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Rei Miyako

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#1Rei Miyako 

Rei Miyako Empty Mon Oct 23, 2023 6:40 pm

Rei Miyako


Name: Rei Miyako

Age: 20(November 13th, X775)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Ethnicity, Father: Joyan

Ethnicity, Mother:Sevenese

Class: Sentinel(Enforcer)

Race: Wood elf

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Akudama Syndicate

Tattoo: Left inner breast, color- Green

Face: Nana Osaki(NANA)


Height: 1.7M(5'5")

Weight: 60kg(135lbs)

Hair: Black

Eyes: Black

Overall: Rei is a small delicate woman with a modest hourglass shape. Her skin tone is of the softer side of a fair complexion. Her skin is buttery smooth to the touch due to meticulous selfcare. Her eyes carry a strong but compassionate gaze, easily mistaken for pity or even sadness. Her hair is short but dark black and glossy like the midnight sky shined on by a full moon. She weighs a modest one hundred and thirty five pounds. She stands at five foot five inches. She has a bust of 44DD. She tends to wear darkened clothes, black usually, leather or spandex. Her clothing typically is somewhat revealing of either her skin or womanly shape. Sometimes both.

Extra: N/A


Personality: Rei is a outwardly cheerful and compassionate creature. She prioritizes making sure those around her are happy and or comfortable- for those are the easiest to manipulate. Rei loves to sing, which is shown in her passionate work as a Diva. She tends to target anyone whom enjoys her music. She manipulates others for good and bad, but mostly for self-interest. While she is very friendly and helpful, she harbors a deep grudge for the law and light mages in general. Cautious, calculative and manipulative, she works her "magic" into others to get favorable reactions from them. Although usually always cheerful, positive and encouraging to the point of it being seemingly unnatural, it is difficult for others to gauge just how much of it she fakes as her famous role as a "diva" and just how much of it is real or genuine happiness or cheerfulness. Truthfully she is a sad woman, depressed and fighting her inner demons so to speak. 
One reason she manipulates others is to bring them happiness, in hopes that it brings her happiness or satisfaction as well. She has mental and emotional scars that keeps her grounded as a realist despite how cheerful she acts towards most everyone else. Due to how fake her personality is, it is terribly difficult to elicit a negative reaction from her. She'll act positive and smile despite the worst circumstances until you manage to make her mad. Once she has been made mad, she becomes a quiet and collected individual whom looks down on you as if you were an insignificant bug and nothing you say or do could impress her.
Despite her cheerful and energetic personality, she much prefers to be alone and in quiet places. often found reading a book and or avoiding people altogether if there is no need to entertain anyone. She can be petty and vindictive, going so far as to take "justice" into her own hands. She isn't afraid to get her hands dirty, although she's more likely to manipulate others into doing the dirty work for her. She prefers to stay clean and beautiful, vain to the core.

  • Singing: Due to her profession as a diva, she has made a career out of her love for hearing her own beautiful voice.
  • Reading: Rei loves books of all kinds. She can often be found in her quiet time, absorbed into a book. Whether it's a fantasy story, or a book about education. She is always reading to expand her vocabulary and find more reasons to sing.
  • Food: Despite her small figure, she loves food. her stomach is a seemingly bottom pit and despite how much she eats, she never seems to gain or lose any weight. Much to the admiration and hatred of other jealous women.
  • Booze: Rei also loves alcohol. Despite her small stature, she can drink a dwarf under the table and still maintain a fairly rational sense of mental clarity.

  • Loud people: It is difficult to sing or enjoy the solitude of silence when there are loud boisterous people about. Despite her own fake cheerfulness, she dislikes it when others do it or make too much noise.
  • Senseless violence: Almost any act of compassion or violence can be tied in with logic or emotions. Despite her willingness to break laws and take matters into her own hands, she dislikes unnecessary violence. There are easier ways to deal with problems, whether that is gently suffocating them into a blissful slumbering death, or killing them swiftly so they don't feel any pain. She understands that violence is often the best choice or the most direct route to accomplishing goals, yet she dislikes it all the same.

  • Popularity: Rei wishes to increase her popularity rating through the land of Fiore and beyond. While she possesses a small gathering of fans she wants everyone to know her music and adore her as a diva.
  • Power: This goes hand in hand with her popularity, but she desires true power. Enough power to not only defend herself, but to make her own dreams and desires into a reality. Might makes right after all.

  • Losing: More than most things, Rei hates losing. That's why she manipulates others into doing things for her. If someone else fails on her behalf, she doesn't feel like it was a failure, as she can find someone or something else to manipulate to her grand designs and machinations. naturally, this fear ties into her popularity as a Diva as well.
  • Dying: Like almost everyone, she fears the inevitable and unknown force of death.
  • Old age: Like many, she fears old age and the ailments associated with it. She wishes to stay as beautiful for as long as possible to enjoy her popularity.


Strength: 1

Speed: 10

Constitution: 1

Endurance: 1

Intelligence: 17


Magic Name: Mirror Magic

Magic Element: Arcane

Magic Enhancement: N/A

Magic Description: Mirror Magic is a magic that allows the caster to summon and control the properties of mirrors reflecting an opponent's physical and magical attacks. These mirrors can be sustained and moved via hand gestures.


History: Rei is an oddity of her species. While a wood elf, she generally doesnt see a difference between the human species and elves. Part of the cause may have been how she was raised. She was raised in a mixed community. Humans, elves and even half-elves were common day occurences. Elves however are regarded as a more beautiful or fair subspeciies. As such, it was easy for men and women alike to be smitten with the cute or exotic appearances of elves. From a young age, Rei experienced this stigmatism and learned to use it to her advantage. Whether it was using her childlike charm to get extra treats from grownups, or toying with the boys' hearts her age. 
To some, she could be called a pariah, readily willing to take advantage of affection and even pity. Unlike many whom had parents, Rei did not. She didn't understand the importance of parents as a child yet yearned for affection of almost any kind. An orphon from young age, her parents were adventurers and killed while on a job. Rei grew up in an orphanage with too many mouths to feed and not enough hands to tend to needs of individual children. As such, she had no moral guidance to tell her things were wrong or to chastize her for doing wrong. From an early age on, she grew up to realize she could get away with almost anything as long as people didnt know or suspect.
This reasoning and upbringing brought Rei to the realization that as long as she was well known and liked, she could live a double life. Taking to some popular trends and her natural gifted singing voice, she took to being a diva or a popstar. Although she never made it world-wide famous, she was well known and is still well known for her singing and dancing to this day. She uses this stage "face" as her every day face to promote her popularity so she can be rich, liked and manipulate those around her. 
Despite how easy her life was compared to many others who faced hardships, Rei chose to be less than wholesome or pure. In her early childhood years, she experiemented with many taboos- going so far as to murder other children just to feel what it was like and the rush of seeing if she could get away with it. She found that she enjoyed it but she did not enjoy making people suffer from needless violence. Instead, she directed her energies into finding ways to keep people happy until they died, or simply killed them before they realized what was happening to them. On occasion when someone found out her ugly secrets or upset her, she could be rather vicious.

Discord: Nana

Reference: Been here since 2012


Rei Miyako Empty Thu Oct 26, 2023 3:44 am

This character is approved for roleplay.

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