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Family Reunion

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#1Miyu Kento 

Family Reunion  Empty Wed Jan 11, 2017 1:01 am

Miyu Kento
It was silent in the Forrest. She consoled herself with the relaxed breathing acceppting the peace of this Silence. As she then heard the chime of bells in the distance she knew it was her favourite hour and how to enjoy it in nature itself. Kneeling down she was preparing Tee with the equiptment she tends to bring in a bag hidden in one of the sleeves of her Kimono. As it was a ceremony she prepared the tea whisking the powder with the steaming hot water which was cooked a while ago in a bowl. She only start to drink the tea when it was warm but not hot letting the soothing liquid touch her lips. She perked up hearing footsteps in the distance. She gradually to around to the direction where the sound originated to then greet the stranger.


Family Reunion  Empty Wed Jan 11, 2017 8:21 am


Growing fond of the many forests that were thoroughout Fiore, Kon had decided to go off the beaten track and into one that neighboured with Orchidia town where he had been staying for several weeks now, every now and again as he pause for his companion, Sparky to catch up with him as he stopped to eat the patches of grass not covered by snow. His decision to go into the forest was purely on a whim and he didn't expect to find much, however as the blond haired staff wielding mage continued to go deeper into the forest he came across a pink haired woman dressed in a kimono of all things. As he moved closer her attention was drawn to him turning around to face him, confused and socially uncomfortable as unusual around women in particular attractive ones he could help stammering his words slightly though hiding it with a shiver to hide his nervousness. "Are-are you-you okay there?, It's rather cold, with all this snow and strong winds you must be freezing." Breathing out leaving a mist could behind. "Here borrow my jacket for now." With him finishing by stomping the staff into the ground causing it to stand on end and taking off his warm coat to put over the woman.

#3Miyu Kento 

Family Reunion  Empty Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:50 am

Miyu Kento
Emotionless she watched the blonde haired mage coming towards her. She slightly tilted her Head to the side while her doll like eyes opened by the surprise of his kind Gesture. Her slender finger slid open the Fabrics of the jacket placed on to her slightly brushing over his skin. His seemed familiar in her eyes from her past but who was he. To his question she lend him a smile before speaking. "I am fine ... I was enjoying the peace of this place ... " The other hand was holding her tea. She glance down and looked up to him "Would you also care for a cup of tea?" A strand of her Violet hair fell into her face as the chilly wind greeting them.

The young flower maiden let the mag reapear from its hiding place from her sleeve while preparing the second cup of tea. She had the Cooker already out but refilled the small pot with Water. The bad had a green powder which she slightly poured alittlebit into the wooden bowl. The Pressure of the steam made a squeling noise as it was hot enough. Pouring the hot water again in the bowl she used a whisk which she throughly mixed the powder with the water making a perfect tea. Pouring it into the second cup she had she handed over to him giving a polite bow. "Enjoy..."

Getting her cup back in her Hand she took a second sip while looking to him. She gave him a polite nod while sending him another heart warming smile. For herself being shy she had enough courage to strike up a conversation with him. "Sorry for my manners I myself haven't introduced myself properly. My Name is Miyu Kento and with whom do I have the aquatience with, if I do so ask." Her voice was loud clear though soothing and hypnotising in a way.


Family Reunion  Empty Thu Jan 12, 2017 7:47 am


Having donated his warm jacket for the woman in her kominio, Kon swiftly grew cold as he had only been wearing his vest and blue shirt. With the sudden change in body heat he shivered even so slightly far less than most due to his heritage and his upbringing in the mountains. Satisfied with the response he received concerning her wellbeing, Kon nodded slightly. With her further statement revealing her reason for being there was largely the same as his, he perked up a slight grin which if questioned about, he would merely inform her that was it was the same reason he was out here as well. For now though she seemed content even offering him some of her tea, happy to accommodate and share company with another he would gladly join her. "I'd love some, thank you."

Taking a seat opposite to her with his companion nearby nibbling on some grass, he begun to look at the girl properly. "There's something about this girl that looks familiar, what though?" Kon thought to himself as he tried to recall where he recognized her from. Dazed in his own thoughts, he paid little attention to the workings of the woman as she prepared the tea, until of course She actually offered the hot beverage and spoke to him.

Blowing on the drink briefly to prevent it from burning his tongue Kon took a sip of the tea when he got around to taking the first taste of it he was astounded by the quality. As a man whom was never fond of tea he had to say it was the best tea he had ever had, later he would thank the woman deeply for now though he would enjoy his drink and listen as the woman introduced herself. Echoing in his mind as her name left her lips, "Miyu Kento." his thoughts were seemingly scattered as he tried to reveal the relationship between him and her in the past, without success he would be forced to rely on her memory instead by revealing his own name.

In an attempt to hide his interest he would merely provide his name in a way that would be least hostile and suspicious. "Ah Thank you for the tea, Miyu I hope you don't mind me calling you Miyu, as for my name it is Konstantin, Konstantin Sokolov, though my friends call me Kon."

#5Miyu Kento 

Family Reunion  Empty Thu Jan 12, 2017 8:46 am

Miyu Kento
She felt comforted of that her offer was aceppted. She noticed him being lost in his thoughts. It made her rather curious but due to the facial expression she looked familiar to him which is no suprise she herself had the same thoughts of the stranger. She was rather more of the scared nervous being and fled often by the contact of other people in which atlas tried to help her improve. He on the other hand brought her to ease showing more of her noble and true friendly nature.

Her eyes opened by surprise as she heard his name. "Sokolov .... I know you ... well your family. When I was young child ... My mother brought me to her sister , my aunt. I was sick and my parents didn't have the money to give me the proper care I needed. I was though isolated in that room and due to my Aunts death the hours of lonliness grew stronger. Though one of my cousins sneaked in ... smuggling treats .... it has been years though..." She said with a weak smile but her typical daily dissiness came in. Her eyes slightly closed as she dropped her cup spilling the leftover tea it contained. She fell foward closing her eyes. Her cheeks felt cold as ice as she was staying here in the cold for a lot longer than a while. Maybe to hide away from a crowd or someone.


Family Reunion  Empty Fri Jan 13, 2017 7:03 pm


Shocked by the realization that they had met each other many years ago, prior to the death of his mother, Kon froze and slowly lowered his cup to the table nearby. Her words compounded the fact as she informed him that they were related through their mother which astounded him because he met another one of his long-lost cousins in Orchidia only a few days ago. Apparently, they had met each other as a result of her poor health which required the expert care of the top doctors that only money could afford meaning their family was forced to rely on the wealth of his own family.

Faintly Kon remembered the arguing between his mother and father regarding the health of an individual and obviously it had been to do with Miyu but it was something he would refrain from commenting on. As she finished speaking her wellbeing seemingly took a turn for the worse as she fell into herself spilling her tea across the snow causing steam to rise from where it landed. Concerned for his cousin's health, Kon rushed to her side unfortunately not before she could hit the cold snow covered ground.

Unsure of what to do to help the woman, Kon would have to carry her back to Orchidia town either directly or using his Blitzle, unable to depend on his own strength in such a crisis he decided he would call for the equally nervous to carry her back into town. After lifting the extremely light girl onto his saddle and pushing her legs into the Stirrup, he began to lead his companion back. After a ten-minute walk back full of angst, they made it to the town where they rushed to the closest hospital where he could have her checked as he was no where near proficient enough of a medic to look after her.


Family Reunion  Empty Sat Jan 14, 2017 1:33 pm



The emblem in your inventory starts to glow as the number two appears on it. It seems like that the tournament will begin in two days. It's time finish what you were doing around here because on Monday the emblem will teleport you straight to Baska Town.


Family Reunion  Empty Sun Jan 15, 2017 2:55 pm


Suddenly inside his pocket an object began to glow where it came from he didn't know but he felt it had significance even more so than what was happening in front of him, to ensure that Miyu would have the best possible care in the mean time as he left to investigate what the object was precisely in Era town he left over a hundred thousand jewels in the hands of the doctor there.

On top of paying the doctor, Kon left a letter for Miyu to read up her recovery apologizing for his departure as well as informing her that she had numerous other cousins including his brothers and their cousin, Arisa. Having completed the two tasks Kon left the sick woman in better hands and left the town with his companion by his side.


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