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Tournament Arc 8(Solo NQ A-RANK)

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Tournament Arc 8(Solo NQ A-RANK)     Empty Thu May 19, 2022 5:28 pm


The master of ceremonies comes out and announces that due to time restrains that this will be the last match of this tournament and they will be having it be a three way as the first match had already come to a close but they needed to rush the end of the tournament, so Kaito had gotten very little time to rest so he would be up against the two well rested opponents he hopes that he will be able to find a decent time to rest in the match and he hopes that it doesn't turn to a two on one and he will need to watch as the other two just fight it out still to prove who will be the one that gets to face him while he takes that time to rest and be able to handle the weakened enemy that is left standing at the end but he can feel that Mifume is not gonna go easy in this match by the amount of pressure he can feel coming from the man.


Tournament Arc 8(Solo NQ A-RANK)     Empty Thu May 19, 2022 5:28 pm


He can feel a pseudo blood lust coming from the woman so he knows she as well is gonna be trying to go all out so Kaito knows in the end this is all gonna come down to one hell of a fight and rather he wins or loses is going to totally be on how he plays vs them in this fight and he has no real time to think about a game plan as he walked up to the battle arena on the stone and he hopes that by some miracle that he will have a break through as he keeps his hand on his sword at the ready and his body in the shape that he can hopefully rocket his way through the dangers that come flying at him from their weapons and their skills, but he knows better he knows the only way he is getting out of her is beaten up and the outcome up in the air unless he plays semi-dirty vs them in this fight but he isn't gonna just let this win slip through his fingers.


Tournament Arc 8(Solo NQ A-RANK)     Empty Thu May 19, 2022 5:29 pm


He stays light on his feet as they come toward him, he guesses they still see him even in his tired form as a threat to them and he was not gonna let them down as he dodges back and he uses his portals to swing around and have fun with them a little at the try to catch him, Mifume tried to guess where he was gonna appear next and had only just barely missed him telling Kaito that he is gonna have to change up his thinking and his game plan as he runs at them the rabbit masked woman disappeared from his sight into the shadows and the raven masked man smirked and he wonders if he just fell into their trap and before he could even react a kick comes out of no where and it just barely connected but Kaito felt like a few of his ribs might of been close to cracking and would have probably broke if it can cleanly connected to him.


Tournament Arc 8(Solo NQ A-RANK)     Empty Thu May 19, 2022 5:29 pm


He decides it was time to go all out and he puts his hands out to his sides and he opens a wall of portals and he runs into them and is popping out of them and attacking as fast as he pops out and jumps into another portal he isn't wasting his moments, the raven masked man is trying to calculate where and how he will appear next but it seemed like the portals seem to be random and constantly shuffling where he comes out from. The raven masked man smirked, his master had proved once again that he wasn't just a one trick type of mage that he is smarter then he might appear to people that only see him for his fame. Eve jumps in after him but gets tossed out from another portal flipping like something big had tossed her like a small rag doll and she lands hard on the ground.


Tournament Arc 8(Solo NQ A-RANK)     Empty Thu May 19, 2022 5:29 pm


The raven masked man wondered if their was something in the portal as the woman hadn't gotten up yet after hitting the ground and she didn't seem to be moving he wondered if maybe she was just knocked out or if she was dead but he didn't have time to think about it as his master came out of the portal and clashes with him once more there was no time to worry about the woman that was still not moving but that means that their is a chance that Kaito had opened a portal to some strange place that has some kind of extra threat if he were to try and chase after Kaito into the portals. He knows that he can't risk that if he does he might end up like the woman did laying unmoving on the ground and he wasn't gonna fail his master and be taken out that easily.


Tournament Arc 8(Solo NQ A-RANK)     Empty Thu May 19, 2022 5:29 pm


He calls fourth two swords and he challenges the fresh out of the portal Kaito and they clash but this Kaito doesn't jump back into the portal after the clash must not be thinking that now that the fight is one on on that there is a real need to use the portals as he had been before when there were two of them to fight and he tries to use this choice back against Kaito but he is soon seeing himself being flipped from behind as the woman who had been playing possum had gotten up and is now striking vs him instead of working with them. Kaito as well was surprised that the woman had chosen to strike there instead of waiting for him to have beaten the requip mage and sneak attacked himself instead to ring in the easy win. The raven masked requip mage landed flat on his back as he had not been ready for the sneak attack from the woman and the world faded to black as he landed on the back of his head as his mana was depleted and was at his physical limit from squaring up with his master.


Tournament Arc 8(Solo NQ A-RANK)     Empty Thu May 19, 2022 5:30 pm


The woman looked at him with a smile from under her mask she was gonna take him down next the requip mage is called as out of the fight and he was moved from the fight area as the other two clash and Kaito tries to keep his eyes on the woman as she faded in and out of the shadows and swiped at him with her daggers and she was not going to give into him. She used her demon transformation to change the angle of her attack Kaito just barely blocking a second later and Kaito might have been missing his head or would have gotten a decent sized cut of his face or neck depending on which dagger would have hit him. Kaito closes the portals that were behind him because the strain on his body was starting to show and he knows he needs to conserve mana and he is gonna need to transform and end this fight in the next clash.


Tournament Arc 8(Solo NQ A-RANK)     Empty Thu May 19, 2022 5:30 pm


He uses his capes power to transform into his wild force dragon form and he kicks off lunging at her and she just barely gets out of the way she is pretty winded herself even if she had been saving her mana her body is screaming with pain and she knows she is not gonna win this one on one because of his anti-fear is stopping her from having an advantage on him and now he is even more stronger faster and tankier then he was when she should have taken her shot on him then put away the reequip mage who was on his last legs at that time but now she is in the end game of the fight that she had hopes of winning and she knows it is about to end here with his last strike no holding back no time to rethink it was time to go in for that kill on him and she kicks off as he kicks off at her and the go past the other as they swing and both land on their feet and then kaito looks like he was about to fall then she collapsed and Kaito stayed standing up and the crowd goes wild. The three of them are payed then they head off with their winnings dinner was on Kaito.
(1428/1200) 40%wc (10%guild, 10%companion, 20%ring)

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