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Tall, Pale and The Fluffy?(BP Recruitment.)

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Tall, Pale and The Fluffy?(BP Recruitment.) Empty Wed Apr 20, 2022 7:48 am

If you asked Miriko if any of this was entirely with in her actual plans in the coming future the answer would be no, But she would make do with what has been places before her. So Miriko would pack up all of things she had worked on in a carriage that Alistair could transport, All of the paintings, the various books of drawings, her supplies to draw and paint all packed up neatly to carry them over. She would not sit on the back of Alistair but on a section of the carriage, With her umbrella open and covering herself as the normal of her and she would be arriving to Blue Pegasus.

Pondering to herself if she did this now if Alisa and whoever else at the guild. Alistair was ready for this shift around but then again Alistair adjusted to most things easily. But as always set up for travel Miriko did have stop to make sure Alistair drank and ate things when he needed them. for the most part Miriko had been quiet the entire trip most likely because she did not know what else to talk about, Not that Alistair and Miriko were not use to long times of quiet. Miriko for the most part was honestly a bit nervous at first, But she was never the bravest woman. But at least Hargeon for the most part was fairly quiet and settled. Alisa also could maybe set up a few things she had yet to do so herself with setting up that art gallery. But it was things to go through later when she get the main part of her arrival out of the way.

When she was a few feet from the main door of the build of Blue Pegasus,She would stop Alistair. Get out a large container leave water in for him to drink out of. Then she would mention to him that she would be back in a few minutes. Then she collect her umbrella looked around for a moment standing at what she assumed was the front door, Pondering for a moment.

Then she opened the door and looked around for a moment pondering if anyone was around. Closing her umbrella it almost seemed as if no one was around for the moment. But she would at least speak up."H-hello?"The meek nature of Miriko just taking place as always.


Tall, Pale and The Fluffy?(BP Recruitment.) Empty Sat Apr 23, 2022 1:35 pm


WORDS: ### | Don't Call me Shawly

Quiet today, isn't it~? A slow but not wholly unsatisfied sigh escaping the lips of Sofia Serena as she looked over the faces of her snoozing angels and smiled because of how peaceful and happy they looked, though the young mother was happy to see that her beautiful babies were snoozing away their morning in the relative quiet of the guild hall she couldn’t help but note that she was also perhaps just a dash of disappointed at that fact, or perhaps that she was the only one here with the time to observe her darlings looking so worthy of swooning.
And here I was hoping it would be a good chance for the girls to get to know their many, many aunts and uncles~? Some days the place a hustle and bustle of faces she knew but it seeming today was not one of them, with the girls growing older and perhaps a little less demanding for that fact then she had every intention of showing them off a bit for the people who had become the closest thing she had for family since leaving her home, and yet all that she had really achieved was the chance to wheel them around a site which she hoped would become quite familiar to the pair as the years rolled on, and leave her sipping on something in order to help her relax a little as she waited on the return of her wonderful wife or entrance of a familiar face. Either was fine, really, even if she did have a natural bias toward one option over another.

“Aha~” Naturally this meaning that the emerald eyed enchantress seemed to jolt with excitement when she sensed the approach of someone into this large and near-silent room, though the sound of someone pushing the door open was something that made her heard quicken and hope for the sight of ravishing raven-black locks and peerless glamour, fortunately she wasn’t too disappointed when the person who entered wasn't the beauty she called her bride. Though from the look of things, had she not a ring on her finger already, she might not have doubted the chances of the lass there.

“Well, well, well, a new face, and a pretty one too~?” This seeming to be reflected readily as she seemed to smile and slip into older habits which had been perhaps a little neglected of late, with the girls sleeping happily after their morning feed the minx saw little reason not to indulge at least a little charm in how she acted as she greeted a face and figure she could not claim she had seen much of before, and felt perhaps a morsel of lament in that fact.
“Tell me, what brings such loveliness to our hall, hm~?” A woman of her calibre priding herself on knowing those who could make a man's heart skip a beat at a hundred yards and yet ignorant in this case, in her mind that simply wouldn't do, and so she stood from the bench where she had been sitting with her beauties and beamed happily, eager to offer a little flirtation as she wondered just who this new face might be? A member she hadn't heard of, or perhaps someone with a job for them? Only the future and this fair femme knew, right~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

#3Daiko Flayme 

Tall, Pale and The Fluffy?(BP Recruitment.) Empty Sat Apr 23, 2022 1:53 pm

Daiko Flayme
Flapping sounds could be heard from behind Sofia. They were soft, but they were also a bit abrupt and wavy, almost as if a bird was readying a solid, gentle landing next to the two babies… which just happened to be the exact case here. Coda was thoroughly curious as to why these two infant-looking entities were located in Blue Pegasus, and Coda being Coda couldn’t put two and two together on her own. Gazing closely at the two sleeping beauties, Coda felt a sudden, rising instinct to go out hunting and bring back food for them, but they weren’t exactly chickens. Still, were they cold? Coda’s feathers could warm them up a little, but Coda felt reluctant to really… do anything other than just gaze at them with wide, intrigued bird eyes. Who were they? Sofia had sat with them a moment ago, maybe they belonged to her…

The people of Blue Pegasus knew the deal; if Coda was here, then her falconer was somewhere nearby. Those two were glued together at most times, but Coda was acting on her own accord for now, more curious about the babies than about the giant cat outside. Daiko, on the other hand, was enamored by the feline creature and found no fear in moving a hand down and stroking its furry chin. “Hey there, kitty cat… Coda, don’t panic, I think it’s friendly… C-Coda… Coda?”

Meanwhile, Coda began glaring straight at the two ladies inside the guild hall. Coda looked worried for the babies, not knowing exactly what to do.

WC: 259


Tall, Pale and The Fluffy?(BP Recruitment.) Empty Sat Apr 23, 2022 4:04 pm

If there was anything Miriko could mention with these situations, She did not know entirely what she was getting too, When it was not Alisa who was at the door. She seemed like she was about to answer then her brain just froze upon being called pretty, But it was for a quick moment something you just had to be sure you picked up on."I..I am looking to join your guild."Yes because these people were still slightly new, Miriko was unsure about herself, But as time progressed Miriko would be okay. It was just her typical why of being, She was just a fairly meek person that way."My previous guild is gone, Since I know Alisa as a client who has gotten a painting form me and know of the guild by name,I figured It would be fitting to be here."It was a bit longer winded then most people just out right saying it but she was here to join the guild.

But for now enough momentum was build up that she would speak normally."But it is pleasant to meet you, I am Miriko Rinmizukmi."She would at least start with because it was the normal too."I often travel the lands to see the many site and recreate them on page or canvas for people to see."She mentioned this a bit more casually, But almost like she was use to saying this in terms of a business person as well."It would have been Mimi of Empyrean Divine, But as earlier mentioned the guild is gone now."For now Miriko seemed fairly delighted and happy to be talking, until something most likely froze her mind for a moment with in the conversations, But that was easy to do even if Miriko was an adult.

Outside Alistair was being treated like a normal cat, Even if Coda was not around or even in site Alistair did not but he would say."Most people at least ask me or Mimi."In which he right away laughed about it. Even having to add in."I do also have name, It is Alistair."He was also kind of normal and casual about that too, Alistair must have been use to it by this point. After all he was not a normal cat. Standing there Alistair should have asked to maybe remove the things that he used to pull this light carriage, until he just kind of got himself to slip out of it since it was just a loose fitting collar. Then he just sat like a normal cat, However consider Alistair was 6 feet tall and 13 feet in from head to tail in length, it was needless to say he was a big cat, At least he was friendly.


Tall, Pale and The Fluffy?(BP Recruitment.) Empty Wed Apr 27, 2022 7:14 am


WORDS: ### | Don't Call me Shawly

“Ah yes, in many ways the Divine's were like our sisters, sorry to hear they had disbanded~” Peeling her hair backward as she looked this new face over and finding her lips curling upward at the sense of shyness that the girl gave off, sofia sighed as she remembered the news that one of their allies had folded none too long ago and lamented that fact, and as she did so felt like it had been only yesterday that their guilds had been getting together for the sake of one of their delightful little ditties.
“It's a pleasure to meet you Mimi. You say you know my Lisa, hm~?” Striding over to the stranger with a swing in her hips in order to greet her properly and shining with a smile as she did so, while perhaps it was a little ingracious of her leap straight to a pet name it seemed that they had a source of familiarity between them in the form of her wife, and so as she offered out her hand to shake the strawberry-haired stunner offered a little casual inquiry on the fact, in part as an effort to help the girl relax given how she looked a little intimidated by the moment.

“My, my, such a gentleman. How nice it is to make your acquaintance as well~” Smiling as she turned her head to see something large and yet no less polite or well-spoken for his hulking size seeming to follow the femme however, given her own expertise with conversational cats and kittens the coquette was by no means a stranger to the idea of talking felines, and in fact after greeting such a magnificent moggy she had only one idea in mind.
“In fact… Carla~ You might want to see this~?” Turning upon her heel because of this and raising her voice as she called out to her own companion, while the statures and styles of these creatures seemed to be almost entirely opposed miss serena still couldn't help but want to complete this little gathering of familiar's, assuming she could attract the attention of her animal ally of course.

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

#6Daiko Flayme 

Tall, Pale and The Fluffy?(BP Recruitment.) Empty Tue May 03, 2022 8:52 am

Daiko Flayme
… Oh snap, Daiko did forget to ask for permission first! Then again, since Coda wasn’t able to speak any human language, Daiko had little experience that would’ve led him to believe that the feline could, so he was… understandably taken aback by the exchange. “… Oh, Alistair. That’s such a fancy name,” the Fire Mage quickly let the surprise die down and returned to normal, watching the tall creature relax from the shackles of his carriage. “Well, this is Coda. She’s not as big as you, but she’s vicious and not edible.”

Somehow, he felt like he needed to add that last bit. It was one of those… unexplainable hunches that jumped out from his belly, y’know, without a proper origin that he could pinpoint. He just felt like saying it, but the force that brought him to utter those two words was a mystery.

… Aw, that’s not fair. Sofia had the most companions out of the trio by now; Daiko did also count her very first companion, the giant water serpent Blue. Along with the Pegasus that she rode on back when they freed Blue, and with the dainty twinkle-toed Exceed in their company, Sofia could easily be mistaken for some kind of Summoner or one of those… uh, what was the term again? It was like falconer, but it involved all manners of creatures…

Z-Zoologist? Something along those lines, yeah.

“Wait, Carla’s an Exceed? They’re super rare, aren’t they?!” Daiko asked upon approaching the two ladies, spotting the one who accompanied the giant cat outside, “A-…”

Those… those hair buns on her head intrigued him a bit too strongly. They looked quite like bunny ears from this angle, or onigiris attached to one’s hair. A solid moment passed by where he just… glared, until he realized his doings. “… ! Sorry, uh, forgive me. It’s a bad habit.”


Tall, Pale and The Fluffy?(BP Recruitment.) Empty Tue May 03, 2022 3:04 pm

So it had not been spread around that much? It did not seem to bother Miriko all that much in the end, It just meant down the road she found her mother and sister again. As well as eventually checking up on Emil to see how he was doing, But she would continue being busy."It was a bit beyond my knowing or doing either, But..I will adjust and make due some way."She did sound a bit disappointed but not anything she could not just move on from. But it now in some way made sense why she was here.

Now this subject came up, given the mention of my lisa, it seemed she countered her in law, She was unsure if she wanted to admit what she wanted to say in this moment with Daiko next to her staring at her, But alas maybe it was good to mention just in case."Yes...Alisa is some one I have met before while I was travelling, she also bought a painting of mine."She would at least start with that to ease into it. But she was not getting to shy with her words."Also according to my mother, Alisa....is my aunt..."She did seemed a bit more nervous admitting that, But she got that out of the way. Hence why she was looking for her first, But now they knew that when Miriko generally kept that quiet. Might be just because she felt Sofia should know that about her, Daiko just was in a happen stance part of the moment to learn it.

But now Alistair parts."I am not interested in eating your bird, I prefer fish."Alistair said with a bit of a laugh about it. It seemed eating Coda was never on his mind to start with, Nor was playing with her even if the idea of chasing was there. But Alistair was drawing attention like he did sometimes."We both have seen a few other Exceed's before."Alistair also mentioned since it was brought by name but Alistair seemed delighted still."If perhaps they both really wanted, I have no problem walking around with them on my back."The Cattian laughed about it slightly because it was just what he did normally, After all he did just carry over all these supplies, paintings and drawing here with out much help at all.

But with being stared at Miriko seemed to start slowly leaning away from Daiko because she was nervous and a bit unsure of him. But she was trying to keep herself in check and relaxed. Then she would explain."Alistair is a bit different. From what he has told me he is a Cattian. Any information on them I have not been able to find...So far I assume he is the only Cattian on these lands."It was an interesting fact about the light hearted and happy talking cat that seemed to be always ready to just take a nap.


Tall, Pale and The Fluffy?(BP Recruitment.) Empty Wed May 04, 2022 1:31 pm


WORDS: ### | Don't Call me Shawly

“Your aunt…? Gosh, I guess that makes us both, then?” The brow of the blonde lifting as the pretty young thing seemed to confess a connection that she had not expected to hear, immediately the mind of the minx seemed to flash toward the woman with whom her beautiful black bride had bonded with enough to consider herself a sister, and even one so used to astonishment as Sofia Serena still couldn't help but feel a note of surprise at the news that they were far more familiar than she had ever expected. Though quickly, through means maternal the mermaid found such sensation turning to joy as she took the revelation in her stride, and relished the implication.

“Teeheehee, Alisa is my wife, after all~” Spreading her arms wide and offering a hug as she confirmed her own identity and wondered just how much this girl knew of her family in Hargeon, the girl with the green gaze giggled as she revealed the wonder of wedlock she held with the woman in charge of the guild, and knew from that moment that this lass was a shoe in for membership right then and there. Though, with looks like hers, there was little doubt even before that.

“My, my, are you leering at my niece, Daiko~?” Seeming to think that she wasn't the only one who felt that way as well and the smile with which miss serena shone seeming to grow a little wicked when she noted the attention that the bronzed boy was giving her as well, though she knew that he was perhaps even now still too innocent to really be doing what she would accuse him, the emerald enchantress did not allow the inconvenience of truth and understanding to obstruct her teasing of course. After all, it was one of her favourite hobbies, wasn't it?

“Sofia, what is…?” For the moment however it seeming that someone would steal the show from her as the sound of ruffling feathers signalled the entrance of rather the exotic entry of her own little pet, the soft and almost sweet voice of a small soul called out in confusion at the summons which the siren had embarked on, but before too long it seemed that the cuteness known as 'carla' had sized up the situation perfectly.
“Oh, we have guests?” Settling with a dainty pair of feet on a nearby table and looking across the array of faces who had distracted her from her chores, the moggy mistress looked from the frame of the fox who had brought her here and then toward the new folk who seemed to fill the hall, and the furrier of the two especially. I mean, it had been quite some time since a magnificent moggy like her had found a soul similar enough to match her refinement, hadn’t it?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

#9Daiko Flayme 

Tall, Pale and The Fluffy?(BP Recruitment.) Empty Fri May 06, 2022 9:11 am

Daiko Flayme
… Hold up, was this Alisa’s niece?

That notion stirred up many questions in Daiko’s head, because when he thought of the term ‘niece’, then he often imagined a far… younger girl? Uh, was he confused? Yes. But was this confusing? Maybe? If anything, this lady looked like she was around Alisa’s own age, so h-how so? How old were Alisa’s siblings now? Wait, Alisa had siblings? He had never heard of them! Did Sofia know? Maybe, yeah, actually, it’d be obvious of her to know at this point – they were married, remember…

Coda decided to rest on Alistair’s fluffy back, taking her time in gathering strength as per usual. Daiko couldn’t help but reflect on the name ‘Cattian’, which was Alistair’s race… names. They were silly, at times. It was pretty cool to hear that he was a rarity, however, but maybe that wasn’t exactly a cool trait in the eyes of the Cattian.

Also, damn it Sofia, could you catch him a break for a moment? He wasn’t leering at her, he was just curious about the hair buns on her head. Obviously, he wasn’t going to say that and simply pouted to the side with a few words: “I wasn’t leering… I wish I was an uncle, too.” Sofia seemed all the more delighted to meet another member of her family, which begged the question-

“Alisa should be coming back soon… planning on joining us? If you ask me, people would already think you’re a Blue Pegasus mage just from looks alone. It’s kind of a theme.” Hey, Daiko felt pretty handsome lately himself – whatever growth spurt he suffered from during the last 5 years had paid off tremendously. He wasn’t going to comment on the other girls’ growths, because he didn’t want to be pinched or bullied too much, but what he tried to get at was that this bun girl (or whatever other nickname he’d get for her) felt very welcome in their ranks. Call it intuition, something that he must’ve picked up from their fatally beautiful Mistress…


Tall, Pale and The Fluffy?(BP Recruitment.) Empty Sat May 07, 2022 11:07 am

With Coda resting on Alistair the cattian would get up and walk over to Carla. More just to make sure he met some of the distance for Carla, At least still shown Alistair was a friendly and harmless."You have two to be exactly little one."Alistair did seemed to call people little ones to insult them, more for fun."Unless you do not know Coda already, That I am unsure of since I just got here."Alistair seemed to manage the balance of walking around with Coda well, But he would sit back down eventually after find a good spot to be, some where a bit closer to Miriko while still giving some room.

Miriko would take a slight step to the side from Daiko so she was not leaning away from Daiko so much, but she had in mind she had a few things she could explain. Since it was mentioned by Sofia that she was Alisa's wife."Yes I would be your niece."It was a plain reaction to the question, But she knew it would lead into  some questions, But first she would accept the hug offered to her and hugged Sofia. Later on as things go on hugs and affection would not be common form Miriko but it would happen every once and a while. But she was in way a fairly different person in that manner of physical expression.

With at least Miriko giving that distance she wanted between herself and Daiko and after the hug. She would just mention to Daiko."It is a simple wish, I do hope some one with in your family allows you to achieve that dream one day."You do have to keep in mind Miriko knew very little about Daiko, she did not know if she hit a sore spot or not.

Well with that remark she would actually explain why she was here, any questions about relations and what all has happened to her in life between her and other people for now would have to wait."Well, It is why I got a small carriage for Alistair to carry all of my completed: paintings, Drawings, Supplies and materials to carry over."Yes in that carriage was a lot of paintings and drawings, Given the calibre of Miriko's art talent, it is just a giant collect of things to sells."With what happen to my previous, This was my next ideal guild to go to."It was hinting to Daiko she was here to join this guild.

But she could admit."I am here to join the guild, I might have hoped to talk to Alisa first, But I am glad I have made other people as well."Pointing out the positive of the situation. This way the introductions where not strange later they might have met a very shy and really unsure of herself Miriko if she had talked to Alisa first. But there was little worry, because Miriko started to feel like she fit in here.


Tall, Pale and The Fluffy?(BP Recruitment.) Empty Wed May 11, 2022 7:21 am


WORDS: ### | Don't Call me Shawly

“L-Little one? I'm not a child, you know!” Perhaps the Pegusi hoping that the chance to meet someone similarly furry to her would help her fine feline to make friends but it seeming that the silky smallness was having none of it, maybe it was just the size and intimidation of the new face in her life but she certainly didn't like being treated in a diminutive fashion by a stranger, and as such clapped her paws onto her hips and huffed because of that. Though perhaps, in doing so, showed that her words and actions were somewhat contradictory.

“Now, now, Carla, I'm sure he didn't mean that?” The emerald eyed enchantress easing back from her embrace slowly but cautioning her cat as she did so, though Miss Serena was meeting with a new face it seemed that the mix of her usual audacity and the softer side that motherhood had given her meant that even as she allowed mimi some space she kept a hand behind the back of the younger brunette, perhaps in an display of familial protectiveness. Especially with an 'interloper' so close as well.
Turning on the charm now, hm~? That being said not entirely lacking for entertainment when the boy seemed to defend his position and then offer up a casual compliment as well, the vision of the vixen narrowed a little and her lips curled upward at what she saw as an attempt at flattery and possible flirtation, and she did nothing to interrupt the or belittle the moment because of her intrigue at seeing how the moment played out between the pair.

“Oh we'd be more than happy to add you to our ranks? Is your mother doing well?” Ultimately happy to hear the girl was keen about joining their ranks even if her reasons were a little less voluntary than their average recruit, sofia couldn't help but ask after her sister in law as she offered up that acceptance and then guided the group toward a more comfortable lounge area, and all while gesturing to a few of their other new and burlier looking faces to start bringing the luggage the lass had brought into the building.
“Now, where do you want your mark? I'm sure Alisa won't mind us welcoming you properly~?” Meanwhile eager to make things official and not least because she couldn't wait to see her lovers face when she saw the surprise of her niece being a bona fide member of the blue brand, the beryl beauty waved her hand around before conjuring a glowing effigy of equestrian description and began to cycle through colours, waiting for the girl's choice of both before officially inducting her into the 'gang'…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

#12Daiko Flayme 

Tall, Pale and The Fluffy?(BP Recruitment.) Empty Mon May 16, 2022 1:18 pm

Daiko Flayme
Coda was dozing off on top of Alistair’s back. The bird had no qualms about sleeping on top of strange people, and now even other creatures as well. She lived by her own rules, that rascal… thankfully, Alistair didn’t seem to mind it one bit.

Yeah, hopefully one day, Raeden might even become a mother. Then Daiko would become an uncle, just like he recently wished for. “Oooh… if Raeden becomes a mother one day, that should make me her kid’s uncle, right? Deal,” he noted with a quick peace sign flung out. Also, did Miriko… fear him or something? He sensed some kind of fear from her; perhaps it was her making distance despite him not thinking that he had gotten that close. Had he done something?

While she didn’t go into detail about her previous guild, she had confirmed to wanting to join Blue Pegasus. Daiko followed them, but he kept feeling some kind of magnetic repulsion – was he getting on her nerves or something? They had just met! What was the deal? Did she have a problem with him?

No, no, no… she seemed far too timid to want to start issues with people. Maybe he was being scary to her?

“… Wait, you draw paintings, right? Is that your Magic or something; can you… wait, let me guess… can you make your paintings explode?”


Tall, Pale and The Fluffy?(BP Recruitment.) Empty Tue May 17, 2022 12:52 pm

Sofia was correct, Alistair meant rather harmless things."I only called you little one, Because most things around me are small."Which was answer he felt fair. But Alistair would remarked."At least I am not calling you a kitten and treating you like a child."He also meant this as a joke as well. It was still entirely harmless, But maybe they were likely every once and a while to butt heads as being but Alistair would still never hurt Carla. Just give the exceed a smile for the moment."You can join us if you want Carla."Just leaving the offer open, After all Coda seemed to resting on Alistair and he did not mind at all.

With Daiko's remark."If you have a sister and they have a child, Then yes that would be you becoming an uncle."It was to affirm what he said, since Daiko figured it out.But she had more things to answer anyway."Since I last  saw her, She is well it has been a few years. So I am overdue to visit her again since it has been a few years...I get lost seeing things and making things."She did not get too embarrassed with admitting that, After all it was just how she worked just normally does things and forgets how much time has passed. But as far as she knew, her mother is well.

Before getting to the guild tattoo part Miriko would make sure to mention the way her magic works."if you want a basic summary of my magic...I could paint a carriage to carry people and it could exist to do such a task."She did not do it in this case because it would a lot of energy magic wise to travel from the east to the south and it would just be more effective to do what she has done."If I were to paint a bomb as think and had it work as my magic intended, Then yes it would blow up."Daiko was kind of right, But there was a few more steps."The ink or paint bomb would just splash ink or paint all over a person." So not an actual bomb that blew people up just a bit differently.

As for the guild tattoo part it would be pretty simple."I get my guild tattoo on the centre of my back." The old guild tattoo should be their, Since she had not done anything about it yet. But because sign of it were already shown."When we do go placing the guild mark on me, Can we maybe consider a more of a private area...I do not enjoy being too exposed."It sounded silly, Even if Miriko was a fairly pretty woman and she knew it, It was just how she was. She was a more conservative typed of woman and tended to feel a bit more happy in her dresses and gothic clothing as they saw her now. It was a simple request in her mind.


Tall, Pale and The Fluffy?(BP Recruitment.) Empty Fri May 20, 2022 1:40 pm


WORDS: ### | Don't Call me Shawly

“G-Good. I’m your senior here, so…” The fair feline found folding her arms over one another and nodding as she affirmed the relationship here, Carla had to make sure that this big figure hadn’t waltzed into the place expecting to be the top dog or cat in this case right from the bat, and felt a little more secure around him now that she had firmly avowed a pecking order which would be relevant only to her. Though, in this case, that was enough.
“Fine. I suppose as senior, it’s my responsibility to make sure you settle in?” The corners of her mouth curling upward a little more as she reiterated that point of precedence when it came to her tenure, with the power balance shifted a little back in her favour she elected to join the new face and the bird for whom she had come to share an commonly peaceful coexistence, though held both her mind and head high as a sign of her feeling of superiority. Aren’t cats weird, huh?

“Raeden? Who’s that?” The mistress to whom the moggy found herself connected feeling confused by the name which Daiko offered up next, miss serena tilted her head and frowned as she wondered just how the boy plans to embark on unclehood with this mysterious figure who he mentioned so casually, and felt rather left out of the proverbial loop because of that.
“Hahahaha, hear that~? If you get on her nerves, she might bomb you~!” Grinning at the description that the daughter of her sister in law had given when it came to the magic she could command, though Miriko seemed to downplay the effect somewhat the proud aunt couldn’t help but give a bragging tease toward the lad given how it seemed that the girl seemed to wish to back away from him, and moved to insert herself betwixt the pair in order to offer the lass a little more comfort in that regard. I mean, she knew the bronze boy was the definition of a sweetheart, but hopefully the ‘wall’ she offered might help her find some ease.

“Ah, of course, especially with a certain someone lurking around, waiting… leering~? ” Nodding as the girl requested some privacy when it came to the act of rebranding and understanding that given the area seemed to opt to spot her guild mark, Sofia narrowed her glittering green gaze at the young man on hand as she continued to make him the butt of their jokes, though flashed him a little wink between the two of them in order to tell him it was more for the benefit of their new beauty than anything.
“I can take you to the GM’s office and do it, if you’re ready?” Turning her attention toward the little room which belonged to the wonder she called a wife soon after, the auburn ace tipped her head to one side and offered out a hand in order to guide her niece toward it if she so wished, though had no intention of rushing her. After all, she wanted to know the girl was settled before she started undressing her, right~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

#15Daiko Flayme 

Tall, Pale and The Fluffy?(BP Recruitment.) Empty Sun May 29, 2022 12:03 pm

Daiko Flayme
Yay! Uncle Daiko… that had a ring to it. However, that was him assuming that his sister would, one day, bear children. Whenever that would happen or if that would happen was up to fate. Funnily enough, Daiko had desires of becoming a father, too. Just like his mother raised him, he wanted to raise some of his own chickens one day. His own, little sparrows.

“Raeden! My sister, she joined a few days ago,” Daiko casually informed Sofia with a raised eyebrow, confused as to why the aqua lass hadn’t already been drawn to his sister’s beauty and charisma and already gotten to know her, “… W-Wait, you haven’t met yet?”

In all honesty, the notion of Daiko having a sister was quite a bomb to drop. He didn’t know whether here and now was the time to explain that, though.

This gothic lady’s Magic sounded batshit amazing! So she could just paint it, and it would become real? Could she paint another Coda, and then there’d be two Codas? That was sick! The sudden rise of sparks in Daiko’s wide, hopeful eyes relayed his feelings clearly; he was far too intrigued by the notion of how her Magic worked. So a bomb would become a paint bomb with ink and all… so a painted Coda would have wings of ink?

Wait, ink was pretty dense… right? Could a painted Coda fly? Also, wait, was she going to bomb him just for being curious? Because this girl… she did still appear quite distant from him, as if he did get on her nerves. “I- wait… I can live through that.” Yeah, after that egg time, what was going to kill him?

While wondering about that ink, a vein did pop up on Daiko’s forehead along with a sulky pout. “Hmmh… if anyone’s a lecher, it’s Coda,” he protested quietly, almost looking a bit hurt by the words. Sofia did know him better than that, and perhaps she just wanted to put the new girl at ease, but it still rubbed Daiko in a weird way. It… almost made him blush, which was weird as hell, ‘cause being called a lecher was a bad thing, right? Was it because it was Sofia of all people who labeled him that he felt this sort of way?

“I’ll make sure Coda doesn’t bother you too much. You hear that, chick?!” Coda responded quickly, turning into a bird missile and jamming straight into his forehead, causing his torso to bounce like a spring forward and backwards. Once he sat still, he contemplated the bird’s antics once more, realizing that Coda really was into chicks far more than she was loyal to him at this point…

“Okay, enough playing around, Coda! Behave,” Daiko demanded, quickly pulling the bird’s beak off from his bleeding forehead that immediately began lighting up in healing flames to patch it back to normal. This kind of scene was normal at this point, and he was resilient like lead. “You go get your Guild Mark on, and I’ll bite my cheek in the meantime…”


Tall, Pale and The Fluffy?(BP Recruitment.) Empty Mon May 30, 2022 4:38 am

Finally some form of relief from the situation at hand, mentally there would be a chance to explain eventually that Miriko just had a fair amount of a personal space to new people and had a few other ways she acted a bit different compared to most people of the guild.But she let out a sigh of relief."I am ready to go into the office and get the stamp."With that Miriko would most likely head off with Sofia to get that fancy mark she had drawn once before. But just on her back, It was weird considering how different the situation was now to be in, For she never thought her previous guild would go the way it did. But Miriko walked inside.

As for Daiko, There was still a ever lingering cattian there too, he was not really watching the stuff there because he assumed it was safe."So...is your friend always this spicy?" Alistair meant this more of the way of personality not even considering the food part of spicy, So he at least it sounded funnier in his mind to mentioned it that way."So far everyone here seems pretty nice here, Less for me to worry about for Miriko."Daiko had a different chance here, A chance to talk to the Cattian about Miriko it was a good way for him to maybe learn how things work for Miriko and why she might be the way she was now, If the idea connected in his mind but for now it seemed it was the normal and open situation for Coda,Daiko and Carla if she stuck around.

Before seemed Miriko just went inside quietly and sound a place to take her time make her the centre of her back was easily seen, Her previous guild mark was still there, However this also showed that Miriko often avoided sun light because her skin on her back was just as pale as the rest of her, She was trying to keep it matching."It will have to replace that old guild mark,I assume."Miriko just seemed to mention it as she settled in and waited for it to happen, However she seemed to just manage to settle into sitting quickly, only thinking about what else she could draw or paint that day, But as her time progress with in this guild, That would be completely normal of Miriko.


Tall, Pale and The Fluffy?(BP Recruitment.) Empty Wed Jun 01, 2022 1:22 pm


WORDS: ### | Don't Call me Shawly

“Seems I only have eyes for my own girls at the moment, with Lisa being away and all?” The brow of the blond-ish beauty lifting at the news about her friend’s sibling, though she was intrigued by the prospect of a character seeming to have inherited her own share of the good looks daiko possessed, Miss Serena had to admit that many a face in the hall seemed new to her when she made her mind on the two treasures she had been watching over today.
“Speaking of, mind watching her for a minute while I claim this one for our own, Carla~?” Glad to know that they were still sleeping peacefully in spite of the excitement of a new face in the place but not about to step away from them without knowing they were well taken care of, the girl with the green gaze looked toward her feline friend as she asked their number one babysitter to take care of them for a moment, and patted the head of her pet when the white wonder agreed to the deed soon after.

“My, my, such silky smooth skin, I can tell what you got from your aunt~” With that able to skirt away from the conversation with their new ward and perhaps the distractions of motherhood helping her relish the scene which followed next, it was hard for Sofia not to feel a sense of mischief as her newly reacquainted niece showed off her back, and as such she surrendered to temptation for the sake of caressing that inviting surface once revealed to tease her.
“Teehee, shouldn’t be a problem, now…” Not overstepping her bounds too much given the shyness the young figure seemed to show and simply resting her finger on the old mark which the lass showed a second later, the emerald eyed enchantress knew all too well by now that the brand’s given by guilds were by type designed to be easily replaced with others, and so shone with confidence as she activated the little spell which would transform that symbol into a proud pegasus which she too bore.

“Voila~” It only taking but a moment to achieve the task as well, all too quickly did the stamp change to something with of an equestrian air with a flourish of fleur de lis, and Miss Serena was able to celebrate such a fact both with a smile and the scoop of a hand mirror that one could well believe belonged in the office of their absent black beauty.
“What do you think~?” Taking a step back with the item in hand and tilting it until she saw recognition in Miriko’s eyes, the new mother was happy to see a job well done and hoped that their new recruit would as well, since now she was one of them and would also hopefully take pride in that fact too…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

#18Daiko Flayme 

Tall, Pale and The Fluffy?(BP Recruitment.) Empty Wed Jun 29, 2022 7:03 am

Daiko Flayme

Daiko didn’t even attempt to sugar coat it; Coda was always this spicy… she really was his bird pal. Coda, on the other hand, noticed the unintentional food metaphor and began chirping loudly at the big cat, to which Daiko ruffled her head feathers a bit to calm her down. “Relaaaaaaaaaax, he won’t eat you…”

It was a sport to train Coda. Falconry was always a sport, but there was something uncommon about carrying around a lesbian bird with an attitude and temper the size of Era. Still, she and Daiko got along like siblings. They were inseparable at this point.

“Really, there’s nothing to worry about here! Okay, well, maybe Alisa and Sofia can be a little tricky at times, but they really appreciate all us mages here, and I’m sure they’ll make Miriko feel at home here too,” he felt like speaking up for the power couple out of, y’know, knowing them better than most, “Besides… does Miriko fear me? I kept smelling some kind of paranoia from her, but I haven’t done anything, I swear… d-don’t take what Sofia just said at face value, she was just joking! Please, I mean it, I’m not that kind of person…!”

Now it just felt like he was at court trying to defend himself. Poor lad. “I-I’m sure Carla can speak up for me! Isn’t that right, Carla?”


Tall, Pale and The Fluffy?(BP Recruitment.) Empty Thu Jun 30, 2022 4:59 pm

Miriko seemed delighted with the tattoo even if she did kind of miss the thought of her old guild and it's mark she did have to quickly move on, Because at it stood Miriko would feel better in a guild with a place to sleep and work away slowly as it did, It was nice how the mark did work well and was pretty fitting with in the area she kept it at."It is wonderful."She did not forget to actually finally say something as well about it, It seemed the personal and feminine touch worked with Miriko a lot better, she was a strange lady that was for sure, But at least she would fit in here.

as for Alistair's conversation with Daiko it would maybe give him a bit of a good look into Miriko."I am interested in Fish and not bird to eat."which maybe was a good settling point for the bird to listen too."I would say it isn't that she is scared of other people."There was a better way of being mentioned of how it works for Daiko to understand."Miriko's is just does not being stared at by other people for too long when she think a persons seems to focus on her beauty and looks."Which was a good way of mentioning it to Daiko, But there was still a bit more to add into it because it might be needed, Alistair might not be the best to explain it over all because he had different ways of looking at it."Staring for too long and mentioning how pretty she is seems to bother her, she is overly shy to new people she carries some kind of shyness over all."Maybe it made sense maybe it did not.


Tall, Pale and The Fluffy?(BP Recruitment.) Empty Wed Jul 06, 2022 4:23 pm


WORDS: ### | Don't Call me Shawly

“It’s a gift, what can I say?” The shoulders of the siren bobbing as she shrugged it out at the compliment given to her ‘skill’ with the guild stamp, Miss Serena hummed and took a step back to let mimi relax and cover herself back up again discreetly and comfortably, and idly toys with the odd thing here and there in the office in order to distract herself and provide the younger woman with the comfort of not being watched to do so. After all, she did seem kind of self-conscious, didn’t she?
“Well then… What’s say we head back down, celebrate our new member?” Stepping back in when the lass had redressed herself properly and seemed ready to continue on with her day, the emerald eyed enchantress reached for the door handle and nodded to their rookie recruit with a smile, encouraging her niece to meet her guildmates properly and ably now that she was officially one of them.

“People have plenty of reasons to be reserved.” Meanwhile the fair furred feline seeming to not leap too significantly to the defence of the lad in the room even if she might have admitted she found him one of the easier people to get along with in the place, instead the note made by the bigger cat on the matter of the shyness shown by their new face was something which seemed to strike a chord with Carla’s own more reticent manner, and prompted a note of what seemed almost like approval for such aloofness, or at the very least a lack of need to admonish or excuse it.
“It’s better not to poke at them, in my experience. Let people take their time, and open up to you?” Perhaps projecting a little of her own tendency toward emotional discretion onto the conversation as she rebuked a potentially pushy approach in favour of something aired with patience and understanding, the cat’s eyes narrowed a little as she sat on the counter near the baby and didn’t let her gaze air much from it, hinting that she well understood that distance and that it was better to let said person breach the gulf rather than force your way toward them…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Tall, Pale and The Fluffy?(BP Recruitment.) Empty Thu Jul 07, 2022 2:47 pm

It seemed for the moment Miriko had that moment needed to kind of just gather herself and put herself into one place mentally, it seemed to for the moment solve the minor problem at hand for Miriko, It at least in the end showed it was not that she did not like people, she just needed her distance and space form them to start with, after all it was just how she was, as might and tall she looked did not mean she was the strong type at least then again you could honestly just say it was Miriko having her flaws and unable to be able to hide them.

After making sure she was her attire was back to her standard of being comfortable it seemed Miriko was happy for now."Yes,I think I will be okay to return now."It seemed she was also just telling herself that as well slightly since she did have to do this with herself at times to make her continue on figuratively, Miriko: the painter, beauty always just making herself around for creative ventures. Always had her worries that people at times viewed that she was only popular just not for her works, when it was entirely for her work she wanted to be remembered. But she got up form where she was sitting and started to walk back out to join the rest of them.

As for the conversation outside."I am not worried about how you are, For I gather you, as most people here are harmless towards Miriko."Alistair mentioned in general. For he might watch over the meek painter, only because he understood how people worked and could mention it."Best advice, give Miriko sometime to be around you and give her the space she needs, I promise you she will be much more friendly."Alistair mentioned as a safe and logical way for Daiko to maybe be around Miriko.


Tall, Pale and The Fluffy?(BP Recruitment.) Empty Sat Jul 16, 2022 6:57 am


WORDS: ### | Don't Call me Shawly

“Look who’s back bitches~” Flooded with pride and ever more buoyant spirit as she returned to the group in short order after their spot of ‘admin’, Sofia raised her arms and smiled as she trotted her way back down to the entrance, and then resumed the job of watching over her darlings daughters.
“Did you miss me, my lovelies~?” Smiling as she did so and feeling a sense of relief and fulfilment in seeing those snooze that she did not expect, the blonde beamed happily as she leaned forward and nuzzled each of her beauties in turn, and then tucked them in a little more securely before gesturing to the pretty young thing who she had brought back down with her.

“And I something to celebrate…” Nodding at her niece now that the business was out of the way and then carrying both her children and the comfort they rested in toward the bar, the girl with the green gaze grinned as she opted to act as their maid in this little act of mirth, and as such began to lay out glasses and the like ready for to toast the young woman who had now joined their group properly.
“So, to new friends, eh~?” Serving up some of their finest wine to all who wished to partake and water for those who did not, Miss Serena next lifted her drink in the air and smiled as bid the group on with this more formal welcome to the guild, and hoped that a little drink and the atmosphere of positivity would be all that was needed to help the lass come out of her shell. Assuming of course she kept an eye on that naughty bird boy, that was…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Tall, Pale and The Fluffy?(BP Recruitment.) Empty Tue Jul 19, 2022 5:17 pm

Alistair seemed delighted so far with how he was explaining things to Daiko and whoever else would listen, because it seemed fairly simple maybe to see it off of her reaction, but the misunderstanding."In the end Miriko has yet to really express hate in anyone."Or if she has, Miriko was not openly showing it around Alistair.  but alas maybe that was better and helpful towards learning how to interact with Miriko, Not that she was hard to get along with once you kind of get the weird factor of her out of the way.

But Miriko took this experience differently at this point, she was learning about family she never thought up front she had before. After all side from her mother and Tempris, She only just knew her father's name and that was it, maybe that was somethings that effected her in some way that she did not know about thus she just kind of managed and got by.

But now she saw a lot more family then she ever expected, Even then she had no idea how to deal with small children, But she would keep that to her self. However Miriko would not be rude, Even if she was not much of a drinker she would take the wine glass and after toast take the smallest of sips of it, As it if she was not trying to be rude but not show she was not overly fond of anything with alcohol in it. "It seems, with joining a new guild, I learn more and more of the people out there I am related too."Miriko said casually about it. to Alistair still quietly watching as he always does.


Tall, Pale and The Fluffy?(BP Recruitment.) Empty Thu Jul 21, 2022 3:16 am


WORDS: ### | Don't Call me Shawly

“You’re only just getting started, really~” Finding her smile softening at the sentimentality her niece showed as the girl mentioned the feeling of discovery in her decision to join the guild, Miss Serena looked to Mimi with approval at the idea of them getting to know one another better and tilted her head as she did so, before looking back toward the crib nearby with her own, more maternal sense of romanticism.
“After all, you have a couple of cousins here now to get to know~?” Smiling and shaking her head as she spied one of her angels seeming to stir a little from the slumber that had contained them, the green eyed girl walked over to her beautiful bairns and soothed her child with a delicate touch, and as she did so eyed the pair with amazement as she wondered just how it is that such small things can grow into girls like the one before her now.

“Now, drink up!” Turning back around once her delicate and delightful darlings had been put back to rest and feeling a sense of fulfilment like few others as she did so, the gal with the green gaze grinned before handing over a glass which had been topped off with the good stuff before offering out her own for a little personal toast, encouraging their new member to relax and enjoy herself while she had the chance to get to know the wider world of her new ‘family’. Those at the hall of the pegasi considered an odd and vain bunch but certainly as loving and loyal as any guild of the light could be, the young mother hoped their fetching fledgling would find a home here like so many others have, because she’d always have a place here. Alisa and herself would see to that…


Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Tall, Pale and The Fluffy?(BP Recruitment.) Empty Wed Jul 27, 2022 12:18 pm

It seemed in the end Miriko would be content and settled into her choices about what happen and moving over here, Then again safer then to end up here in a guild rather then just casually strolling upon the lands as she normally did with out a guild brand for it might cause her more problems.

At least in her mind but for now, Miriko just had to not think about the what if's for she had settled into it for now, Since she had made a choice that for once did feel a bit right and ease with in her mind. For now she did not have much to think about with the rest of the day, she could enjoy these drinks and be delighted she had another place she could stay at, Then she could casually go about her normal life while learning about other parts of her family.


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