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Tournament Arc 15(A-Rank)

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Tournament Arc 15(A-Rank)    Empty Mon Jun 13, 2022 4:32 pm


Kaito feeling a rush of darkness in himself again feels he needs to get it out of his system once again so back to the tournaments he goes but he sees they are closed for the day so he goes, to a different dimension once again to do it so he can gain what he needs to gain, an outlet for all of the pain and hatred he is feeling inside of himself. It has been growing worse as he gains strength and keeps climbing the ladder of success to the heights he is starting to reach and it is starting to take a toll on his well being but he can never admit it. He was starting to turn evil and he is seeing less value in the good he is doing when with his magic the limits to which he can reach are almost limitless. Why keep doing good when the magic you have would be better suited for evil and taking what you want instead of struggling for it.


Tournament Arc 15(A-Rank)    Empty Mon Jun 13, 2022 4:32 pm


He opens a portal and he walks through it, to a different dimension and there it was an open tournament but it was more sea side then the normal ones he was use to. He signs up and looks at the posters of those that are wanted and the people that walked around himself and the ones he sees going in as he walks in and he sees some of the wanted people here so if they fight they must get a protection here and now one can turn them in or capture them so this looks like the perfect place to get a strong fight that will help keep the darkness away for at least a small bit of time as he had no idea how that was really gonna fly for them as some of them look a little beat up already beside one young man that is nothing but happiness and smiles off to the side he thought the man was a bit odd but he had one of the more pricy bounties out there so he figures he better not underestimate him or it might come back to bite him in the ass.


Tournament Arc 15(A-Rank)    Empty Mon Jun 13, 2022 4:32 pm


He looks around and he sees a lot of people and he wonders what kind of people he will see here through he isn't sure what will go wrong or right around here, he doesn't even know if the people here even use magic or not but he has a feeling from they way they look that they might not have magic here and he needs to blend in and just fight like a normal person till he sees if they fight abnormally or if they are as well some kind of power users and he can go a little more all out to match up with their fighting levels and powers so he doesn't just steam roll them. He hears his name called and he heads out and he is put up against what looks like a giant fish man and he runs in on them and he meets blades with them and the fish man sees his sword cut pretty deeply into their sword like it was nothing and he the fish man inhales and spits water out toward his face. Kaito opened a portal and it hits the fish man in the back.


Tournament Arc 15(A-Rank)    Empty Mon Jun 13, 2022 4:32 pm


The fish man turned around to see who had just hit him in the back and he gets a slash across the back for his troubles, never turn your back on an opponent in the middle of a fight. Kaito is called the winner and he heads straight back to his seat and he looks around for where Revy had gotten to and he sees her in the lap of a woman being patted with a smile on her face he wonders why she was going up to strangers so much that she is now on that woman's lap and in the other dimension she was with a nature and wind slayer. He sighs and he just leaned back and he watched the next fight through a portal as he guessed he should watch and make sure of what he is doing the one he just fought did what he best could say is water magic to him but the man seemed horrified by his sword damaging his as well.


Tournament Arc 15(A-Rank)    Empty Mon Jun 13, 2022 4:33 pm


He wonders if maybe the fish man though he was some kind of dangerous man to them as they seemed to all have special powers or dangerously sharp skills and he doesn't know if he can really do anything about them or if he was gonna have to go as strong as he can or if he is gonna have to just fight it the best he can without his magic but he is still not sure at what  level he should be unleashing himself to or if he should really have a decent make shift power up by transforming instead of actually using his magic just change forms and fight but he had already sorta used his magic and he was not looking to get himself murdered or to lose to the small fries or him accidently killing someone by mistake and him ending up on the wrong side of the crowd here.


Tournament Arc 15(A-Rank)    Empty Mon Jun 13, 2022 4:33 pm


He had no ideas to if any of this was gonna be okay and he was gonna fight for the life that makes sense here.  He hopes the reward is good is all he hopes for the time being and he hopes that he doesn't have any accidents with his enemies and sending them to an early grave cause that would be annoying to have happen as he wants to stay clean as long as he can for a bit longer before he was to tear down that pure wall and bust loose into the world that only he could know what is ahead of him no more rules just tearing peoples limbs off. He watches as the man he wondered about started pulling off wild skills like stretching his body and growing his limbs in a rapid and powerful way, now he wonders if he might be the one in over his head if he makes it to the last fight of the evening.
(1054/1000) 50% (Ring 20%, guild 10%, shield 10% Companion 10%)

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