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Underground Associates [NQ | Aria | S | 1]

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Underground Associates [NQ | Aria | S | 1]  Empty Tue Jan 31, 2023 3:49 pm

A brief reprieve. Certainly it was something that this could have been described as, the duo now having arrived within Hosenka after they had spent a brief bit of time within the cold, decrepit Dahlia. Far from what they would have expected, more so what the woman whom led the duo felt towards it. A cold, ugly place, one that she would have sooner preferred seeing ripped off the map than exist, yet one that she figured that she would be spending her time within. She had business there, business known to her, that would be kept with her. To say more was to show her hand, a hand that none knew, that none would stand to benefit from. But that was her reasonings, her motivations. To provide as little information as one could, what would she had stood to gained if she were to give up anything more. Much like the card vessels that she carried on her person, information was power, influence was her strength, and her power and influence was based upon her keeping that information to herself. To go against that now, it would be such a deviation from how she had conducted herself throughout her time in Joya.

203/2250 ( -10% | -10% Companion)


Underground Associates [NQ | Aria | S | 1]  Empty Tue Jan 31, 2023 3:49 pm

Hosenka at least gave some brief resemblance to that homeland that she had been so accustomed. It was not Joya, nor could it ever hope to replicate her feelings towards it. The beauty of the nation, the respect that people there held towards it, towards the culture, towards those like her. They were the ones that dictated and commanded everything. And she was no exception. She rose from the bottom depths of the Joyan society to become something, a classic fairy tale being brought to life and though that would seem to be something that would inspire the people, it as much produced something else, something far more sinister and terrifying within the people. Dread. Fear. Feelings of panic and worry over their own safety and lives as the extent of what she were able to achieve, the trail of bodies that she had brought forth, each soul whom had reached out to her in order to try to benefit from the blessing and information that she possessed instead being little more than a stepping stone to her own path of power. Each soul being traded away to provide a vessel for the next demon that was looking to acquire it. She were the Ferryman of sorts, the one whom ushered in the demons trapped within the Abyss into the land of Earthland. Treated simply as the heavy price for the deals that she made with others, the reality were that those whom had made any sort of offer had condemned themselves well before they even realized anything may have been wrong with them.

467/2250 ( -10% | -10% Companion)


Underground Associates [NQ | Aria | S | 1]  Empty Tue Jan 31, 2023 3:50 pm

A commonly known fear that spread throughout Joya and yet, did not seem to negatively affect the woman, instead being something that she simply carried with her as though it were a badge of honor. In some regards, that were exactly the case, the people both fearful of her but also holding with it a level of respect that was not particularly shown. There were elements of fear in power, and although there were plenty who were fearful of the idea that that sort of fear could be taken at value, she were certainly one to appreciate that. Her growth taught her quickly that to be not feared was as much to be ignored and forgotten within this sort of world. Now though, people would not forget her, nor would they be willing to recognize and allow for her to be forgotten. That was her place in Joya, one that everyone was going to regret and wish that they would not be forced to confront against. It was a great life, and yet, she knew that to establish herself in this role within Fiore now, that was going to take more work. It would take time. But she was going to accomplish it.

670/2250 ( -10% | -10% Companion)


Underground Associates [NQ | Aria | S | 1]  Empty Tue Jan 31, 2023 3:50 pm

She couldn’t quite say that that were the reason that they were in Hosenka, as much as it would been a welcome point. The reality simply was that the woman simply needed to get out of Dahlia. Her reason being in the cold, decrepit, and disdainful place were genuine and had reasons for her to be there instead of within the more festive area, but the fact was she could not have endured spending any further time within that place. After her encounter with a pack of wolfen creatures, there may have been some sentiment that she had to fear being there, whether it were out of retaliation or those who thought they may have been able to make their bones by striking out against her, but in reality that was not something that she were too worried for. Those who may have tried to stop her, very quickly they would have come to realize how foolish of a decision that they would have sought to make.

That is, if they were fortunate enough to end up walking out of the encounter with their lives, lest they be ripped apart by the demons in servitude to her, or otherwise find themselves condemning themselves with a deal that she may have made with them. A foolish idea of peace, a cursed olive branch that were extended to them.

897/2250 ( -10% | -10% Companion)


Underground Associates [NQ | Aria | S | 1]  Empty Tue Jan 31, 2023 3:50 pm

“Much better,” she remarked, looking around and seeing how similar things here were compared to Dahlia, how it seemed like there were signs of life. It was inviting, something that Dahlia certainly wasn’t. It was anything far from it as possible, but here, here it was something completely different. The lights, the color, the sounds, everything that the city carried with itself only seemed to further and further invite people there. Spend your time in Hosenka, you will not regret it. “If only we had arrived here first, rather than that… that, I’m not sure entirely what it should be considered. That dump.”

It was clear what she were talking about, her contempt towards Dahlia never being hidden, yet this was something that the Aberrant was getting used to, if nothing else slowly. At first, her tone, her dialect, they were foreign, they were hard for her to adequately follow, but as time went, it quickly began to pick up more and figure things more about, particularly about its master. It was all that it had the option of doing. Either adapt, or be torn apart by the same demons and threats that those who stood against them seemed to have been as well. If anything, it had even more reason to adjust and get used to the woman’s behavior, given especially the new life and body that it were using – a direct benefactor of the same vessel nature that the woman had provided to numerous demons before.

1145/2250 ( -10% | -10% Companion)


Underground Associates [NQ | Aria | S | 1]  Empty Tue Jan 31, 2023 3:50 pm

“Tell me, what do you know of this place? Surely you’ve at least seen here before, know of something enough to lead my foreign beauty properly. Would you kindly?” She looked upon the Aberrant with eyes that were deceptive, that feigned care and instead carried cruel intentions from their very core. To others, not so much the creature whom though she loved the taunting of, she could not help but also respect and recognize was beginning to value her presence. Though it may have at one point viewed her with contempt and hatred, certainly understandable to some degree considering just what it was, the deal that resulted in it being under the servitude of the woman now, she could see that the creature was beginning to appreciate her company, that it was beginning to warm up to her in general. “This place, Hosenka, it seems very similar to Joya. Intentional, or just happenstance?”

1298/2250 ( -10% | -10% Companion)


Underground Associates [NQ | Aria | S | 1]  Empty Tue Jan 31, 2023 3:50 pm

“I have never been to Joya. I could not say,” the Aberrant had little to contribute, the reality being so much of its life had been tied to being kept within confinement, never meant to see the real world. That it had been freed by the curious blue haired Demi-Human had been enough of a reason for it to support her in her travels, and it had been why it took such gross exception to the idea of having been restrained and forced to serve the woman now before it. However, to now come to find that the world was again going to be open to it, a chance to explore it, less like that of an equal with a travelling partner but instead that of a servant to that of a high quality society embodiment. Hard to entirely say whether or not it were a better position, but it was very clear that at the bare minimum, there were certainly huge benefits to it, even just in these more meager circumstances. Traversing through parts of a country that neither it nor the woman had been to before, neither of them felt a sense of worry, much in part to the reality of their travels.

1503/2250 ( -10% | -10% Companion)


Underground Associates [NQ | Aria | S | 1]  Empty Tue Jan 31, 2023 3:51 pm

“A shame. Here I thought that having you accompany me would prove to highlight your knowledge of the world. Appears I were to wrong to assume that you would be knowledgeable about your own homeland.” Her words were dismissive; not so much cold, nor aiming to take a fierce decree either. Just a pointed fact. The hypocrisy in her words were lost upon her though, the reality being that the expectations that she held towards the former aberration did not translate adequately to her equally. If asked to give her accounts of Joya, there would be so much lacking that she would be unable to give much of a better answer to the nation as a whole than like that of what the aberration could not towards here. “No matter. Once we have found a place to rest our heads for the evening, then we can figure out where to go from there.”

The aberrant perked up, curious as to the first indication seemingly given of any sort of plan. “I would have figured you having planned all that out beforehand,” the cynical remarks apparent within its voice, which did not draw much of a smile out of the woman.

1703/2250 ( -10% | -10% Companion)


Underground Associates [NQ | Aria | S | 1]  Empty Tue Jan 31, 2023 3:51 pm

Night began to fall quickly, the duo further traveling through the city, little more detail being made between the two. It then became a bit more apparent that the extent of the woman’s “plan” consisted to the idea of trying to figure out some sort of arrangement to acquire food and room, more reflective of the woman’s hasty lack of planning than anything else. Several instances of rejection throughout, it was not long fortunately that the duo did acquire some sort of deal, the protection of a store that were owned by a wealthy individual within the city. One of several pairs that had been hired to monitor the protection of the goods within it, it would be an easy enough job, only having to monitor a small portion of the area, barely having to invest much effort or interest towards a job, and coming away with the full benefits all the same. To stand around for a short time and then be rewarded with a free meal and a free place to rest their head for the evening, who was she to refuse?

1887/2250 ( -10% | -10% Companion)


Underground Associates [NQ | Aria | S | 1]  Empty Tue Jan 31, 2023 3:51 pm

A simple job, yet a boring one at that; the woman and the aberrant having been relegated to an area that was far more secluded, far more isolated, and far least likely to be able to struck, thus making it all the less likely that any actual effort would have to be applied towards it. The same could not be said for the other areas however, the sounds of fighting and conflict being wholly evident and apparent throughout the evening as the other groups that had been assigned to defend found themselves under what seemed like constant besiege, a fate that she could not help but recognize was both unexpected and unlike that of what she had first figured it would have been the case. It was in that that she figured something would be there for her to capitalize on, to benefit for in for her own. She was already benefiting from an effortless amount of work, and all that this was doing was simply enabling her to further benefit. While the other guards were handling their active defenses of their areas, she would make an effort to assist. Not to actually fight, but rather just to take what she felt were owed.

2091/2250 ( -10% | -10% Companion)


Underground Associates [NQ | Aria | S | 1]  Empty Tue Jan 31, 2023 3:51 pm

It was far easier than she figured it would have been, a thought that occurred to her, something she may have considered if it were simple enough, but upon arriving at the different areas of the store, neither she could have truly appreciated how aggressive the attempted intruders had been trying, nor how unguarded the valuable items were left as a result. It would have been child’s play to take from behind the backs of the people guarding, and that was exactly what she had done. Several pieces of jewelry, some rings, gemstones, items that no doubt had some great value associated with them, without even a second thought she plucked them from under the shadows of darkness whilst the confusion of battle took the focus upon everyone else. But her presence could not linger, she could not remain there for too long. Each second lasted, it was potential for her to be revealed, her plot potentially being unveiled. With that, once she held within her palm a nice assortment of jewelry and items to pawn or keep for herself, there were no further reason to remain. Hastening back through the shadows, she headed back to her place of protection, now just awaiting for the last remaining time of her shift to cease.

2304/2250 ( -10% | -10% Companion)

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