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Underground associates 1 (A-Rank)

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Underground associates 1 (A-Rank) Empty Sat Jul 16, 2022 4:34 am


Kaito is back in his stomping ground from the early days of him doing missions and where he had met the first friend that he had made outside of the guild which he hasn't seen in a very long time but he guesses this is no time to be getting sentimental about his rough start in this country. He needs to find some work while he is here as he knows where to go for it in his twisted city and he goes straight for the place that greets him as a new place as it looks like they have made a few upgrades in the time that he has been gone from this side of then country and he hopes that they will even give him a job as he had taken off without another word from the area though he has been doing well for himself there are still thoughts that he might just be getting a big head.


Underground associates 1 (A-Rank) Empty Sat Jul 16, 2022 4:34 am


He walks in and he is greeted as an old friend and their eyes light up and they hurry him into another room and he wonders if they have been waiting with a big job for in case he comes back and he was right they hand him a paper with a lot of people that had been requesting him to do jobs for them and he is to pick on and he picks the oldest one. It was about a smuggling ring that was working in a more beaten up part of the city and he knows this has to be stopped as it was drugs, slaves, and other such things and he knows that he needs to be stopped as those are decently huge things that are dangerous not only to this city but to the country. They are glad that they could once again have his help on requests of these levels as they were getting very backlogged as working in the under ground is a super dangerous and not extremely rewarding job to take for the risk.


Underground associates 1 (A-Rank) Empty Sat Jul 16, 2022 4:35 am


Kaito stands and Revy readies herself in his hood as she was gonna makes sure that she works hard here as well and doesn't let Kaito down as she had a lot to prove her role in this might be a bit bigger so she can get intel and feed it to him while he plays his part as a worker they will be watching him probably closely and that leaves her the space to do the snooping for them while he keeps the eyes on him and she can move freely and not get herself caught as she is a piece in the puzzle that will try to make the pieces fit and to hiddenly mark the bad crates.  Kaito changes into his grunt gear and he wonders into the group and he isn't noticed as he is just another big strong man in the group of them and Revy snuck in behind him and got behind the crates and she is smelling and listening to the crates as she gets to them and the ones she can hear breathing or smell a drug she marks it with something that will only show under a special light.


Underground associates 1 (A-Rank) Empty Sat Jul 16, 2022 4:35 am


Kaito is helping them carry and move things around and none of the other guys even make eye contact with him as he gives off a scary aura that makes them feel like he is a serious bad guy and they shouldn't mess with him as he could probably kill them with just a single glance and he just keeps empty mindedly working not paying any attention to the looks and feels they might have been giving toward him and he keeps working hard to help buy Revy time to get to as many crates as she can before their cover gets blown and they have to have the rune knights bust in and get to work collecting the workers and people in charge and faking to be arrested himself as he was not a bad guy but he has to keep his cover up unless they figure out who he is and what he is after.


Underground associates 1 (A-Rank) Empty Sat Jul 16, 2022 4:35 am


A boss walks around on the floor and he comes to the group Kaito is with and he realizes there is an extra person then there should be but he also sees that the work has been put ahead of the aimed times so he stops himself from trying to dig into it as he was just glad one of the teams is at least keeping up with the time frames they are needing to work with to get the expensive cargo sorted and he knows that if he starts a fight with them to get to the bottom of it, it will probably end with the whole team quitting or rebelling which could end up with him having more then one team of people leave throwing him extremely far behind and his boss having his head for this one and he was not really in the mood to have himself or his family losing fingers or their lives.


Underground associates 1 (A-Rank) Empty Sat Jul 16, 2022 4:35 am


Revy slips while she is climbing and was about to fall and cause a huge scene but she stops herself from making a noise as she fell and Kaito in one swift movement had opened portals and it put her down safely where she needed to be and he hopes that no one had seen him do that but he had no time to really hide it but his spell circle was invisible so someone woulda had to have been looking in that way to have even seen it happen so he figures that maybe he was safe for the moment at least but he knows after this Revy is gonna probably be crying and begging for him to forgive her for her slip up. Kaito doesn't care if he had to break cover to save her as the important thing is that she is safe and unharmed but he bets she is shaken and was very brave to have stayed quiet like she had done and he looks for the signal from Revy that she has gotten enough of the crates that she ran out of the special marking stuff he had given her.


Underground associates 1 (A-Rank) Empty Sat Jul 16, 2022 4:36 am


She gives him the signal and Kaito opens four big portals and rune Knights from the east storm in to bust the bad guys that are here. They know who Kaito is so what they take him they make sure to sort him out of the groups and not make it look obvious to the other workers that he was a mole and he is reunited with Revy where they had taken him and he changes back into his cloak and mask then goes back to the ware house to see what all they had got in the raid of the ware house there were endangered animals, slaves of nearly all ages and races, weapons, lots of different drugs and other magical relics and items that could be used to start a country sized war against the Knights. Revy is holding to him and he pats her head as she was probably still shaken from the fall she nearly took and he was making sure that he comforted her as they made their way back to the office to turn in their report and get paid for their time and he hopes they will keep him in mind if they are in need of him.
(1256/1000) 50% wc (20%ring,10%guild,10%companion, 10%shield.)

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