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Burning The Candle [Manzo]

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Burning The Candle [Manzo] - Page 2 Empty Tue Feb 20, 2024 11:43 am


"Handy for a handyman." He said with a laugh as she doubled down on her innuendo once again. He hadn't missed it, he just had other things on his mind. But leave it to the enchantress he found himself with to break that stoic gaze. Feeling the feminine curves of the woman he cared of pressed against his body he could do little else but melt into her embrace. She had been his refuge in the storm on many a tough night. Something he was always eternally grateful for.

He placed his hand on the small of her back as the song continued. Putting the pegasi into a little sway of a dance as he kissed the top of her head, then resting his chin on it. She was truly one of his dearest treasures in this world, as well as her missus. The two of them were one of a kind, and irreplaceable in his life. "Believe I intend to take full advantage of being in the midst of such beautiful scenery." He said with a chuckle as he continued their little dance. "Just look out for those big redwood trees while we are there, they tend to nestle themselves against the peaks and valleys. Truly a sight to behold in my opinion."

Burning The Candle [Manzo] - Page 2 LGnxHvk

Burning The Candle [Manzo] - Page 2 Empty Thu Feb 22, 2024 4:00 am


WORDS: 180 | Scarlet Siren

“Araaa… Giant Redwoods, Manzy~? Gosh…” The wry soul before her seeming to tip his hand with his next comment albeit in a fashion which was rather discreet, though the brunette was already in a good mood she couldn't help but beam with brightness at his little joke, and let loose a sigh of satisfaction as she embraced him more fully in an effort to return the affection he showed her.
“Not sure if you're wanting to see me blush, or embrace some kind of urge to climb something big and strong~?” Snickering no small amount mind you at the implication he had raised and certainly unable to leave the matter to lie for too long before she was tilting those emerald eyed upward and batting those long lashes once more, the temptress was happy to tease him with a tinge of rosiness in her cheeks as she took advantage of his wording and bobbed her brows, and in doing so all too clearly seemed to recall the circumstances of their very first embrace thanks to a tickling urge to repeat it…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Burning The Candle [Manzo] - Page 2 Empty Thu Feb 22, 2024 10:50 am


"Well of course the tallest one in the forest can be seen not too far from here." He said with a playful smirk as he looked down to meet her gaze. Lowering his hand ever closer to her rump, stopping just before, and taking his free hand to trace her bottom lip. Smiling a mischievous grin before leaning in.

Now practically nose to nose, he couldn't help but tease her all the more. Seeing that look in her eyes, it reminded him of the first time they had ever pressed their forms together. "Care for a trip down memory lane?" He asked her softly, the ruby reds of the dragon slayer taking the form of a serpents. Something she'd recall happening during their first encounter when she had caused his blood to overflow with desire. Sofia, was certainly one of a kind, being that she was the only person who had ever gotten such a rise out of him.

Burning The Candle [Manzo] - Page 2 LGnxHvk

Burning The Candle [Manzo] - Page 2 Empty Fri Feb 23, 2024 4:13 pm


WORDS: 270 | Scarlet Siren

“Ohhhhh, I think I know just where to find it~?” The bubbly brunette unable to resist the urge to bite into that ruby red bottom lip of hers as their attempts at implication became all the less subtle with every round they traded between them, while perhaps with most other men Sofia might have made light of the situation or accused them of bragging, in this case the emerald eyed enchantress could not deny that she fully expected him to make good on the promises which his mouth was making right now. This boy had never been the sort to embellish all that much, right?

“Hmmmm, how to say this best? How about…” Perhaps letting the drinking and dancing and the discourse which had flowed between both only further stimulate the more mischievous side to her and as such the girl with the green gaze not too unpleasantly surprised with what Manzo suggested next, while she blinked for a moment as he seemed to ramp up the intensity from something cute and friendly to a tone with more of a frisky air, Miss Serena did not dislike it and neither did she deter it either in fact.
“Mmmnnn~” Instead seeking to surprise him by taking the first move though perhaps only further cementing the walk they were taking down memory lane with such a notion, spontaneity seemed to rule the siren in scarlet as she practically leapt for those lips and pulled them down to meet her own, and then let loose and happy little mewl as she tasted them and found a feeling reminiscence rushing back to her. Though perhaps that wasn't all…?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Burning The Candle [Manzo] - Page 2 Empty Fri Feb 23, 2024 11:46 pm


Sofia deciding to take the first step in this little waltz down memory lane was not something he didn't expect. In fact he counted on it, and had been waiting to see if she would finally snap the trap on him. The taste of her ruby red colored lips, matching her dress, causing a small grunt to escape his lips as theirs touched.

The sound of her mewing only made him all the more voracious in his response. Grabbing her by her wide motherly hips, pulling her back in for more. Intertwining their tongues together for a moment. Having created their own little scene inside of this crowd, though he did wonder if she would be interested in something far more private in order to share this moment. But then again, the streets where they shared their first kiss was anything but private, so in a way this seems far more appropriate than any hotel room.

"Sing your song, siren." He whispered as he gazed into her eyes, a devilish smirk reaching across his face as soaked in the emeralds that reflected his ruby reds.

Burning The Candle [Manzo] - Page 2 LGnxHvk

Burning The Candle [Manzo] - Page 2 Empty Mon Feb 26, 2024 6:02 am


WORDS: 320 | Scarlet Siren

“M-Manzy…!” The brow of the brunette seeming to shoot upwards when the kiss she shared seemed to be returned in kind and then some, those emerald eyed of the enchantress seemed to widen as she found her friend not only seeming to take command of the kiss between them but her body as well along with it, though with the minx melting into such a passionate lock of lips that was hardly a surprise, no?
“Wow… Feels like you've been waiting on that one a while, huh~?” As such the fair fox found clutching at the shoulders of this ever eager figure as he gripped her hips and letting loose a shaky breath with finally their lips parted, all that she could do was look toward that scarlet stare with dizziness in her eyes in the aftermath of something which had caught her totally by surprise, and yet not in the least bit unpleasantly so.

“Teeheehee, are you sure~?” All too quickly it seeming that her confidence reasserted itself and with it too the girl with the green gaze giggling as Manzo seemed to command her to continue weaving her wicked allure, the corners of her mouth seemed to curl as she looked toward his unusual irises unflinchingly and her head tilted to the side a little too as she questioned his demand, though in no way which seemed to say that she disapproved of it at all.
“Siren song's tend to lead most to their doom~?” Instead the vixen simply taking the opportunity to point out the danger inherent in him becoming too intoxicated by the spell that she could command, more and more she could sense the depth of the feelings he had nursed for her all this time and as such Miss Serwna felt a little bit guilty for encouraging them when she knew that no matter how thrilling the moment was, he would only be second fiddle to her truest and greatest love tomorrow…?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Burning The Candle [Manzo] - Page 2 Empty Sat Mar 02, 2024 12:07 am


"You could say I've been waiting for a little while. Never did find the right time to go for it again. This felt like the right time." He said with a smile as he continued to gaze into her eyes. While it was true that this was the wife of one of his best friends as well as guild master, he knew that something like this wouldn't create any kind of friction between the two of them, nor would it make anything weird between he and she.

"If doom is what awaits me, then I face that reality eagerly and with a smile. I'm a bit of a masochist if you remember correctly." He said with a wink as he raised his hand to her cheek and stroked it slowly. "Evenings with you have always been my greatest treasure, you are, one of my greatest treasures." He said as he leaned in to plant another kiss on her lips before running his fingers through her beautiful locks.

"I don't care about what tomorrow holds, I just want tonight."

Burning The Candle [Manzo] - Page 2 LGnxHvk

Burning The Candle [Manzo] - Page 2 Empty Tue Mar 05, 2024 8:17 am


WORDS: 400 | TOTAL: 5050 | Scarlet Siren

“Teeheeheehe, you're so quiet sometimes, it's easy to forget what a sweetie pie you can be~?” The green gaze of the girl widening both because of how her friend began to wax all poetic on his feelings for her and also because of how off guard the moment caught her, even one with such devilish delight as this diva couldn’t help but feel her cheeks warm and grow pink as she looked toward the boy with unexpected admiration, and with a giggle she had no problem in admitting just how much he had seemed to take her by surprise with what he had said.
“Though, I suppose a woman of my experience should know better than to underestimate a shy boy~?” The siren shaking her head and sighing as she felt a little like she was doing him a disservice because of her presumption in this kind of area, Sofia hummed and ran her fingers down the face of her friend as she observed the old phrase about still waters running deeper than most and all that, and hoped that she managed to properly convey the feeling of affection which she had for him in doing that. After all, their connection was rife with complication, no?

“Heeheheee, come on then, Mr Manzy…” Not that she particularly wanted to dwell on those factors for the moment and especially in light of the combination of sweetness and boldness which she had been shown, once again Miss Serena seemed to chuckle and in doing so seemed to show a nervousness which most men who had met her in bars had never quite witnessed, which only seemed natural really. I mean, there was far more in play here than some dance floor tryst she had shared in younger years, right?

“Let's see where this evening takes us, hm~?” Unable to deny that there was a definite feeling of romance and intimacy with Manzo that she had shared with so few others in her life, such a fact was something which spurred her to coax her companion to abandon the hustle and bustle of their current venue in favour of somewhere quieter and less crowded so that they might have one another all to themselves, and so with the hour late and the stars still twinkling overhead the woman in red smiled and took his hand to lead him to the beach, just the two of them…


Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

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