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Destroying Food Storage (Sabotage:Cassia)[Solo]

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#1Miyamoto Akuma † 

Destroying  Food Storage (Sabotage:Cassia)[Solo] Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 4:21 pm

Miyamoto Akuma †
Sabotaging others doesn’t really fit Hildegard’s style, she probably will get mad if she knows one of her supporters especially one in the closed circle is actually make a secret small group sabotaging other heirs. It’s Akuma, he makes a group of 5 people all of them are supporters of Hildegard. They make this little group secretly sabotaging the other heir that mostly sabotaging Hildegard as well. They did this behind Hildegard’s back since they know that Hildegard will stop them from doing that, or worse she might get mad at their Idea. So they decided to make this group and sabotaging other heirs without Hildegard knowing, and they always try to move anonymously so no one knows it was them who did that sabotage. Akuma was chosen to be the leader of that little group cause he is the closest to Hildegard between the 5 members of that group, and that will help them to get information about where Hildegard is at so they can sabotage somewhere else and they can sabotage their target while keep being out of Hildegard’s radar. Last time, they sabotage the food storage in one of Cassia’s supporter’s towns and bring big chaos to that city because of what they did.

Wc : 214

#2Miyamoto Akuma † 

Destroying  Food Storage (Sabotage:Cassia)[Solo] Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 4:22 pm

Miyamoto Akuma †
Akuma always comes with a plan to sabotage other heirs, his plans always keep their identity safe from everyone else. They did this to keep the name of Hildegard’s supporters clean and also to keep this activity hidden from Hildegard’s radar. This time Akuma has another plan to destroy the food storage in another town of Cassia’s supporters. Last time, they release a bunch of rodents on one of the food storage that belongs to Cassia. They release them everywhere in that food storage and even hide them somewhere hoping that will be new trouble in the future. This time Akuma has a different plan to put them down, Akuma plans to do something harming the forest just a little part of it. Akuma wants to scare some beasts in that part of the forest to push them to the town he aims for. Akuma wants to make those beasts angry so they might be rampaging in that town. Akuma will then try to direct those beasts to the food storage and provoke them to attack the food storage. But Akuma also has a backup plan if that one doesn’t work. And before starting this plan, as always Akuma sends one scouter to gather information and location detail in that town.

Wc : 215

#3Miyamoto Akuma † 

Destroying  Food Storage (Sabotage:Cassia)[Solo] Empty Thu Jul 22, 2021 4:22 pm

Miyamoto Akuma †
The scouter that Akuma sent to that town comes back and brings the report for Akuma, all the information she gathers in that town becomes important information for the plan, and the day finally comes. The plan is started and all has been going according to Akuma’s plan until this time comes. When Akuma and the other member try to directing the beasts to the food storage and attack it, the beasts are distracted by the chaos in that town, they got distracted by the people that are scared and running around town, and this is where Akuma’s backup plan needed. Akuma has prepared some molotov bombs and give them to every member, that molotov bombs are exactly for a moment like this. The backup plan is to use the moment of chaos as a distraction for the people of the town to throw those molotov into the food storage. If those beasts can’t be directed here, means that they get distracted by something else, probably to those people who scream or run around cause of scared. That might make those beasts get angrier and do more damage to the town. After throwing those molotov bombs into the food storage, Akuma and the other member use the chaos to hide themselves and get out of that town.

Wc : 220

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