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Tournament Arc 17(S-Rank)

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Tournament Arc 17(S-Rank) Empty Sat Jul 02, 2022 7:31 pm


Kaito and the man watch the main stage like hawks as it is a three way because one of the fights was pulled out of the fights for getting far too unruly while they waited so it is a last man standing match pretty much and the man that Kaito had pegged as strange from the start is holding his own in a three way that seems to have turned toward being a two vs one. He wonders what that could mean do the other two know him and they want to take him out was this planned from the start or was it just something than is happening cause they see him as a threat. They were not gonna back down but the man starts stretching and throwing punches and he wonders what could really happen from that but the other two end up looking like those punches were made of lead or something.


Tournament Arc 17(S-Rank) Empty Sat Jul 02, 2022 7:32 pm


Kaito doesn't understand how something that looked like rubber could hit so hard and not loose the stretch to it, it seemed to break certain rules of things but he guesses the rules in this world are different than the ones he is use to back in his dimension. He needed to watch and learn as this is gonna be on the final test and Kaito is gonna need this info to pass it if he can get passed the skilled swordsmen that was in his way to the finish line to go up against him but he wasn't gonna let that get into his head at this moment where he is in need to make sure that he can make a battle plan for if he ends up having to fight him as he did while he was watching the swordsmen as that will be a pretty messy fight.


Tournament Arc 17(S-Rank) Empty Sat Jul 02, 2022 7:32 pm


The man's fists hit true and he sends one of the two flying then he gets closer to the other man and Kaito wondered if this is gonna be the end for him. He knows that he can beat the swordsmen after a decent sixed fight but will he have the gas in the tank left over to deal with the man at the end or will Kaito be the biggest loser of the night. The man on the stage looks to Kaito and he smiles and he finishes off the last man that was still on the battle stage with him and then he jumps off of it landing in front of Kaito and he spoke saying that he hopes to see Kaito in the final fight cause he has something to prove vs him. Kaito and the man stare down the other for a moment before he is called to come up to the stage.


Tournament Arc 17(S-Rank) Empty Sat Jul 02, 2022 7:33 pm


The fight vs the swordsmen that was on the stage already and he looks like he is going to go all out on Kaito and this is gonna be a harsh fight. Kaito readies himself for the chance that he is gonna get totally destroyed here versus this man, the man draws his swords and he spins and Kaito is forced onto his back foot as the man was already up and in his face so Kaito knows this is not gonna be able to be a ranged fight like he might of hoped he would have at least a moment to be able to do to get in some simple licks in but he is gonna have to do more than just defend. The man is not letting Kaito have a moment to breathe, the man knows if Kaito gets an inch he will gain a mile on him and he can't let that happen.


Tournament Arc 17(S-Rank) Empty Sat Jul 02, 2022 7:33 pm


The swordsmen jumps at Kaito with a high risk high reward attack and Kaito phases the man, then kicks him in the back and the man stumbles forward confused how Kaito had just done that and he falls flat on his face and he hurries himself back up to his feet but it was too late, Kaito is already on top of him and scoring hits and sending him sliding across the stage and he is on the edge then the drawback of the attack hits and the man gets dizzy and he falls backward and out of the ring and Kaito hurries over to him and he helps the man up and to the medical tent also grabbing the mans swords for him so they don't get stolen by someone around the stage. The final fight was about to begin and Kaito is unsure if he is gonna be ready for this and he walks out to the stage and the younger man that had won the three way fight gets up onto the stage and smiles big.


Tournament Arc 17(S-Rank) Empty Sat Jul 02, 2022 7:33 pm


Kaito is unsure how he should be feeling right now he is excited but he is also scared he has no idea if this is gonna go his way or if it is just a sad fact that he is about to get caught up and the other mans arms are gonna be pushing through him as they go or if he is gonna be able to find an opening and get the man to take a knee. Kaito goes right in and he dodges around the punches from the man and then a kick comes flying through and Kaito took the full brunt of it as he hadn't seen it coming but he can't let that kick slow him down and he starts flipping and hand springing around to make himself harder to hit by the other man and then he catches a lip of a stage tiles and a thought crosses his mind.


Tournament Arc 17(S-Rank) Empty Sat Jul 02, 2022 7:33 pm


He pushes off of it in hopes of getting up close to the man and the man changed up his attacks and Kaito is just barely dodging but he can feel the power of the hits as the wind from them blast past him. Kaito knows he can't afford to get hit by any of the mans attacks and he can see the stage if starting to crack from them fighting and the power that they are letting loose on the stage, he wonders if he can use this to his advantage and he keeps at it and he nearly gets nailed by a sneaky punch that had hard curved and Kaito steps back and he ducks as a kick swung across that was aimed for his neck. That could have been troublesome if it had hit he thinks to himself. He is gonna be more careful from here as he was not looking to lose his head.


Tournament Arc 17(S-Rank) Empty Sat Jul 02, 2022 7:33 pm


He sees the man stop for a second and he goes toward the man thinking he must have used up what ever power source that they use in this dimension, but it was a trap and the man's arm had swelled up and had changed color and the man had started to look different and he threw a thunderous punch and Kaito moves his body while grabbing the arm and he flips the man making him land flat on his back winding the man momentary and Kaito points to the man and his AoE spell surges out on top of the man who is defending his face from the attack with his now huge arms. He wonders what kind of rubber man can do that to himself and how that worked but he knows he doesn't have time to think about it, it was time for both of them to make their final moves. They both ran at the other and Kaito transforms to his more dragon form and they match hit times and they both stumble back and both look weak in the knees. The other man falls over snoring, Kaito looks at the man and he wonders if this win was a fluke cause the man ran out of energy or not. Kaito is paid and sent off as the marines start to come running in as the fights were over so the war was back on for them.

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