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Tōchaku (Karisa)

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Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Empty Mon Jan 29, 2024 9:33 am

"Speak to me" he knew her that much that she yearned for 'something', but her wanted her to say it. But he also wasnt making it easier as he made sure to send waves of pleasure so it'd be hard for her to talk. He liked to 'torture' her that way. Make her plead for it but also make it difficult

Meanwhile, Kyu really wasnt in the mindset to think was this Karisa or a clone. Instead he merely focused on the raw pleasure and movement. He doesnt know how much he can go before he makes true on that comment about giving her cubs. He was merely going on pure instinct. He merely let out a low growl as he kept her in place to he can keep going harder. Though he knew eventually the time would come when all good things come to an end

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Empty Mon Jan 29, 2024 10:04 am


Her face kept red as she listened to his Caelish words. Her eyes closed even behind the blindfold as she loved his voice. "D-Dae-seong... I..." she started to say as she then told him how she wanted him to taste her in her most innocent way. Her heart was beating as she wanted him to taste her, rather it's her chest, or in the most sensitive area as a whole. Nothing else mattered as the noise outside of this room were non-existent. The wars, the fighting, the past - none of it mattered as she could just sense him. She wondered what her clone and Kyu were doing honestly though since her clone was her, but she didn't put in enough magic to link her senses with her own. She wondered if she should.

Asirak on the other hand was feeling everything as she felt her body on fire, she cried in sweet pleasure as she felt her body being ravaged by the Kitsune man that was her friend and Karisa's lover's companion. She felt so odd, but so good, perfect since she was also the odd one being a clone of well, herself in a sense. She loved every word from his lips and the walls were tightening around the shaft as she felt him hit the cervix of her body over and over, feeling him truly becoming feral from the raw pleasures and emotions. Suddenly... Asirak then felt something, as if her body was also being felt, was Karisa connecting to her clone?

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Sigme10

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Empty Mon Jan 29, 2024 10:10 am

Meanwhile he pulled his finger out to taste it and lick it and tease her "Delicious. Maybe I should have some of that myself~" he spoke as he kissed her and went lower and lower to get a taste of Karisa, but also to be a tease

Back to the other duo, Kyu was unaware that Karisa was mentally connecting to the clone and merely told Asirak, between breath that he's close, questioning somewhat does she want him to pull out, considering she belongs to Dae-seong and not him. He didnt want an unfortunate accident to ruin a couples chances of a kid. It was his brief moment of clarity between the heat. Of course the primal side didnt care and wanted to stay in her, but the reasonable part thought it was best to pull out. So between the motions of pleasure, he asked Karisa or rather Asirak to be te tie breaker

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Empty Mon Jan 29, 2024 10:30 am


Karisa gasped softly, embarrassed as she heard him say how she tasted delicious. It was something a woman craved to hear in her state. His kisses were like cushions of sweet wet love as could feel the tension. At the same time as he was finally at the core and went in, her link finally found it's way to her clone, making her back arch and shiver, 'Oh god... what are those two doing? I...' her head arched back, her shoulders raised a little as the chill of pleasure shocked through her. Her toes curled, she bit her lip to not let out the largest cry in pleasure as she felt two things at once. 'Oh... oh man... I think they're fucking each other too, I can feel what my clone is feeling right now!' Karisa thought as her fingers gripped the sheets even tighter. Her mind was on mainly Dae-Seong though.

Meanwhile, Asirak listened to his words of being close as she smiled with her pants, "Kyu...~ I want to reposition and see you...~" She spoke as they'd do so quickly, her eyes gazing up at his face as he'd do this. Her legs wrap around him to keep him there, her arms around his neck as she pulled him down to kiss as they had their final cries of pleasure.

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Sigme10

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Empty Mon Jan 29, 2024 10:42 am

He opened one of his eyes and looked at her or what he can see from his position as she wondered what those 2 are doing. Whatever it was it was in waves. When she said mentally that she thinks that those two are also going at it, Dae-seong replied "Oh? Keep the link open? Cant hurt to maximize that blindfold pleasure you have, speaking of which" he would go and 'feast' on her, because he knows she wanted him to taste her

Back at the doppelganger couple, she said that she wants to reposition, he nodded and briefly pulled away to let her reposition, before he'd go back to his spot and let out that final loud cry of pleasure, their grand finale that sure ended in a bang. He never experienced something like this, on this level of pleasure that finally he was getting back to his senses

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Empty Mon Jan 29, 2024 11:16 am


Karisa was surprised of what Dae-Seong said and yet she did it anyway because he was okay with it. As he went down, she cried in pleasure in the sweet, soft song of her siren-like voice. Her body danced towards his sweet mouth and soul as her body never felt so alive other than their first time together. She wanted more, something inside of her wanted more types of pleasure like a wild animal wanted to experience everything the world had to offer. She had to calm her inner self as it felt like it was on fire. Her hand snaked towards the back of his head as she rode towards him faster, deeper as her eyes rolled back and she was on the brink of ecstasy already. She had never felt happier in this way than now. Karisa could feel Asirak completely gone in the sense that they finished and it made her body tense. "D-Dae-Seong... it's driving me wild.. I... I don't know how much longer i can last with this," Karisa felt herself drifting away from all logic, sanity, and more for this, for everything he has to give and more.

Asirak on the other hand was already gone in that sense as after they were finished, she collapsed back, she yawned softly and gazes away blushing before glancing back at Kyu as she waited for any questions he had now that he was finally off of his heat and mode.

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Sigme10

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Empty Mon Jan 29, 2024 11:24 am

He pulled away from her to come back towards the top and kiss her neck, but also to hold her wrists. "You can do it. I know you can" since she felt like she was at wits end from all that pleasure, he did hurry and enter her properly and did that other kink she liked in the dream. The rough one. He liked being rough and he wanted to push her limits and see how much she can take it. He also hoped, this would be the One where she can finally get her wish

Kyu also lied on his back, still in human form and licking his lips as he still remembered that taste on his tongue. It was addicting taste. He looked at Asirak, to see how was she, which was his question "How are you?" now he was starting to think clear and question was this Karisa or a clone

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Empty Mon Jan 29, 2024 11:37 am


Karisa arched and felt her wrists being pinned as she felt him take her to a whole new level like the dream. He was being quite rough, she loved it when he was possessive, when both of them were possessive in a way. She wondered though, how possessive and in love was he with her? Was he like her with the darkness or was he truly like the way he was in the nightmare he was having? "D-Dae-Seong... keep going, more.~" she yearned for more, to also feel his lips against hers. Her soft volumptous form was motioning which his hard body ramming into hers. Her cries were erotic and alluring.

Asirak smiled tiredly and looked back at him with her brown chocolate eyes and smiled sweetly. "Tired, but good, but as if I could take a nap for awhile...~" she giggled and snuggles against the bed that was Kyu's. "I can already see many questions on your face, Kyu~ go ahead and ask them," she softly spoke.

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Sigme10

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Empty Mon Jan 29, 2024 11:48 am

When she heard him yearning for more, it made him go more, like a burning flame. Rougher, harder, deeper, faster. Everything like that dream. He made sure as he gripped her wrists tightly so she couldnt move, it was kinda like bondage, just minus being tied up as he did her. Granted he was holding her to restrict her as he pleasures her. It was like checking off another one from their kink list. Like, he didnt wanna move away from her to do it properly for that kink, so he just held her down

Kyu did have questions and he was a bit blushing, which you could only see in his human form. The way she looked at him did make him feel self concious "Was this ok that we did? What about Dae-seong, would he be ok with it? What if you end up having cubs for real?" he really blushed at the last question.

While he did have hints that this wasnt Karisa, but Asirak, he did miss every hint and is still under the assumption this was the real Karisa. And her eyes were still as mesmerizing. He wanted to pull her close and hold her, but didnt know should he. She was like a forbidden apple and didnt know was this the best thing ever or a regret when Dae-seong finds out with his soul bond. But he did still really like Karisa/Asirak. Rather romantically too, but he didnt know would it be possible to even work. He really did have feelings for her

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Empty Mon Jan 29, 2024 11:59 am


Karisa enjoyed every moment and she felt as if she was really close. She knew she was not going to be able to hold this anymore as much as she wanted this to last forever. The track of time was lost to her, to them and probably to the doppelgangers that were them in their own ways. Karisa wanted to hold onto him right, for her nails to mark his back, something different within her wanted to mark him everywhere with her nails, her teeth and more. "Dae-Seong... I... I can't," she cried as she was finally going to release all her pent-up from that dream and more. Her body squirmed under and into his.

Asirak gazed at him and gave him a small smile, her kitsune tail swaying as she laid on it a little. "Kyu, a few things... I am Karisa, but I am half of her. You can say I am... a clone, but me and Karisa are about the same and Dae-Seong knows what we did. The Karisa linked herself to me and could feel you... well... doing the things you did with me because," Asirak chuckled cutely and blushes. "We were all doing that at the same time. So they know since Dae-Seong knows what Karisa knows due to the soul bond." Asirak continued and leans to kiss him, giving a light smile. "Are you mad at me for not telling you that I am just half of me?" she tried her best to not frown.

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Sigme10

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Empty Mon Jan 29, 2024 12:10 pm

He let out a grunt as he felt like he was coming in close "Hrm... get ready" was all he said as he felt their time will come for the big finisher, he wasnt sure himself how much time has past. Hell he was disoriented about the time of day, but he didnt care. All he wanted was Karisa.

Kyu listened to what Asirak said, he wasnt mad but merely relieved that Dae-seong wasnt pissed, but also intrigued that this was a clone or half of Karisa
"Half of Karisa.... wait, .... no..... hmm" he was thinking and piecing things together "In the realm, I did meet Karisa's god side. Are you that side of Karisa or a different aspect?" he did remember that while Dae-seong was solving a riddle in her realm that he met the Goddess that helped him and Dae-seong escape. He wondered was this her in a way. Granted, he wondered a lot of things

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Empty Mon Jan 29, 2024 3:11 pm


Karisa blushed hotly as she felt him getting closer, the enlargement of pulses were making her finally crying in sweet paradise as she heard his song, his moan as she loved that sound more than anything. It belonged to her, he belonged to her, and no one... will have his individual attention, love, or physical touch like she does, or at all. When he finally let go of her wrists, she embraced him close, her nails into his back as she nuzzled into his neck, keeping him inside of her as she does this. "Stay like this... for a moment longer..." She whispered with emotion, her eyes watery from the pleasure and intense emotions she was feeling from him, because of him. Karisa was scared of becoming that person she became in not only her dream, but in his nightmare. She smelt his scent and hid her face into the crook of his neck.

Asirak listened to his words and shook her head. "No, I assume you met the speckle of existence of the one who plucked her human soul and gave it to something, someone and created who Karisa is today. The truth is, Karisa doesn't even know if she really is what she is made to believe. Even after everything happened. Dae-Seong doesn't know though... of her anxiety, of mine. What if I'm not human? What if I'm not even a demigod? Hell, I could be some actual god-like celestial space alian. Would he still love me? Would you? Would anyone?" Asirak asked. Asirak was the part of Karisa that was open and spoke openly about her fears, and her inner thoughts. Things that Karisa could not get herself to say or talk about, even think loudly. "I suppose, I am Karisa, half of her, we can just switch those letters about and call me Asirak?" She tried to make it easier for Kyu.

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Sigme10

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Empty Mon Jan 29, 2024 3:28 pm

He softly chuckled and did so, he kissed her cheek and finally undid the tie-blindfold so he can look at her eyes "Hello beautiful~" he would then kiss her lips and wrap his arms around her. He wasnt moving anywhere. He did sense something, like her fears and looked at her now instead of with love, but with worry. He held her close to reassure her everything is fine

Meanwhile, Kyu listened to Karisa's woes and worries, but also the things she explained. Taking it all in before forming his opinion "I see." but first he addressed her worries "You should not dwell whether you are human or not. You are you. And thats what makes you unique. Questioning the unknown will drive you crazy. Worrying about things you cant change will just harm you physically and mentally. So best you can do is relax. All you need to think about is just how beautifully amazing you are. Both you and Karisa. Your scent is like an aphrodisac, it made me behave like never before" when she mentioned her name, he spoke "I will call you Asi for short. Pleased to meet you~"

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Empty Mon Jan 29, 2024 5:43 pm


Karisa did not want to move at all and she was happy that Dae-Seong didn't move either. He felt so nice against her womanly soft body and his lips were like a drug. She could not stop thinking about it all, but saw his gaze and felt his emotions telling her everything was going to be okay. "I love you... dangerously so..." She whispers softly to him. Karisa yawned and stayed liked this, not caring at all about anything else but this.

Asirak have a small warm smile, "Asi it is. And thank you... I'm glad you think I smell that good. You do too..." She blushed and smiles. Relaxing will be quite hard though. You may be excepting but Dae-Seong is... a perfectionist. What if I am something else and he finds it.. not perfect?" Asi spoke softly and looks at Kyu. "You've always been there. Accepting everything. Thank you." Asi spoke and nuzzles his neck.

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Sigme10

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Empty Mon Jan 29, 2024 5:56 pm

"Love, I am here for you. Dont fret. Just think of our future. Our future home, wedding and hopefully we get something else too~" that being something after what they did just now. He gave her more kisses and stay there close to her. Letting her enjoy the moment

Meanwhile, Kyu pulled Asi close to him so he can have her in his embrace, he blushed a bit when she complimented his own smell. Though he focused on the more serious topic at hand "Do you think Karisa's form will be altered to be non human. I dont see how that could happen unless she goes out of her way to make something happen. Like the trip to Iceberg. If you have any say in the matter, I suggest you stop her from doing something foolish." he did give her a small peck on the cheek when she thanked him
"Dont worry about it, Im just an observer. Its easier for me to assess the situation when I am looking from the sidelines. Though I am curious about you. You as in Asi as opposed to Karisa"

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Empty Mon Jan 29, 2024 7:01 pm


Karisa blushed as he kept himself connected to her, in every way one could think. She knew though that if any of them moved at this point, they'd end up going another round, at least she would due to the addicting feeling of him. Her brown chocolate eyes glistened with love as she loved his dark eyes. "We'll find out in a couple weeks or more. Unfortunately, one cannot tell simply whenever one wants it to show." she whispered and smiles against his neck, giving kisses there. "Perhaps after some time here, we should go visit Blue Pegasus. I have heard that Alisa likes to do huge parties around now, spring and sometimes summer." Karisa told him that she had heard things from people.

Asi listened to every word he had to say and it made her smile, but then when it came to something happening, that smile disappeared. "Kyu... I can't stop myself if something comes up... This world is bigger than us and the only thing I can promise is that I won't lock you both in my domain.~" She promised Kyu. "And what are you curious about?" Asi wondered.

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Sigme10

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Empty Mon Jan 29, 2024 7:12 pm

He nodded "Indeed it has been a while since we've been at the guild. Like we went to Joya and from there to Iceberg to Sin and now back here. Heh, we did quite the world tour, havent we?" he kissed her forehead and nuzzled her as he held her

He wondered if perhaps Karisa did have something stupidly foolish in mind that Asi couldnt prevent, he hoped it wasnt anything lethal again that would warrant Asi not to lock them again. Also made him wonder was that her executive decision or Karisa's

His curiousity that he mentioned at the end was much more lighthearted though"Oh, um, I was wondering. Considering you are a part of Karisa and I believe can poof whenever" as he recalled how she booked this hotel after all, "How does your biology work? I mean we just made love for example. Im just curious how do you function" truth be told he wasnt interested in making cubs, unless she was into it. But more he was fascinated how this independent and lovely clone or double operated on a physical and biological way. If they didnt do what they did, he wouldnt really never asked this question, but considering he did, he was merely oddly curious

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jan 30, 2024 12:49 pm


Karisa yawned and nodded. "We did, but I can sense you want to travel more, my love." She whispered and then she falls asleep by exhaustion. She was dreaming about something, something that was close to the unknown.

Asi gazed towards Kyu and nods in thought. "I can, true, because of mana and everything. My biology? Well, it's what Karisa wishes me to be since she is me. I made myself as real as possible, I just can't fight or anything, but other than that, it's as if I am an exact clone of, well me." She explains and thinks, tilting her head. "I can use my magic from this clone of me, hence the kitsune tail and ears." She continued on as she yawned softly. "I can feel myself draining though from everything that happened in this past hour or so." She confessed as she gazed at Kyu sleepily, petting his tail.

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Sigme10

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jan 30, 2024 2:26 pm

"Hmmm. Yes and no. You know I only travel for business. Granted I do have an idea to have a tour here in Fiore and its towns. But I am deciding where to go and where to start the tour. Im planning out the route. But it doesnt mean we cant visit our guild. I mean, it is kind of our home" he said as he still held her in his embrace and refused to let go. She wasnt the only one who was clinging and not letting their partner leave.

Kyu held Asi close as he heard her and her mana drainage. "I want to give you mine. I dont want you to go" or just rest and not use your mana and energy, was also something he'd want to say. But instead he just rested his head and looked into her eyes. He wondered was it even possible for him to be with Asi, a being who is made of mana and can poof any time she wants or when Karisa wants. And how does the 'real' Karisa feel about this, about him. Would she allow? Or if Karisa and Asirak are one, is a threesome possible? Ok, he should not go to that territory. Though still, having a 2 on 1 is a hot idea

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jan 30, 2024 2:39 pm


Karisa opened her eyes slowly and smiles softly, not yet falling asleep as Dae-Seong was asking about his touring stuff. "Mmm... Starting here would be good. I wouldn't touch North area since I doubt you want to deal with the possibility of something going wrong. But starting East, to South, to West if anything." Karisa spoke softly and she could feel her body melting in his cling and embrace.

Asi blushed as she heard him offering his mana. "K-Kyu..."she felt her heart beat. She gave her sweet small smile, her soft warm hand caressing his cheek. "You're so cute, my dear Kitsune." she spoke lightly and snuggled into his arms as her soft body was against his hard sculpted body of his human form. "I am feeling tired though after the intensity of well... to be fair, you were taking me while Dae-Seong was taking the other me... me and her felt both of you at the same time." She giggled sweetly.

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Sigme10

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jan 30, 2024 2:46 pm

"Well since we'd be starting from here the east, I imagined East, South, West, North and finishing it in central at the capital. I assume Orchidia as the north is fine as they do not have a guild there anymore." he smiled as he felt her body and merely smiled sweetly and lovingly as he gave her more kisses.

He hugged her and gave her soft kisses as she spoke, he chuckled softly and said "I imagine you felt nirvana when you both felt us. Heheh, imagine doing it for real. But I wont tire her. Sleep well my goddess. You need to rest" he said as he caressed her cheek and looked at her adoringly. He enjoyed every moment he had with her and he wanted to have as much time as possible. Even with her asleep, he wanted to have that time, to just watch her

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jan 30, 2024 2:54 pm


"Mmm, mhm... my love..." Karisa finally just couldn't stay up any longer as she fell asleep. Karisa couldn't keep her eyes open, nor say anything more than what was said. She wondered how this was going to go for her since she felt like there was so much more to learn about herself. Should she go with Judith's advice or should she do the opposite? Her dreams or nightmares were rising as something closed off the thing as she was seeing the moon and stars. Something, something out there felt like it was calling to her, but what could it be?

Asi smiled and nods gently. "Mhm~ I did... I - as in both of me, never thought that experience was possible, but here I am... goodnight." she started to say as she enjoyed his touch. Was it because he looked like Dae-Seong and Kyu's personality? She had no idea, but she could not argue with sleeping, so her eyes closed and at that moment, Karisa was one in the dream/nightmare, but still in two in reality.

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Sigme10

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jan 30, 2024 3:17 pm

"Sleep well my beloved" Dae-seong would say and let her rest, where he would watch her in a loving and protective manner. He wondered what time it was, how long were at it. But he also didnt want to move. She felt so nice, so warm. It was like comfort, like home. Thats what she felt like.

"Well, I am glad I gave you both immense pleasure." he gave her a kiss on the lips and he let her sleep. Kyu wondered if he should sleep. Did they really all 4 of them go at it for the whole day. He remembered getting breakfast and then suddenly, boom, they went to bang. Coincidentally all 4 of them. Wow, what a day. He was speechless. But also happy he got to experience it. Kyu wished he could sleep, but the adrenaline of it all kept him awake. The pleasure he felt, and her taste. Unforgettable and definitely as he said, addicting

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Empty Wed Jan 31, 2024 11:35 am


Karisa was in her dreams, or one would say nightmares, depending on the look. Her eyes opened as she saw herself standing on a meadow of grass that had a blue tint in the green grass that stood semi-tall. The wind felt so real as she looked at the night sky, the stars were twinkling and the moon was bright and full. Her eyes gazed forward to then see a beautiful pond as she walked towards it. She gazed at the water but then noticed in her reflection she was not herself. At least the appearance is not herself as she slowly kneels, touches the water, and realizes she is playing as someone else. Her eyes were like mirrors of brown that had no pupils, or literal gemstones of brown as her hand then slowly went to her head to feel that she had not-so-human-like things. She stood up and turned away and noticed her body and clothes were different too. When she turned away from the water, she then saw her standing there. Herself, as in the appearance she knew so well, the only appearance of herself she knew.

Her heart was clenching in pain as she then looked towards the sky. "Why is it calling for me? Singing to lure me away?" Karisa wondered as she then closed her eyes just for a second. When opened, her eyes widened in shock as she saw Earth being destroyed by creatures that were horrendous looking. People were becoming creatures and monsters, the sky was dropping comets of fire and death while the sky was truly red. People were crying in despair, and then they changed into these creatures as she realized that people in this were either becoming the creatures or being eaten by the creatures. She tried to move to help, but she couldn't. Karisa lifted the hand of the person she was in the dream and saw...

She then woke up.


Tōchaku (Karisa) - Page 3 Sigme10

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