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Tournament Arc 2(Solo NQ A-RANK)

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Tournament Arc 2(Solo NQ A-RANK)    Empty Wed Apr 20, 2022 2:56 pm


Kaito come back for another round of tournament action this time he is gonna have to have a team of three, lucky for him he heard back from someone he wanted to have him fight by his side last time Mifume as he had called himself he was a requip mage and wears the black raven mask and purple cloak a trusted right hand to Kaito who lead him to help them in Hosenka which Kaito has heard has fallen to the criminals of the city and taken out the guild that was once there. He walks up and he sees his two cloaked partners for today and he smiles as this is about to be a great fight and he was looking to see if the three of them still have it. He gets them signed up and he waves them up close cause they have to sign their own names by the rules.


Tournament Arc 2(Solo NQ A-RANK)    Empty Wed Apr 20, 2022 2:56 pm


The rabbit masked woman wonders if this old man still has it, she knows Kaito still has it but she has no idea where and what Mifume has been doing if he was just wandering or if he had been taking on the world in his own way. Mifume looks at her and he tilts his masked face, but under the mask he was smiling cause he knew he was bout to put on a show that no one would soon forget. Kaito can already feel their excitement for this tournament and it hadn't even began yet which he feels is a good sign for what might yet come for them this day or maybe it is a sign that they might get themselves in trouble. He couldn't tell but he figured either way they were gonna make a bigger splash and really shake this place up before anyone else can really have a say in it.


Tournament Arc 2(Solo NQ A-RANK)    Empty Wed Apr 20, 2022 2:56 pm


Todays format is king of the hill, the team with the most wins while keeping a hold the item is kept as the winner at the end of the tournament the person holding the item has to stay in a marked part of the fighting area and they have to not step out of that zone so it is dependent on the two in the front to defend him/her from the attackers and the first king/queen will be picked by the first fight between two teams and then every team after will be coming in one after the other with no real rest time for those being challenged by the constant people coming in looking to take the crown from the chosen leader of the team. Kaito looks at his team mates and he wonders who will be the one that will be sitting back and he figures if they win they will just have to vote who was sitting out while he and the other one fought.


Tournament Arc 2(Solo NQ A-RANK)    Empty Wed Apr 20, 2022 2:56 pm


They will be the first challengers it would seem so they will have a long cycle of fights if they win which might happen or maybe they will under estimate the enemy and they will be the ones to fail early or will they hold out at least till the final fight and then they get them selves tossed out and end up with a painful end with their hopes crushed under the steel heel of regret and defeat. They watch the two first teams enter and get right too it and they keep a good show going while they are pretty much matching punch for punch vs their opponents but there seems to be a clear favorite going on here in the exchanges and Kaito can already tell the red team is about to win just from watching the fight as it unfolds. He stands as the red team is about to win and the two look at him confused why he just had stood up and started walking.


Tournament Arc 2(Solo NQ A-RANK)    Empty Wed Apr 20, 2022 2:57 pm


They follow him and see the red team had just won at the same time, he knows they have to be careful because they have two ways to lose here they either get beaten in the fight or someone gets close enough and steals the crown from the person stuck in the area having to wait for if they get to him or her and they are gonna need to be careful out here, as they enter the arena the buzzer goes off and they get to it and the person in the ruler zone is fighting off spells. Kai and his team keep dodging these blasts, the rabbit masked woman takes the lead with kai in the middle and Mifume in the back and then they fan out to make them spread, Kaito goes straight for the king disappearing then reappearing and snatching the crown from their king and the buzzer rings signally it is the next teams turn and they do the vote and Kaito ended up being voted as the king even through Kaito had picked Mifume.


Tournament Arc 2(Solo NQ A-RANK)    Empty Wed Apr 20, 2022 2:57 pm


Kaito is the only one with range and can use his portals and rifts to keep the crown safe from the attackers and the next set of teams pile in and his defenders make very short work of them and Mifume looks like he is bored and Rachel the Rabbit masked woman keeps her self light and on the move as she stops attackers from getting close and Mifume swats the ones that come toward him with a giant two handed bat/club he wasn't looking like he wasn't wasting time with insects. After about three fights the Rabbit masked girl looked completely worn out and she was breathing heavily and Mifume yawns like he is bored and then a team of giants comes up and the woman looks like she is worried about this one. Mifume with wasting a second summons a sword and he swiftly moves and he slashes through them as if they were paper moving seen only in flashes and clashes of his sword and the giants all fall over and Kaito looks dumbfounded at how strong his man had become from his time away, plus that sword he was wielding looked rare as hell.


Tournament Arc 2(Solo NQ A-RANK)    Empty Wed Apr 20, 2022 2:57 pm


He wonders how he got that sword and if it cost him a lot or if he had stolen it. Mifume laughs at the fallen giants that have to be dragged off they are still alive just it seems like it had been the first time for the day and he was ready to take it on and he wasn't gonna let this one slip through his fingers and fall to the wayside. The next team to step up look like plague doctors and they move like assassins and throw poisonous smoke bombs and Kaito protects his team mates by opening rifts and get the smoke away from them and while he was busy they threw one at him and Kaito just barely dodges and nearly falls out but he shifted his weight and keeps himself in the safety of the zone so he didn't cause the team to lose here and he sends the one that close to him flying through a portal and the person falls out right in front of kai as he spins and he kicks and hits the one right into one of their buddies and the other team forfeits ending the event as they had no other tricks that they could pull out to use vs Kaito and his two team mates. The collect their rewards and go out to have some dinner and rest.

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