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♫ Heist: Hoffman Bank | Short ♫

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♫ Heist: Hoffman Bank | Short ♫ Empty Sun Aug 27, 2023 7:03 am


Name: Heist: Hoffman Bank

Difficulty: Short

Participants: @Zariya

Story: Zariya lives in the shadows, known only to a few in her hometowns of Iceberg and Desierto. So naturally, she's shocked when out of the blue, a message arrives, inviting her into a heist. Could it be that rumors are afloat, linking her to the rekindled Phantom Lord? Or has someone been playing the role of a silent observer, tracing her every move? Whatever the case may be, one thing’s certain; she’s intrigued.

Why, you ask? Well, it's all about the jewels. The kind that jingles. The payday attached to this job is so irresistible, it’s practically shouting her name. The instructions are clear; slip into The Hoffman bank, retrieve the item of interest, and saunter away with a wallet bursting at the seams. Fortunately for her client, Zariya’s not one to let an opportunity like this slip through her fingers. The mission’s set – and so is the stage for a high-stakes hustle.

  • Rob the Hoffman bank & retrieve the item of interest!

Last edited by Zariya on Mon Aug 28, 2023 4:55 am; edited 1 time in total

♫ Heist: Hoffman Bank | Short ♫ Lightning_bolt_simple

♫ Heist: Hoffman Bank | Short ♫ Empty Sun Aug 27, 2023 5:27 pm

Name: Breaking In

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: @Zariya

Summary:  At long last, the stage is set in Bosco, the curtain rising on the grand mission. The client's words echo in the air – a stark reminder that here, security is no mere afterthought. They're not playing games; these guards mean business. And as the spotlight falls on Zariya, the question lingers like a suspended note in a symphony; to glide through the shadows like a ghost, or storm in with guns ablaze?

Others: -

Hoffman Bank Guards (x50): Guards that protect the Hoffman Bank

  • 10,000 Exp
  • 250,000 Jewels
  • 7 SP
  • 400 Infamy

  • Hoffman Bank is heavily guarded. Only the richest in Bosco bank there, so find a way inside.

Name: The Vault

Rank: S

Type: Bad

Participants: @Zariya

Summary: With Zariya successfully crossing the bank's threshold, the next move takes center stage – finding that elusive vault. Fortunately, The Hoffman is somewhat deserted now,
perhaps sparing her the hustle. Though it's safer for her to assume that it won't be a cakewalk. Guards are practically wallflowers everywhere, even outnumbering their outdoor counterparts. And to make matters worse up, the vault itself demands a secret code, a twist that's like adding a puzzle to a puzzle.

Others: -

Hoffman Bank Guards (x150): Guards that protect the Hoffman Bank


  • 15,000 Exp
  • 500,000 Jewels
  • 10 SP
  • 500 Infamy


  • Fight or sneak your way to the Vault. There are guards all around.
  • There will be a group of guards defending the vault. Defeat them.
  • A special passcode is needed for the vault. The first attempt fails, and the alarm rings. The pressure is on!
  • Try the passcode again. Roll a 20 dice. A number over 13 is successful!
  • If you aren't successful, however, you must simply break into the vault! Quickly retrieve the item of interest, the guards are on their way towards you.

Name: Escape Attempt

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: @Zariya

Summary: Zariya secures the coveted item and gears up for her grand exit. The clock's ticking faster – guards popping up like daisies from thin air, all with one thing on their minds: catching her. But, Zariya's not exactly a pushover.

After making her way out of the Hoffman, she heads to rendezvous with the client, a figure she's never met until now. It's like walking into the unknown, questions pinging around her mind like pinballs. What's the deal with this item? Who's the mystery puppet master pulling the strings? Answers seem to be playing hooky, leaving her with a head full of curiosity and a trail of enigma behind.

Jacobi Hoffman: Jacobi Hoffman is a mysterious young boy who goes by the name "Cobi". Not much is known about him at the moment, but he seems to be filthy rich?

Hoffman Bank Guards (x150): Guards that protect the Hoffman Bank


  • 10,000 Exp
  • 250,000 Jewels
  • 7 SP
  • 400 Infamy


  • Leave the Premises, whether you have to fight or simply escape.
  • Once you are out, meet up with your client at the docks in Bosco. There he will transfer money to your account.

♫ Heist: Hoffman Bank | Short ♫ Lightning_bolt_simple

♫ Heist: Hoffman Bank | Short ♫ Empty Tue Aug 29, 2023 3:10 pm


This storyline has been approved to start.

Enjoy your heist~


♫ Heist: Hoffman Bank | Short ♫ Empty Sun Feb 18, 2024 8:27 pm

Cancelling. Finna come back to this later

♫ Heist: Hoffman Bank | Short ♫ Lightning_bolt_simple

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