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Sabotage the infrastructure3

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Sabotage the infrastructure3 Empty Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:57 pm


Kaito looked to the sun as he walked back to the fabricator again for another day of keeping it safe and he knows that this is probably going to get old fast but he was not going to back down from it as it has to be done to keep the world safe and sound from the people that aim to kill and harm the world their isn't a peace option but only stopping them before they hurt more people so they need to close off the boarders of the world to this place and it from infecting the world and causing more issues. Kaito gets checked for his shift of helping to keep this place from falling to them. Kaito needed to keep his chin up and his eyes open for trouble but he wasn't expecting much from them today as there was not really a large crowd but he guessed that it was still a bit earlier in the day so the trouble makers might not even be out of bed yet.


Sabotage the infrastructure3 Empty Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:57 pm


Kaito looked at the building and he wondered if there was more to this place than he knew about and he pulled out his shield from his domain and he tapped on it releasing vibrations in the air and he lists to the wind and he then taps it on the ground and he sees Loyalist drop down and look at the ground as if they see something then they start using earth magics and dig into a tunnel and catch the tunnel rats that were crawling around below them and Kaito wonders if they are going to find any weapons down there like a bomb or something that would do a good amount of damage. Kaito was not going to waste time as he kept looking around and that was one part that they saw as he had already started moving again and they could see that he was a man on a mission.


Sabotage the infrastructure3 Empty Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:57 pm


Kaito aims his fingers and he starts blasting people sneaking around in invisibility with beams of arcane magic and he looks like he was aiming at nothing as they flee as he keeps his eyes on them and he kept blasting as he was not going to let them just get away before he gets a piece of them and teach them why not to mess with him as he was not an idiot but he also needs to be careful that he doesn't get himself baited into a trap and get himself killed or captured even though neither of them would really have any lasting effects on him as he keeps going and he hopes that he can pull up the sinking ship that was this job. They seemed to be trying to get better and smarter but so did Kaito and the others that were helping to keep this place safe from the others that sought to break the line and get in for their own reasons but he had to stand by the Loyalists for the time being as he had seen the attack and damage the robots can do.


Sabotage the infrastructure3 Empty Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:58 pm


He keeps on the trail that was there from people patrolling and he wonders if there will ever really be a going back to normal or if the loyalists are just always going to be locked in this fight and keeping the others out of the troubles that they had caused and he keeps pushing forward as he needs to make sure that they didn't just get left behind to die and this shit show just come flowing back out into the world so he wonders if in the end they can just sink this island so that it and the garbage that is on it was gone so that there is not more issues from it in the future cut all the power release a massive shut down on the ones already moving around the island and just boom. Kaito doubts that is the end goal that he is helping work toward and he needs to make sure that he doesn't actually help them blow up the island.


Sabotage the infrastructure3 Empty Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:58 pm


He keeps catching the ones that were trying to get in from the proximity field. The guards at the front are also catching a lot of them and sending them away or if they were trying to do something crazy arrested and sent off to them camps. He wonders what that means but he was not going to worry about it as there was nothing that he could do about it now but he would probably have to find out about it later when he sees how this all shook out as Kaito was focused on protecting the world from the evil this place is and is made of. The pain this place gives and causes to nature and to each other the peace talkers are dreamers that will be killed the second that they let their guard down around the robots as all they seek is power. He watched someone stupidly attack them to defend a robot that had harmed someone and acted in bad faith to them.


Sabotage the infrastructure3 Empty Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:58 pm


He saw that they got turned on as well by the robot that they attacked them over but what was something that could happen on a larger scale killing more people and harming more people because this was allowed to be released on the world rather it was in peace or not it ends the same the world welcoming it and the tech being misused and harmed by the tech and the greed of others as people will turn on each other and Kaito rather not see that dimension come to life here as this needed to be stopped and not allowed to carry on as it had been going here with them attacking each other the best choice in this moment is to keep this place kept safe and out of the way from those that would farther abuse it and cause a even bigger issue. The loyalists walk up to him and shake his hand and thank him for the help he had given and that they will in the end call him to come back sometime.
(179)(1039/1000)50% WC (20%ring,10%guild,20%companion.)

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