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Pirates! (NQ Rank A Solo)

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Pirates! (NQ Rank A Solo) Empty Wed Apr 13, 2022 9:56 pm


Kaito listens to the man talk on and on about how, he as in Kaito is going to have to take down a pirate crew and their ship of loot, and bring back what ever he could with him to make sure that those pirates never darken the door ways of any good hard working sailor or their crew again plus to help cut down on the amount of pirates coming in and harassing the women of the port with the money they would make from their ill gotten goods that they would then rub is others faces and Blue Pegasus was always too busy or somewhere else to handle. Kaito agrees with Revy by his side then he takes some motion sickness medication just in case he gets motion sickness like he had heard other dragon slayers do. Being out at sea and turning to powerless would make a very terrible time for anyone looking to start a fight vs the pirates.


Pirates! (NQ Rank A Solo) Empty Wed Apr 13, 2022 9:57 pm


He is shown to the crew he will be sailing with today and he hopes that this crew is a decently strong set of people because this is gonna be a long ride back if even half of them are killed of the assault on the ship, though he figures at this moment it would just be smarter if he has them get within range and run then he can give them some kind of signal to come back once he has cleared out the ship so he can get the treasures across from their ship to the other ship faster if he ends up using to much of his powers and he needs help but he can only hope for so much from these people as some of them look like they hadn't gotten their sea legs yet, so that was gonna have to change for the better or they might be found floating away.


Pirates! (NQ Rank A Solo) Empty Wed Apr 13, 2022 9:57 pm


Their ship sets sail now but Kaito isn't feeling any motion sickness at all so he figures maybe he is okay, or maybe the fact he has been jumping through dimensions has killed the motion sickness side effect cause he use to get a little motion sick while he ported around but now he doesn't feel it so maybe him using his power so much as come with an advantage. He tries to stay sharp as he looked around for where this ship might turn up at they see the wreckage of the last ship that had just been raided and it looks like if there were survivors they were with the pirates now either to be sold as slaves, whores, or to train to take up the helm if the others were to die or if they need a new had like adopting a child from a parent that died.


Pirates! (NQ Rank A Solo) Empty Wed Apr 13, 2022 9:57 pm


Kaito hopes that they are not too late and that they will still find this pirate ship full of loot and maybe people that had given up and into the pirates, as prisoners. Kaito has some bad feeling cause he had seen what these kind of people could do while he traveled with his master around the world to see it, though he knew very little of some places he knew he could trust in his gut to do what he feels is right and not just give up if the timing is wrong he just has to make the time right for the move and he has to play a game of chess vs the enemies at not back down and not fail the people that need him. They see the pirate ship in the distance and Kaito has Revy give him his cape and sword and he runs and he jumps off the ship he was on, he jumps and falls through portals till he appears on the pirate ship.


Pirates! (NQ Rank A Solo) Empty Wed Apr 13, 2022 9:58 pm


He walks around the ship sticking to the shadows and Revy runs ahead a little looking for the treasure and prisoners if there are any, she is staying sharp and not wasting a step cause one board cracking could give her away as she sneaks around and keeps an idea of the layout as they go and Kaito uses his portals to get around pirates, he is a hard one to lock down and he knows Revy is also decently sneaky. He hopes she stays safe so they can keep going and not worrying about having to scramble for results in the pools of innocent blood and tears of those that got the short end of the stick because they failed them. Revy hears them talking about where they were keeping the prisoners from the ship and how they had a trade with a slaver ship set up for the woman and the men for laborers and how they might keep a few for stock in case they need to get one off.


Pirates! (NQ Rank A Solo) Empty Wed Apr 13, 2022 9:58 pm


Revy is repulsed by hearing the way they had just talked about living breathing people and she hurries to where they had said the captured people where and some were restrained while others just sat obediently off to the side to just await their fates rather they were to be used by the pirates or sold off. She is sad to see the state of all of this, was this really all it took to break these people. Kai made his way to her and he sees them and he starts sending them off back to the ship he had come through while Revy watched the door in case anyone else came in to check on the people that were locked away from them to profit or use personally. Kaito thinks he is gonna have some fun while he fights them after he gets all of the loot and stuff off of this ship. They find where the loot is being held and he makes sure he is only taking stuff from that ship that had been attacked to return them.


Pirates! (NQ Rank A Solo) Empty Wed Apr 13, 2022 9:58 pm


He is not going to leave these pirates to starve but he is gonna make sure they never dare to try their pirate ways again and he smirks cause he is gonna make the ride rough as hell, he starts getting all of the loot out that he had marked as the loot that needed to be off loaded and he smiles at Revy who is standing guard once again as the ship starts to raise a bit as the loot is being off loaded slowly so not to draw as much attention as it would have if he had off loaded it all at once. Some of the pirates are noting how the ship is starting to go faster as they were pretty over loaded from the haul on the other ship but a few just think maybe they had just caught a better head wind in this spot. The ones that weren't convinced went down to check for why they picked up speed.


Pirates! (NQ Rank A Solo) Empty Wed Apr 13, 2022 9:58 pm


Revy signals him of their approach and Kaito gets into place behind one of the doors and as soon as they figure it out they are meet with some blows already being knocked out and being tucked away for safe keeping from the prying eyes of other pirates walking around the ship completely ignorant of their own ship being raided from the inside and them losing millions of jewels worth of items and people that they coulda been sitting pretty after the hull but they had messed with the wrong people on the wrong day, Kaito was in town and he is not one to take it easy on evil doers, especially slavers or people that would look to supply them with people. Kaito gets the last of the goods off of the ship and then he smiles to Revy as it was time to have some fun and take down some pirates.


Pirates! (NQ Rank A Solo) Empty Wed Apr 13, 2022 9:58 pm


He baits a few down to see everything is missing and lets them start scrambling then he appears to them and saying he was sorry and begging for them to find mercy in there heart for him as he had sent the slaves away on the life boats and dropped all the treasures through the windows into the ocean and they draw their weapons and get the back of their knees dropped kicked by Revy followed by Kai spin kicking them both sending them to the island of dreams and night nights. He draws his sword and he starts dueling and fighting his way to toward the captains quarters as he wasn't gonna let any more people get hurt badly or get stolen from, from this pirate gang and he wonders what the pirate captain will be like, he is envisioning a tall bulky ugly monster of a man to greet him.


Pirates! (NQ Rank A Solo) Empty Wed Apr 13, 2022 9:59 pm


When he reaches the captains room he is greeted by a mid sized woman with twin pistols and a grin. "You did well to get to me but this is where your luck runs out and you lose your life." She points the pistols at Kaito and fires both of them and Kaito dodges and she puts her hand out and a saber appears in her hand and she takes a skilled fighters stance and Kaito was caught off guard by this as he was expecting a knuckle dragger but is currently in a fight with a woman that was clearly trained in the ways of the blade, and he can tell she is not a novice but neither is he. He doesn't let her control the tempo of the fight, he keeps her on her back foot and he uses his magic to protect him from the extra weapons she launches at him as they clash and stumble around as the ship has hit some rougher waters.


Pirates! (NQ Rank A Solo) Empty Wed Apr 13, 2022 9:59 pm


She smirks as she thinks she saw an opening and she goes for it but it was just bait and Kai dodges getting closer and swept her leg and hits the back of her head with the back side of his sword and he catches her limb body and he restrains her then sends her with the rest of her crew to the other ship and then sends Revy back to the ship and he starts walking along making holes in the ship with his magic tearing it apart and he sinks it, which wasn't what he was gonna do to start with but with the threat that woman had posed he wasn't gonna risk her getting loose and coming back to this ship and causing mayhem on the seas once more, and without the ship she would not be making any troubles for awhile and she will have to earn her way back out to the sea. He gets himself to safety and sails back with them and gets his payment and he heads out with his companion to see the world some more.

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