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Pirates #20 [Quest: Vyra]

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Pirates #20 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:37 pm

It was cold, a worse day than what had been the case for weeks now it felt. Much of the focus had been around the weather, how things were getting nicer, indicative more of the fact that summer was coming to an end and naturally with that came the change in weather. The departure of the warm, sunny days in favor of the cooler, more comfortable days where the weather debated with itself whether to further align with the departing heat or otherwise succumb to the impending cold. For plenty, this was intolerable, a point of Hargeon where many sought out other areas to spend the next two seasons. It was in this that the North became all the more luxurious, the East, notably Hosenka, also becoming a favorable spot. There were plenty of options, but neither of them quite amounted to what one would consider more than just an escape. Hargeon, especially during the colder seasons, were rough, with them being only more difficult as time went and the conditions got worse. Those that lived within a sense of luxury, there were less issue, less concern that would have been met, but that was not the case for the plenty who had to work the hard life that it came with. For Vyra, the Demi-Human whom had spent now over two years within the port city, she had come to appreciate the colder months and what came with them.

240/1500 (-40% |-20% Oración Seis Guild Level 2 Perk, -20% Explorer's Belt)


Pirates #20 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:37 pm

Perhaps it was the fact that there were fewer people in the streets, or the fact that the snow upon the docks, upon the city, felt so captivating and mystical that it was enough to erase things, erase the circumstances surrounding her initial upbringing, her earliest days in Hargeon. Obviously, upon being a part of the Blue Pegasus Guild, those circumstances changed for the better, but it did not change the fact that within the cold winter, there was a different sense of people. Less did people look upon one another with the animosity and scorn that they otherwise may have shown, an attribute that seemed all too open and apparent within the warm summer and to a lesser degree within the not quite as warm spring, but within the colder months, especially as winter got closer, things changed. Vyra was not viewed as much like that of a freak, a monster by even worse regards, but instead was just another person who was trying to get by. It was almost as though the cold nature of the world seemed to cause people to generate a tolerance towards others; an attribute that one would not expect within these conditions.

439/1500 (-40% |-20% Oración Seis Guild Level 2 Perk, -20% Explorer's Belt)


Pirates #20 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:37 pm

That was still too come in the future. Not quite the near future, but neither in the too far distant. For now, Vyra just had to recognize and appreciate that it was still the summer, albeit at the end of it. The people, their behaviors, as much as she had reason and justification to hate it, she had to just endure for a little longer. That was difficult though, especially under the current situation in Hargeon, the Rune Knight occupation now having lasted for what felt like weeks, if not months. In reality, it had been a very short time, but no longer able to be a part of Blue Pegasus, nor able to enjoy the benefits that were once there for her, she found that time simply slipped away from her, all too often. Days blurred, and as she sought to try to find things to occupy her time, to keep her distracted from the ever apparent heartbreak within her, it did not change that there was a void within her right now. A sense of feeling and happiness. Circumstances for her were rough, and if it had not been for the people who were working the docks, she did not know how she would have survived.

647/1500 (-40% |-20% Oración Seis Guild Level 2 Perk, -20% Explorer's Belt)


Pirates #20 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:37 pm

The docks provided a retreat. In more than one way even. For her, it was as much a chance for her to escape those insidious thoughts that plagued her mind, the sense of loneliness that persisted and only had seemed to get worse and worse as time went. Hard to quite say just what it was or when it would be that those thoughts would no longer manifest themselves within the Demi-Human, but it was clear that at least for right now, while they remained as plagued and impactful upon her as they were, being there, in a place that she was accepted and tolerated, was a huge relief. Sadly though, it did not make up for knowing that within this city, one that she had lived in for the past two years, to know that this area, this small part of the city was the extent to which she was welcome now. It was hardly a thought that was healthy to reflect upon, but there was just nothing that could be done, nothing that she was going to be able to change about that, much to her dismay. The only thing that reliably could have been done was simply just that she accepted that fact and move on, continuing as she were able to.

862/1500 (-40% |-20% Oración Seis Guild Level 2 Perk, -20% Explorer's Belt)


Pirates #20 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:38 pm

Her plight was certainly unique, but it was one that the people took sympathy upon. They were willing to aid her in what ways they could. There was some level of self-benefit to all of it, they would be more than willing to acknowledge and recognize, but in the same right too, over those past two years that Vyra had lived within the Blue Pegasus Guild Hall, she as much found the docks to be her second home within the city of Hargeon. And in some regards, the people there viewed her as a sister of sorts, a daughter to those who were more senior in the area, but the clear sentiment being that while some may have liked her for the sake purely of appeasing Alisa Vollan at the time, they had come to view her with warm regards on their own right. It made it so that they were able to tolerate her, to help her, and with the situation in Hargeon being as dire as it was turning into, they were able to provide a sense of safety towards her. Privately, they viewed this as a means of further building favor with Alisa, knowing that eventually this would pass over, but meanwhile, they would be there to aid Vyra.

1074/1500 (-40% |-20% Oración Seis Guild Level 2 Perk, -20% Explorer's Belt)


Pirates #20 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:38 pm

Day in and day out, she spent her time in the docks, working there in what limited capacity they would have allowed her to. They did not want her out in the open, they did not want her to be drawing too much attention to herself, and fortunately by having her operate in this limited capacity, it enabled both sides to get their ideal situation from it. Well nearly, as Vyra would have much preferred to have been home in the Blue Pegasus Guild Hall, but until then, this would have been the only thing that she could have reliably done. The jobs given to her were easy at least, if that was any sort of consolation prize that could have been given. By and large, they were no different than what she had done in the past for them, simply going about and making sure that there were no wanna-be thieves that were stealing from the ships that were being unloaded at the docks.

1239/1500 (-40% |-20% Oración Seis Guild Level 2 Perk, -20% Explorer's Belt)


Pirates #20 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:38 pm

There weren’t much things different than that of what had been there before. Mostly it was just kids, people who were largely poor and otherwise thought that stealing from the trading companies was an easy profit source. Vyra understood their reasonings, but as much as she wanted to give them the benefit of a doubt, she knew as well that there were plenty of reasons why the trading companies did not want them there. Especially for her too, the last thing that they wanted was if they were caught having stolen goods that they may have used them as an excuse to rat out Vyra instead. The last thing that they would have wanted was that, as it would not only have brought attention towards the trading companies, but it would also cause problems with Vyra. And even by extension, Blue Pegasus. Thus, it was in their absolute best behavior that Vyra deal with anyone who tried to steal from them in as an aggressive manner as possible, and by doing that, while it may have seemed aggressive for Vyra, it was for her own safety. She recognized this as well and when there were the few times that someone was trying to steal from the trading companies, whether it was pushing them into the colder water or otherwise causing crates to fall upon them, whatever the measure she would make sure to have them regret the decision. It was rough, having to find herself as much torn between how she wished to act towards all of this and the behavior that she knew that she had to. It was her plight at the moment, and it torn her inside. Hopefully the winter proved to be more forgiving towards her.


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