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[EQ] From the Ashes | Akudama

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#1Rei Miyako 

[EQ] From the Ashes | Akudama Empty Tue Oct 31, 2023 9:14 pm

Rei Miyako






Weapon (Main-Hand)

Weapon (Off-Hand)

Head (Armor)

Body (Armor)

Ring (Accessory)

Necklace (Accessory)

Earrings (Accessory)

Relic (Accessory)

Companion (Special)

Other (???)

War was a terrible thing. It was in most cases, an indifferent god or force that attacked the hearts, minds and bodies of those vested within its mortal coil of struggles. Ultimately, war was the last step in diplomacy or communication. When all else failed, the only truth that remained, was that of the winners. 'Might makes right' after all.

Rei stared across the expanse of land that was formerly a small thriving town. Part of the town still stood, but the majority of it was glassed over by magic attacks of various natures. Bodies and raging fires alike were strewn across the town. Some survivors attempted to find their loved ones, save their personal possessions, or even altruistically put out the fires.

It was not an unfamiliar sight to Rei, nor was she indifferent to it all. Possibly some of these folk had or were still her fans or at least knew of her music. She was not a compassionate person by nature, but she had lied to the world and herself for so long- that sometimes it was difficult to tell what was her true desire and what was the lie.

She wore her usual black leather garb with its revealing skin and punk-goth style of leather. Today, she was here as both an Akudama Syndicate member, but also as the popstar Rei Miyako. this was a quest where she a could accomplish both without being at the expense of her true identity. A dark mage. Rei Miyako was the second to arrive it seemed. The man known as Hannya had arrived before her. She studied him briefly before speaking up to notify him of her presence. From the look in his eyes, he had been lost in thought- in a similar vein as herself, though his seemed more personal.

Finally, she stepped loudly up beside him on the right and placed her left hand on her hip as she leaned forward and faced him from the waist. Her right hand held up a peace sign over her right eye as she smiled towards him. "Have no fear, Rei is here!" She would say in a cheerful tone with a well practiced smile. She then straightened her stance and placed her right hand on her hip as well as she surveyed the situation. "It seems we'll have our hands full. We can look for the survivors after we've stopped the fires. The survivors will need sturdy lodging to live through a winter. We can't help them with that if the fires consume all of their building resources." she would say in a rational and controlled tone, audibly thinking up a plan that would allow Hannya to put in his own ideas.

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