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Deep Green [Void Caverns-The Wings of the Void]

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Deep Green [Void Caverns-The Wings of the Void] - Page 2 Empty Thu May 23, 2024 4:59 am

Ittindi would smile some of the sweat dripping off his hair the other freezing as his body’s heat gave off a weird steam mist effect. The creatures below him were dead and underneath laid Lady Lumikki she had been in a defensive position. As everything ended he’d look at their battlefield sans storm winds. The beauty of nature destroyed by civilization; it could be a painting if Ittindi cared for art. He’d hear Brone speak ill of the creature’s supposed origin, he thought of his words with others regarding the void and the island in general. He was still waiting to hear something good, why did he think going to the void for a wish was a good idea?

”Its never a problem Lady Lumikki, call me anytime I’m needed you know how to reach me.”

Ittindi would wonder how Brone had not seen his tattoo until he considered the height difference. He’d walk up casually to Brone then get down on his knee while pointing to his tongue while addressing him.

”Yes Sir Brone, I’m a Captain in the Rune Knights, though I’m due to be a Major pretty soon.  I can see why the Young Master wishes to fight you, you seem to be an honorable warrior the best kind of role model.”

Ittindi would rise up after that he had already given Ixedde a thumbs up before, if he waved or gave him any greeting Ittindi would respond other then that he was going to start surveying the area. Until Lady Lumikki handed him a piece of the core to take back to Headquarters, that would do just fine for his report. He’d smile thanking her again, before he’d start to take off for headquarters.

”Thank you for the piece this will make the report a lot easier to write. Let me know if you hear anything else about something similar happening.”

Ittindi was curious what kind of power was causing these incursions, the void did seem the most likely suspect. In any case another ministry would be able to discover the mysteries of what created the components of the core. As Ittindi headed back to the city he’d let out a sigh he couldn’t wait to dry off and take a hot bath.


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