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A taste of Sherbert (Sofia)

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A taste of Sherbert (Sofia) Empty Thu Oct 19, 2023 7:40 am

He was in Stella and so decided to try some drinks there. Stella is where tequila comes from after all. And he did have a guilty pleasure of mixing drinks to create his own cocktail. So since he was here, why not try the original. He went to a bar and went to take his seat to make the order.

It wasnt too often he'd go to bars, it was a bit of a rarity as he seldom enjoys drinks. He likes to stay sober, but also likes to relax every once in a while. He spoke with the bartender and made his order and now all he had to do was wait. He'd briefly look around the area and scan it. But it was nothing special, a bar like any other. Eventually he'd get his drink served and he would begin sipping it. Not really chugging it like one would usually drink

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

A taste of Sherbert (Sofia) Empty Thu Oct 19, 2023 2:41 pm


WORDS: 200 | Blue Moon  

“I'll have… Oh how about a sex on the beach~? Sounds pretty fun~” That green gaze running over the assortment of options for her refreshment before seeming to settle upon something which seemed oddly fitting in ways she could not quite describe, Sofia Serena seemed to grin and giggle as she found her mind and intrigue being drawn toward the drink with perhaps the naughtiest name upon the menu and almost had to stifle her giggle as she ordered it, before turning her emerald eyes toward the scene around her.
“Well, well, well… What's a pretty thing like you doing in a dive like this, hm~?” Scanning the crowd of what seemed to be an only too busy bar as she waited for the man behind it to serve up her mix of stiff post iceburgian alcohol and fruity blending and clapping her eyes on a figure who seemed familiar and yet unfamiliar at the same time, with her wonderful wife busy with other activities she couldn't help but feel that this was the ideal opportunity for her to get to know a member of the guild who had eluded herself that little bit better, and so the bubbly brunette seemed to beam as she scooped up her glass and marched right on over with a line born from only the most sublime cliché, and feeling all the sweeter on her tongue for it…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A taste of Sherbert (Sofia) Empty Thu Oct 19, 2023 2:53 pm

A familiar voice was heard, only he could not put his finger on who was it as it was heard in an unfamiliar enviroment. Looking in the direction of the voice, he would see the Guild Masters wife, Sofia. He was surprised to see her here.

"Oh my. I feel I should ask you the same" he says in a polite but playful tone, and continued "As for me. I was in the area and wanted to try a drink from here. Nothing special, good ol tequila" he wasnt gonna just deflect her question with his. He still explained why he was here. Granted he could've gone into more detail how he was in Stella and in the area. But they were in a bar. He doubted she wanted to have deep convorsations. Now was the time to just relax and have fun or something, right?
Oh dear, bar etiquette wasnt his forte

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

A taste of Sherbert (Sofia) Empty Thu Oct 19, 2023 3:01 pm


WORDS: 200 | Blue Moon

“Goodness, a telling drink for you too, hm~? Sex on the Beach for me~” The brow of the brunette seeming to pique as the new personality mentioned what he had ordered and she saw the cliché in his own choice as well, while the name of his choice was subtler than her own the implication therein which was born from media exposure was just as overt as her own more obvious choice, and seemed to make the girl with the green gaze giggle as a result.
“Let's hope we don't get carried away with here evening, hm~?” Lifting her own offering to her lips for a little sip as she enjoyed the sense of irony in their choices and perhaps not entirely dismissing such a notion in her head even if she did warn against it externally, the voraciousness which she had shown one of their newest pups in the office of the mistress and the pool afterward Miss Serena was well aware of how she might build a reputation for herself by preying upon their handsome new members in her downtime, but that very same experience also told her not to rule out the idea either. After all, it had been a delight in ways she had never expected, right~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A taste of Sherbert (Sofia) Empty Thu Oct 19, 2023 3:12 pm

"Mm a classic one, eh? I personally like to make my own. Tequila tends to be the main ingredient. I wanted to try whats it like from the source" he spoke as he observed her cocktail. Her drink was a classic one. Probably the most recognizable cocktail aside from Bloody Mary. Dae-seong though is a bit more into the niche or even personal and experimental. He did 'invent' one cocktail drink. But invent is a stretch of a word as that would imply its an officially recognized cocktail thats being like sold everywhere. Nah, it was just his own creation for personal pleasure. He considered maybe buying some local tequila here as a 'souvenir' to take home to Fiore.

He chuckled and nodded "Well, if you ever feel you might get carried away, you can maybe warn me or give me some signal so I can stop you?~" he chuckles slowly, before clearing his throat and saying "I personally dont like to drink too much. So chances are I will tap out before you" its not that he cant handle booze, but more like he doesnt want to find out what his drunk self would be like. He likes to be in control of himself

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

A taste of Sherbert (Sofia) Empty Thu Oct 19, 2023 3:21 pm


WORDS: 200 | Blue Moon

“A signal, hm? Well that does sound dreadfully useful…” That green gaze seeming to narrow as she looked over the idea of her junior in regard to him ensuring he was the perfect gentleman around her, Sofia had to observe that there was a certain merit in the idea of arming him with a tell or a codeword or something of that sort in order to stave off the more ravenous portions within her, and frankly she had to commend him for such commitment to keeping her honour untainted. Though, there was something else too.
“But I have to say, I'm more of a wildcard~? More fun to just roll those dice and see where we end up~?” Knowing all too well that she was the sort who tended to only wish to rebel against notions of restraint and likely to only try that much harder to get her way if such an obstacle were placed in her path, the leggy lass had learned a long time ago that the best approach she had to nights out and enjoyable company was one which the Minstreli seemed to call 'laissez faire', and to simply see where the conversation and possibly coyness seemed to take her. I mean, better to act honestly in her opinion, than worriedly, right~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A taste of Sherbert (Sofia) Empty Thu Oct 19, 2023 3:29 pm

He chckled but was uneasy about getting drunk "Heheh, yes. We will see where we end up" he might tap out after the 2nd glass. Being with a self proclaimed wild card made him more ''aware'' of his state. He shouldnt toy with himself and he should keep diligant. Although if she was a go with the flow wild card, should he really stop her from like... doing what she does in her more drunken stupor? Like he doesnt want to interrupt something if SHE wanted it, even if it would be bad for her? Besides, after all... he was a lowly guild member compared to her.

Though he was in a bit of a negative headspace thinking how he is nothing, which made him finish his first glass rather fast and order another
"So much for trying to be an example. Ok ok, the 2nd one will be my last. After that Im cutting it off" he thought to himself

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

A taste of Sherbert (Sofia) Empty Thu Oct 19, 2023 3:41 pm


WORDS: 200 | Blue Moon

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! You see, on a night like this that's exactly what you don't wanna do? Get all wrapped up in your head!” Certainly not ignorant of how her comment about going with the flow appeared to stifle her new drinking buddy that little bit given how she seemed to shrink away and mutter words she couldn’t really understand, Miss Serena took another mouthful of the sweetness in her glass before reaching forward with two deft but gentle digits in order to bop his forehead playfully, and chided such a tendency teasingly as she decided that this evidence alone was enough to make him her protégé for the night.
“Live in the moment! Come on, let a sempai teach a cutie like you how to have a good night out, hm~?” In that spirit seeming to spin herself around and aim to wrap her arm around his shoulders as well, while her mind seemed to tell her that she felt no older than he was she couldn't help but be reminded of how there were surprisingly few left in the guild with a greater sense of seniority than her, and as such she had a responsibility and right to correct this mistake as she saw it. After all, when this emerald eyed enchantress was his age she had been up to her waist in that party lifestyle and loving every moment, and as such saw no reason she shouldn't encourage him to as well, right~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


A taste of Sherbert (Sofia) Empty Thu Oct 19, 2023 3:51 pm

He blinked confusedly as Sofia spoke to him. Thats when she spoke to him to live in the moment and she was willing to teach him how to have a good time, a good night out, proceeding to spin herself around and wrapped her arm around his shoulders. Her behaviour made him think of faes. Natural free spirits who know how to let loose and go with the flow. He was never really that way and he would feel bad if he was a buzzkill, especially to someone like Sofia.

"Very well. Teach me your ways"
he spoke, a bit curious what she had in mind. His 2nd glass eventually arrived and he paid for it right away. He doubted he'd do more, because aside from being sober, there was the fact that he didnt have that many jewels to use of booze. And what he did, he kind of wanted a souvenir or two from this place. Ie the tequila to bring back to Fiore

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

A taste of Sherbert (Sofia) Empty Thu Oct 19, 2023 4:03 pm


WORDS: 200 | Blue Moon

“Aha, no, no, no, your money is no good tonight. Let big sis take care of ya~?” One bout of sizeable intimacy by the sea seeming easy for the emerald eyed enchantress to polish off when she was in such a good mood and so the lithe lass ordering another when her charming companion did, as the lad reached into his wallet to pay his way Sofia showed that she was rather enjoying the opportunity to indulge her senior side by waving away his efforts, and assured him that tonight was being bankrolled by a big shot S Rank member of his guild.
“So, you fancy hitting up a few other joints? Maybe find the best bar in town~? Sounds like fun, right?” Not that she would be all that content to spend all of it in this lively little place and as such the mischievous mermaid making sure that their evening would be something of a crawl between venues, while their current locale was fine for getting things started the green eyed goddess knew that as her inhibitions lowered she would likely seek locales with a rather different ambience, and if she was lucky dancing as well. I mean, no good night out went lacking for a little bit of a bop, right~? Especially with a dance partner to indulge her as well…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

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