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Underground associates 4 (A-Rank)

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Underground associates 4 (A-Rank) Empty Fri Aug 26, 2022 11:01 am


Kaito was in the middle of trying to teach the girl how to control her urges for violence and he blood lust when a new request came in and to him and he sighs at this rate he is going to have to go to a different dimension to train this poor girl who is already dealing with the shock of being in the farther future then she had been in and she was still scared but it seemed she had taken to Mifune and Vivi so he knows he can leave her in their hands and he heads off after patting the girls head. He picks Revy up into his hood and his clothes change to his questing gear and he makes his way to the building so that he can be filled in about what they were looking for from him. He wonders if it was gonna be more fighting or if it was going to be an assassination of some sorts or another party to infiltrate for more info.


Underground associates 4 (A-Rank) Empty Fri Aug 26, 2022 11:02 am


They call him in and he takes his seat and he looks to the two people in front of him as they begin to brief him on this mission which is indeed an assassination of a target that is up and coming. The client was an even higher ranking man wanting a strong up and coming opponent to be stopped in his tracks he doesn't care rather the assassination happens or not be wants the god to have the fear of god in him if he does survive it but would prefer the death of the young man so this doesn't end up redoubling the other mans resolve to climb the ladder faster and to dethrone him sooner than he would have if it hadn't happened in the first place and Kaito is conflicted about doing this but it was taking out a bad guy rising in an evil organization. Him doing this could save more lives than if he were to turn it down and he wasn't sure if it was morally right but his masters words ring in his ears.


Underground associates 4 (A-Rank) Empty Fri Aug 26, 2022 11:02 am


You must take out evil before it is able to further root and grow out as once it starts to grow it is hard to weed out after as it creates a power vacuum that others with maybe worse ideas that will cause more blood shed and cost more lives so Kaito knows he has to be careful but he feels that this job will be fine as this client will probably also hand over info to them so that the deal is better for the good side as well as maybe get others out of the way making their job easier to do and get more convictions that will stick and end with more bad people, drugs, dangerous weapons and magic items off of the street than if they ignored this request cause it was a bad guy watching their own back but they have a lot to gain from this as well and he doesn't want to pass up the chance to better this area as well.


Underground associates 4 (A-Rank) Empty Fri Aug 26, 2022 11:02 am


He changes his clothes as this was going to be a long mission the first part is him needing to learn this mans patterns and his habits so that he can find a flaw or an opening in it then capitalize on it and take him out in one foul swoop and not have any witnesses to say who or what had done it as he was to act like a force of nature that came and went as fast as he had come and that the man was a simple casualty of the storm passing him by and he needs to think about how this is gonna end up working out and if he should take the body with him or if he should just leave the body for someone to find or if he should pose it. Kaito figures he will figure it out later as he goes as for now he has lot to do as he watches the mans habits and how he acts and the places that the man visits and he starts to wonder if this guy is really as bad as he seemed to think he was and he watches the man lead some children off and into a house and he wonders what in the gods names he was doing but it was just the man showing them to a day care building.


Underground associates 4 (A-Rank) Empty Fri Aug 26, 2022 11:02 am


There was something off about this then Kaito smelled it, it was a drug house under cover and those children are mules and help to pack and move the drugs and items and no one would question them cause they are children who thinks a kid is gonna be carrying drugs or an item that could cook them alive before they even knew it was going off. He uses his portals and he keeps an eye on the man and he sees him giving out lunches to the homeless and they have orders in them they are probably who they use to move the bigger items and shipments this was what looked like a well oiled system. He was seeing why this man had a hit out on his head and that couldn't be helped at this point Kaito sees him as too dangerous to live ass he was exploiting the people of the city and getting these kind of results it needs to be dealt with.


Underground associates 4 (A-Rank) Empty Fri Aug 26, 2022 11:02 am


Kaito follows the man to an alley to finish this off and the man stops him by raising his hand as he knew someone was gonna come for his life. He tries to say that this was a mistake and that he was bettering the city by doing these tasks and that he needs to see this through and make his way up and he smiles at Kaito thinking he will agree with him being spared but in the same second that the man has smirked Kaito had moved and slashed the head clean off of the other mans shoulders not even making it look like an accident and he places the hand closer to the body so that it looking like the man had ran himself into some razor wire someone had set up as a trap for him walks off and reports it in and gets paid as they look at him surprised that the man had done it and hadn't looked phased at all.
(1088/1000) 50% WC (20%ring,10%guild,10%companion, 10%shield.)

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