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The Shield and Informant of Dawn... at the Library

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#1Brone Heavyaxe 

The Shield and Informant of Dawn... at the Library Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 12:49 am

Brone Heavyaxe
The Shield and Informant of Dawn... at the Library Eab10113f0f2c692613e7c5e16ba1ab7

The quest board was empty either because of low activity in the north; the chores were being handled by those receiving punishment or those who are seeking a little extra payment; and the majority of the commanders of the defense unit was already out handling errands of their own, which meant that Brone Heavyaxe was obligated to remain at the Guild Hall, bored. When it came to any lack of activity for him, he would simply train, however the training dome was going through reconstruction due to constant usage, especially by him and the guild master.

Brone had entered the main general building and was greeted by the hired receptionist. When he asked if there was any tasks that was available, the young lady was about to turn him away, but seeing the expression of boredom and sadness on his face, she searched her desk until she found something that could be done. She handed him a stack of documents ranging from envelopes, scrolls, folders, and even books. She told him that Azure Fenic needed to sort through these documents. The dwarf nodded, a little color returning to his face, accepting the task with determination regardless of how small it seemed, so he picked up the stack and made his way to the library the receptionist had directed him.

As the dwarf made his way up the stairs to the library, though he had to stop twice to ask for directions, given that this specific library was one of many and the one that Azure most frequent. Eventually he had found the library and took a moment to look about, never having been within the area, nor has he seen so many books in one place before. After a moment of gazing, open mouth, at the sight, he spotted the one mage that was donned in an elegant blue theme, Azure's trademark, "Oy!! Azure!!" Brone's voice echoed, breaking the silence within the library, catching the eye of everyone there, ranging from regular readers and visitors and especially the head librarian who had 'shushed' him loudly, then gave Azure a stern look before she returned to organizing the shelf she was tending to.

Brone raised an eyebrow at the librarian before shrugging his shoulders and walked across the room to meet the blue mage, "The nerve of her; I'm the head general of the militia here and I'm old enough to be her great great grandfather" scoffed so roughly that the pages of nearby book that a young mage was reading had flipped, losing his position, the youth angrily stood up with his book and left the area.


#2Azure Fenic 

The Shield and Informant of Dawn... at the Library Empty Sun Aug 14, 2022 12:50 am

Azure Fenic

After putting off his primary duties around the library the head Librarians decide to track him down so he could finally organize the remaining collection that may or may not have belonged to him at one point. The moment that he left his room he was already next deep in books ...Damn, he thought knowing that this was going to happen sooner or later but the method of handling it was a nice surprise all be it excessive. Looking through all of the books and documents he needed to sort made his eyes water as many of the names were new and old. Even though he wasn't searching for any more leads to the temple he found sorting the books filled him with joy even if he didn't want to be the one doing it. 

Sitting on top of the ladder he sorted through the books the sound of a rather loud and energetic dwarf calling his name caused him to almost fall off as if things weren't bad enough. It was least than weird hearing Brone in a library but then again it was even weirder to see him holding books "You know how to get here? I kinda just-" the summoner cut himself off before an insult could finish forming in his head. Even though part of him was still upset about the outcome of their fight managed to learn a good number of things, from it, and hating guildmates was a waste of energy and time. 

"What are you doing with those? On second thought never mind." he asked in a rather confused and angry tone as he had just nearly dented his current workload seeing the small man holding a stack of folders, books, and other assorted documents, letting out a small sigh Azure leaned against the bookshelf "Brone my dear friend could you place those over there for me...quietly," the informant pointed to the table that had an already massive amount of books and such on it as he scratched the side of his head trying to think of a way out of this whole mess.

{Sheet / Magic}
The Shield and Informant of Dawn... at the Library Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#3Brone Heavyaxe 

The Shield and Informant of Dawn... at the Library Empty Sun Aug 14, 2022 11:04 am

Brone Heavyaxe
As Azure hesitated with his first statement, Brone raised an eyebrow, trying to make out what the blue mage was going to say, then when Azure asked of the documents, the dwarf was going to answer, but once again the informant backtracked the question, leaving Brone with his mouth open. As far as he could see, it seems Azure was dealing with some kind of stress and Brone figured this was possibly the reason why the blue mage was rushing through his speech. He could only imagine how difficult it must be to be the studious type with so much things to worry that didn't enough hitting something very hard, which was usually Brone's solution to things, which tended to work for him.

As Brone placed the pile of documents gently onto the table with the other stacks, as requested, he tried to lower the tone in his voice for Azure's sake... though it was still loud enough to cause a few nearby readers to move over to further tables, "The front desk lass told me to deliver these to ye" The scroll fell over, though Brone managed to catch it in time. He put the cylinder back onto pile, though it rolled off again, "Is there anything I can do te help?" he asked, though he didn't get to face Azure yet since he was still trying to sit the scroll on top of the pile of books and papers. As the seconds went on, his frustration was rising, so he was becoming more heavy-handed, which caused two books to toppled over. Brone grunted in irritation.

The dwarf took a moment to step back, take in a deep breath before slowly exhaling. He had to remind himself that this wasn't a battle in which strength was used; this was an obstacle that needed precision and thinking, which fit why Azure was here. Brone began to remember his fight with the blue mage. Though with just two hits, he was able to defeat the mage, but the fact that Azure eluded him for so long with such interesting tactics proved that the mage had great prowess... there may be something Brone can learn from him.

Brone managed to slowly restack the books, though formed a small pyramid and placed the scroll in the opening in the center which kept hit from rolling away.

395 | 837

Battle Log:

#4Azure Fenic 

The Shield and Informant of Dawn... at the Library Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 5:51 pm

Azure Fenic

Azure tried to rack his brain to find some way to get out of the library and disappear for about a week as this day was going to be a rather long one but if he could push all of it onto Brone then it would be the war chefs problem for the remainder of the day, after all, what are guildmates for if not to take over the work you don't want to do. "I'm glad you asked! Could you help me put these in the right sections?" he answered excited to hear that his guildmate wasn't just a murder-hobo with some actual style to them. Their face lit up with joy as they started to plan the rest of their harmless plot. 

If either of them made any loud noises regardless of if it was by mistake or not they would be in for a far worse punishment. Given that he had only just bearly managed to organize everything it seemed as though this could move much faster now. Blue quickly looked around for the head librarian to make before turning back to Brone "Okay so most of these documents are about old battles and stuff like that while the rest is just regualr," sorting through the pile he created a stack that was purely related to past battles and their strategies.

{Sheet / Magic}
The Shield and Informant of Dawn... at the Library Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#5Brone Heavyaxe 

The Shield and Informant of Dawn... at the Library Empty Tue Aug 23, 2022 10:13 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone was initially relieved to know Azure was accepting of the offer of assistance, though the smile upon the blue mage's face was a bit off-putting for the dwarf since he had rarely ever seen him smile; most the expressions that was known of Azure were of either irritation, boredom, annoyance, and smug on good days, though these expressions were mainly visible to Brone. The dwarf had rarely been around to view Azure on one of his good days.

He nodded, understanding a simple task of separating documents in two goods. Though once Brone unraveled a scroll to skim it, boredom began to creep along the mind of the dwarf. He grunted and placed the scroll in the 'other' pile and moved onto the first book he could get his hands on; reading halfway through a paragraph, he closed the book and slid it onto the table towards the 'other' section. The documents he was retrieving didn't have anything he could understand, so it was obvious they had to be placed in 'other'. Then his hands fell upon a report of an attack within Rush Valley, to which the local militia had to respond to; this was to be placed in 'Battle', any documentation that had information regarding battle, fights, or physical conflict was an eye catcher for the dwarf. This was the factor that allowed Brone to actually perform this duty with relative ease.

#6Azure Fenic 

The Shield and Informant of Dawn... at the Library Empty Sun Aug 28, 2022 6:18 pm

Azure Fenic

As he watched the armored man sort the books something about watching him skim through all of them made him feel happy or maybe it was a sense of acknowledgment of knowing that Brone could actually read. "Hey when you are done with that place on the right shelf, I'll take the rest to their correct sections okay?" he said already walking around the corner with a small pile of books. Azure made sure that he was out of sight of the workers as he tucked one of the smaller books into his jacket and placed the rest on random shelves. 

With his new book safely tucked away he would quickly check on Brone and see the progress of this task. If he saw that the man was struggling or just making a mess of the system he spent hours making he would go help him. The small part of him that had felt bad for trying to leave his guildmate with his work would slowly evaporate. 

If Brone was doing just fine Azure would start to slowly make his way to the exit, Blue could feel a cold spot over his chest like someone placed an ice cube over it and was just pressing down on it. This was yet another new feeling that he could not understand and quite honestly didn't wish to understand at the current moment. 

Options for Brone:

{Sheet / Magic}
The Shield and Informant of Dawn... at the Library Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#7Brone Heavyaxe 

The Shield and Informant of Dawn... at the Library Empty Mon Aug 29, 2022 11:09 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone nodded to Azure, understanding a simple task such as placing the stack of militant books in the corner that was specified. After he had finished stacking said martial books, he would put them away and turned to see Azure who was heading towards the exit of the library, "Oi ! Wait!" he accidently called out as he tried to hurry between tables, though he accidently tripped on the rugged floor.

The librarian hushed at the dwarf, her expression tightening up with anger.

"Blow it out your hole" Brone spat at her as he got back to his feet. The library threw her head back, surprised by the sudden verbal assault, though she knew she couldn't handle the dwarf in any way but a formal complaint, which she will be filling out and sending it to the front desk so that Yuurei can handle it.

"Where ye heading off to, friend?" He asked as he caught up with Azure. Brone would walk side-by-side with the blue theme mage, wondering where the mage was off to and whether or not the dwarf could help.

Visual Equipment:

#8Azure Fenic 

The Shield and Informant of Dawn... at the Library Empty Fri Sep 16, 2022 6:04 pm

Azure Fenic

Making his way closer to the safe zone that was the exit of the library Azure could still feel a part of him wanting to help Brone clean up the mess he had created for himself. With his goal nearly within his reach he couldn't really help but start to get excited about his escape even though it could all come crashing down at any given moment. Every step he took felt like another hour passing by like a human snail. 

The informant flinched slightly as he heard the small man shout for him once more "Damn it..." he muttered slowly turning around with a rather annoyed smile plastered on his face "I-I was just doble checking the code for a few of the books I had," his inner self had broke down crying at the loss of his freedom even though this was one of many possible outcomes that could have happened.

{Sheet / Magic}
The Shield and Informant of Dawn... at the Library Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

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