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IV. Evangelist Armor

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IV. Evangelist Armor Empty Thu Feb 15, 2024 4:12 pm



Name: Evangelist Armor  

Slot: Body

Type: Armor

Class: Legendary

Weight: Heavy

Quantity: Limited

Druability: 3x S-rank

Element: Arcane


Description: A rather beautiful armor piece adorned with gold plating and jewels encrusted throughout. The armor has an aura of purity and magic around it. It was once worn by a famous holy paladin who was said to have died while saving a school of children


Requirements: Must be a Hunter or Adventurer

  • +40 Strength

  • -60 Speed


  • Holy Knight: While wearing the armor, your damage is considered one rank higher against Daemons, Vampires, Werewolves, Liches.

  • Final Stand: When this armor is broken, it will envelop the owner in a shimmering golden light. This light will buff the owner’s Constitution and Endurance by the user’s rank for the following two posts, up to a maximum of S-rank.


IV. Evangelist Armor Empty Tue Dec 03, 2024 6:48 am


I will be buying this for 1,500,000 due to Hunter and Requip Discount which is total 40%


IV. Evangelist Armor Empty Wed Dec 04, 2024 6:00 am


@Yuurei has purchased the Evangelist Armor for 1,500,000 jewels.

IV. Evangelist Armor GPIjkMz

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