as he wondered why his master believed in him sometime. Rain dripped on the letter as Silas continued to hold it as he walked towards the destination.

The giant building was obviously the one he needed to go in judging from its amazing art design. A sign before Silas walked in saw him remove his poncho and through it in the trash, his clothing was damp and his heart was heavy. Silas truthfully didn't think he belonged here with his comrades as he didn't think he was up to the task these days. A sign along with three other oddly placed people allowed Silas to realize where he was going. As he walked up to the three he realized one of them was Alisa, one of the guilds strongest members. "Oh, hey guys. I didn't expect for it to be you three. You must have gotten the letter also" said Silas towards his guild partners. He recognized Finn and Alisa but the third person was someone he didn't recognize.

#5Chelvaric Walderkat 

 Super Best Friends [Blue Pegasus/Invite]  Empty Fri Dec 09, 2016 9:20 am

Chelvaric Walderkat
Chelvaric was walking in the dripping rain. He didn’t like to take showers or be near water as it is. But now he was being forced to take an obligated shower. He sighed deep as his breath flew in front of him as a small cloud. Cold and rain two aspects of crocus that sometimes were sticking up like a sore spot on the otherwise perfect smooth face of the city. The past days had been perfect. Nice hot weather and cool breeze of wind. He had been slacking off sleeping on the roofs after Halloween passed. It was nearly time to be merry. But before he could start preparing for that he needed to do some guild activity. He received a letter from the guild master himself. He didn’t know much about him nor did he remember much of him as he only briefly saw him when he joined the guild. But the letter had been very specific. He needed to go to the artisan building in crocus to join up with some stronger members and some other rookies to become stronger. He didn’t mind the casual team job now and then. Besides it would do him good to meet some more people of the guild.

He was bothered by the rain but his goal made him happy enough to go trough it. He ran from shelter to shelter to get as little rain as possible. After a while, he finally arrived at the building. He waited outside for a while first to look at the most beautiful and artistic works on a building he had seen in a long time. You could see that the people who made the building invested lots of time and skill to work it off to perfection. If he would see the people who made this he had to give them a thumbs up for a good job delivered.

After this small break, he ran to the doors and pushed them open. The warmth of the inside coming from the fires was like a women’s embrace after a long day of work. He saw snow as the only person he recognised. She was surrounded by three other persons but he had never seen them before. There was a boy with bright blond hair. A young girl with dark hair and a more stylish looking guy. He walked up and stuck his hand up in greetings. He smiled to snow for meeting her again wich was a pleasant surprise. “Hello everyone. I guess were all here for the same reason.”, he said calmly but with a little tad of joy in his tone.


 Super Best Friends [Blue Pegasus/Invite]  Empty Tue Dec 13, 2016 5:18 pm



Finn was the first to arrive, his shivering voice enough for Alisa to turn around and flash her elegant smile in greeting, "Hello there Finn. Not that far off yourself~", with this, she approached a different sculpure, standing right next to a heater. This choice was obviously not random, it should invite Finn to join her next to the precious source of heat, "I hope the others won't keep us waiting long... That said, I don't even know who exactly are we waiting for, do you?", she'd cross her arms and ask him with a raised eyebrow.

Thankfully, that question would answer itself soon enough.

The following trio arrived one by one but in quick succession, and just as she predicted two out of three were rookies she didn't recognize. Granted, she didn't visit the guild that often, but she made a point to know the faces of most members older than a few months.

"Good afternoon everyone...!", she waved in greeting, eyeing each of them in turn, before finally settling on those whose names she didn't know, "I've met Finn and Silas, but not either one of you.", asking questions without actually asking a question was a skill of Alisa's, "I'm Alisa Vollan."

After she gave her name, she glanced at Finn, wondering whether or not he had met either of the others: A girl with steely blue hair and a silvery blonde guy, all of them beautiful for the vain Blue Pegasus guild. Silas was indeed the odd one out in the whole arrangement. It seemed wierd to call him a rookie when he was already a member when she first joined, but then Alisa didn't notice him going on that many missions. Perhaps his skills had rusted as a result? If so, then a few missions were just about all he might need for getting back in shape.

@Finn @Silas @Chelvaric @Snowflake

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

 Super Best Friends [Blue Pegasus/Invite]  CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#7Tenshi † 

 Super Best Friends [Blue Pegasus/Invite]  Empty Wed Dec 14, 2016 9:59 am

Tenshi †
Finn had helped himself to the space near the statue, his body shivering with relief as his body relaxed. Keeping his arms crossed over the front of his chest in a desperate attempt to retain heat, he positioned himself in a way to where his arm was on Alisa's. Grinning as he did so, he gave her a sort of look that begged the question "Cold, isn't it?" His entire body began to warm up as the other guild members came in one after another, and as Finn allowed himself to get comfortable he ended up in a sitting position. Placed in front of the statue that allowed him to receive heat, he gave each of the members a nod.

Not one of them was a person he was familiar with, excluding Alisa. He had seen Silas around, but that was the extent of their knowledge. A pang of guilt swept through him. He didn't even know their names. What a shitty guild mate he was, eh?

"I'm Finn, nice to meet you guys," he said, his voice containing a depth of warmth and a welcoming vibe. He gave them a smile, and quickly imposed each of their faces into his brain. This would be his team. This would be who he would protect with his life, from this point forward. He wonder if they even knew the reason for being brought here? No worries, Alisa would handle the more conversational matters.

 Super Best Friends [Blue Pegasus/Invite]  D09aavQ
#8Venus Rosé 

 Super Best Friends [Blue Pegasus/Invite]  Empty Tue Dec 20, 2016 10:29 am

Venus Rosé


Beyond The Sun & Stars

The downpour had yet to stop as drops of rain lightly pattered against the cemented ground. The blue haired maiden shook the water off her umbrella before encasing back in its bag. She would glance up into the sky and noticed how the clouds had partly concealed rays of sunlight from her sight. A cold sensation tickled her skin and she heaved out a sigh of frustration when she noticed her shoulders and her hair slightly were drenched. Snow smoothed her cerulean locks onto one side of her shoulder and attempted to dry the wet ends.
Soon after her arrival, more Blue Pegasus members began to show up at the artisan’s building. Among them all was only one familiar face. The girl failed to maintain her astonishment as her eyes grew wide at his appearance. Receiving a smile from Chelvaric, Snow would return a nod towards him in courtesy.

Silver hues travelled over the gazes of the ones she had not met before and bowed once again. ”I call myself Snowflake. But, Snow is fine too.” She paused briefly, averting her gaze elsewhere and wondered if she should add anything more to her introduction. She was a reserved and a quiet girl herself, not to mention – extremely awkward as well. ”Nice to meet you all.” she added, her voice soft and soothing as a gentle breeze, despite how she appeared completely absent-minded.

#9Blake VanderDekken 

 Super Best Friends [Blue Pegasus/Invite]  Empty Tue Dec 27, 2016 11:07 pm

Blake VanderDekken
Lol just skip me. Nothing to do in my post.


 Super Best Friends [Blue Pegasus/Invite]  Empty Wed Jan 11, 2017 3:29 pm



"Do you want my jacket~?", she quipped playfully, fully aware her warm coat was the only reason she wasn't shivering like he was, deceptively warm as it was.

Jokes aside, he'd warm up in a few minutes indoors like this, though if the other three arrived quickly enough he wouldn't have time. Or not... Once they did and Alisa introduced herself, the next to do so was Finn, quickly followed by the girl whose name was Snowflake. Interesting name, enough that Alisa wondered where did her parents got it from.

"Looking forward to working with you all.", shed finally say, looking at each of them in turn, memorizing the faces of her new teammates.

Indeed she was, Alisa rather looked forward to see for herself what these guildmates were capable of. What kind of magic did they wield, how would they use it? Granted, she could ask, but then again that would pretty much ruin the fun of it all. No, Alisa would wait and see.

"Well then, with our team now founded, our Odyssey begins.", she'd state, looking back and nodding towards the door, "Lets see what the mission has in store for us, shall we~?"


@Finn @Silas @Chelvaric @Snowflake

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

 Super Best Friends [Blue Pegasus/Invite]  CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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