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Monster hunter. (NQ A-Rank

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Monster hunter. (NQ A-Rank Empty Tue Jul 26, 2022 1:42 pm


Kaito is called to come and catch a monster that has been seen around some where in the town and he wonders if this thing is gonna be one of those monsters that tear down the city or one of those monsters that are just being chased around and murdered and thrown to the side after they had finished with it but he figured that his tracking skills might come in handy in this one as the man speaks to him saying that it was very big and scary looking and he was gonna need to work harder on it to catch it as he wasn't sure if it was a danger to the city or if it was just a misunderstood beast that had just been subjected to some very bad and miserable  times. Kaito figures this will be easy enough to do as this man wasn't saying that it was a need to kill on sight as it seemed to not be dangerous but trying to catch it might cause it to be more fearful and cause a scene and he needs to be ready to catch it.


Monster hunter. (NQ A-Rank Empty Tue Jul 26, 2022 1:43 pm


Kaito walks into the city and he looks around for where the creature could have gone to in the city as he was trying to find out if it was really gonna be trouble or if it was just gonna be a lap creature that just needs to be baited and he wonders if the giant muddy prints he is seeing are the right creature or if maybe more then one creature might be stalking the alleyways. He tells Revy that she needs to be careful as there was no way that he was gonna be able to protect her if there are more then two running around the streets and he hopes that he can catch a brake and just  find the one he is looking for but he feels like he is not gonna have that kind of luck in all of this if he doesn't watch his back he might get his head cut off and he doesn't want to have that happen to him at least not yet.


Monster hunter. (NQ A-Rank Empty Tue Jul 26, 2022 1:43 pm


He keeps his eyes out and he does notice a few other monsters running the streets that don't fit the details he was told for the beast that he was looking but they are not just gonna let him pass through the area without challenging him and he has Revy hide in his personal domain while he fights the monsters that are coming his way making the area even more of a threat to her as this was when he took the mission of maybe I am just looking for someone's monster pet but it has turned into a survival in the streets while fighting other ones and Kaito holds back on his attacks as he is the intruder here plus he is unsure if these might be other peoples pets that someone like him will have to come and look for and catch alive but if he kills them then the person paid to do it will find their hard work was all for not when they find a dead body and a ton of wasted time they can not get back.


Monster hunter. (NQ A-Rank Empty Tue Jul 26, 2022 1:43 pm


The creatures jump and claw at him but he simply swats them away and he gets in close and personal and he aims his palms and he does palm strikes to only disable them briefly and maybe earn their respect for not killing them but they seem to also have a human pride to not just stay down and they are starting to force his hand if he wants to live and he transforms his eyes turning glowing red and a dull aura surrounding him and his skin turning to scales, the beasts back up as not he was scary to them and he runs after them and they start running away from him as he was now a danger to them and he laughs. "Not so big now are you?" Kaito knows that this is a bit over kill but he knows that these creatures will remember that not all humans are fully human so they must be more careful which humans that they mess with or it could be dangerous as they hunt or cause issues.


Monster hunter. (NQ A-Rank Empty Tue Jul 26, 2022 1:44 pm


He stopped chasing them and returned to his normal height, his normal skin, his eyes stopped glowing and the dull aura fades from around him. He smells blood and he wonders if he had changed back too soon and thinks about changing back to the powered up form but instead follows the smell so he will be in a closer area to it before he raises his power level and alerts someone or something to him being so close and he sees one of the monsters he had chased off dead in a trap, it has rune knight markings on it Kaito thinks to himself "Those bastards trapped it and when it couldn't fight them they killed it cause they are too big of cowards to fight it normally." Kaito is quite angry about this as he wonders if all rune knights just use coward tactics like the one that fought him and this trap and stab spears into it that is in front of him.


Monster hunter. (NQ A-Rank Empty Tue Jul 26, 2022 1:44 pm


He starts walking again as he keeps looking for clues to the whereabouts of the monster he is hunting and then he sees it hidden among some carts it had probably hidden from the rune knights when they were passing to kill and hunt monsters as well, seems the one he is after is a smart one but now he knows where to look for the creature that is his prey for the day and the second he walks toward it the monster took off and Kaito starts running after it as he was not gonna lose it again but it seemed that Kaito was a bit faster than it or it was holding back. Then he realized it is injured and Kaito gets in front of it and he stops the creature in it's track and he makes it sit and he starts tending to the creatures wound and it makes warning sounds and stuff but soon calms and he finishes and he pets its slightly scaly head and he talks to it and it follows him back to the person that had hired him to find and capture it alive and he hands it over and he is paid the creatures name was fluffy and Kaito stifles a laugh at the name then he leaves.
(1108/1000) 50%WC (20%ring,10%guild,10%companion, 10%shield.)

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