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Pirates! 1

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Pirates! 1 Empty Mon Aug 28, 2023 10:34 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was in Hargeon now; it was a nice warm place and it would seem hotter than other parts of Fiore. This was only natural and he was enjoying it. The young man was out in the ports of Hargeon and was looking around the place. He was fascinated by the ships there, which caught his attention. He would just move through the place as he could see the different types of ships that were docked. It would seem like there were a lot of them. While he was walking around the place it would seem like things were happening on the other side of the dock.

It would seem like people were frantic about something, which made him curious as to why. He would walk over to that area as he figured that he would be able to find out by going over there. When he got closer, he would see that a ship was docking and it would seem like everybody was staying clear of it.


#2Go D. Drakkon 

Pirates! 1 Empty Mon Aug 28, 2023 10:35 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon wasn’t sure what was going on, but when he looked at the ship closer, he would see the sail and the insignia behind it. He would rub his chin as he figured this was the infamous pirate ship people were scared of. They were always pillaging places and taking whatever they wanted. These people were always creating chaos no matter where they went. He had a smirk on his face because it sounded like his kind of party. He would approach the ship as it would follow and come to a stop.

The Dragon Slayer would see this and he would wave at them. The men who were looking overboard would see this weird man trying to get their attention. They weren’t going to wait for him to speak, and one of them would pull out a gun and he would shoot at Drakkon. The Demi-God’s eyes widened as he was shot and he fell on his back.


#3Go D. Drakkon 

Pirates! 1 Empty Mon Aug 28, 2023 10:35 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was confused as he didn’t do anything for them to shoot him. It would seem like rumors were true and these guys were assholes and didn’t care. That sucked because he wanted to see what they were capable of doing. He would stay on the ground as the guys that were on the ship would make their way off the ship and next to him.

His eyes were closed for a second, and the wound that he had suffered had started to close. It was then his eyes would open and he would stare at the man who was checking if he was dead. It was then that Drakkon would snap his finger, and a raven would come out of a magic circle that would drop down on their pirate ship. A huge explosion would occur and their ship would start to burn. A bunch of the pirates turned around to save their ship, while some of them were trying to figure out what had happened.


#4Go D. Drakkon 

Pirates! 1 Empty Mon Aug 28, 2023 10:36 am

Go D. Drakkon

The pirate looking at Drakkon jumped back out of what had happened as he shouted to the others what he assumed happened. Drakkon would get up from the ground and he would shake his head as he looked at the group of men that were paying attention to him.

“I was only greeting you guys, but you shot me? That’s bad manners, but now look you don’t have a ship.” He said as he stood up and fixed himself.

They would look at him as if they were filled with anger. It would seem like he was the culprit, which meant that they wanted him to pay for what he had done. They would take out their cutlass, and guns and would rush to Drakkon. The ones that shot him would miss and the ones that got close to him would see wings growing and protecting him from their attacks. Once the attacks had finished and landed, the wings would disperse due to the damage it took and he would proceed to attack now.


#5Go D. Drakkon 

Pirates! 1 Empty Mon Aug 28, 2023 10:36 am

Go D. Drakkon

Drakkon had his Yamato out as he would show these guys no mercy. They had struck at him without hesitating, so he would share the same treatment. The closest pirate would meet his end as Yamato would pierce his heart, pull it out, and swing his blade at the guy to his left. He would cut him down as he would look at the other pirates that were around him. This was simple and he knew what to do with these guys. They had all brought themselves around him, so it made things easier for him to accomplish. It was then he would see someone coming after him again, a second time, and he would pull his Enma to block the attack and then he would use his Yamato to strike once again.

This time it was different and he would activate his spell from his katana. This would be enough to take them all out and it was what he was hoping for.


#6Go D. Drakkon 

Pirates! 1 Empty Mon Aug 28, 2023 10:37 am

Go D. Drakkon
The pirates were surprised that this man was alive after being shot, but even more surprised at what he had been doing to them. When they stepped forward, the dimensional slashes would appear and it would go all over the place around Drakkon. It was then that they would all see this and they would all be slashed by the attacks. He wasn’t holding back as the scales on his body were showing. They would scream and shout from the blows as he was looking over to the gunners that were still up and running.

The Dragon Slayer would shake his head as he would run to them. They started to fumble when they saw their comrades weren’t getting up and would shoot at him without aim. He would wave his arm as two dragons would come out and one take two of them out. They would bite into their flesh as he had gone to the others. It was then he would slash at the third one activate his spell and take out the others behind him.

Once he was done with that he would put his katana away, he would watch the pirate ship burn and he would take whatever jewels stood above the water.

207|1019 [50% wcr, weapon, relic, necklace]

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