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Arranged Love and Creation of the Convocation ♫ [wip]

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Arranged Love and Creation of the Convocation ♫ [wip] Empty Mon Aug 14, 2023 9:41 pm


Name: Arranged Love and Creation of the Convocation

Difficulty: Epic

Participants: Mishiko, Guests, Utopian Demise

Story: Mishiko's sleep is finally over, her recovery does not mean her job is done though. Her family has things planned and arranged some could say as Gods love to meddle in the lives of their own. The Empress of the Kami, Amaturasu has arranged whom she'll be marrying, more than one they say, but their main courtships are Amaturasu's Choices. No one gets a say in it, not her, not the specific Gods who will be courted to her, not her mother, no one. If that wasn't enough, she also has to gather up her members of the guild to talk about the Faction that will be replacing the guild, to protect Joya and all creation.

Their Faction will be moving as well as they shall destroy their old building and build anew in Joya. No one but Mishiko, who will find out soon and is most of it was already built, waiting for her return. Rules will be set, things shall go unpunished for those who were loyal to the Shogun Ayame and her loyal friends shall be the witnesses.


  • Mishiko will awaken, greeted by Ohta. She'll be told that everyone in Joya is awaiting for her speech as they could feel her return. She'll need to give a speech.

  • As she meets with the main staff who were her crew when adventuring in her past Adventures, she'll start to organize things for them to do.A title will be given to those she deems deserves it as they were there for her when things were dire.

  • Her brother, Susanoo will appear as he opens the doors to tell her that Amaterasu is summoning her. She won't know why till she finally gets there and finds out that she is to be arranged to be wedded to her chosen Gods and Demigods. Due to their ways, she felt necessary that she have more than one as they were interested.

  • She won't get to meet them, but in her quarters at the Heavenly palace, she'll learn rumors about who they all might be. Rather or not she believes them is up to her.

  • She is sent back to the Earthrealm to prepare herself. Ohta seems to act okay with everything. She pays no mind and is escorted around what was once Joyan's Capitol and is now in ruins.

  • She plans on creating a whole new place for them, rebuild and make it amazing for the people.

  • Together they go through the plans and travels to find the location. It ends up already built and finds out that her and many others built this utopia hundreds of years ago as an escape. She'll use this as her Faction location. The area around it shall be the new Capitol of Joya.

  • Once all plans begins, she is sent back up to find who she'll be marrying. It's later found out it's a few she knows personally and one she did not know.

  • Plans are made and they're inviting her guests. She gets to know them and rules become set. After a few days, the wedding is set since the Empress of Heaven no longer wants to wait.

  • The wedding is set off and things goes as planned unlike before during the false one. After the party is over, they go back down to the Earthrealm to rebuild and finish what needs to be done.

  • After all things are done, she gathers her guild members and creates the faction as well as anything else that needs to be done.


Name: Awaken

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Mishiko

Summary: Mishiko awakens from her months of slumber to see Ohta waiting. Many things are waiting for her as she needs to see what has happened.

Others: -

Enemies: N/A


  • Have a vision-like dream and wake up to Ohta waiting.
  • Make sure everyone is good to go.


Name: Feed the Need

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: Mishiko, Allies


Many people will be hungry and thirsty after the sailing to get here. Prepare to cook, serve and give them to the Allies and those who came to help.

Enemies: -


  • You will find out that many people arrived on ships, not just yourself.
  • Someone will escort you to the kitchen and give you the supplies you need to cook enough meals for the allies around.
  • Once done, you may have help to serve the food and drinks around and enjoy some time before it's time.


Name: The Threat Remains

Rank: S

Type: Bad

Participants: Mishiko, Allies


Mishiko needs to find out information about their enemies. How many samurai's do each Daimyo's have, how many Daimyo's are left, and so forth. The info needs to come back to her so she can plan with the new info given.

Others: Allies

Enemies: Optional


  • Go forth into the shadows or forest and sneak around
  • Find where their camps are located.
  • Silently listen for any information.
  • It is optional to assassinate in whatever way you wish, but do it quickly and silently as you don't want to alarm them.
  • Come back to give the information you've learned.


Name: In Your Heart Shall Burn

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: Mishiko, Allies


Help is needed to create and hand out weapons and armor or to upgrade the other allies in whichever one can. The blacksmith can also use help if  you can't do it yourself by handing him things.

Others: Blacksmith, Allies

Enemies: None


  • Help the Blacksmith or you, yourself can create weapons and armor.
  • Grab the list of people that are in need of weapons and armor.
  • Once you're finished, hand them out to people or call upon them to get what they need.


Name: Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts

Rank: S

Type: Bad

Participants: Mishiko, Allies


Everyone treads through the unknown forest to get to Shichi, which will be the spot where a lot of blood will be spilt. All seems peaceful right now as everyone follows. A little too peaceful.


Enemies: ? Assassins


  • As you walk with everyone in your own group, instead of a large one, you will feel a chill against your spine.
  • One by one, some of the people that were with you will disappear and suddenly you will be attacked.
  • Defeat the assassins that are there to destroy your numbers and help those in dire need if possible.


Name: Here Lies the Abyss

Rank: S

Type: Bad

Participants: Mishiko, Allies


Finally leaving the Forest and finally on Shichi, you finally meet the army of the Shogun. It will look like there Hundreds to a thousand if not more at the front. Many more at the back which are assumed to be stronger Samurai.


Enemies: Grunts 10+


  • Defeat the Grunts who have been siding with the Shogun
  • After you're finished, fight many more that are to come while the others do their mission.


Name: The Final Piece

Rank: S

Type: Bad

Participants: Mishiko, Allies


After the waves of assassins and the weaker grunts of the Lords of Joya, many of the stronger Samurai's charge forward to battle everyone. A horde follows suit, everyone must battle back and make a path for the guild masters and Mishiko.

Others: -

Enemies: 10+ Samurais


  • Battle the many Samurais that defend the location the Shogun and her lords are residing.
  • Make a path for Mishiko and the Guild Masters/Representatives to get to them.
  • After you're finished, fight many more that are to come while the others do their mission.


Name:  Doom Upon All the World

Rank: S

Type: Bad

Participants: Mishiko, Guild Masters/Representatives


It's finally time to do the last piece of the puzzle. Mishiko and the Shogun finally meet eye to eye, but just like the Shogun having her strongest with her, Mishiko has hers with her as well.

Others: -

Enemies: Shogun, x3 Daimyos [Information will be posted in the main quest thread]


  • Fight and destroy the Shogun and her three strongest who defend her.
  • Mishiko must do the final blow.


Name: Free Health Care

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: Mishiko, Allies


The war is finally done and yet many are injured or worse, dead. Many need healed emotionally, physically and mentally as you can help these people. Rather it's giving promises, actual healing or reassurance, it's up to you! The Joyan people and the Allies both need assistance.

Others: -

Enemies: -


  • Go around and help people collect those that are deceased or heavily injured. Don't forget to separate them of course since the families of those who came need to find each other.
  • Do not do anything to the bodies of the dead since families have different ways with the dead.
  • Heal those that are in need of healthcare.
  • You may also help them mentally and emotionally by talking to them.


Name: Housing

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: Mishiko, Allies


Due to the chaos the Shogun brought to the people, many people's homes were destroyed and are in need of rebuilding or reconstructing. Help the citizens with their shelter and business homes.

Others: -

Enemies: -


  • Plan and look around, asking people about their homes.
  • Use the information to create the people more stronger homes in better conditions than they were.
  • They may try to ask for specific things for their home and after you're done, they'll be grateful.


Name: Words of the People

Rank: S

Type: Bad

Participants: Mishiko


After the small party, while the larger festival will be planned for a later date, the people have secretly voted on who the next Shogun will be. Mishiko is met with a surprise.

Others: Joyan Citizens

Enemies: -


  • As night hits and the party begins, towards the end Mishiko is asked to go to a location.
  • She will feel lost, but finds her way in the end as she follows a candle path.
  • Her eyes gets blindfolded, but trusts them as Ohta is still close.
  • She'll them get revealed to be in front of thousands of people who are cheering and they give her a happy surprise.
  • Once over, a celebration will happen.


Name: The Final Gift

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: Mishiko, Akuko


As everything is finished, Mishiko and Akuko will finally meet the end of their tortured story and begin anew. Akuko becomes the full champion of  their chosen Kami and Mishiko's whole appearance changes as well, becoming as much as a Goddess as she possibly could while being a half by blood. Her title is now in books and history. Finally, she will be able to rest.

Others: -

Enemies: -


  • Go through the big change with Akuko
  • Get prepared for the hibernation
  • Prepare what needs to be done political wise, including executions, and seal your chambers as the Kami will watch over it.


Mishiko; Regular rewards + Mythic

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