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BASKA - TOURNAMENT ARC[Duo A Quest: NEUTRAL]   Empty Wed Aug 10, 2022 11:39 pm



Cue the music:
It had been quite some time since Nana had been to this location. the streets were wide and constantly bustling with crowds. Food and merchandise stands dotted the streets and attracted visitors whom were here for the show. The show of course was none other than the tournament stadium. A giant stone structure with an impressive open field in the center, where combat was to take place. Many who came here had various reasons. Some came to simply watch or spend the day with friends or loved ones. Others were here to actually participate. Maybe they hoped for a large payout. Maybe they had gotten in over their heads in debt.. or maybe they just wanted to test their skills somewhere that they wouldn't be arrested for causing a disturbance.

The reasons were many, but for Nana- the reason for coming to the tournament was the tall lean figure standing in front of her. It was a man and his name was Erebus. He was Nana's sensei, her teacher in combat. Like her, he was not a mage. They were two peas in a pod. "It's been awhile since we came here! I wonder if they still remember us?" she speculated, being a bit too cheerful. Her mental state danced around a lot and she was sure that even Erebus sometimes had difficulty changing gears to respond to her emotional state. At times she was quiet and reclusive. Other times, she was much too energetic and eager for a good fight.

In truth, the tournament stadium had likely forgotten about the two of them. Death was not uncommon in the tournaments, though it was always frowned upon. Oh wait.. Erebus-San decapitated his last opponent... Nana thought to herself, remembering how Erebus had descended upon his target in a swarm of black and that was the end of the fight. Maybe that would be a little more difficult to forget- but nana herself had murdered an upcoming star and popular idol mage. Nana giggled softly to herself, her vibrant cheerfulness shifting to a sadistic grin. Would get get a good fight this timer?

She glanced about, wishing to look at some of the shops before the two of them entered the tournament participation waiting rooms. With Erebus in front of her, she would reach out to tug on his cowl. "Hey hey! Erebus-Sensei! If I win this next match. Will you buy me something from here?" she asked, prodding her teacher for a reward. Nana was not close to many people, even if she did treasure all of the Eternal Nightmare guild members. Erebus was special to her- like a big brother or a second father figure. She had neither growing up- a lone rat in the slums. Fighting for even the tiniest scraps of food in the streets. Now that she was in a guild, she was doing well for herself. She had quite a lot of jewels, more than most- but having your favorite person buy something for you... was worth more than buying it for yourself.




BASKA - TOURNAMENT ARC[Duo A Quest: NEUTRAL]   Empty Wed Aug 10, 2022 11:53 pm


Erebus stood in line, for some reason it felt like some Disney shit in the air. Maybe it was the viewers, the audience in this game. Matter of fact, the bleachers were full of them— rubbishy clothed men and women, the kingdom’s commoners and city’s inhabitants, were all here to witness the show. Erebus moves to the lobby from standing outside the gated entrance. He then signs himself for a fight against the first fighter in the arena.

Erebus holds himself still, and in a poof of white light, he was holding a lightsaber. A powerful weapons that melted through its victim’s with fire-type magical energy. The rogue was geared head to his toe, approaching him was as serious as death. Erebus was a massive threat to national security when armed to the teeth, and recently the death of Odin carried a cloud over Erebus’ in the chest. There would be no smile to console his pupil— Nana.

All that mattered was that she get stronger, build herself up from the ground. So now— she was on her first A-rank mission— a challenge against a noteworthy opponent. Erebus had to leave for his own challenge, but Nana would be left to decide her course of events now.




BASKA - TOURNAMENT ARC[Duo A Quest: NEUTRAL]   Empty Thu Aug 11, 2022 1:31 am



Cue the music:
Whether it had been Nana's usual quirkiness, or an intended action to cheer up Erebus- one couldn't be too certain. It would be safe to say that it was her usual self: granted, she was keen to Erebus' despair. The loss of Odin had been a crippling wave of indecision against the guild Eternal Nightmare. To some, Odin's death had stung far more than the rest. Erebus was one of those. Nana had only known Odin a little bit, but even she was grateful to him for having her adopted by the guild. It was hard to stay in good spirits, or pretend otherwise when the open wound that members like Erebus, carried- affected even their closest companions.

Nana was a pragmatic type and while she loathed Odin's death and the after-effects, she knew that no feelings would ever bring Odin back. To her, he was a memory. A corpse, a ghost of glory and a haunting reminder of the injustices of the world.

Nana had gave it a good attempt tp cheer Erebus up, to a vain effort however. Taking on a more serious and controlled attitude, the green haired daemon reigned in her cheerfulness and took up her business-like demeanor. Quiet, observant and quick to violence.

While just moments ago she had been a boisterous noise of joy, she was now somber and simply eager to fight. To vent some of her pent up frustrations and psychotic urges. She knew that as of now: the only thing that could somewhat please Erebus, was the growth in Nana's strength. What she could do for her sensei, was impress him in the arena. Nana still had her basic gear, despite earning so much riches recently. She didn't want to settle for less than spectacular gear. As a non-mage, her gear was her life line. I wonder who my opponent will be today... she mused to herself, fantasizing about all the different types she might be pitted against.

It would not be long before she found out. Once again, Erebus and Nana had split up from the participants staging areas as they awaited their turns. There seemed to be a line of reasoning in how they chose participants... because once again, Nana was chosen to battle before Erebus. "Wow! What a great fight for our last match contestants. I wonder if our next contenders will be able to match that energy? In the left side, we have a B Rank contestant. Her name is Nana and she has been here once before." As he spoke Nana's introduction, she entered the arena from the left side. She didn't wave or react to the introduction, nor did she show any visible signs from the mixed crowd response. Some were cheers but the majority were booing.

"And in the other end, we have a long time contender! Formerly a rune knight, who gave up his job to seek fame. Give a big round of applause for the tournament's own Juggernaut!" said the announcer, clearly giving more hype and partiality to their ex rune knight multiple winner. Nana didn't mind: in fact, she preferred things to be stacked this way. It would make her victory all the more sweet when he fell before her.

The rune knight himself was a tall and burly man. He had big arms and impressive in size was his legs. Nana knew that her little body would be no match if the man managed to wrestle her. The rune knight raised his fists, a pair of steel knuckles appearing over his hands- a brawler. Nana responded by raising her hands and drawing her own daggers. She licked the right dagger's blade. The cold metal tickled her tongue and she grinned. "Come at me as if you were going to kill me.. Because I intend to kill you." she would say, antagonizing the man to make things even more challenging. It would be a real challenge if the man was to hold back against her simply because she was a girl.

Whether the rune knight showed it or not, Nana couldn't tell if he was bothered at the idea... but he had formerly been a rune knight. Nana could only assume the man would take her seriously now. With a bang of his fists and the announcer giving them the "Begin!!!!" The man charged at Nana, his right hand outstretched as if to punch. He was slower than she expected, but wasn't too surprised due to his bodily constitution. It would be difficult to bring him down and avoid his attacks as well.

It was two non-mage users against one another in a test of physical prowess. Body against body and weapon against weapon. The man himself was probably more experienced in combat due to his line of work and his age difference. He must have seen Nana as a welp, wet behind the ears. As he came forward in a lunge, Nana stiffened her body and raised her hands with her daggers. The man intended for a square punch to her face and knock her out- it seemed he was not fond of killing little girls. That would be his first mistake and Nana would let him know as much.

As his punch came in and her body tensed up, she parried his punch with her daggers- not the pummels, but the blade itself. Her stance combined with his punch, had caused her daggers to sink deeply into the man's hand and render it a mangled mess. Gritting through the pain, his other hand came around in an attempt to grapple the daemon girl. She was already out of his reach however. Stiffening her body had served more than a singular purpose of stabbing- but also to carry her momentum away from him as she struck. She lifted a leg and pressed against the man's right arm, kicking her weapons free as the momentum carried her backwards. "You fight dirty. You'll pay for that." said the old rune knight. his right arm hung limp at his side and only his left arm raised to poise another struck.

As soon as Nana's feet touched the ground, the rune knight was already charging again. Instead of standing up to dodge, Nana did the opposite. As he rushed in, she would roll into a ball and dash beneath the man's legs. As she passed through, her daggers would bite his legs, slashing deep into his hamstrings. Through the roll, she would come to a stand several feet behind the man. The rune knight himself would lurch forward with his motion, then his legs buckled and he tumbled on his face into the dirt. "Oooh! Our local hero took a tumble! I couldn't tell exactly what happened there, but it seems the contender Nana is playing with her food!" said the announcer, in a tone that was less than encouraging.

Nana couldn't help but wonder if the announcer had a personal stake in this match. Gambling was common, especially for favorite fighters. Nana chuckled to herself. It seems I'll be beating more than one person today. she thought, thinking of all the spectators who had better against her.

Turning to face her foe, she watched and waited as the man used his one good limb to pick himself off the ground. This match was as good as over, but the rune knight refused to give up. If he had given up right then and there, he would have lived. He refused however. The old rune knight's code within him screamed that this woman before him was evil. His chivalrous nature had betrayed him and he lost the advantage before he realized his error. He knew the best he could manage, was to take out the dark mage along with himself.

Again, he rushed her- more cautious and confident this time. He would perform a vicious strike forward with his left arm, just as he had with his right armed strike. Nana still believed the man wished to end this quickly and without a killing blow. She would attempt to dodge in a similar manner, going for his legs again. Her first cuts had been too shallow it seemed. The man expected this however and did the unexpected. he raised his right arm and brought it down onto Nana's smaller retreating figure as she tried to dart between his legs.

His grab was a success, a genuine surprise to Nana. He had her now and would try to squeeze the air from her lungs and crush her. It was an obvious enough display to Nana and many of the onlookers. If he had his way, there would be no victor from this match. Simply two corpses.

Fortune was upon Nana's side however. He had used a feign to grab her, but he had feigned with his weakened hand. His bones were in splinters and his muscles were a mess from her daggers' work. Even as he pulled her close, she pried herself free from his hand. He brought his massive left arm up to grab her in a bear hug and squeeze, yet Nana's agility and small size allowed her to escape his squeeze.  With a swift lunging jump upwards, she would land with grace atop the man's shoulders, her heels locked firmly against both sides of his head. A single powerful twist of her hips and the man's left arm dropped loosely to his side. His head lulled at an akward and painful looking angle. Nana had snapped his neck. The large corpse took a tumble in the dirt and after the dust cleared, Nana sat atop the corpse leisurely and awaited the stunned announcer to exclaim her victory. "Ahh.. uh.. Well.. Uh.. the winner is Nana! the dark horse of the fight finishes with a fatality!" he said, sounding slightly impressed.
[End Exit]


Last edited by Nana on Sun Aug 14, 2022 12:13 am; edited 1 time in total


BASKA - TOURNAMENT ARC[Duo A Quest: NEUTRAL]   Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 6:12 am


There was a grim truth to the way he felt, as if fighting would never see an end. The feelings that motivated him were nothing short of carnal, destructive, raw— perhaps even evil. It was a long road to reach the mantle he was at, world-reknowned, wanted, and not easy to touch. He found those things amusing, how had one rogue— turned his agility into a horrendous weapon. How did one rogue— become friends with a Wizard Lord. How was that rogue going to get revenge for his friend, and would everyone involved remain to be his allies— or was he playing into the same trap that haunted many great warriors of the past.

Erebus was never a King in the Jungle, if anything— he was a Tiger. A mighty creation that swelled within the lands of his brothers, and aided them, but didn’t stir too many pots that others could piss in. He was striped across his body, possessing four magnus appendages that would rip and tear their target to shreds. Pointed teeth, blackened claws, he was more inhuman than some demons and yet— he was a Human. One of the few examples of what humans became when they pursued dark power, signed contracts with crazed Gods, and rushed the government over and over.

He was here now at the pedigree of his lithe, his ultimate offering to the world? His truth. His answer, the one many would surely wish to end him for. Counting his supple graces from the Gods as weakness, and a means to their journey. See— Erebus never wanted to offer himself as an obstacle for other legends to need to tower over, but as his Master’s heir. He was no doubt put in the position to let he’ll break loose. None were more imaginative at that then Erebus himself. He craved the vision. A new world, united under the banners of the guilds. A true Magic Council with no king.

It would be a dream he set his life too now. At least, that was the plan. He needed time to mold his brothers and sisters. Nana for example, had come here to ritualize the kill. She still acted as though he was a dear old friend, and Erebus was a friend. But to view him like normal mortals only meant he was devoid of the respect of a God. Erebus was a God. He knew this to be true. So now he would make that statement.

On his parchment, he challenged a hundred men. The stadium was up in their seats, they had only rarely seen this kind of activity. However, the West knew Erebus. Some fear him, Oak loved him. That was the case of his minor fame to his unholy infamy. Now he stood, summoning different weapons, his lightsaber to his gloved hand, with two daggers hanging in the concealed drape of his clothes. Perhaps that was his plan.

Sneak stabbing? Avoiding? Phasing. Would these tricks be enough for Alisa, a mage who— while he was a Rogue God. Could be considered a mage counterpart? Was he even on the level to tussle with world powers? Erebus bit his bottom lip til blood sped down his face. He inhaled softly at the nose. The rain began to fall which kissed his hooded cowl.

There was never a sight more terrible. The men charged, it was like a football field of soldiers. Erebus then bent at his knees, it was poetic as he blurred from sight, the ground cracking— distorting under the level of strength he truly could exude now. The sound of the crowd’s gasp made the entire arena fall silent. Like a horrible nightmare had just began. Bodies flew hundreds of feet through the air, people being slit in half. There were rivers of blood, and there seemed to be no slowing down. It had taken no longer moment than the time it required either. Erebus lit a black moving ball of smoke around himself; sparing very little the mercy of sight and defense as he raggdolled their corpse and broke bone with the blunt of his daggers and elbows. It was a fascinating sight of a man. It was not the usual kind of display from a mortal, perhaps... He wasn’t mortal at all.

When all the bodies lay lifeless but the few, Erebus walked like the reaper in slow motion. Stabbing the lightsaber into the backside of them, and slashing against their heart region. It was clear, that no one could see his face. His eyes were in tears, there was no one left to console this enigma any longer. This was a case of being alone, in a world so full. This was an example of a Lord, who had risen from the tables of scoundrels. This was a tale for Erebus, about what a busted up criminal could achieve if he could only win— every skirmish, encounter, fight...

“Alisa Vollan, as you all may know. Has vanquished my lord, my liege. Odin Morningstar. I had the thought that— well— maybe we could see the same story unfold together.” He started up. “But no one will ever commit to understanding their nightmares. So allow me to tell you how I am going to understand mine.” Erebus paused. The lightsaber turned off, and the laser dwindled back to it’s handle. With a single burst of smokey fog & light, all of his items were desummoned from his person. “I intend to kill the person who has caused me my nightmares. Or at the very least, I intend to drown them in anxiety, fear, and paranoia. If I can’t defeat her, she will hope that she is always there to defeat me. Because when she can’t, and believe me. The time for that will come. Your entire fucking world will know of it’s Eternal Nightmare.” he spat with toxicity, spitting the blood from his mouth from which it fell.

Erebus exited the battle field— entering the lobby. His entire garments were dyed red in blood. He simply awaited was to happen next and if he need enter the coliseum and show it off again. Surely that had been enough, but Erebus wanted his rumors floating the air. He wanted to poison Hargeon’s beliefs in their Blue Pegasus. This was about making others know his story, feeling his hatred, from thousands of miles away.


Last edited by Erebus Gresham on Mon Aug 15, 2022 8:00 am; edited 1 time in total


BASKA - TOURNAMENT ARC[Duo A Quest: NEUTRAL]   Empty Sun Aug 14, 2022 12:12 am



Cue the music:
The carnage was a thing of beauty to behold. Erebus was a well-known dark mage, even if he possessed no magic affinity himself. He was like Nana's icon, her goal as she aimed to become strong. Stronger even. Sure. She had felt apprehensive when her teacher had decided to brazenly fight one hundred men at once in the arena. He was basically inhuman already, but everyone had their limits. She wondered genuinely where Erebus' limits were and if he would truly be safe during the tournament match.

Of course there had been any actual need to worry- as her sensei sent men flying, sliced in half and many other horrific but memorable deaths. Nana had watched it all, taking in every detail. To Nana, it seemed as though he was just blowing off some steam- but he was also providing Nana with so much information to practice later in combat. Once the match was over, the announcer exclaimed in disbelief. "And there you have it folks! Erebus the dark calamity against one hundred men! A wholesale bloodbath and we will likely have to cancel the rest of the matches today in order to clean up and process the bodies."

As Erebus would return to his pupil, the green haired girl would clap excitedly for her teacher. He was once again hidden under his cowl and sometimes it was difficult to gauge his mood. That never stopped Nana however. "Good job Erebus-Sensei! It was a beautiful sight!" she would exclaim and then fall in place behind her teacher. Murmurs echoed through the halls. A lot of people had died this day and there would be lash back from the people. One hundred dead people, was one hundred dead people after all. Although Nana knew her sensei could handle himself. She still remained alert, ready to assist her teacher if there was reprisal.
[End Exit]
WC Total- 2,457
  • 7 SP(CON)
  • 400 Fame/Infamy
  • 400,000 Jewels[Bounty+60%]
  • 10,000 Experience
  • 250,000 Bounty



BASKA - TOURNAMENT ARC[Duo A Quest: NEUTRAL]   Empty Sun Aug 14, 2022 6:23 am


Erebus merely walked with his intents bent on the vengeance he sought. He knew Nana was there but frankly his mind was elsewhere, he simply could not get the idea out of his head about what had happened to Odin. It remained crystal clear to him even now, he would not sleep until he could avenge his friend.

Sure, those pitiful warriors probably didn’t deserve that. Especially if they were training for the Dark Universe Raiders and incursion mobs. However, Erebus was still a student of the craft, even if his pact within made him a monster, he was still just shy of the experience needed to be crowned a God of War. Every day that passed, he needed to be getting better— improving in some kind of productive way. Any one slip-up and it was assured to be an advantage to the Blue Pegasus’ Guildmaster.

“You really don’t have to say sensei, Nana.” Erebus spoke to her as he turned for his things and got ready to leave by scooping his bag. His few bagged items, which were nothing more than tools for the adventure out of Oak, were sling over the back like a ruck sack. “Erebus— Teacher— or master, is just fine,” he finally said. Finally turning towards the gates and marching back towards Oak. If Nana followed, Erebus would try to tell her that the honorifics weren’t important to him; he was only a man, simply an older student of the same art form.

“Anyways, let’s collect our pay. You did good out there.” Erebus left a firm assurance that Nana reaching B-rank had not gone unnoticed. He then went back to the quest-giver, having killed all his opponents’ Erebus collected even more bounty on his head, he did however, manage to guarantee himself half a million jewels extra, with cause for the concern. That money would come in handy later.

If Nana needed more help then Erebus was up to quest with her further, however. He was busy, and it would be some time before his personality turned for the more positive. If ever. The Quest has concluded. He returned home.


[Guild - Level 5 -30% WC]

-End & Exit-

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