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Fiammetta Barone's Sheet

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#1Fiammetta Barone 

Fiammetta Barone's Sheet Empty Fri Nov 10, 2017 6:35 pm

Fiammetta Barone





Relationship: Esperia von Eisenberg - Girlfriend

Team: None



Weapon: Martial Artist Knuckles

Head: None

Body: Martial Artist Gi

Ring: Kerberos

Companion: Salem


D-rank Spells:

C-rank Spells:

B-rank Spells:

A-rank Spells:

S-rank Spells:



Topics Completed:

Topics Ongoing:



D-rank Quests Completed:

C-rank Quests Completed:

B-rank Quests Completed:

A-rank Quests Completed:

S-rank Quests Completed:


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