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A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.)

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A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) Empty Wed Sep 21, 2022 3:27 pm

How one managed to travel so far not noticed is a good question, But no matter what it seemed Regis has his ways. Then again maybe he did this every once and a while. But as always with him as well in his cycle of many things, Regis was in thought. The questionable part is of what would it be that he had in his mind in the end unless some one walked up to him and asked it might just be a case to keep to himself.

He had adjust for the most part to living in orchidia he was not causing any problems and some how he was less weird then the other times he had walked around, but he still left people feeling off.

Alas for the moment the people in the close by town were spared Regis' roaming around he had found himself in the outskirts looking upon the areas like he was deep in thought to himself about many things in life. Maybe he had finally moved on from the looming suffering with in his mind. But could always assume he had not after all Regis had not talked about much aside from just trying to fit in.


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) Empty Wed Oct 05, 2022 10:45 am


Travel was a nice thing. A break from the tides of time and the pulls of action. This was a reason that Jikan often took walks around the town of Orchidia. But on this day she was doing soe.thing different. she wanted to not be in the thick of the town only hearing their voices. She would rather go to one of the outskirts of Orchidia. Either an edge of the town or a place that was far away and another town all by itself but, for simplicity sake, still called Orchidia.

She rode on her white and brown fured Duhlin mount Maxx. The stead trotted down the road casually in a soft slow yet speedy pace. Would Jikan run into citizens and talk to them to know how they were doing? Would she run into anyone she knew on this day? Who knows?

Either way it was something that Jikan thought she had not done in a little bit of time, and figured that she should get into the habit of doing this every once in awhile. Her body and red haired swayed side to side very softly. Her eyes looking forward as she gazed at the world.


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) Empty Thu Oct 06, 2022 1:16 pm

Almost like Regis had not been paying attention, While he was walking at one point between the various people he was looking between and trying to avoid every once and a while he did just happen to bump into some one, but it did not seem unintentional just he was thinking and lost track of what was going on around him. The only wrong thing was he might have not said sorry about it, It was an easy fix but just not on his mind at the time.

But at one point he seemed to stop walk and look around for a moment like he saw something and it had caught his attention but whatever it was he might not be sure since of how quick it passed his mind. Was Regis starting to see things again?

He was seeing things that were not there. It seemed that what he was saw might have impacted him slightly.


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) Empty Sat Oct 08, 2022 9:34 am


Jikan continued to move, her body forward upon her beloved Duhlin mount Maxx. Her eyes blue green eyes partially gazing at the sky, the soft blue horizon almost like a painting. Maxx's feet trotted onward, moving casually through the growing number of people that was walking alongside the roads and deeper parts of the village town she had found herself in. She was a bit relaxed, paying attention but not to an extreme high degree. She was existing, not yet talking to really that many people at all. She was observing mostly, listening in on how they talked and shared gossip as they walked, stopped and relaxed, or shopped.

It had continued like this for some time before Jikan felt something touch her. A bump, a shoulder or side that slightly touched her mount and her leg. It was slight and caused her no issue to her but she did not hear an apologize which frankly, she thought was rude. And so she turned her head towards whoever had bumped her, "excuuuuse me. Are you just gonna-", she started before her eyes came into view of who it was.

"Regis?". She said finding that it was one of her guild members that causally bumped into her. The ever present scattered minded far off man Regis the culprit. She eyed him, finding him looking around as if he found something. That was something of note, so far in her knowledge of him, he was not a person able to give attention much to anything.

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) Empty Sun Oct 09, 2022 4:51 pm

Oh what a problem to have Regis bumping into some one while being clueless to the world around him for merely just a moment. It seemed to take a while to have it dawn on him he had ran into some one, Regis actually seemingly had gotten actually lost in his own world enough to the point where he thought he saw something that was not there.

A few more steps and Regis would bump into another woman minding her own business and then he would stop for a moment."Wait...where am I again?"That was most likely something Jikan did not want to hear Regis speak, he was losing track of where he was.

Then maybe something else a bit more worrying."Sorry miss I was lost and thought you were some one else for a moment."In his mind this woman had green hair for a moment like some one long past form his memory. But none the less Regis was back in reality.

Hearing his name called from Jikan he just simply walked over."Yes Jikan, does something seem to be a problem?"He asked just to be sure while he was focusing. This was normal for Regis but was it for anyone else who knew him?


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) Empty Mon Oct 10, 2022 12:10 pm


The unknown person that Regis had bumped into was looking at the man. It was not just them but Jikan was as well. The man was an oddball. A peculiar man to say the least, a fact that Jikan was realizing more and more with each interaction she had with the man. Perhaps it was the self isolation, perhaps it was his past trauma that he had not talked about, maybe not receive any aid in coming with terms and dealing with, or, perhaps Regis was just like that. An odd man, clumsy and a bit weird. Perhaps his troubles only made this part of him stronger and more present in the forefront of his personality when he dealt with people now a days?

Curious and odd though, he was out of it more than normal today. Because after bumping into Jikan he bumped into another lady! Causing her to toss the book she was carrying in her hand into the air before flailing and catching it once again with a sigh. "Ah...outside of the book store?", said the green haired lass.

At the same time as this Jikan let out a groan and put two fingers on her nose, pinching. "....are you aimlessly wandering again Regis?". Whether he heard her or not Jikan was unsure but it seemed he found himself in a conversation now.

"Ah...please make sure to watch where you are going. You almost made me drop my book...", the lady said softly yet somehow sternly. Her hand holding the book falling to her waist as she used her other hand to fix her hat. "Ah, who could that be? I don't find many people saying I look like someone", she said with her dyed brown hair flowing down her back.

... the lady kept to herself and just looked on as he turned towards Jikan. Perhaps he did not hear, it was unknown. Hoever she would just begin to turn away to walk away, a strand of hair sticking out from her hat from behind. Undyed...and green.

"....I mean, do you consider bumping into people a problem? Two people in five seconds have to be some sort of record", Jikan said placing her hand down after seeing Regis approach.

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Oct 11, 2022 12:02 pm

Even if he was an odd man,even if in some manner most people would get flustered and annoyed with it. in this case Regis seemed to take these situations a bit more stride because he knew his flaws and the situations that happen with him when it did happen."Huh so that is where I am."This case Regis was mentally lost but he knew at least where he was being at a bookstore, it meant he knew his way back home if he needed to go back, He had managed to learn a fair amount even if he did not seem like he was."Thank you for you answer."He did sound actually delighted and polite with this. Something a bit more interesting to see form him.

But he did have to answer to his guild master."I might have, just in thought of a few things I had in mind today. I guess I just lost track a bit that is all."Nothing grim or horrible sounding Regis was just thinking for the most. It was almost like he had been focusing on keeping himself in line and it was working, That time along in some manner fitted his mind in his place.

But when she mentioned it he seemed to actually apologize like a normal person."Yes indeed, I am sorry for that...I do get carried away a tiny bit."But at least he would not try anything too horrible or risky he did not try to touch this woman or anything."Some one from my past....a bit different from you and she had green hair...Some one from long a go."Regis did avoid naming them only because it was just kind of a strange thing to bring up that might make the situation a bit more bleak then it did need to be.

But after this woman turned around, Regis did watch just incase because he would much rather she did not hear too much in depth his conversation with Jikan but he did pickup and notice the green hair."Huh...I wonder if she noticed they missed a spot."But she did not stop or chase after that woman since she did already take up unneeded time.

Then for Jikan's comment."At least I managed to refocus before i ended up walking into anyone else."was fair to mention that.


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) Empty Wed Oct 12, 2022 4:38 am


Odd man Regis was an odd man. A curious internal question of who he got it from. Either way, he found himself under the banner of Sleeping Calamity. So,as hands off as she was with only requiring certain rules followed and other encouraged, he was hers. She was the guild master and thus she had to have some dealing with the man, a fact that was fine with her as she was curious about having this insight into other individuals through him. Sometimes flustered in disbelief. Often annoyed, but it was what it was. And so Jikan had watched the short response from Regis to the unknown maiden. The knight coming back to reality in a sense of awareness, his normal politeness there but with a surprising delight undertone as well.


"Ah, you often think of a lot of things, at the same time. But what could make you think so much that you walked all the way over here and not realize where you were?", an open invitation. Regis knew this as much by now, he could tell her he could not, and if he did he could control how much.

"But anyway," she went on, allowing Regis to go past her question if he desired so. "Apology accepted. But do be careful, not many people can be relaxed after being bummed into. And with that heavy armor on I wouldn't be surprised if you made someone fall down and scared them. Unless you are trying to go for the whole, dark knight spooky serious type of look", she said flatly with a few blinks to her eyes.

"A green haired woman huh?", she tilted her head. "Different from me? How so? Beyond the normal left arm thing", she said waving the fingers of her berial arm.

Jian looked up at Regis words, spotting the piece of green hair. "Maybe? Could be growing back as well. Either way thats a color I don't really see on anyone".

"Yes. Yes you did. But I'm a little bit disappointed. I was waiting to see if you would go three for three".

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) Empty Thu Oct 13, 2022 9:40 am

With that he simply shrugged for the most part with that first part being mentioned about him."Sometimes you do not know where you are until you learn of a landmark near by."Regis mentioned, in some manner it might not make sense but Regis did not entirely follow logic ways of working with how often he thought to himself. If asked about it maybe Regis could admit it was signs of something wrong. Then again Regis generally seemed aware a lot of things where off with him.

But moving on from that quickly Jikan asked about what matter a green haired lady meant to him since it was a bit of an important detail, Thus looking around to make sure no other person would really hear from him. Then let out a sigh. maybe it was good to speak about it even if minor moment to talk about it."If you really must ponder. I use to be married to a woman with green hair."He left it at that for the moment then just waited to see what would happen, A part of him expected a more questions from him about this matter, But Jikan was learning more.


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) Empty Sat Oct 15, 2022 4:24 pm


Jikan did not know what to say to the words Regis spoke along with his shrug. She supposed he could be right in this situation. It was not the first time she heard of such a thing happening to a person, and her herself had many times where she was in the situation where she only knew a small piece of a location. Finding herself uncertain, mind confused as she searched for her desired path or something to give a hint that she was in a familiar location. "Fair. That can happen and you are still very new to Orchidia and the surrounding smaller communities around. One could get lost...", Jikan said patting the top of Maxx's head. It was strange. In the few conversations she had had with Regis so far, this was practically the only time he made sense to her. She could see the logic at times before but this time she could GET it and not just think she was....well she was not sure. But then again, Jikan could understand this possibility...if he did not walk so far away. This was from the guild building to here after all, no one could be unclear of their surrounds that long under normal circumstances. She wondered. "Especially if one's mind is somewhere else. Divided attention". Nd that

The movement of bodies continued, the brown haired maiden that Regis pumped into drifted away into the moving groups of people. The flow of bodies wrapping around the two Sleeping Calamity members as if they were the only two present. The crowds passed, as if they were the sands of time. Thinning again and again until isolation was somewhat given. Space around them distant from the others while yet close, with just enough space for a glimpse of privacy to be had. The armed knight looked around and sighed, finished with his preparation.

"Ah, then that unique hair color would draw your attention even more so", she said with an understanding nod of her head. Love and attachment. Senses brought back to the front of the mind with a symbol that brought things back for him. No wonder he was in such a weird daze beyond the normal type. She eyed him before turning her head, a small tick in her mind as she wandered if she should asked Regis more questions. Specific ones or, questions that could ease him.

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) Empty Mon Oct 17, 2022 6:37 am

That statement was true it was something he focused on in some manner just not up front and easily seem even just slightly looking as the woman walked away, sure the rest of her hair was brown but it was just a normal feeling of past attachment was just there."She deserved better then what happen."He mentioned then kind of just started walking since he was well going to continue on in general and he was going to focus on it when he was going to worry about bit it a bit in generally.

Even remarking about the woman."She is nice...but she would also deserve better then I even if had wanted to consider."Regis was down playing these things over all. but that was just how he was over all. He was solely focused on this current time and reality. It must be annoy to see that Regis was not interested in this that might interest him.


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) Empty Mon Oct 17, 2022 5:45 pm


"Hmmmm. It sounds like you lost her. Well, I am sorry to hear that Regis", Jikan said very softly. She doubted that the end of the relationship was not someone basic. Not a lovers argument or a divorce. One did not just say she deserved better than what happen when a relationship ended in the way of something like that. Jikan eyed him as she watched him begin walking away, likely going to continue his stroll. Regis being Regis if you will; very expected and normal at this point. Regis was very serious about this thought then, he was going to move on and walk. But Jikan knew why he was going to do such a thing and the process now. Thinking. But was such a thin good or was it better to forget?

Jikan raised an eyebrow at Regis at his follow up comment. "Oh? Are you sure you are not imprinting something Regis? You know nothing of her, niceness or what she is like. Is completely unknown". Jikan said in a matter of fact tone this time, tapping the side of her Duhlin mount to communicate him to move forward a little bit towards Regis.

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Oct 18, 2022 11:08 am

It seemed the had reached that point of conversation where Regis might as well say it and get it out of the way for Jikan."In happen stance of my past I lost her and my daughter....sadly by my own hands."He just kind of went a bit less detailed as he could for good reason it was a bit of a sour subject."hence why they deserved better."in some manner maybe this almost slightly loathing behaviour was almost more self in placed for a reason on him but as he talked about it, it seemed he came to a cycle of thought about it.

Even remarking."So as much as i do not know her, She seems like a nice woman to talk too. She would deserve better as well as much as I would consider more then just casual talks with her."He did not mean anything lewd with that comment he was just being honest about it.


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Oct 18, 2022 6:30 pm


Jikan let Maxx rest after shuffling up back towards Regis. She had intened the day to go explore, be present and seen around her town of Orchidia as well as the nearby smaller towns and villages that were, for the most part, treated as a part of the town as well. Good appearances and seen as being part of the community what have you. She did not expect to run into a guild member, and Regis was one of the few she expected the least to travel this far out.

Did he surprise her, and she was thinking that this was going to continue to be a crazy often habit from the fresh Sleeping Calamity member.

Talking to see into her members was a thing she often did. To learn their strength, their weaknesses, and the factors within them that she could use. People management at its finest. But how would she respond to Regis next words? He was simply filled with unexpected details!

"....your wife...and your daughter, by your own hands...", Jikan whispered. Half in an inquisitive disbelief and have in a honest....well she was not sure. Sadness? Revulsion? Surprise?? It made her mind wonder, was this the reason Judith did not talk much about Regis beyond his name. Did she and Ander mention that a child went mad? She believed she did so, but, Jikan did not even think this would be such a thing.

For some reason she wanted to know details. How it happened. Why it happened. What caused it? But, she could easily tell that this was a bitter thing, topic and all. But the emotional impact on Regis was even more easy to see, it was out on his sleeves. It made sense of how he functioned when herself and Mia came upon him. And the strangeness of his...social skills. She would have to watch him a bit more, she could not have him going mad and causing mess in the town, and if he hurt someone she cared about....

"I see. Yes....deserved better...". Jikan turned around, once again letting the heavy comment come and hit the air before falling. A ball to be picked up later perhaps. That hour, that day, maybe further, a few months, years. It was a game, to see when and if such a thing was optimal to play around with like a puzzle. To touch. "Hmmmm, I think you believe people are nice too easy on the surface. Anyone can be nice to talk to, just as much as they can be a hassle. What people deserve though, is up to them decide as well as whoever is involved in the situation.

....although, you are pretty short with your words. So maybe so",
she added at the end, an attempt to toss something else in to cover their unexpected turn of event in dialogue if Regis wished so.

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) Empty Thu Oct 20, 2022 7:25 am

At least he was able to admit it openly and mention things in a rather normal manner the fact he seemed to spoke of it with out a single feeling of depression or sadness, since it was something he came to terms with it a long time a go."I am not proud of it."Was most likely the best answer to ever mention in that regard, He was not happy about it and the situation that lead up to it. For he knew how different his life would have been at this point  Regis would have never been important to the eyes of anyone, Faceless to the world only really to his mother if life did not go as it had for him.

But she let it be for the moment but he did offer."If we were not in public I would talk about it."Which most likely was a sign of Regis' trust he was building towards. After all there was things he knew and things did not know best example either he did not remember or not that Jikan knew his parents it either left his mind or he never knew to start with.

Leading up too."I am use to having short conversations....much like my father."He mentioned then again with all that had worked in his life it was just a given between not remembering how to talk at one point and normally having short talk it seemed maybe it was just some what better over all.


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) Empty Thu Oct 20, 2022 8:54 am


Was it okay that Regis was able to talk about what happened so openly and in such a calm manner? Some could say that it was him on the road to healing. Being able to talk about it. But, others could also say that it was just the sick mind of a killer coming out. Being able to talk about it with little regard to his actions or impact. Either could be right, both could be wrong. Jikan did not k ow the details of what transpired, the only details she had to draw from were the words of his parents saying that he went mad and did it. Whether that was pure rage, a mental illness, or even a strange magical occurrence. Was completely unknown to her.

And that unknown was an unease she had to be careful. ...well...least she could take care of herself if Regis went off the deep end. She nodded her head at his statement. Was that an admittion that he did it himself and not because of something of else? No sadness or depression....even in his calm state he was a weird fellow. Was this what it was like when other people tried to talk to her in the past?

"Oh I would hope so. Talking about such a thing out in the public is not a smart thing. As much as a loner you are, I don't take you for an idiot". She said gazing down at him. Was he wanting to get details off his chest? To talk and feel? She was fine with it if he wished so, more information and insight for her.

"Hmmmm, he can be short and to the point. But I don't think he has short words as much as you do Regis", she said before looking around. Keeping watch that people were not too close.


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) Empty Fri Oct 21, 2022 3:35 am

There was just a small pause from Regis for a moment because he did not entirely think about right away."Wait you know my father?"he asked generally confused over all but he did not seem upset. After all there were things to take into account for having that part picked up on

But he would rephrase the question."Sorry, i should say are you sure did you ever met my father?"Regis recalls some parts of his past conversations of his life talking between them, As something he really did not know that Jikan had known already. after all there are things one could know from family that Regis did not."I recalls other family members talking more often then him anyway."He just mentioned just thinking about it in general. But he seemed okay and settle as they continued to walk on, Maybe he did not have much else to think about.


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) Empty Fri Oct 21, 2022 8:40 am


Jikan waited as Regis seemed to pause. Curious as to what was said that caused him to have a moment of silence the buffered the conversation the two were having. When was ready and spoke, Jikan returned her eyes to gaze at him. "Yes? I know your Father, I met him the same time I met your Mother". She said with her trademark factual voice. She supposed she had never told Regis this, but Judith and Anders were a married couple. In Jikan's eyes, it was not a surprise to know of the other when one knows one. Even then, the confusion within his voice was something she noticed. Anders was a loner type of person from their meeting. But not anti social by any means.

But why the confusion and the questions. "Yes? I'm sure? Unless Anders is not your Father. If he is then I did meet him and talked to him for awhile". Was she sure that she had met his Father? My, this was feeling like it was going to be another odd Regis conversation in the same day; a two for one.

"Yes yes. I know of one at least. Your Mother can be quite a chatter box when she is in the mood. Or when she feels like being sassy", Jikan said back without giving it much thought. It felt like a regular thing, but perhaps it was an opening to get more details on the unknown wider family that was Regis' and Judith's.


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) Empty Mon Oct 24, 2022 5:15 am

It would be followed up with him mentioning this part."my father outside his shop?....what did my mother do to him moving in some manner that isn't just in that one area..."Regis was use to a different kind of way of his father being then again. Considering all of the pieces Jikan knew Regis most only just barely know what is going on with his mother and not his father.

Either way it seemed just seemed about normal in the end. After all he seemed generally more weird out by the fact his father was doing other things in life."My mother is my mother...you meet her once she does not chance all that much."he mentioned but over all it might be more he just did not expect some how his father to be mentioned, Just only merely his mother for the most part, But seemed still about in limit.


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) Empty Mon Oct 24, 2022 1:29 pm


Jikan looked at Regis and almost wanted to chuckle lightly at his bewilderment. It was an amusing sight given the man's trait of causing said confusion upon others often. Either way, she would give Regis an answer. "Yep. He was outside of shop, not working. Was very pleasant and even enjoying himself. It was during a time where I was in Bosco, that internal civil war over who would be the next ruler amongst possible heirs of their late King. After a bit of time with everything "calmed" after a tuler was decided. I ran into them one random day. Seemed Judith had a sudden craving for adventure and was going to do it with or without someone coming. Rationally, he was not going to let her travel in a country, especially one still tensed and unpredictable, alone".

It was a bit of a summary that she filled in but it would likely do. She still thought it was so random and cunning how Judith made Anders agree to come out. Well, at least they had a good time and were well during their time there from her talking with them.

"Come now. She is who she is, yes. But time, life, and events impact a person. Hmm, even then, people are always changing. In small ways or big every single day. Something, is always being added", she mentioned contently back to Regis. A piece of their conversation continuing.

"Did your Father often stay inside? I would think he had come out often enough to play with you when you was a child".


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) Empty Wed Oct 26, 2022 5:07 am

In some manner he kind of just seemed to find it strange and unsure about that idea."What did my mother do to talk him to go outside?..."it was a curious thought on his mind in which he was more yet again talking to himself about what could have been."..I am just lingering on that thought pointlessly."Regis seemingly wanting to just not think about how his family seemed to be for too long.

But it was just correct Judith never changed it was just how she was."In some manner if you know my mother at times I still will always thinking she is just around the corner."Regis was already paranoid enough but something like what was about to happen might show maybe just he needed to finally settled his mind away from that many thoughts.

As he stopped from a moment and walked over to both corners of the streets close by he had actually checked if he what he mentioned had happen."That lingering spectre isn't there..."To say like that might be horrible but Regis knew that in some manner with the most recent reveal of information that he was paranoid of too many things.

Some insight to the Karlinius family."My mother was the one we most often saw....Then again I am the oldest child...I had a sense of duty to help and watch over my sister and brother while my father often just seemed to be away working..him playing with us was rare but I do not blame him."With his paranoia gone and thoughts a bit more settled Regis started walking again.


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) Empty Wed Oct 26, 2022 6:39 am


Jikan looked at him as he once again asked the same question that she just answered. Or at least a similar one. Albeit, it seemed to Jikan that Regis was more asking himself and the world this question this time instead of his guild master. Did hearing such a thing about his Father really startle him to to this degree? Anders must be more of a shut in than Jikan got an ideal of. "Maybe you are maybe not. Although I do enjoy seeing you be the one perplexed for a change". She said in a polite jest.

This time Jikan could not hold back, letting out a very soft chuckle that was somewhat like a pleasant scoff. "What? Did Judith convince her son that she is a super secret spy or has magic that allows her to teleport? If so I gotta be careful with how I tease her or give her a hard time". She said light heartedly once again before shifting her voice back into a normal tone. "I suppose I will just have to wait and see. I haven't gotten the experience of Judith popping up out of no where with me, yet". Was she serious, was she playing with Regis' soft paranoia, or was she just talking to talk? Who knew.

"....Regis. I...well. I don't know with you. Did your Mother give you a frightening jump scare a few times?" The poor poor lad.... what kind of trickery did that old woman do??

"Ah I see. Well. I am not surprised. Anders seems like a very hard worker. I don't know how money was growing up and needs".

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) Empty Thu Oct 27, 2022 3:21 pm

It seemed not Jikan gets to deal with the entire theory Regis had about his mother even if Jikan at this time only saw Judith as a almost five feet tall harmless mother."I don't think you would understand my mother works differently..."He mentioned even if it was simple statement that anyone else could really say about their own parents well in this case it was just for his mother solely but not his father, There was still some kind of respect for not calling him anything different then just a father and a hard worker.

But he would continue on stopping for a moment with out much explanation or looking around him."some how, some way I never figured out Judith learns of things her children do in life..."Maybe this paranoia reflected in other other ways but at this time it was just this."some how child or adult she knew..."Could be lead to assume his mother was just really attentive and knew how to figure out things and knew how to watch over her own children but Regis was seeing it differently.

"Could swear she could show up if you went to a mirror, spin around a few times and say her name a few times."
This point he was seemingly delusional in some manner.


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) Empty Thu Oct 27, 2022 9:02 pm


One's off spring knew them better than a stranger. Even more so if one's lens of examining them was limited from a few experiences such as the ones Jikan had with Judith. But then again this was an intrigued but also suspicious angle given to her about the wine connoisseur. On one hand, Jikan found it hard to believe that the Judith that she had seen over the few times they had met and talked. When thinking of describing her; sneaky or spooky was the last adjective Jikan would use to describe Judith. Perhaps it was from a lack of exposure, a deeper layer to the face that was this elderly woman.

On the other side, perhaps it was a fun interesting aspect revealed to her. Who was Judith? Who was Anders? In their long history and connection, how did they work? What made them what they were. How, they were. It was all intriguing as well as a little bit amusing. "Perhaps Regis. Perhaps not. If she does work differently perhaps you will just have to show me one day". She said in her own simple response to Regis' words.

Jikan would continue to listen to Regis' words as his thoughts continued. Once again he had stopped though, and once again he looked around. Not much explanation from him or his goal in this. "Well, Regis. That is what a parent does. Or at leas what they are supposed to do. Know and figure out what their children are up to, even when they are trying to be sneaky about it", Jikan said in a matter of fact statement. Somewhat true but more in the goal of having his paranoia relax and reduce from her words hopefully. "Call it a Mother instinct in knowing you. If not, perhaps she is attentive and you give her many leads. Rather if you know you did it or not".

"...Perhaps I will try that then", she said eyeing him now. Not sure if she should have fun with this tension about his mother lingering at every corner and shadow. Oh, that would be cruel wouldn't it? What should she do? It could be beneficial, perhaps, if Jikan worked this little fear out of him.

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


A Faceless Wanderer, Living Within a Still Mind.(Open Social.) Empty Sat Oct 29, 2022 10:29 am

For the moment it seemed Regis' paranoia was getting the best of him so he had to ask in the end the way he started acting would be just reflecting that."nonetheless even if that, I have not needed to be a parent for a while..."Which was saddening true he had not needed to be a father in a really long time, logcially if he based how to be a father off of anyone else it would have been his own father rather then what Judith would be doing in this matter so it was all still a bit different for him.

In the end he just simply asked just while turning around to no longer look behind him and not even pay attention to what was behind him as well. Just to mention this while looking at Jikan."I do not suggest it, who knows what all testing that will do.."Yes Regis was just super paranoid.

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