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Winds back home [ Jikan | Mimi ]

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Winds back home [ Jikan | Mimi ] Empty Sat Sep 09, 2023 2:40 pm


The sun was low in the sky. The ticker of the suns descent as it began its swing moving from its peak afternoon height to the low lure of its evening goodbye. The walls of Orchidia were silent for once. Not even the threat of a bee buzzing as it nestled and danced upon a freshly bloomed flower. The red headed Amazon. Guild master-, former guild master of the recently disbanded guild named Sleeping Calamity was out. Still present in the town she had begun to call home over the last few years.

Her cat exceed friend Mia, was by her side as always. Happily nomming on a soft piece of pastry shaped in the form of a fish. With all that had been going on in Talaz Lagaar and her focus there, the chaos within Sleeping Calamity was so sudden to her. To be honest, she was caught off guard. She had no news of what has transpired and only caught wind of it when she returned from it all.

And as she walked across Orchidia, having the same formal pleasantries with the citizens she saw she had to wonder. What now?


Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Winds back home [ Jikan | Mimi ] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Winds back home [ Jikan | Mimi ] Empty Wed Sep 13, 2023 5:30 am

Who better to cheer up the day but maybe Miriko. She seemed to have a wonderful habit for this. Alistair and Miriko where in town, it was most likely some what the talk of it between the many things going on at the time, But she was here. Even if she was mostly in the south living her life as she normally did.

But what else to this day would be interesting for Jikan then for Miriko to visit her. More by happen stance then anything else. Too some one's luck Miriko was not head first painting sitting in one place, however she was walking casually while drawing with a book and a pencil.

Miriko knew and observed emotions quiet easily, Looking at jikan from some distance away would simply just casually walk over and hug Jikan. It was an odd thing and slightly out of place for her, But maybe it would help in her pondering times here.


Winds back home [ Jikan | Mimi ] Empty Wed Sep 13, 2023 10:01 am


Jikan was not one to stay still when it came to her ambitions. But for once, she was in a present where there was a pause within the turning wheels in her mind. A hiccup that caused a slowed movement.

Sleeping Calamity had always had a distance and almost sparse numbers. The lack of massive waves of membership that may be present in some guilds that had existed for decades of recent centuries was matched by an energetic individuality and and heavy presence of quality of its members. Tested in competitiveness of oneself and each other. Even in that everyone was very…up to themselves in what they did and where they were. Given that, this was all so sudden.

Was it the war within Joya? The front line fighting of Sleeping Calamity caused a nice chunk of death in their guild members. Did more die than Jikan had predicted? Was this the tailwind of the Dark World Invasion? Did members die there in a larger chunk than noted in reports? In death or in a migration to their homes to act as their protectors or as new villains? Or was it the sudden wave of new guilds being brought to life? Did interest and the option of opportunity snatch and dwindle their resources?

By and by, either way there was a problem to be had, she could not run a guild with just herself or a handful of people. A sad pill to swallow when it came to…the home? Jikan had felt she had made something here in Sleeping Calamity and Orchidia over the years. She supposed she still had her connection to the town after all. Perhaps it was time to put more energy towards her plans given the state of things?

As emotionless and careful, Jikan likes to act and move. To the people who knew her the most they could tell there was a little bit of s hiccup in the steps she took on this day. And in this thought she had missed Miriko's presence as the artist made her move. It was safe to say that she was out of the loop. And so when the tall woman came and gave Jikan a hug after casually walking up. Jikan gave a slight jump before looking up. Half ready to give a piece of her mind and half in complete confusion of who-

"Mimi", Jikan stated. A silent  stillness before a quick panic of flailing arms to the side while grasping for words to speak. "Wha, mi-mir- MIMI", stopped. Her strong body became smaller, more sensitive. Her arms went down.  Coming down to hesitating touch Miriko's shoulders before falling down to her back and sinking into a much needed hug. Not saying a word.

458 | 651

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Winds back home [ Jikan | Mimi ] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Winds back home [ Jikan | Mimi ] Empty Fri Sep 15, 2023 5:48 am

Normally this was Miriko over all being stuck in these situation with that reaction, It was a means of turning the tide and some one else now in some manner knew what she was dealing with emotionally when she was this way. Most people did forget even if she was at times a nervous person Miriko was still a logical and mature woman. She would most likely common shortly on it, but she just let the moment be nice but Alistair was in some manner starting to chuckle about it but it was most likely to be expected after all it was interesting for the cattian to see.

After the moment was over, Mimi would finally let out a joking comment. She was not cruel about it."Thus the table has been turned for once, Now you know how i feel in these situations." Miriko said softly still. She was not trying to be horrible about it she was just trying to maybe cheer some one up. She didn't laugh at her or say anything mocking about it just trying to be funny for once in her life. It was odd but maybe comforting in it's own way.


Winds back home [ Jikan | Mimi ] Empty Wed Sep 27, 2023 7:34 pm


To say the least that Miriko had floored Jikan and made her completely and untimely speechless. Nothing but the steady flutter of her heart as it pounded in her chest. Stuck in the embrace of a intertwined gentle hug with Miriko. Jikan had not said a word after Miriko had hugged her. Surprised by it all, this was the first time they had hugged. And even more so initiated by Mimi. Jikan thought the quiet painter was not the higher type, she did not even see Alistair get a hug from Mimi after all. This was so out of character! Still so…nice.

Although Jikan felt so silenced and unable to speak. In a different way to her little for words personality normally. Either way it did not stop Jikan from enjoying it one bit or from her to give a gentle squeeze to further their hug while Mimi spoke. "I…ah…well", a few strands fell from the right side of Jikans face. Covering her natural blue green eyes and failing miserably to show the blush forming on her face.

"Yes…why yes that is the case", Jikan said in a soft laugh. Pulling away slightly to see Miriko's face. "Ah..well if you feel what I feel, then this…is absolutely wonderful", Jikan spoke in a soft voice filled with a moment of happiness. Why Miriko was a bit of jokester? Jikan would not have guessed that!

A jolt of realization came. Just as Jikan thought maybe she was hugging Miriko too long. And reluctantly. She began to let go. "But what brings you all the way her Mimi?", Jikan asked curiously.


Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Winds back home [ Jikan | Mimi ] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Winds back home [ Jikan | Mimi ] Empty Thu Sep 28, 2023 5:34 pm

If one had to ask when they knew Miriko well then they either forgot or did not remember why Miriko often travelled around. Miriko was well here because she was going to find things to work on and paint or draw. She figured it was a given that was why she was here. There was people who would still want her work in the north so she was here. Did Jikan really assume she was here for any other reason? none she could really think about anyway.

But she would explain anyway."Work mostly. After all the people here in the north do like my work."Miriko said and seemingly let her go since being sneaky and doing this seemed to already be enough for most people even Miriko even felt like she had done a fair amount of effort for something she did not expect to do. a fair amount of energy mentally was used.


Winds back home [ Jikan | Mimi ] Empty Thu Oct 05, 2023 6:40 pm


Perhaps it was the heavy amount of butterflies twisting up her stomach. Perhaps it was the mental bewilderment of her guild suddenly falling apart. Maybe even the slim selfish subconscious hope that Miriko was here to see her. Either way the initial potential reasoning as to why Miriko could be here was simply not hitting here. A fact she should have known fully well due to the woman's creative adventures that came from wandering the world seeking muse and inspiration. It was an oversight due to emotions.

And so as Jikan’s ears heard Miriko's answer her blush grew. A further blushing from embarrassment at her carelessness. "Oh ah…right silly of me. That was obvious", Jikan began. Softly mumbling the last sentence to herself. With the fame and fans that Miriko was creating it was no surprise. Sadly, Jikan did not think she saw any art yet held up outside by the people of Orchdia. If anything, Jikan was sure she would recognize Mimi's style! She wondered how many people were buyers. Wait…was her own commission done? QUESTIONS FOR LATER.

Jikan thought with a flutter of joy at that thought before being brought back down once again but a steer of formality. "Your art is amazing after all. And with each piece you do your skill is even more respected", Jikan beamed. A strange sense of…pride coming from her voice for some reason as she puffed out her chest. "With that in mind, have you gotten any new sense of inspiration?", Jikan added on as she relaxed as Miriko let go.


Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Winds back home [ Jikan | Mimi ] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Winds back home [ Jikan | Mimi ] Empty Sat Oct 07, 2023 5:43 pm

So she wanted to know if Miriko had anything in her mind new and interesting? In reality she had been reading into more things to attempt to make these days while she was still painting or drawing. So maybe that information was not too horrible to talk about. "Well I have been some what diving into new things to try in the future i merely need to gather the materials to start it."She would mention most likely to the interest of Jikan.

It seemed Miriko was some what still more focused on work rather then anything else entirely. "I have considered trying to make stuffed animals."Children's toys was the answer and it showed that Miriko left alone was always trying to improve and or find new things to make. While not realizing that she in fact might be adding more work to herself that could tired her out later.


Winds back home [ Jikan | Mimi ] Empty Thu Oct 12, 2023 7:38 pm


Well there was an interest Jikan could not deny. Far from being a creative genius or master of crafting. She failed to fully wrap around the skills and process that Miriko endured in her art. However, the pride and joy of the process was clear as water to her. And for that, those moments. It made Jikqn adore it. It was an interest that made her happy to always find out if the Gothic painter had any new or interesting concepts bubbling up to the surface.

"Oh really?", Jikan responds with a bubble of interest oozing from her voice. Curiosity in the back and forefront of her mind at the possibilities that Miriko was on the surface of playing with. And with the idea brought out Jikan couldn't not help but break out in a cheeky smile. 

"Stuff animals? Well…could I perhaps be the first to get one? Maybe?", Jikan quipped. All before getting quieter in her voice in a bit of shyness. "I would, love a gift from you".

She then coughed. Gathering herself in an attempt to change subjects. "But ah beyond that. It is good to hear that you have been good. I have been busy myself in a different way. In Talaz Lagaar".


Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Winds back home [ Jikan | Mimi ] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Winds back home [ Jikan | Mimi ] Empty Sun Oct 15, 2023 5:37 am

Miriko was well in depth thinking about her many idea and projects and idea she could not help that she either had missed something or had completed something and forgot at home."I as always have many ideas, I am just unsure if other things i have completed had been given to the people intended, i am caught up on my work."Miriko mentioned because her mind was everywhere she had not been creatiing everything because of it her list of things to make where done she just was not sure if they where all given to the people who asked for them.

It was not a hint it was almost like she was trying to remember at this time."As for what happen in Talaz Lagaar i am not entirely informed of it."She also admitted. Miriko's life did not have much to do around that stuff currently.


Winds back home [ Jikan | Mimi ] Empty Thu Oct 19, 2023 6:31 pm


Jikan let her body softly fall into a tilt as she waited to hear Miriko's voice. A soft smile filled with a calmness. A sway of her hips to the right as her foot slid out slightly with her left hand resting comfortably at her hip. Unknown to the in-depth thought occurring within her lovely mind. The process of thought circling and circling within the wires of her mind. 

The answer to Jikan’s question was, well. Expected. She was a creative engine cranking out ideas from a never ending appearing well of muse. One part was interesting though. The delivery of completed projects to their intended person. "Wait…why? Do you not deliver your work to people?", Jikan began with a raised eyebrow. Quite surprised by the slight unexpected fact it was the case and how Miriko worked around it. It did not seem to slow her down at least.

Ah wait wait. Miriko asked Jikan her own question,  didn't she? It would be rude to not answer that. The precious or perhaps sheltered Mimi. Not knowing about the international noises that were shaking the community. Well, it was no surprise after all. It was no business for Fiore. Only the paid or sympathetic minds that knew of it. Jikan did not think that there was a massive news coverage of it yet, so she doubted everyone would be knowing about it so easily!

"Oh well. Geez where do I even begin!", Jikan said before clearing her throat. "Well. Talaz Lagaar had a…breakout essentially. A disease condition that many argue if it was man made or natural. Either way it is an epidemic plague killing and spreading to many in the nation. So much fear and instability that the isolated land opened its doors to the outside world for aid. Their scientists primarily want to find a solution themselves of course. And I even hear that they have a somewhat effective cure. But all the same pretty much all of the countries and some of the guilds within Fiore have gone to give aid. Or…to steal money and artifacts holding magical power or science", Jikan ended with a wave of her hand. "There are 3 primary factions, well four really. I can tell you about them if you wish?"

378 | 1765

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Winds back home [ Jikan | Mimi ] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Winds back home [ Jikan | Mimi ] Empty Fri Oct 20, 2023 3:18 pm

Well what Jikan just implied to Miriko was not entirely a good thing, because she was not thinking in a horrible manner that Jikan just said that made Miriko the hard worker sound fairly lazy and it was kind of easily picked up on."Wait...what do you mean I don't deliver to people?"Miriko actually sounded a bit offended something rare to do to some like Miriko but she was at this time it seemed almost like it could have been phrase a bit better and far less bluntly as that.

Miriko pointed to Alistair who some what was just lingering in the background."You think I travel on Alistair just for show?"Miriko asked for a reason what was their view of Miriko and how she worked."I take my work serious you know."It seemed it was too far in deep to go back now. Miriko was actually offended at this time and Jikan had managed to upset Miriko in the oddest way possible.

"I have travelled so many locations and area's in life on Alistair by myself to do my work."Miriko said about it was it too far for Jikan to figure out what to say in return?


Winds back home [ Jikan | Mimi ] Empty Sun Oct 22, 2023 11:30 am


In Jikan's confusion on Miriko's procedure, she had asked Miriko a question to get some clarity. In doing so it seemed she had caused a bit of a negative reaction in her friend. She did not mean to imply in any manner that Miriko was lazy and the sound in her voice easily showed a bit of hurt as well as being offended. "Oh no no!, not that you do not deliver to them", Jikan began immediately after hearing Miriko speak. "I don't mean that. I know you deliver commissions if they are in the same location as you", she said, holding her hands outward towards Miriko. Palms facing in a defensive posture as she seemed to hastily and firmly shake her hands in denial.

"But given that you said, that you were unsure if other things that you had completed, had been given to the intended people. With that, I figured that you were saying that you aren't always the one to deliver your work which I thought was a big surprise and unexpected". Jikan quickly said finishing her explanation.

"I was unsure by what you meant by that. And was wondering, asking. If you had people aiding in delivering your finished work if you aren't able to easily do so yourself". Hopefully this cleared up what Jikan was trying to mean and ask. Jikan knew that Miriko took her work seriously. To a debilitating level at times even. …most of the time. "You take great care and dedication to your art and people you have decided to share it with; you put it before your well being and physical state. Personal or business, I would never doubt your connection and feelings to that; that love. I know you far too well to even think that. I care…about you too much to consider saying that", Jikan said softly. At this point though it seemed that the calm artist had come out on a fiery side of her personality. The only thing Jikan could maybe do to not make things worse was to let the upset Miriko let out her feelings. Maybe then if she had that pause, communication could still be had and they could talk more about the miscommunication and misunderstanding that happened.

And so, Jikan took an internal deep breath to calm her upticking nerves. Having said what she said hoping to have Miriko listen before waiting to see how Miriko would respond to her response and explanation.

411 | 2176

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Winds back home [ Jikan | Mimi ] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Winds back home [ Jikan | Mimi ] Empty Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:58 pm

It was most likely one of the few times Miriko would express showing being upset a rare matter over all. Even now she was explaining."And if i leave an area, I make sure to get the location. Why else do you think i return to other places so much?!"Miriko went on about. Yet again seemed it opened something with in Miriko to be upset about it. Still she took her work very seriously.

Then she settled down pretty quickly and seemed to be okay.At least it seemed with how Miriko was she did regain her control pretty quickly, it seemed it was only over the minor things she seemed bothered by for a moment. Then kind of just went back to normal once she settled."I just forget to manage things, Alistair can't keep track of them either."She seemed back to normal to the benefit of everyone.


Winds back home [ Jikan | Mimi ] Empty Tue Oct 31, 2023 6:20 pm


"Well no of course I thought you USUALLY did that. But again, it sounded like you had help and I was just…". She did what she could and it would all have to be seen now. Finishing her inhale, Jikan let out a breath as Miriko talked. A release of tension. "Wait...Okay, okay…", she said, lowering her hands from their defensive stance back down to her side. Miriko was truly upset. And even then, this attempt at communication was only making her emotions worse. "I'm sorry. I am sorry Mimi dear I did not mean to cause anything. It was my fault for misunderstanding".

Jikan ended it on her end. No words, no stubbornness. She just eyed the regained composure of the one dear to her with a slight relaxation. Hoping to not stir the pot again so to speak by continuing on with the incident that offended her as a creative creator. A sincere apology was all she could give right now she supposed. "I understand. I um, I can help sometimes if you're…not mad at me too much?".

Oh what she would do to change the topic to anything better right about now…

196 | 2372

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Winds back home [ Jikan | Mimi ] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Winds back home [ Jikan | Mimi ] Empty Wed Nov 01, 2023 4:57 pm

Miriko did eventually settle down because she knew over all it was kind of pointless to continue on with how she was going to deal with it."I should really keep a list, Keep it in a simple spot for me to remember where it is."She said more of less back to being settled and back on focus. Jikan was now out of trouble. "Either way your fine."Miriko was never the type to stay mad for long unless it was with out reason.

as for the offer of help it seemed it was a good chance too. Because it seemed this meeting was related."Well speaking of help, it might be useful now that you mention it."

Miriko was at least not shy anymore and would just be out right."I am sure i was working on something related to you or some one related to you, I have completed it. I just....don't remember what items they where."Things were working out.

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