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Stop the plague (A-Rank)

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Stop the plague (A-Rank) Empty Sat May 07, 2022 1:30 am


The air seemed to hang heavier than the days before and Kaito wonders what this feeling was, was it just humidity was it an ill switch in the changing winds or if something bad was on the horizon of fate for our dimensional hero here. He hears the sound of running feet and panting and he smells the doctors familiar scent at this point he has gotten use to while helping him find the cure that should have healed those that were infected and have saved the town he wonders if the doctor is just trying to catch up to him because he wishes to show him more gratitude or if something has gone horribly wrong he hopes it is the first and not the second but the mage was about to be majorly disappointed and his day was about to come to a more exciting twist that will test his skills and his fighting abilities.


Stop the plague (A-Rank) Empty Sat May 07, 2022 1:31 am


The doctor reaches Kaito and he starts telling the mage about how the gang instead of being dissuaded just doubled down and released far more into the water and now everyone in the area has got mad and are starting to cause a massive amount of damage to people and places in their way, he once again was calling on Kaito to help and get this trouble back under wraps and to help the good doctor to release the cure to all the people that need it and protect him while he does all the set up. Kaito agrees that he will guard the doctor and keep this mission alive if he was to fall during the mission that he would pick up the pieces and finish it with out a second thought but make sure that the people knew the true hero was the doctor that had distilled and bled to make sure that this dream of a cure could bare fruit and that he fell bringing it too them.


Stop the plague (A-Rank) Empty Sat May 07, 2022 1:31 am


Kaito shakes his head to get the ridiculous idea that the doctor will perish during this out of his head, He listens to the doctor tell him how this will need to go and it is gonna be a heavy burden on Kai to protect him cause they are gonna be using powerful stuff to set these things off and he can't risk really even being bumped at the hopes that they will do this to it's finish for the perfect climax. The doctor then tells him the places they will need to be placed as all of them need to be taken care of at once so they need a very wide spread release and they need it soon as everyone has become beasts and are not hearing their common senses any more. Kaito nods understanding that they need to make sure that they all go off at once. He wonders if he could just open three rifts in the places if it would have the same effect but he isn't gonna do dumb risks cause the doctor already has a plan for this mission and Kaito just needs to defend him and make sure this goes off without a hitch.


Stop the plague (A-Rank) Empty Sat May 07, 2022 1:31 am


They begin toward the first area to set the first of the three charges and Kaito looks around and he can feel the overbearing nearly toxic amount of blood lust in the air he sees people bumping into each other and fighting with guttural noises and smells around them these people are no longer people they are simply the after effects of what ever they had swallowed that was in that water the gang had caused this simply because they wanted them to suffer like some of them had, but did the gang ever think that they had suffered as well here in the city under the strangers and forces that ruled here from the shadows. Kaito fights off a few that had seen himself and the doctor as they entered a alley to avoid as many as they can. The doctor seems to be nervous and is slightly shaking, Kaito doesn't share his level of fear.


Stop the plague (A-Rank) Empty Sat May 07, 2022 1:31 am


Kaito is use to fighting and being hunted by things that go bump in the night at this point and he can't really feel anything but the near overwhelming blood lust from the infected people, Kaito really felt no fear he more felt excited for this all as it had finally come to a head and he doesn't know if it is wrong for him to feel like this or if it was right to feel it at this point. They are nearing the first place that they are meant to place the charge while Kaito defends them, he can handle that as he is a monster in his own right. Kaito heads ahead of the doctor and he knocks out the two that were guarding the first of the three areas and they hurry over to the place the doctor want to plant it at and Kaito gets ready in a fighting stance to protect the doctor while he plants the bomb.


Stop the plague (A-Rank) Empty Sat May 07, 2022 1:32 am


Kaito is mobbed but he keeps his hits strong but not deadly even though these people are trying to claw and slash at him but he doesn't back down and he waits for the doctor to give him a sign and he will port them out of here and closer to the other place that was out in the outskirts, he hears the signal that the doctor had gotten it planted and ready and Kaito opens a rift under the doctor and himself having them come out in a safe place. Revy comes out of his hood telling Kaito that he was doing good and that he keeps to keep this up so they can get this finished even though Kaito was looking a bit beaten up from that last place they had just been but he knows the big one will be the last one where he is gonna maybe have to change his method of fighting.


Stop the plague (A-Rank) Empty Sat May 07, 2022 1:32 am


He thinks at the last planting site he is gonna have to go dragon mode and make sure that he can tank the hits but for now he has to focus on what they are doing in getting to the next plant site and he is all smiles and happy that the doctor seems unharmed and he still seemed hopeful that they can do this, this time getting to the second one was a bit less sneaking and more just walking right up to it Kaito once again takes on the ones that were wondering around the area as the doctor works his magic at planting that bomb with the cure so that they can move onto the next and final area then they can set off the planted items and now that the doctor has gotten this one planted he once again makes rifts that they slip away in coming out on a roof in the city.


Stop the plague (A-Rank) Empty Sat May 07, 2022 1:32 am


The doctor points Kaito to where they need to go to put this one and he sees how crowded that area is right now and Kaito tells the doctor, that he will go down and once he makes an opening he will have the doctor rifted in so he can plant what he needs to plant to save the place he calls home, he promises the doctor he will be careful and he will do everything in his power to make sure that the infected never reach him. The doctor reluctantly agrees not wanting the mage to take too many risks to himself, Kaito teleports himself down there and he fights with the infected. He feels he is making a decent dent in the infected people so it should be safe for the doctor. He opens a rift to the doctor and the doctor rushes through the rift and to where he needs to plant.


Stop the plague (A-Rank) Empty Sat May 07, 2022 1:32 am


The doctor starts planting as the next wave starts coming and Kaito gets in the front of it all and he fights them through the rifts that he uses to make them charge themselves as well as him taking the few others trying to get past him as he knocks them out and he keeps the doctor safe and he waits for the doctors signal to do it and rift them away and then set off the cures spread and he is planning to do it from his domain so they can watch and be safe from the explosions and what might come from it. The doctor gives the signal and Kaito finishes knocking out the last few infected in front of him and he opens the rifts and he gets them to a safe distance and he triggers the explosions that release the cure out into the air and him and the doctor watch through a dimensional window as the people fall down and curl up then everyone seems to get back up having been cured of the infection. The doctor is over joyed and thanks Kaito for all he has done for them over the days leading to this. He and the doctor leave the domain and back to his office and Kaito is paid for all of his hard work, then Kaito heads out with Revy to go get cleaned up and eat.
(1556/1200) 40%wc (10%guild, 10%companion, 20%ring)

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