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A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.)

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A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Oct 29, 2022 2:22 pm


Would Regis be shaken? Would he be calm? What would the unknown maze that was Regis' mind do, how would it lead itself to its response? She had no idea what was truly going inside this mind of his that was an enigma. But safe to say, what he had shown her so far external, well, the man was letting his paranoid get to him. It was beyond caution or fear, this was really something else that she could only wonder about.

It was noted in her mental notes of him though.

This effect was something she wondered if he knew of. Of course he knew and felt this paranoia, but did he realize the extent it was in his mind and the ways it could impact him? The ways people could use it to effect him? "...maybe so. But I think, that once you learn that as a parent. It does not go away. It is an ingrained trait on ones character and ability". She said before taking a soft sigh. A breath flowing to give her lungs and body a deep refresh.

"Beyond that. You have seen it. Have you not? You have not needed to play the role of a Father in some time, but, you have your own Father to draw from no? Regis, I think you have some parts from him. Quiet. Reserved....a bit, unique. More so than him I would think. It is there though, that lineage. I would think you still have some idea of how to be a parental figure". Jikan said keeping her same old voice and face. A bit of wonder in her words to see how they would impact her guild member. He was talking much more than she had expected, and he seemed to not be drained yet.

"My...why are you so paranoid Regis?", she asked while facing him, her eyes looking behind him to look at their environment.

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) - Page 2 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Oct 31, 2022 5:08 am

Everything else and everyone else was entirely out of focus because of one question for Regis was, Why was he paranoid? it seemed there with this he would go even more in depth to what the mind of his had going for him. There was a fair pieces to add into this answer and Regis in some manner, just no longer felt like he could control his own personal resentment towards himself."Why am I paranoid? Good question."

"Between your own sister attempting to lock you in house to starve to death while completely unable to speak and as told me as Feral..."He did remember that but did not seem to be the end of it."What happen with my wife and daughter..."So far the list was at two reasons but there was still more to come from him.

"To even hearing their voices in your mind still to this day when you try to sleep..."
Keeping in mind this was Regis, one who admitted and struggled not only with agreeing to take help but struggle with a lot of things still with in him that might not be out yet."You see their images of their last moments alive and dead with your own mind every once and a while when you close your eyes."To say Regis is a haunted soul might just be an understatement, That or he was truly still struggling to allow himself to move on, even when he already had been attempting too.

"But must I go on?...There is still my father disowning me at one point...my mother never being able to look at me the same for the longest time...my sisters death."Maybe Judith's motherly sneaking around was being taken in a different to Regis, Then again over all maybe for once he did not want pity or anything but to feel like he could have peace and this a deep bump that road.


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Wed Nov 02, 2022 10:46 am


The mind was a fragile thing. It was also a powerful thing. It could make a child a killer, a female a warrior, or a man a brittle rock. It was something to always take note of, be careful as well as observant. When it came to this unknown weary mind next to her, that was even more so the case. Unknowingly to her, everything around him had fazed out of focus. Out of sight, all due to her question for him.

When he began to talk, giving a small small looking into the confound of his past. She looked on at him with that same old calm and calculating as always. However, this time there was a difference in her collective gaze. There was something in them, her eyes. That felt like they were trying to remember something long ago, something that was locked away and hidden.

Her head hurt. As if someone was digging in and spinning a nail into her brain. It rang and burned, vision fading slightly in and out as she tried to continue to make sense what Regis was saying. SHe heard him though, loud and clear in the things of his past. Being locked up and starved, or at least attempted. Depending on how young he was at the time, that could potentially leave a devastating impact. More than an adult could handle likely depending on the details. Details Jikan would have assumed be a bit hard to deal with.

One own kin...their sister. Doing that to them. Calling them that.

"A sister should never do that to her brother...", Jikan said in a bit of a edged voice. It was pained...angry. A flicked flame of her wrath. Her closed heart had a weakness to family. Good family. What the bonds between people who were close and dear were supposed to be. Sacred. Just hearing this, made her feel even more worried about her guild member. Just what happened to Regis with his wife and child though? The cause that made him go deranged and mad?

"Ah that....well. That can be expected to do that to you. Before we continue. ...why? Why, did you do that? What caused it?", Jikan said with a sigh her voice shifting into a stern calm voice. One that wanted answers, information. Deep and precise, not a glance surface of none satisfying details. The question of if Jikan wanted Regis to go on, well, should have been answered there.

Isolation. Unloved. Fear. Guilt. They were all oozing from Regis' misery before her.


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Thu Nov 03, 2022 10:19 am

Regis was messing up details and would most likely not attempt to fix them quite yet. Or even at all really. it was not in his mind because this conversation was just something." IT all doesn't matter its in the past anyway right?" just continuing on with his slight rant about the feeling he had with in his mind.

There was a few details still left in air to learn of,After all there was two sides of every coin. Jikan only had Regis' side of the story that could still be pieces it was a risky thing to consider over all that everyone in his family was hurt in some manner. Jikan did not know his sister side of the story."Even then, I can never get my sister forgiveness anyway.."He seemed to already want to move on from this piece of conversation so he was would start to walk forward the way they where headint to start with just did not turn his head right away.


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Fri Nov 04, 2022 6:55 pm


Misery was indeed present, and it loved company. Bitterness. At least that was what Jikan was getting from Regis. Perhaps it was a natural defense against having to talk about it perhaps more than he imagined he would when he decided to open up about this topic. Guilt, shame, all was probably running through his mind. Jikan wished to know though, she would not be trying to continue this conversation if it was not the case.

It was beyond being curious about Judith, Regis was her guild member. A part of the grand entity that was Sleeping Calamity. Regardless if he worked as his own individual or was a part of a team in the guild. Or, if he work for Jikan. He had the guild tattoo on his body, which meant that he was a part of their image. And thus, to be optimal she had to know details about Regis and how to work with him. Use him, to his best possibilities. "Hmmmmm?~ Oh I suppose it does if you TRULY wish it so. It is what it is. What you do present and future is all what is unknown".

That was what she said, but in all honesty she thought it did. Such an action done was not something to forget. It was something that could eat at the soul, the heart, the mind. And depending on the punishment(s); the body. And if Jikan was a betting woman, she would bet that all four was going on with Regis through all of this time. Regis continued though, a bit on edge in her opinion. Just continuing on with his slight rant about what he was feelings.

She would listen though. There were details hanging in the air and she hoped to learn them. Two sides of every con, a deeper meaning in every page of someone's book story. Perhaps she could try to talk to his family later.

Actually....that sounded like a bad idea. A sore wound was one thing not to be poked. And a scab should not be pulled; Jikan asking about such things and wanting deep details could only likely stir the pot.

"Perhaps not. One would have to see if she does after your time comes. Beyond that though, it isn't just her. Your Mother and Father, yourself. Those are who right now, need work on forgiveness".

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) - Page 2 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Nov 07, 2022 5:23 am

Regis in this moment seemed uninterested in speaking about the matter beyond this point, since it seemed to have bothered him already to a large degree. Thus even if it seemed rude Regis kind of just wanted to be left along for a while to maybe settle his mind from the so many array of emotions that he was currently feeling.

The simple reality that Regis did not care if anyone would mad at him or not for him to just up and walk away. Not even a good bye or anything he was just having his thoughts effect him that much. But alas Regis just said nothing and left. Maybe it was better to find him another time and see if he was in a better mood or in a better state of mind to be generally be around other people. Where he was hiding when he left would be a hard one to solve.



A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Nov 07, 2022 3:41 pm


Jikan posed her next sentence to Regis but alas it had seemed that the emotional openness and reflection of the sheltered knight had reached its limited for the day. Uninterested, un-wanting, or unable. It seemed the matter was done for now due to his comfort circle being poked and extended. It was a bit rude, but eh, Jikan could understand it. And thus, did not really mind, that much, that Regis just became silent and walked away.

He could have said goodbye or cya later though. But, she had a feeling that he was not the sort to care. A trait that was probably shared by many people in their guild. Lost in thoughts or not.

As Jikan watched Regis walked away, she patted Maxx head and gives a soft nudge with her foot. The Duhlin mount immedietly following Jikan's direction by the reins and moved to go a different direction. She still had to communicate and observe how the people of this side of Orchidia as well as the smaller villages nearby were doing. As well as think and wonder how to use the information given to her on this day.


Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) - Page 2 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


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