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Death Tarot: Jen

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 Death Tarot: Jen Empty Sun Sep 10, 2023 2:10 am

It was a night in Oak. The first time she roamed this place alone with no guild member. She remembered doing this once in Dahlia and her nightly prowl didnt go as expected. She hoped this one would go better as expected. She had her knife with her and her mask and she was ready to go out in the night.

It was interesting that this used to be a place of Eternal Nightmare. A guild she almost joined. She wanted to say that Utopian Demise was any better, but it was not. For it ceased to be just as Eternal Nightmare. Whether it collapsed or rebranded itself was irrelevant. Both are gone one way or another and she wound herself up in Phantom Lord. Which wasnt her first choice. But then again until recently it was not a choice at all. Seemingly rising from a power vacuum. But that was ok


 Death Tarot: Jen Empty Sun Sep 10, 2023 2:16 am

With enough introspection and internal monolouging, she decided it was go time. Sneaking up and attacking an unsuspecting victim with her knife. Grabbing them from behind to restrain them and stab them with her other hand. When weakened, she'd let go of the victim and continue to repeatedly stab them until the lights were snuffed out.

She was a mess, but that didnt matter. She wanted to go to another target. All she needed was to stick to the shadows and look at. She'd go to another area of the town. Further away from the guild hall as to not really draw suspicion to it. After all, this was her thing, not the guilds. Let the higher ups there decide what they want as part of their rep.

For now all she cared was about her own infamy and fun. She wanted to be famous. Just not in a good way


 Death Tarot: Jen Empty Sun Sep 10, 2023 2:31 am

With enogh sticking to the shadows, Jen would find herself another unsuspecting victim. Not wanting to waste time, she'd move into action once more. She went up to the target from behind to sneak upon them once more

Once she raised her hand, she realized it did not descend. Only stayed up. And she noticed a frew drops of blood falling down. Once she looked up she saw a hook in her hand. A hook connected to a rope. Suddenly she felt herself yanked over an kicked in the torso. Jen took her hand and pulled the hook out. She looked at someone who dared to be her assailant and saw an armoured man
"*snort*" yes he just snorted.
"Who the hell are you?!" she asked angry that her kill was denied and that the target she had was now gone
"Just doing my job"
He still didnt answer her question. Nevertheless, he will pay for his insolence and thus she attacked


 Death Tarot: Jen Empty Sun Sep 10, 2023 2:42 am

She attacked the man, but he was easily able to stop her and counter with his own attack. She went for a stab? He just grabbed her by the wrist so she cant stab him. And for a safe measure, he also kneed her in the stomach.
"Best leave now or bad times await her"
"Like hell!" she spoke as she got up to attack him, but before she even got to. He just punch her in the face to knock her down and kicked her down more
"Stay down" he spoke calmly as he had this fight under control.

But she didnt want to stay down, she wanted to beat him down. She was aware he could destroy her and was clearly letting her get up. But she didnt care. She was going to make him suffer. She would show him who he was dealing with


 Death Tarot: Jen Empty Sun Sep 10, 2023 2:47 am

She managed to get up on her feet and punch him in the face. But yeah the fact that he didnt flnch from the punch was concerning. So he really took her on the pain train and beat her up. Which at this point felt like he was beating a dead horse, so he went to just leave her alone and walk away

"Oi! Where do you think you're going" she spoke, slowly getting up for like 4th time perhaps.
"Tis tough... Not tough enough" he spoke and started to walk away.
But she stopped him with her angry calling. She was in pain and was clearly overpowered. But she was too stubborn to stop. Perhaps it was the sunken cost fallacy. The glanced at her and just snorted. And thats when she realized that he too had a weapon. It wasnt fists and it wasnt that hook on a rope. The guy had an axe.


 Death Tarot: Jen Empty Sun Sep 10, 2023 2:55 am

This was the time when fear started to sink in. She was afraid of a prospect of an axe. He was physically stronger and really pulled the 'mines bigger' in terms of weapons. Her Nullification Magic did nothing against a non magic user.

She hurriedly took her weapon. But her hand was shaky as she was now being frightened and weakened. the fact that she provoked him to stay was probably not good. No, he wanted to show her the meaning of the word pain.
"Come hither" he spoke. And despite the goofy archaic talk, he still made it sound frightful no matter how casual he was about it in his voice.
Seemingly losing her sanity, she pushed her aching body onward to try and stab him somewhere. Since he had leather armour, she had no idea where. The guy was a seasoned advanturer.

But much like any time she tried to. He stopped her. But not only did he stop her, but he made her pay dearly


 Death Tarot: Jen Empty Sun Sep 10, 2023 3:12 am

She felt the sharpest pain ever, the feeling of an axe digging into your left shoulder. She had no armour, so it was pain beyond anything she felt. The bloodloss was immense. This was probably the karma for her own killings. She wonderde if this was curtains for her.

She felt a foot on her back, forcing her to stay down
"Stay down"
And thus he began to walk away.
She held her shoulder to stop the bleeding. She felt she was going to lose conciousness from this. If she did, she knew she'd die. Falling into a blissful and eternal sleep was a dangerous trap.

The man who prevented her from killing has left. She really had no chance against such a foe. But now, she was potentially on the floor and dying in the streets of Oak in the middle of the night. She needed to save herself


 Death Tarot: Jen Empty Sun Sep 10, 2023 3:18 am

She felt she couldnt move. But there was no get out of jail free card. The only way she could save herself is if she saves herself. No one will rescue her.
So she pushed her body. The pain was immense and she couldnt feel her left hand anymore. She had to look at it to make sure its still attached. Jen needed to find a hospital or a medic.

She couldnt stay up as she felt too weak. So she needed to literally crawl her way to safety. When she wasnt in the middle of the road she decided to sit herself against a wall on the ground. She held her head in pain, her left side still bleeding.
Help, was what she wished she could say. But she knew no one would help her unless she helps herself. So she rested up to try and regain some energy


 Death Tarot: Jen Empty Sun Sep 10, 2023 3:37 am

She rested a bit to regain her energy. But the pain did not set, nor did the blood flow. She was losing blood fast and thus needed to move. This was the time adrenaline kicked in and helped her to get up and walk. She held herself or rather better said, she held her wound to try and stop the flow

She didnt know where the hospital was. But all she could do was wander. She would look around the town and see all the closed shops. Grocery shops, book stores, fish markets. Or whatever. No signs of hospitals. Or anything remotely medical. She needed to look onward and push herself more. She cant collapse. Not now.

She took a breath and inhaled. Held it a bit. Just focused on anything other than the pain that burned thru her whole body. She didnt even wanna look at it. She wasnt ready to face the damage


 Death Tarot: Jen Empty Sun Sep 10, 2023 3:40 am

But despite her pain. There was a light at the end of the tunnel. And no its not death. Or maybe it is. But there she saw it. A hospital or a medical establishment. She walked over to it to approach it. But thats when she collapsed. She was gone. Her body couldnt go on further. Her adrenaline fadded as she saw her hope and she was gone.

By some sheer luck, she saw some people approaching her, right before her eyes faded to black. After that she had no idea what would happen. But after an unknown amount of time later, she'd be in a hospital or some bed. She was now awake and looked at her wound. She couldnt tell was magic what healed her or a combination of magic and non magic. But all she could do was rest. She nearly died today. She needed to rest and be careful in the future


 Death Tarot: Jen Empty Sun Sep 10, 2023 4:00 pm


Jen has received the Death Tarot

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