My Seventh Sense is an original DC Comics roleplay with a reimagined structured timeline taking inspiration primarily from comics old and new, along with other works of DC media. We strive to build a character-driven rp community with engaging, ongoing site-wide plots to include all members with an inclusive and enthusiastic attitude especially towards LGBT+ players, characters, interpretations, and themes. We have several canons available that are key to plots such as Diana Prince (Wonder Woman), Timothy Drake (Red Robin), Cassandra Cain (Batgirl), Donna Troy (Troia), Victor Stone (Cyborg), and Rachel Roth (Raven) and Rachel Roth (Raven) while Original Characters are also welcome! Until then, we will wait for you to open your eyes to your seventh sense and join a new, reimagined DC Universe.
Wed Mar 01, 2023 1:55 am
My Seventh Sense is an original DC Comics roleplay with a reimagined structured timeline taking inspiration primarily from comics old and new, along with other works of DC media. We strive to build a character-driven rp community with engaging, ongoing site-wide plots to include all members with an inclusive and enthusiastic attitude especially towards LGBT+ players, characters, interpretations, and themes. We have several canons available that are key to plots such as Diana Prince (Wonder Woman), Timothy Drake (Red Robin), Cassandra Cain (Batgirl), Donna Troy (Troia), Victor Stone (Cyborg), and Rachel Roth (Raven) and Rachel Roth (Raven) while Original Characters are also welcome! Until then, we will wait for you to open your eyes to your seventh sense and join a new, reimagined DC Universe.
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