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Running up that Hill [SL]

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Running up that Hill [SL] Empty Thu Dec 28, 2023 9:05 pm


They were going to get off of the boat as she went up to the main area. She went up and saw that there on the docks was a woman and a handful of people in armor. "Oh shit..." The icebergian captain spoke and glared towards the woman who had long blonde wavey hair and in armor with a tiara. "It's Princess Glöð..." he spoke in annoyance as he went towards where the ship would dock off. Karisa came out and the woman gazed at her with an indifferent facial expression as if she wasn't sure which choice out of her choices she was going to make. Karisa stood near the icebergian captain and held her coat close to herself.

"What have you brought, Ivar? I can see their mark from here... 'his' mark," She frowned. "Awe, come on, you know that means you have to let her through." Ivar the captain spoke and folded his arm. "Absolutely not, I don't want that god even touching my area nor the one he marked as his," She then pointed her spear towards Karisa. "H-hey now, there's no reason for this, right?~" Karisa softly spoke and smiled.


Running up that Hill [SL] Sigme10

Running up that Hill [SL] Empty Thu Dec 28, 2023 9:18 pm

They got off the ship or at least reached solid land, as they would leave they would see a woman in their path. The woman and the captain spoke and they couldnt understand what was going on, but it seemed Karisa understood. Just from the facial expressions Kyu can tell that they werent welcomed per say or maybe Karisa wasnt welcome. He wished he could chip in, but alas he couldnt really since there was a language barrier.

Dae-seong sensed some tension in the air, but he didnt want to escalate a problem, so he didnt make a move first, although he was alrt and mentally ready to spring into action if he must. Something about the tone of their voice spoke ill omen to him. Iceberg is a harsh, unforgiving land, though it also breeds some of the strongest people in Ishgar. The country has a long, nigh endless history of warfare and turmoil, and yet its inhabitants take pride in living in a country that no enemy has ever truly conquered. After all, how could they? This merciless coldand enviroment counquers even the greatest of people.
Even though his country borders Iceberg, they were completely different. Dae-seong knew, he had to be ready for anything


Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Running up that Hill [SL] Empty Thu Dec 28, 2023 10:05 pm


"You're not welcome here. I want nothing to do with The God of mischief," The princess warrior spoke as she gazed at Karisa. Karisa sighed calmly as she tried to not let her god side really take hold. The thing she did wonder is what did she meant about the god of mischief. She cornered her eyes to look at the shadow that no one else could that had green eyes. 'It's you...  isn't it...' Karisa thought and blushed at the thought, but then became a little more serious. 'It is, I'm banned from properly introducing myself due to Odin's punishment, yet I am allowed to say yes and no to it,' he replied in a velvet tone. 'Why does she hate you? Is that - wait, why am I asking that...' Karisa thought and finally, people would hold out her hand on the right and a golden mythical Staff materialized in her hand.

"I need to get through and I can see from looking at you that no matter what I say, you'll want to send me off... I hereby then will destroy you," Karisa spoke in Icebergian as she tapped the bottom of the staff against the dock wood. The staff suddenly glows a fire red as fire forms on the top. Ivar laughed excitedly as he then told Dae-Seong and Kyu on what is happening. "I hope you two are prepared for a battle because these two are going to go at it," he told them in broken Fiorian.


Running up that Hill [SL] Sigme10

Running up that Hill [SL] Empty Thu Dec 28, 2023 10:15 pm

Karisa conjured up a golden staff and while Dae-seong couldnt understand her, he understood that shit was gonna go down for real. Like, he could tell that things escalated quickly.
The icebergian captain laughed excitedly and spoke to him in broken fiorian that a battle will start because those two will go at it

"I assume that means I shouldnt get involved?"
he wasure sure what to do. Icebergian people were very odd to him. Kyukon looked at Karisa with a bit of worry, he had a bad feeling that something bad will happen. Dae-seong wanted to understand the customs of this nation and know if he is supposed to help or is it like just Karisa's own battle or test or whatever. He used his magic to make his throwing knife, but he didnt really throw it at the enemy, but just kept it ready if need be


Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Running up that Hill [SL] Empty Thu Dec 28, 2023 10:34 pm


Karisa gazed at the princess and she gazed back at her. Karisa's soft sweet eyes gazed towards Dae-Seong and gave a warm yet uneasy smile, "She's not allowing me through so it looks like I'll have to battle her and her warriors.~" she spoke in her soft, sweet tone and then turned back to look at the princess and her warriors. "This won't take long..." Karisa muttered as she walked, a summoning circle then forms under the princess and her warriors for a giant 2x2 bubble formed and exploded 8-diameter rays of needles made of boiling flames. Due to her magic expertise, the princess and knights were already falling, on their knees. The princess gets up and she listens to the princess yell at the warriors on her side, she saw the blood and something within her feels boiling as she looks at the Princess. 'Why do I feel like... I want to destroy her? That I need to...?' Karisa thought and suddenly she felt her right eye glitch blue color. "Hngn..." she covered her right eye. "It's your fault.." Karisa whispered in icebergian as suddenly she walked towards the Princess and gazed down at her darkly as if her god side was going to control.


Last edited by Karisa on Fri Dec 29, 2023 12:43 am; edited 1 time in total

Running up that Hill [SL] Sigme10

Running up that Hill [SL] Empty Thu Dec 28, 2023 10:39 pm

While Dae-seong heard the translation, Kyu couldnt help but shiver as he had a bad feeling, like something wasnt right. He wanted to cease this battle, but Dae-seong intervened and stopped him, he wanted Karisa to resolve this. But Kyu just felt he was missing crucial information. He'll keep in mind to learn more in the future, but for now he just observed.

Dae-seong meanwhile was able to witness Karisa's magic, she was able to take down the warriors with just 1 spell, but now the primary enemy was left. He wondered how Karisa will deal with that. Meanwhile Kyu carefully observed Karisa herself as he just felt something wrong. He always prefered to use wit and not brute force, but that certain helplessness caused him to look away from the fight, which caught Dae-seongs eye. He wondered what was wrong with the kitsune and what it sensed


Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Running up that Hill [SL] Empty Fri Dec 29, 2023 6:43 pm


Karisa muttered some words that could not be heard by anyone else besides the princess before Karisa then pointed her finger to the princess, but did nothing more. She personally knew the princess was going to be killed, but she was going to let everyone else think she was still alive. Her illusions made it look like she was alive, on the ground just watching everyone leave. Karisa made it realistic so no one could question it. "Well, let's continue our journey...~" she spoke softly and gave a sweet smile as she didn't want Dae-Seong to worry about things. Unlike many countries, Iceberg was about power and strength, your wit and mostly ends up in a battle till death as many want to die as a warrior, a fighter.

Karisa would walk up ahead slowly to make sure the others caught up, Ivar knew it was his que to leave as he got back on his boat. "I'll see you later, Lady Karisa," Ivar spoke in his icebergian accent and left.


Last edited by Karisa on Fri Dec 29, 2023 8:00 pm; edited 2 times in total

Running up that Hill [SL] Sigme10

Running up that Hill [SL] Empty Fri Dec 29, 2023 7:32 pm

Kyu hesitatly nodded as Karisa told them that they can journey on and Dae-seong merely shrugged, giving the Princess once last glance before making his way. Once Karisa said her farewells to the captain, Dae-seong would speak "So who was that that you fought just now?"

Considering the conversation the two had was mostly in icebergish, Dae-seong was left in the dark and didnt know who was that and why did they fight. All he knew was that the captain said that the two would fight, without the whos and the whys of it

Kyu was also curious about what was going on and hoped that Karisa would enlighten them. Maybe after that they can hear directions on where to go from here. The kitsune noticed that they were being kept in the dark a bit. He understood that Karisa was good natured and didnt want them to worry, but he wished she'd know that when the two are lovers, they should be allowed to worry about one another. Trust was important.


Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Running up that Hill [SL] Empty Fri Dec 29, 2023 7:58 pm


Karisa and the others would walk away from where the Princess was. Once they were far away enough to stay away from the eyesight of the scene, Karisa's illusion disappeared, as it revealed a dead woman who a headless corpse as her comet bullet of 2x2 smashed the woman's face into nothing. Karisa kept her soft small smile as she then heard Dae-Seong ask about the woman. She took a calm breather as she relaxed her inner god self. "That was Princess Glöð, the princess of a whole land that we are walking on. She didn't like something I didn't know about till just now..." Karisa spoke honestly and walked on ahead as people of the City gazed at her with worry yet respect. The men merely were respectful as they bowed their heads and did not gaze at Karisa.

She knew that Loki was known to cause mischief anywhere he went, not even on purpose all the time.  Yet why was Loki always so supportive and comforting her throughout her whole life? When her adoptive parents abused her, he was there with comfort without words since at the time he couldn't speak.


Running up that Hill [SL] Sigme10

Running up that Hill [SL] Empty Fri Dec 29, 2023 8:26 pm

"What did you not know about?" Kyu asked her curiously as to continue that conversation. Dae-seong meanwhile thought about the fact that a countries Princess was here in their presence. He wished he had time to mingle and actually interact with her, granted he probably couldnt because they couldnt talk. But he was all into getting influence, but he was also aware that these folk like physical power more than anything else.

As they walk, Dae-seong would notice the people of the city gazed at them with worry yet respect. The men merely were respectful as they bowed their heads and did not gaze at the group or perhaps Karisa. He couldnt tell as he and Kyukon walked alongside Karisa. Dae-seong curiously listened to what Karisa and Kyukon talked about as he was interested in those answers as well.
Kyukon glanced and noticed the people now just as Dae-seong, he wondered why did the people avert their gaze


Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Running up that Hill [SL] Empty Fri Dec 29, 2023 8:37 pm


Karisa was unsure if to tell them or if they will even know who that god was and is. She bit her lower lip and started to think more. The City carried on their life as if their Princess just did not die as that was the Icebergian way,  unless they were loved, then they'd get a proper ceremonial burial. "The reason why everyone is acting this way is because... my path and fate are fused with Loki's... since the day I was born," Karisa did not want to hide the truth from her lover and Kyu as trust was everything. It was ironic since she had the power to lie to anyone and make it into the truth of things. It was a rare and powerful ability, very dangerous.

"Loki's soul is bound to my God Soul..." Karisa whispered as her eyes gazed towards the shadow that was walking beside them, only she could see it.


Running up that Hill [SL] Sigme10

Running up that Hill [SL] Empty Fri Dec 29, 2023 9:03 pm

"Oh I have heard of them! A fellow trickster" Kyu chimed in, but calmed down and continued, being just as quiet as Karisa "So a God of Trickery is bound to your magic. I assume a nation of people who think 'might is right' and are all about honour arent keen on a god of trickery and deceit."

People who are all about honour and the way of a warrior might not be fans of a god who is more deceitful and less honourable. Hell, Kyu himself was like that, so if they knew about him they probably wouldnt be fans of him too. Granted Icebergians tend to have cold relations with neighbouring countries as far as he knew.

"How did you end up from Iceberg to the town of Vermillion?"
Dae-seong asked Karisa, he didnt know if she knew how did she end up with her adoptive family, but she was so different than all those people and not because of some god magic. He imagined if she was a true iceberger that was all about strength and the nordic and Jarl like way, the two of them wouldnt be talking and he'd scoff her off as just any other brute. He probably wouldnt have hooked up with anyone. Maybe..., but nah, he doubted. His life would've been different, so he was very glad that Karisa was a warm and loving person as opposed to what these people are. He appreciated her and definitelly wanted to do something nice for her now as a token of appreciation


Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Running up that Hill [SL] Empty Fri Dec 29, 2023 9:20 pm


She listened to their questions and words as she wanted to be more detailed. 'Is it... okay? You may speak if you want,' Karisa spoke in her thoughts towards Loki as her eyes met with the shadow's green eyes that were hiding. 'Of course, you may, I won't say no,' Loki replied in his velvet tone. Karisa sighed and gave a sweet smile and her chocolate brown eyes glistened with gold as the sun was hitting her eyes. "Loki... The god of Mischief lies and is very good with magic and daggers. Unlike his adopted family like Thor and so forth, Loki is more towards agility, magic, daggers, and intelligence. In a way, he uses illusions, cunning, and well, their ambitious self got them into a punishment that is now fused with me," Karisa continued and started to think about Dae-Seong and Kyu.

"Honestly? When I think of you two, you and him are close alike, yet you are your own person." she started, stopped as she turned to face Dae-Seong, walked up to him as they were three feet apart, her eyes gazing deeply. She smiled warmly, she wanted to touch Dae-Seong's cheek but was anxious. "I wish I knew how I ended up in Vermillion... Truly, Loki doesn't know either. So I assume that whoever are my parents, I was either stolen from them and sold or lost there, or I was given away..." Karisa spoke and walked away now.


Running up that Hill [SL] Sigme10

Running up that Hill [SL] Empty Fri Dec 29, 2023 9:37 pm

Kyu nodded as he listened to Karisa speak about Loki, he'd comment "Honestly, I kinda see it" and then look at Dae-seong who'd shrug and say "I dont see it"
Anyway as they conversed, they stopped or well Karisa stopped so the two of them did in return. Karisa gazed or faced Dae-Seong,and walked up to him. The two gazed at eachother and she smiled warmly

"Stolen? And wait, how come he doesnt know?"
He as in Loki. If Loki was a god, how come he didnt know. Did this whole conspiracy have to do with the icebergian pantheon? How deep did this plot go. Kyu thought Dae-seong had a point. Surely the answer lied with the icebergian deities.

"I have a question. So you met the Princess of Iceberg. But like, do Icebergian royalty have some connections to the gods? Is there a way to come in contact with them. Surely they are a key to your origins" he wouldnt be surprised if they meddled in her fate just to set Loki far away from Iceberg.
Kyu then looked at Dae-seong who looked like.... well... Kyu wasnt sure how to describe him. Tsundere? Surely the guy wasnt jealous of a sealed god, right? Because he was compared or deemed similar to him. In any case they needed to think

"Karisa, so since you battled the Princess, where exactly are we going? Did the woman give you a hint or clue or direction where to go find your answers" Dae-seong asked, because he wasnt certain where they were going and honestly he didnt want to be outside, he wanted to get a room and rest up. Winter fashion wasnt his favourite thing. Too much heavy clothing.
"Also, I apologize if we are asking too many questions for you" he added


Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Running up that Hill [SL] Empty Fri Dec 29, 2023 9:49 pm


"He wasn't even allowed to tell me who he was, only found out now because of the one claimed to be princess and speaking of which, Royalties only have connections if the gods will it. Some royalty actually end up dead because of demigods and gods due to how a royal person runs." Karisa answered Kyu and then listened to Dae-Seong. She knew he was going to ask questions as well, this whole run was going to be full of questions. "We are actually going to the Ice Dome Hotel.~ There we will rest and enjoy the day together before we continue on this journey," Karisa lastly spoke before they went ahead.

They went up the tall hill and finally they would see a bunch of crystalized dome homes that were made of glass, crystalized ice and wood for warmth inside. Karisa smiled happily and felt excited as she was so excited, she didn't think very smartly, powerwalking downward. She bit her lower lip more so as she then tripped her footing due to the snow, and fell back since she tried to balance herself, her body now laying in the deep snow on her back, her arms out. Karisa just smiles and giggles, making a snow angel.


Running up that Hill [SL] Sigme10

Running up that Hill [SL] Empty Fri Dec 29, 2023 10:01 pm

She gave interesting answers and Kyu himself also felt bad for the barrage of questions, the two joyans stopped with their barrage of questions and went to the hotel that she mentioned. They went up the tall hill and finally they would see a bunch of crystalized dome homes that were made of glass, crystalized ice and wood for warmth inside. Kyu wondered if this was their hotel. He noticed Karisa was happy and that made the kitsune smile as well, he wondered what was her relation with Loki, but again questions for later

The two saw Karisa tumble down the snow and fall back since she tried to balance herself, her body was laying in the deep snow on her back, her arms out. Karisa just smiled and giggled, making a snow angel. Dae-seong walked over to her and knelt down to give her a soft kiss. He gently sat down beside her and contemplated laying down to join her in her shennanigans, albeit he was more hesistant because he was mr. Tidy. But the sentiment was there that he did want to join


Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

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