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Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member]

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#1Alaric Holloway 

Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] Empty Wed Dec 27, 2023 8:10 pm

Alaric Holloway
Alaric walked out from the guild a bit. It wasn't too far from it that it was removed from his vision, but he wasn't close enough that his spells would cause the building any harm. He came out here today to test something. Recently, he had performed a series of spells under a high-stress situation. He wanted to see if he could not only replicate them but also solidify their use in his combat suite.

He had hoped for a partner to maybe trade some blows but he was what you'd call shy. Not one to ask for help in the guild. He had been on his own for so long, that he really didn't understand the need to open up. There was a small practice range out here. A few dummies were set up along with some basic targets.

He stretched out a bit before starting to strike at the dummy. His blows were crude and untimely. He was not trained formally by anybody other than experience. He would occasionally duck and weave, striking back with a quick series of jabs. Nothing compared to the real deal though. After five or six minutes of bobbing and striking, Alaric paused and leaned against the dummy for a moment. Trying to picture the abilities he had used that day.

  • Green tier fight, no maiming, no killing, and no emotional scaring.
  • All for fun
  • Anybody from PD welcomed
  • Might train a spell


  • +40 STRENGTH
  • + 1.3% BASE STR, CON, SPD, & END
  • 20% SPELL COST
  • +20 SPEED

Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App
#2Azure Fenic 

Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] Empty Sun Dec 31, 2023 3:33 pm

Azure Fenic

Still trying to recover from his expiditon back in central Azure has found themself in the middle of a more than relaxing day for once as no one was looking for him or trying to push their work on to him. Part of him wanted to look for Yuurie and Emil at some point but for the time being the main target would be Salem. Walking around the guild had proved to be more work than it needed once again but this time round everything seemd to be rather odd from their view point.

Well some harmless practice couldn't really hurt could it? they asked themself making their way over to the man who looked lik ethey could benifit from the company for the time being anyway, "Hey looks like you could use some company mind if I join you?" the question was simple and too the point which was new for the summoner.

From what he could remember this person was also new to the guild though the info on them was small in comparison to some of the others that had joined in their time away. Azure sized them up rather quickly made a small assesment on how they fight, "That dummy looks rather worn out maybe its time for an upgrade?" even though they had hardly ever looked at any training areas within the guild they felt like it was time for an upgrade.

{Sheet / Magic}
Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#3Alaric Holloway 

Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] Empty Fri Jan 05, 2024 12:25 pm

Alaric Holloway
A whiff of something caught his nose, before he could fully analyze the smell a voice called out giving Alaric a bit of a startle. “Shit!” He stammered out while clutching his chest. Turning around, he saw a young man standing there. He was familiar, at least his face and smell were but Alaric had never formally met the man. “Ah, yea. I can safely say I’ve had better sparring partners.” He chuckled and punched at the dummy’s chest.

“I’m Alaric. I think I’ve seen you but I’m not sure I’ve ever caught your name.” He left a natural pause in the conversation for a moment for the mystery man to respond before continuing on. “Umm, I was trying to work on some close combat stuff. Magic’s not my strongest subject right now and I think I could step it up with some decent up-close stuff. Ya know? ” He did a little bob and weave while throwing some mock punches. “Not sure if that’s something you’d be down for or not. I mean, we can always use some magic. I don’t want to stifle ya too much.”

Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App
#4Azure Fenic 

Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] Empty Sun Jan 07, 2024 7:23 pm

Azure Fenic

Making his way a bit closer to the man Azure tried to understand the reason why they chose this training method but from their build only it wasn't hard to guess why. Part of them had wanted to just jump right into things but then it would be a waste of trying to get to know them even if it was just a little bit. Something about them felt diffrent than all the other new members that managed to run across them as to how would have to wait a bit longer.

"Oh you don't need to worry bout the details of who I am, Alaric that will come after we finsih up here." it so much that he didn't want to give an introduction it was more so the fact they normally lead to ideas and speculations to start forming about them. Sparing matches had never really been a thing for the informant it was either straight to fighting or just show of strength for the first party. Azure flipped their hair back playfully as they had started to get into meat of their talk, it would seem as though rest would have to wait just a bit longer if this was going to have any real results for them.

Before they could even try and finish their train of though they had laready made up their mind, "Okay lets start then." Without much real hesitation the summoner would look at the man and take a somewhat half hearted fighting stance as they thought it would be best to try and see if they could improve their own hand to hand skills before throwing a someone at them and really testing the limits they currently have.

{Sheet / Magic}
Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#5Alaric Holloway 

Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] Empty Mon Jan 08, 2024 9:44 am

Alaric Holloway
Alaric was tightening his gloves up when the mystery man spoke. He cocked his head slightly at the man’s tone. He didn’t have to worry who he was. That was rather cocky. Instantly, Alaric’s mood shifted. His face fell flat and annoyed. “Huh, alright whatever. Let’s keep it clean at least. Nothing below the waist or in the face.” He spat at the ground and took a stance similar to a boxer’s orthodox stance. Holding both arms up before him, his knees bent and springy.

“Can’t say I know what I’m doing so sorry if I get out of hand.” Alaric grunted as he attempted his first strike. Using his left arm, Alaric would make a wide arcing swing all the while keeping a lowered crouched posture. His goal was to just really see how the man reacted. Would he try and avoid the blow or maybe even counter? Judging by his first appearance, he questioned what style of fighter this man might truly be.

Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App
#6Azure Fenic 

Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] Empty Sun Jan 14, 2024 1:33 pm

Azure Fenic

Without much real effort the summoner spun around to Alaric's right side and tapped their sholder 'Your a bit too stif friendo try being more relaxed' Is what they had wanted them but wanted to see if he had any follow ups for this current coruse of action. They didn't lack when it came to their form though their movements did seem to be missing the force needed get any reaction from the informant. Azure took a second to scan the fellow only to try and get a feel of just how they might try and approch the rest of this training match.

Everything had become still in their mind as the disection had begun which would make this less of a propper training match and more of a collection mission I should try and push him but not too far I can't have members hating me, a thought that had started to play in the back of his mind a number of times after coming back to the guild.

If they didn't do anything they would be kicked in the chest and with just enough force to kock them down for a second, "You might want to stop going easy on me, cut loss and have fun!" this was a taunt and suggestion as well the only way to really get any resluts is to put your self out there. Even though this was simply for the fun a huge part wanted to turn this into a real fight just to really test their power and skills. should Alaric block or avoid their attack Azure would smile and take six steps back from them.


{Sheet / Magic}
Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#7Alaric Holloway 

Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] Empty Tue Jan 16, 2024 5:59 pm

Alaric Holloway
Alaric’s arm had just extended into space. His eyes watched but his body could not react. The strange man pivoted to the side and was able to quickly land a small tap on Alaric’s shoulder. A show of his speed? How could his eyes keep up but not his body? No, he just had been too brash in his charge. With the man now standing at a position behind his right shoulder, Alaric was placed in a less-than-ideal location.

He could be rash and just flail his right arm sideways, in a sweeping manner. That seemed too obvious and would leave his whole side wide open for a counterstrike. The best option was to follow through with his punch and reposition. Alaric would use the momentum to step forward, just as the mystery man would throw his own punch. Alaric’s left arm was already raised slightly to begin with so he was able to tighten his stance and accept the man’s blow. While it was strong, he had readied himself for the impact and was only slightly off-balance.

He grunted, not expecting such force from the man. If he wasn’t annoyed with the man’s mystique persona he might be impressed. All that blow did to Alaric was start to heat him up on the inside. “Fair enough.” The man had placed some distance between the two of them. Going head-in would just be a repeat of the previous events. He needed to be faster. He tensed his legs up for a moment and a magic circle appeared beneath him. Burst Movement Instantly, propelling him forward. His fist wound up and ready to be thrown at the man if he did not dodge or move out of the way.


  • +40 STRENGTH
  • + 1.3% BASE STR, CON, SPD, & END
  • 20% SPELL COST (WW)
  • +20 SPEED

Mana Pool:1010 - (25 +20% ww) -10%= 983


Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App
#8Azure Fenic 

Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] Empty Sun Jan 21, 2024 7:43 pm

Azure Fenic

It was funny watching Alrica try and hold back their emotion but it at the same time it didn't really seem fair to the them given that they were a somewhat battle harden memeber of the guild. Maybe I should let one of you have a go it has been a while they thought to themself going through his summons given that none of them had really felt like Alrica was worth the time. With all the training dummies around them it would be easier to simply pick one up and hurrle it at providing a rather good distraction.

"Oh if we can use magic then by all means...if you wouldn't mind." as he saw the magic circle start to form his guildmate more or less launch themselve towards him. The summoner would simply side step as he flicked his wrist creating a magic circle of his own right behind as a water guizer shot up from it "This will be your sparing partner for now." Azure wanted to give them the best that they could offer from this little sparring match as it was only the right thing to do. As the water rained down around them Azure quickly tweeked the summon as every so slightly Oh man that would have been bad.

As the water evaperated Ignis stood right behind her beloved son awaiting for their command, the summon was in its weaker form to give them a fighting chance and to better conserve mana given the reason behind all of this. If Alrica didn't move or try to remove the distnace between them then the summoner would simply wave towards them telling the summon to attack them with a claw strike. Should the hit Ignis would follow up by grabbing them by the shoulders and holding them.


Magic 3350/3300:

{Sheet / Magic}
Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#9Alaric Holloway 

Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] Empty Wed Jan 24, 2024 8:06 pm

Alaric Holloway
Azure seemed to be a one-trick pony with his sidesteps. Alaric was close enough and moving well fast enough to get a clean strike with him but opted to allow the man to move to the side and see what he was getting at. As he came to his movement’s end, he turned around and gave the man a snarky grin. “If you wanted to dance, that’s all you had to say.” As the man’s summoning emerged, Alaric eyes narrowed. “Hmph, alright, I guess there’s enough of me to go around.” His spell’s path had placed him at an equal distance from the man as he had started, roughly five meters away. Enough space that he wasn’t too pressed by the summoning.

As soon as the creature would even attempt to lunge, Alaric had already stepped his foot into the ground. He was getting agitated with the whole shuffling about this stranger was playing. If this stranger didn’t have the decency to be upfront with him, he didn’t care if he was a guild member or not he’d give it his all. The circle would appear as the watery creature charged at Alaric if she still did so once she saw the circle. The area right before Alaric, would immediately erupt in explosions and cave several meters below where it had been just moments before. Ideally, this move would have left the summoning in a poor position, still, he had used the rumbling of the blast to move back a few further feet away. Leaving himself plenty of room from the blast’s crater and where he stood.


  • S-RANK HP [Forgot to mention in the last post. You dealt B-rank damage but due to WW ability I can auto-take 1x B rank damage per post without being hurt.
  • +40 STRENGTH
  • + 1.2% BASE STR, CON, SPD, & END
  • 20% SPELL COST (WW)
  • +20 SPEED

Mana Pool:1010 - (25 +20% ww) -10%= 956


Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App
#10Azure Fenic 

Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] Empty Mon Jan 29, 2024 6:47 pm

Azure Fenic

It would seem as though he had done something wrong in asking Ignis for a hand but for some reason it seemed as though they much prefred the handie cap which wasn't all that surpprising to them at this point with how everyone esle in the guild acts but this also meant that they could have some fun and change things up from how they nomrally do things. As ground benth the Golem started to give way Azure would clap his hnads and inresponse Ignis would jump back to her contractor and await the next order.

"Ignis crush his skull." with a snap of his fingers the Golem lowered its self to the ground like a big cat getting ready to pounce on its pray while the summoner also lowered his stnace but more so in a running postion, now things had staretd to take a turn as something in Azure had begun to stir within him Am i actully enjoying a fight? such a thing had never happened before. As Ignis jumped at the Alaric, Azure would follow right behind the summons attack and close what little distnace they had so he the pair could 'Dance' as he requested before.

If the summon had managed to get closer to Alaric then it would take three swips at them in trying to movie them closer to their contractor and if this route takes place then Azure would try and sweep the mans leg once he was within range. Oh man If only I had more fights like this! they thought to themself, If Alaric managed to pull of some sort of counter or hinder the summon in someway then Azure would issue new orders to it.


Mana- 3250

{Sheet / Magic}
Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#11Alaric Holloway 

Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] Empty Mon Jan 29, 2024 7:58 pm

Alaric Holloway
There we go He grinned. Finally, this guy was starting to take him seriously. “I’d expect no less.” He smirked. It seemed that the two were planning on rushing him. This was earlier than Alaric expected, he figured that the man would stay behind his summoning longer. It wasn’t like a summoner to fight hand-in-hand with their summonings. At least, not in Alaric’s experience with the magic. Summoning was a more uncommon magic than most, so he did not have much to go on here. What he did know, was to fight two on one, you needed to make it one on one. The summoner and creature would have to either traverse the broken and sunken ground that Alaric had just destroyed, or they would have to come from either side. With a command, the summoning, Ignis, jumped into the ground and charged at Alaric. Giving him the high-ground, queer move but one he’d gladly relish.

Both the summoner and the summon were stuck in a two-meter deep hole, running towards him over a distance of four to five meters. Not a depth they could easily jump and evade from unless they had some movement ability which was possible. It wasn’t his strongest spell, but it would do nicely here. He clapped his hands and a magic circle appeared at the final two meters of the ditch. Chain Explosion Zone A series of bombs went off engulfing the area in a series of blasts. If they tried to evade by rushing forward to back, Alaric had a plan to knock them back into the mix, he just waited to see their response.

He had moved his body back into a posture that was ready to use his counter move but also able to react to either Azure or the summon if they continued to advance. He just had to wait and see.


  • 2x S-rank HP
  • 983 - 27= 974 Mana Left
  • Quake Zone [On cooldown 1x more post]


  • STR:51
  • SPD: 19
  • CON: 36
  • END: 11
  • INT: 20
  • MANA: 1010


  • + 1.2% BASE STR, CON, SPD, & END
  • 20% SPELL COST [WW]
  • +20 SPEED [WEAPON]


  • STR: 109
  • SPD: 47
  • CON: 43
  • END: 13
  • INT: 20
  • MANA: 1010

974 Mana Left



Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App
#12Azure Fenic 

Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] Empty Thu Feb 08, 2024 8:41 pm

Azure Fenic

Azure wasn't sure just how to proceed with the fight given the numbers advantage, though Alaric did manage to keep their composer with this knowledge which did deserve some much needed praise but that could come once they had officlly finished their battle. Even though not even 50% of the mana had been called upon druing this fight it still felt as though they were being pushed back to some degree. As the Golem charged at the man with her contractor right behind something felt off.

It was clear that Alaric had already made their next conter attack plan but as to what it entailed was something that the summoner was rather thrilled to find out. The area surrounding Azure and Ignis had been cover in a red tint, with a smile on his face the summoner faced the blast head on without the aid of his summon So that's what its like to take a magic explosion to the face they thought to themself 'Master are you alright?' asked the summon waiting for her next order to be issued. "Oh man that was really something had it been any stronger I might have done something drastic." they commented in a somewhat half baked tone given that they had never really been hit with a pure magic attack for a change. While the dust srrounded them a feeling deep within Azure had begun to quickly rise to the top a, the urge to go all out had started take root dismissing Ignis. Twists his wrist as if turning a key a 2-Meter Diameter Blue and White magic circle had formed in front of him, the sounds fo a while beast reverbaraited throughout their battle ground, R/K a summon that had only ever been called on during desperation had manifested wrapping around its master.

Once the dust had settled Azure would point at the man and then do a slicing motion, R/K raised its hand as it lauched it's self at Alaric, should it mange to reach him it would slam its claw down on top of him.

Damage taken 1 d rank dropping to 1x S rank
Mana 3,180:

{Sheet / Magic}
Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#13Alaric Holloway 

Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] Empty Fri Mar 01, 2024 3:38 pm

Alaric Holloway
Alaric smirked. “Ya, I’m all bark no bite!” He hollered back waiting for the man or his summoning to come at him. What he was not anticipating was that the man would have dismissed his summoning and brought out whatever sort oceanic abyssal creature that was. He had little time to dodge. A black liquid swooped overhead of him and slammed right into the ground where he had once stood. Before it would have reached him, Alaric would have summoned a magic circle beneath himself and propelled himself backward. Moving out of the new creature’s striking range.

His eyes narrowed as he tried to analyze this new summon. The last one was so straightforward. This one seemed menacing. He was wary of getting too close to the stranger or that beast. It wouldn’t be wise to meet them both together. Alaric thought back on how quick he was to join his other summon in a fight. He wasn’t shy with melee combat. “Summoners are tricky ones. Never know who you might bring with ya.” He brought his fist once more up towards him in a boxing stance, waiting for either of the other party to make a move.


  • 2x S-rank HP
  • 974 - 27= 947Mana Left
  • Chain Explosion [On cooldown 2x more post]


  • STR:51
  • SPD: 19
  • CON: 36
  • END: 11
  • INT: 20
  • MANA: 1010


  • + 1.2% BASE STR, CON, SPD, & END
  • 20% SPELL COST [WW]
  • +20 SPEED [WEAPON]


  • STR: 109
  • SPD: 47
  • CON: 43
  • END: 13
  • INT: 20
  • MANA: 1010

947Mana Left



Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App
#14Alaric Holloway 

Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] Empty Mon Apr 29, 2024 5:43 am

Alaric Holloway
Summoners, pfft. Alaric didn’t care for their type much. It seemed cowardly and weak. Having something else do the work for you. It would be if he threw Bron out to go fight something. The poor critter would be scared. He could only imagine how terrifying it must be to be plucked out of your world and brought to this one on the whim of another. Only to be told to place your life on the line. At least, that’s how most summoning appeared to him. This guy’s might be a bit different. His seemed to be more of breathing life into the element. It seemed more ethical at least at first glance. Alaric started to make more conscious breaths. He inhaled deeper and exhaled longer. He was filling his muscles and body with oxygen, ready to dart at a moment's notice.

He waited. His foot dug slightly deeper into the ground. He was twitching with anticipation that the stranger and his summons before him might make a move. Would they? What should have been seconds or a minute at most for him to make some sort of action had stalled into several minutes. Alaric was itching with anticipation. Grinding his teeth, his body tensed. “Alright, what are you getting at? Just wanting to waste my time, eh?” Alaric narrowed as he prepared for his next course of action, to end this stupid spar.

Alaric twisted his body, dragging his outer foot on the ground. This fast spin and drag resulted in a large chunk of dust being disturbed and lifted upward, creating a poor man’s smoke screen. With that in place, Alaric once again smashed his foot on the ground causing yet another quake within the space. This explosion would likely trap the man and his summon as neither appeared to be worried about moving.

Not wasting any time, Alaric rush forward, swinging a clean right hook at the guy before snapping his left hand’s fingers. A magic circle appeared beneath him. Blasting upward, Alaric would do a perfect flip before bringing his leg down firmly on the man’s skull if he did not move. The moment his food would connect, one magic circle appeared. Right as it formed a second one developed. Two explosions went off one after the other. The area became filled with dust and other debris. Alaric had already moved himself a few feet away from the man. His breathing was becoming a bit heavy due to the sheer amount of mana he had expelled the last few moments. Three spells back to back to back mixed with some melee combat was quite taxing on the boy. He was not used to expending so much mana at once. It was clear he needed more training.

He took on a stance, waiting for some counter strike but it never came. After waiting and waiting Alaric’s mood became poor. The dust cloud settled and with it so did Alaric’s mind. [color:aa77=B72f22] “Nah, fuck this. You don’t come out of nowhere and pick a fight to just be a punching bag. I’m out of here.” He said with a scoff before leaving the man to his own thoughts. He wasn’t here to twiddle his thumbs.


WC 542

TWC 2177

Hot damn. [Spar] [Open to 1 PD member] 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

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