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A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite)

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#1Judina † 

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Empty Sun Oct 22, 2023 4:11 pm

Judina †
Judina had found out at least some what where her limits where so she figured she would walk herself too Nenequetzal. Maybe she would have luck and some how at least one family member was lingering about. Or much like the rest of these confused mages and undead people. She was going to aimlessly wander about as she normally did seemingly at this time. But it was different she had learned where she was and how far away she was from home being alive here.

But with seeing Alisa she could not help but feel like one of the few people she needed to see had yet arrived here, she did not know if she was here or not. But in the end Judina knew them well enough that in fact. She would just wait all she had to do was wait and hope that feeling was true. it was an odd one to feel.

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Alexss10

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Empty Mon Oct 23, 2023 8:13 am


Kaito had heard a rumor of an area where the dead where coming back to life in some form and he came through a portal after he had spoken to the guild master about it and the portal stays open for the guild master to come through to reach this place. Kaito looked around as he had exited his Exceed by his side and he wonders who all could be seen here and if they were really dead people here as that seemed a bit far fetched to him. He then realized that his necklace kind of made him a pseudo lich so really he guessed it wasn't that farfetched to think about and then he saw a woman that was nearby and she looked familiar to him and so he spoke. "Hello there you look kind of familiar to me, my name is Kaito and you are?" Kaito hoped that he was not about to get go to drop dead but he wondered if this woman was important to something as he had a strange feeling about her.

#3Judina † 

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Empty Mon Oct 23, 2023 3:02 pm

Judina †
This was an odd question to ask her because she did not know who this man was at all. she's also never met this man so she was over all just confused. Over all this should have been expected with the matter at hand that was going on with this whole of magic bringing people back from the dead."And I have no idea who you are."Judina mentioned in return, Because entirely she knew that fore sure. This man was some one who she did not know, this was not the first time she witness this happen currently.

But she would at least give him her name, As long as this didn't turn to some kind of weird thing where she is getting hit on by some one thought hitting on her was okay and she wasn't dead."Judina Karlinus, Keep in mind Kaito you are talking to some one who is no longer alive."Judina would make that clear to start with.

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Alexss10

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Empty Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:40 pm


When he heard her name his eyes got a bit wide as that was a name that he did know and that one that might set something else off so he needed to be careful not to get himself in trouble here as well. "Well it seems that this might be a bit unfair for you as I know who you are. Also you don't have to tell me that you are no longer living as I can tell that with my eyes. But no need for you to worry about that as technically, I am not fully alive and not fully dead as I am a pseudo lich. I am part of a guild called Fairy Tail that Judith Karlinus is the master of." He rubbed the back of his head as he is not sure if that is a spoiler for what might happen or not.

He cleared his throat as he was about to speak again but he was not sure what he should even say as this was a strange moment as there was a woman that was pretty much a goddess that showed back up and a hero, was he even worthy to be talking to her or being in her presence as he was not a hero even if people call him a hero and such. He doesn't feel like he had earned the right to be here now and talking to this woman as she was someone that truly was a hero. Kaito looked at the woman and he hoped that she wouldn't just come at him for saying her mothers name.

#5Judina † 

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Empty Thu Oct 26, 2023 4:48 pm

Judina †
So people where getting aware of things going on around her. Even looking past Kaito's current mention of not being fully alive himself. After all it seemed nice to take note of but she left no remarks about it because she was not sure if it was needed. Over all she had other things to focus on and take note of.

One was that he was a Fairy Tail member, Another was knowing the guild masters name so thus she had to ask."If you are a member of Fairy Tail, Know her name and know who i am, Then it seems at least this spell gathers a lot of people around which is either a good or bad thing."Judina said more pondering aloud.

So she would say one thing."If all three pieces are laid there, Where is my mother at this point?"Judina said only because she knew most likely what happen next.

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Alexss10
#6Judith Karlinius 

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Empty Thu Oct 26, 2023 5:39 pm

Judith Karlinius
Almost like mentioning and speaking her name enough would eventually have her show, Judith seemed to have taken her time showing up here. there was a portal that was left for her to show up here. But she had a cup of tea in her hand, with her first few steps looking around at the darkness of the spell seeming to take in the darkness in front of her at this time and mentally take notes of various conditions and what all was going on. Barely paying attention she was to the conversation or who Kaito was talking too at all.

Not shocking to at least Kaito and Judina the sound of a dropping tea cup landing on the ground it did not take long for Judith to right away dive on and hug Judina with out even asking a second thought. It seemed in some manner the things the people would learn to day were going to happen.


A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Empty Fri Oct 27, 2023 9:27 am


Kaito had stopped talking as he saw Judith come through the portal and he was not sure if this was about to turn ugly or not and then he saw Judith seemingly flew through the air and right into the other woman that he had just been speaking to. "It would seem that your mother is here and that she seems happy to see you." Kaito stood out of the way as he was going to stay out of her way and he hoped that this goes well. He smiled a little as this was both a sad and beautiful moment but he knows that he has to not let his guard down as this place was still of the dead and it was hard to tell if anyone of the dead would wish to come back and kill him. He feared in a way that his mother would be here and that she would see and berate him for killing her and he felt his heart hurt at that thought. He put his hood up as he didn't want to ruin the other two women's moment with his slip of mood from happy to sadness as he feared what could happen.

#8Judina † 

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Empty Sun Oct 29, 2023 7:44 am

Judina †
Maybe she did speak too soon or in Judina case the mere act of piecing things together seemed to summon the figure she expected to show up. There was a moment where Judina seemed to show she expected this but almost seemed like she was slightly unhappy because she felt there was missing answers to questions in her mind. But she was going to over all just kind of stop thinking about it for a moment."I guess that answers that question."After a while she did finally speak. Quietly embracing her mother and kind of patting her on the back while she was hugging her and for a moment in most likely the most affectionate thing possible she seemed to also slightly almost snuggle with her mother while they stood there.

"This land is strange, Even if i am here and know how. They never left me knowing where it is compared to other places."She mentioned in a over all casual note of how she was feeling at the time. Over all she was just kind of keeping a bit of distraction while eventually she would just say.

As so for a few minutes while seemingly no one else spoke about possible awkward stuff. Eventually just merely finally mentioning."I am sorry mother."Judina mentioned most likely the major thing that would let her stand here currently.

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Alexss10
#9Judith Karlinius 

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Empty Tue Oct 31, 2023 2:14 pm

Judith Karlinius
It seemed Judith was doing her best to keep herself some what mature and in line. She seemed to managed not to start feeling like a small child over something she did not know how to deal with. Where she wanted too. After her moment was done for the current time she would take a few steps back and seemed. Happy in which over all maybe showed Judith was willing to let herself mature past these emotional problems she normally might not be able to keep under wraps. Just how long she would manage not to cry was a good question."You have never been to Stella, You would not know where you are over all. But your no longer in Fiore."Judith said to kind of explain it to her.

But Judith's mothering and it's own odd way would show here."Saying sorry for fate's chosen path is an odd thing my child."if seemed no matter the situation Judith was always going to be a firm believer of the things that happen in life and seemingly over all was okay with it's out come."You and I can never figure out how fate chooses our life to end."Even if Judith could alter it, her daughter did not know. Nor did she seem to ask either.

It was one where some could ponder if asked what would be said. Was Judina like her mother and believed how fate worked and should not be changed or did she want to live again? Good many things to think about."Keep in mind, you are forgiven. No matter what I still love you no matter whatever situation happens."So the most expected Judith answer possible. Normally at this point Judith might have considered introducing her daughter to Kaito but it seemed not needed. But Judith's never ending loved yet again showed.


A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Empty Wed Nov 01, 2023 3:08 am


Kaito decided to stay back as he was not looking to get in the way of this reunion and he wondered if he should just see himself out as he was now really a third wheel in this all and there was nothing that could be done about that as he was not sure what to say or do as he was just a wanderer and this is more a touching moment between a mother and daughter and he was not related to them in anyway so he was just here like a simple stone that had rolled from a hill into a walk way. He sees that they are getting along well and that they seemed to be happy to see the other and Kaito leaned against a wall of his own making from dimensional energy so that he didn't wander off too far in case either of them wanted to speak to him or say anything toward him and they didn't think that he had just disappeared from the place.

#11Judina † 

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Empty Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:19 pm

Judina †
Judina would merely sigh, After all it seemed no matter what her mother never changed and she felt if anything jumping to that right away was something she had hoped would changed, but as it seemed it did not change at all."So that is what this place is called? it's different." Judina did admit it was not all that bad being in stella it was a different feel, eventually maybe if she was a live she would have ended up going here herself. But that was besides the point.

With it being known she was forgiven. Along with all of the other dead people around it seemed Judina was seemingly okay and not too bothered. But Judina as a serious question for Kaito."Well Kaito, Answer me this....what is my mother like as a guild master?" Judina asked with out a second thought at all wanting an answer.

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Alexss10
#12Judith Karlinius 

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Empty Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:45 pm

Judith Karlinius
Judith some what expected these things, they might be family and Judith was her mother. But Judina was fairly different of a person then her mother. Judith was as Kaito was use too friendly, warm and motherly. Judina seemingly far more stern and stoic. Judina was far more critical of her mother then most people. Where Judith never seem to harshly or openly criticize her children for any matter, It was something more her husband normally did."Oh right to the point? I suppose i am not shocked."Judith seemed to laugh about it.

Then she would simply say."It is rude to put some one you don't know on the spot Judina. At least actually find different things to ask him first."Judith said in return because it was a fair in her mind about. She also knew Kaito did over all seem to enjoy being put on the spot like that.


A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Empty Fri Nov 03, 2023 6:24 am


Kaito looked at the woman that had just asked him about how her mother as a guild master and he thought about it. "Well she is far too forgiving that is one thing, she can be strict at times, she is often more motherly to members. She mostly lets me run around and go as I wish with out limits as long as I don't accidently take over the country." He laughed as the last part was a joke and he was really not sure how the two women were going to take it as he had out of no where made a joke about it.

Kaito kind of hopes that they will not have to much of a blow up at him and he had to admit that Judina was a very beautiful woman and that she got that from her mother but her built tough aura and muscles she very much got from her father and he bets that Judina could probably give him a run for his money in a fight which he hopes does not happen.

#14Judina † 

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Empty Mon Nov 06, 2023 9:35 am

Judina †
It was the answer she wanted but in some manner, An answer she expected. Judina however did not seem to want to take it super seriously about what she was heard she did not seemed to want to critic her mother too much, After all she passed on and she seemed to go about it over all and with out problem."You both will forgive me."Judina said only because she could tell it was not a problem. Her mother loved her to know she wanted to know because she cared, Kaito was seemingly logical enough to know how to go about these things.

But since she was not shocked and would simply say."But I am not shocked, As long as everyone is their for my mother it is all i care about it."She seemed good with the answer. Only to follow it up with."Just means I am not needed as much as I thought."it was an almost depressing answer but it is because she seemed okay to move on.

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Alexss10
#15Judith Karlinius 

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Empty Mon Nov 06, 2023 9:45 am

Judith Karlinius
In some manner this might be an insight to other parts of the Karlinius life, Judith did keep track of a lot of things."You think that, But you are still loved and missed."Judith answer that. that was an easy answer from the situation at hand and she would continue on explaining a few things."Your brothers might miss you, But they are both busy Waylon's running a tea shop and dating now days."Judith started with. she did not mind Kaito knowing this information because it was well things being close enough to Judith to know and was harmless to know."Regis is finally settling into moving on in life with some one as well."Judith said because it might be nice for her to know.

Not ignoring that here could be Regis' previous wife and daughter."The world will move on peacefully yes, But you are still missed you just are not aware how much."Judith said with a smile on her face. Waiting to see what would be said.


A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Empty Tue Nov 07, 2023 10:33 am


Kaito hearing about the woman saying that the world seemed to be find without her rubbed his chin and pulled out a book from his cloak and he looks at it. "If you had the chance would you wish to come back even if it was in a different body?" Kaito asked this as if it was some strange but not fully unnatural thing to ask of the woman, he knows that asking this would probably make Judith a bit mad at him as he knows that she has a strong wall against messing with forces that shouldn't be messed with but what if fate is what had brought about this meeting with the daughter of his guild master as right now is the best time to ask the woman her self if there was a way if she would want it, Kaito was fully ready for Judith to scold him for what he was asking but he knows that it could be possible he would just need to collect somethings that were a bit harder to find and he would probably need to fight a fear things to do it and have it happen.

He of course wasn't going to tell Judith this as Judith would probably become obsessed with trying to do it. He was going to be very careful for what he says and does beyond this as he knows the ground under him will be thin ice and pushing harder will only end in Kaito falling through the ice and into the depths to drown.

#17Judina † 

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Empty Tue Nov 07, 2023 3:32 pm

Judina †
It would take a bit of time for Judina to answer that question Kaito asked but it seemed maybe there was hints some what of her answer with in talking with her mother."I had a feeling they would...same with my father."Judina seemed to almost miss all of them the more and more she thought about it. They all could managed well with out her while Judina had stupidly gotten herself killed. Her family missed her anyone here missed her and Judina in some manner felt there was more to achieve even if she was passed on. But she never thought about doing while she was a live.

"I am happy to hear these things about my brothers."Judina was not envious, If anything she just felt at peace."a chance for family is never lost for most of us I see."It almost feels like Judina was more sad she could not see the expansion of her family and watch it grow as it has been while she had passed on.

But she looked at Kaito. Her answer was an honest one."I will not lie to you, It is a major temptation of say yes. Even if I have come to terms and fine with being dead."Then she merely looked at her mother thinking of how risky this answer was.

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Alexss10
#18Judith Karlinius 

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Empty Tue Nov 07, 2023 3:41 pm

Judith Karlinius
It was if anything almost a worry for Judith she would try to keep her mind in control for the moment, the moment her was expressed was when it all would fall down and go down hill. After all they where talking about altering things when they had been settled. Suppose Judith would not blame her, who else would not enjoy a chance to live again and do things differently in life?

But Judith would refuse because she had been through these things before and if anything she knew dangers of cycling life over and over. One of the very things she was trying to do was to prevent these kind of things. But few people knew that about her and for now it needed to remain that way. Only once Judith could truly and fully pass on might she be comfortable telling that part of her. Until then that shadow will linger."I see...Thank you for your honesty."It seemed Judith outwardly was not bothered by hearing this.


A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Empty Wed Nov 08, 2023 12:01 pm


"It might take awhile to do as it will take some steps." Kaito marked the page of the book and he marked Judina's name on it and put the book away. "You will of course be a different person in a way." He would need to make some changes to formula's and get what he needed by the book had detailed it all to him as the keeper of the book as he was not normal. He gently walked up and hugged Judith from behind which was different from Kaito but something in him told him that she needed a bit of comfort and then he had let go of her as he didn't want to make it weird but he also knows that this woman was not one that would like him messing with things but unlike a mad mage he was going to do it right but that means he has to take certain steps to keep this safe and not fail if he is able to get the things that are needed.

He knows that he will never have the answers to it all but he will do what he must to help the woman to return to this mortal coil and there are quite a few steps and some of them would be taxing for him to be able to do and that was something weird probably to others that never got to see such a thing happen and he hopes that this all works out how it should and not him killed or as dead as he could really be by being immortal now.

#20Judina † 

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Empty Sun Nov 12, 2023 7:33 am

Judina †
Judina's honest answer seemed to lead to something she was entirely unsure if that was a logical thing to do, Even speaking about it in front of her mother of all people who was over all most likely vocal in some manner how she feels about these things it was over all an interesting statement to say over all even remarking."Oh? bold of you to mention something like that isn't it?" Judina mentioned only because she could how badly this could start going for him.

Judina was not going to judge as for internally she also doubted some one would entirely go that far, if anyone would have at this point it would have been her mother."Did you even have a fully thought out idea even considering."Darting a look at her mother for a moment."All possibilities that might happen?"There was a reason why she looked at her mother and Kaito might know very well why too. Unless he was just start brave.

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Alexss10
#21Judith Karlinius 

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Empty Sun Nov 12, 2023 9:19 am

Judith Karlinius
There was something about this in some manner that easily could have been that almost visibly bothered Judith for a moment. This was most likely not shocking to anyone else. But Judith almost seemed to have been confused on why Kaito would even want to do such a thing."Did I hear you right?"Judith asked most likely because she almost assumed she was in a dream but she had to ask for that reason she needed to know.

Over all she now needed to know a few things."What reason would even want to do that to start with? Do you know what you could even risk by considering anything of the sort?"This was the question Judith needed to hear the answer of the most only because it was just something she really needed to know that the most. For the moment Judith did well controling herself in that manner.


A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Empty Mon Nov 13, 2023 12:03 pm


Kaito looked at Judina and he slightly tilted his head. "Not sure if I would say bold, more like a feeling that you were taken truly before fate had intended you to be, though getting you back and into a new body will be hard yes. Possibilities are something you can never fully be prepared for." Kaito seemed confident in his answer as he was saying what he felt as he knows that doing what he had said he would do comes with risks and dangers but those are all risks to himself not to Judina or her soul.

Kaito hears the fairy mother speak to him and he looked to her to see what she was going to say and do. He hears the question that she asked of him and he thinks for a moment on how he would answer her and then he spoke plainly to Judith. "The why is I feel fate might have taken her before her time." He pointed to a strange string that he could see attached to Judina but it seemed like he was the only one that could see it as to Judina and Judith Kaito was just pointing at thin air like he was crazy or lying.

"As for the risks it would take to do so I have a slight idea, mostly collecting things to make her a new body for her soul to bond with and then freeing her soul to bring it to her new body, so she can be alive again." He blinked and looked at Judith that he in a way could feel that she was judging is answer, he had kept it more simple as he was not looking to worry the wood elf woman with the details that he might get hurt or how hard it might be for him to be able to do it and not mess it up as it would be a hell of a lot of effort, time and focus.

#23Judina † 

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Empty Wed Nov 15, 2023 12:59 pm

Judina †
Judina if anything also consider this brave over all. Then she would never dare. This is family who all respected the dead Regis never considered bringing back his ex wife and daughter but sat guilty ridden most likely even today for his actions even if he did move on."I do not think you need t worry about this. Nature as ran it course....Your offer is nice."She was trying to make sure Kaito did not over all annoy her mother more.

In some manner, she could agree with one thing. She did actually agree with one thing when she thought about it a bit more in depth."The offer does warm my heart. It just means I know people miss me and these moment of temporary life was something I will be treasure."It seemed Judina was trying to control things to be a reasonable level, Hoping this did not do bad.

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Alexss10
#24Judith Karlinius 

A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Empty Wed Nov 15, 2023 2:31 pm

Judith Karlinius
This plan was something Judith might not have expected, Judith almost seeming to be equal parts depressed about and disappointed to hear it was a full fleshed out plan and there was still major risk about if it would work or not. One could say any lives where taken too early with in the events of this time line and situation in the world they where currently in. The Dark Riders and what they did. Judina when she dealt with the demons in an Inquisition many years a go. A lot of lives most likely taken long before most people consider it actual ending of their lives have happen a lot if the normal way of the world.

Maybe this was just the plight of some one who's role changed upon changing magic. Maybe it was Judith being firmly stuck on her believes that altering things just you could doesn't mean it was over all a smart thing to  do. But it was most likely something he knew very well he would hear be a problem."I was made to promise upon becoming the Chronos Dragon Slayer, To keep these matter as they are and not to alter the actions of the past."Judith did finally speak it almost seemed like she almost was not going to speak at all with her many thoughts in mind currently.

It almost seemed to harm Judith emotionally to think upon it as she did, having her own internal conflicts about this matter she knew she could not stop anyone and then fate had chosen to alter its path."You should know very well risk of any timeline and dimensions that come from any slight altering of this age and what could happen to it."Which was fair to mention he knew the risk trying to point out it might not be worth the risk.

But this part might be the most heartbreaking thing Judith could admit to do."I can't go through it all again....bringing her back watching her die...I just came to terms with this death....Altering fate risks it all again."Judith had a few clear thoughts even if she was unhappy and in some manner she was in some kind of despair about it."You do this, If it works and I find out....I will do something about it. Either preventing it from happening or Killing my daughter all over again. I can not risk this happening."To Judith this was the most depressing thing to admit, having to put duty and oath before possible personal desires.  She did not sound happy it was one of the few times Judith merely look towards the sky rather then anyone she was actually talking too currently.


A Mother's Determination Never Fails.(Dance with the Dead/Judith/Invite) Empty Sat Nov 18, 2023 2:13 am


Kaito looked at his guild master when she spoke of undoing or killing her own daughter and he couldn't believe what he is hearing from her as this was different from pulling the woman from death it is helping her rebirth anew from deaths grasp. "Judith you are speaking of killing your own kin if she was top rebirth into this world anew? This is not a way of me reviving her to her body and fully breaking the cycle it is me speeding up the cycle and helping to her to rebirth anew." Kaito walked over to the guild master and he hugged her and he whispers into her ear. "If you are truly uncomfortable with it I will not do it as my aim is not to upset you but help with an reincarnation."

Kaito steps back away from the Guild Master as he figures that she is probably very displeased with what he had said Kaito saw this as a different thing as he was giving Judina a second change in a new body and depending on Judina she could be younger or older it really didn't matter but he knows that maybe he had lost his own path and that the one he was walking was one of unhappiness and causing others pain like he seemed to have done here by giving Judina hope and Judith despair here but now having to take the hope and replace it with despair for Judina who was probably already thinking of what she would do and hopefully giving Judith hope that Kaito will not revive Judina, though if something were to happen Kaito might have to do what he can to get Judina back to help him as something in the web of dimensions was tugging and telling him something bad might be on the horizon.

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