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Underground associates 3 (A-Rank)

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Underground associates 3 (A-Rank) Empty Wed Aug 24, 2022 1:22 pm


Kaito once again gets a hidden message to come to the place to part take in another under cover mission on their behalf and he wonders if it is really a good idea as it was fresh off of the other mission so eyes might be on him from being at that party but he guess the underworld fests on the underground fights and the others seem to not be worried about letting Kaito go to do this as they watched over the female werewolf that Kaito had taken under his wing as of late and he relaxes with a sigh as he starts to the place and he wonders where or what they are gonna be asking him to do is he to win the tournament or is he to join and sneak around and steal something from them. He has no real ideas to what he may have to really be doing but he figures that they will be filling him as soon as he gets there and will be sent right back out into the field once again to fill the cycle of him not taking a real break.


Underground associates 3 (A-Rank) Empty Wed Aug 24, 2022 1:23 pm


Revy holds on tight to him as she is worried that him working for them if going to get him hurt again like he use to get from working jobs this place use to give him but he ended up meaning her in the baths because of one if she recalled correctly, she sees the building come into view and she asks him not to do this as this is just more risk then it is worth and she had a bad feeling about it and that he needs to listen to her once in awhile or she might just leave him for someone that will listen to her and not just ignore her like he is doing right now and he looked at her and he said to her that he was thank for for her trying to look out for him but he is an adult and he can help himself but he does wish for her to stop acting like he is going to die and live her alone, if anything if he died he would haunt her.


Underground associates 3 (A-Rank) Empty Wed Aug 24, 2022 1:23 pm


Revy did not like that he joked about that but as she was about to blow up at him he crossed the threshold into the building and she just is going to let it simmer and not say anything till they are done in here and he hears they did indeed want to have him go into the fighting tournament and he is too take them all on as he is and not hold back as they need him to win and he doesn't need to fall behind the mask of a rookie fighter he is to take them out with out asking for names to teach them a lesson as when the city was taken over by Yuri the city had lost some of it's spirit under her dark thumb. They need someone to show that the underlings of the dark one can be fought and defeated. He is to break them down and to shed some light onto the city and show that they are the true hero's of the east to help them get the people to stand up and be ready to help in the fights.


Underground associates 3 (A-Rank) Empty Wed Aug 24, 2022 1:23 pm


Revy doesn't like the sound of Kaito throwing rocks at a hornets nest are they going to use Kaito as a scape goat to pass of blame for if this goes wrong or were they working with this Yuri person and she requested that they throw here a strong male mage to watch and she might take him as a pet or something. Kaito accepts the job realizing it is of course dangerous but at the level of mage he is he has to be ready to take on suck threats but he hears that she is above a Z Rank fighter and that is a scary thought to think about for him as that is even higher than his friend Yuurei is an he is the strongest mage that Kaito knows to this point. of has ever known. Kaito gets to the underground tournament and this people look like they have been very well trained and most of them look like they are pretty well above his level and that he needs to really go all out like they said.


Underground associates 3 (A-Rank) Empty Wed Aug 24, 2022 1:23 pm


Kaito readies himself and he sees them looking at him like he is crazy for still going into these fights with them and he smirks and he says he will take them all at once and see if they are really as strong as they think they are and they look fully insulted as they were the chosen that were hand picked to fight here to prove themselves to Yuri and they were not going to allow this snot nosed brat to talk like that to them and he smiles knowing they had gotten into their heads he wonders if the demon was really gonna show to this to watch or if they were all full of hot air.  Kaito makes his way out and they decide they are going to take turns fighting him three on one. Kaito yawns as he waits and the first three come running out and they go toward him and he just dodged their attacks then swept ones legs then kicked him into the others as he was not going to play games with these guys as he was told to thrash them and not take it easy on them as he makes short work of them.


Underground associates 3 (A-Rank) Empty Wed Aug 24, 2022 1:23 pm


The last six say screw it and run out at him all at once and he laughs as they got smart and decided to come to bum rush him and the gong goes off and they runs at them and he dodges and jumps and flips and spins they seem to not be able to catch onto him and how he was working around them like he was making them look like they are untrained slobs and then Kai to comes forward with a palm thrust and levels three of them at once with it then one other ran away realizing he was in over his head and the last two do their best to tray and fight him but they are being out classed he seemed better trained and that he was not gonna back down from then and he sweeps the other legs and kicks him into the air then jumps flipping and he kicks the man down into the other enemy, he winning in that moment and he takes the prize and he leaves as fast as he had appeared he hears the crowd cheering and Revy keeps up with him as he hurries away and he hopes that he had done enough to draw Yuri's eye but he will maybe know soon enough. He gets back to the agency and he gets paid and on his way feeling like he was being watched.
(1184/1000) 50% WC(20%ring,10%guild,10%companion, 10%shield.)

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