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Accidental Demise [Quest: Vyra]

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Accidental Demise [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat Apr 23, 2022 1:31 pm

She had done well enough simply watching as it played out, the seemingly endless conflict that was taking place between not only the merchants and shipmasters, those who frequented and consider the Hargeon docks as their own and the political sphere of influence within Hargeon that sought to change things around. Hoping to effectively rebrand Hargeon into something that more suited their ideals, or rather, one that more sought to remove the inherent level of corruption and wicked business practices that existed, ones that had been allowed to manifest to the point of creating its own respective riot. Though isolated, at face value, the impression had become that it was inevitable to lead to another, and then another, to the point where it stood to potentially lead to a civil war, something that they could not afford to risk happen. Thus, the only option that was presented was to impose harsher consequences, take more drastic measures to ensure that it could never happen again. To achieve this though, they required help, aid that was seldom there for free. Aid that was sure to cause the rift between the two sides to grow.



Accidental Demise [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat Apr 23, 2022 1:31 pm

For Vyra, she did not like to take part in this conflict, instead looking at the whole thing as though it were more something that happened that she simply watched from the sidelines. A neutral party, to describe it appropriately, but her active role hardly suggested as much. Vyra had frequently found herself shifting towards the side of those who worked with and for the trading companies, in part because of the lucrative nature of what they presented. For Vyra, someone who while having the benefit of living within the confines of the Blue Pegasus guild, had little to nothing to her actual name, opportunities presented by the companies meant that if she were to ever go on her own, for whatever the reason may have been, she would not be left to her own devices. She would have something to help support her. That seldom came for free though, and Vyra was certainly mindful of that fact.



Accidental Demise [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat Apr 23, 2022 1:32 pm

There were those within the Hargeon docks that had come to know her better, including some individuals who had happened to be made aware of just who she was. It was not exactly a secret, her relationship to Alisa Vollan, but it was something that was not overtly broadcast either. Amongst those in the docks, it was more of a deliberate secret that was not conveyed, but it did present something that was unique to those who were aware of it. Vyra’s closeness to Alisa meant one of two things, that either she was in Blue Pegasus, or that she had some reason that warranted the guild leader to take interest into her. Either way, both of those scenarios had a healthy potential of meaning that Vyra could perform Magic, which for them, stood to be a great boon, if it ever came to it. After all, Magic had shown itself to often be a difference maker when it came to some of the matters in war, though people were reluctant to go as far as to say that this was what it was. But for the doomsayer, it was certainly valuable.



Accidental Demise [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat Apr 23, 2022 1:32 pm

One person in particular, an older gentleman, but one whom had built up a reputation as one of the more influential and well-regarded people within the docks, had taken notice of Vyra as well. Not just per her own reputation, but also that of her familiarity with the area. She had become someone who could be trusted, even with matters that were deemed far too dangerous for someone with their standing to be involved with. But Vyra, she was not of the trading companies, there was little risk that stood to come. Add in that she had the benefit of being close to the favored daughter of Hargeon, and there was little chance that any punishment would actually befall her. Thus, she was perfect for exactly what they needed, and that was a job that as unsoundly as it may have been, was necessary for the survival of the trading companies’ dominance and control over the docks.



Accidental Demise [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat Apr 23, 2022 1:32 pm

Executing a man believed to a guard that had been hired to investigate the docks, given an assumed identity and everything. How the man had come to figure this out, or for that matter, how it had been allowed to happen for so long before being detected, neither of those were conveyed to Vyra. Only a very apparent fact that she had been responsible for plenty of stolen goods within the docks; something that made her realize that however long ago that she had begun to every so often take something, it was just in part because they wanted to hold this over her. With no way to reasonably object, she agreed, figuring better to do this than risk the ramifications otherwise. Fortunately, the man made it simple for her to figure out how to go about handling a job of this sort. She would be tasked with following him to a location that was believed to be a temporary hotel that he was staying in, and then through some manner, cause his death.



Accidental Demise [Quest: Vyra] Empty Sat Apr 23, 2022 1:32 pm

Given a great deal of creative freedom towards this, Vyra was worried about all of it. How would she know that he was dead, was he supposed to be killed? Were there not better options? As bad as she felt towards the idea, she hated the idea of Alisa finding out that she had been a petty thief even more. After following and watching the man for a time, she waited until he arrived as some poor hotel far off in the worse parts of Hargeon. After a short time, she made sure to sneak in when he was not aware and then proceeded to push him down a flight of stairs. Nothing fancy, nothing special, but it was something that was clean, quick, and would not be easily tied to her. Even if someone had come to think that they saw Vyra, already there were no shortage of fake alibies set up to give her absolute protection, beyond what Alisa was capable of doing by just her name. It was fullproof, and though she felt awful about it, the reward that she got, and the insurance of her crimes not being revealed, were good in their own right.


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