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Pest Control 2 (Solo NQ S-Rank)

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Pest Control 2 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:02 pm


Kaito got another request needing help with some rats and Kaito wondered why there are so many rat issues that would need to be worth calling on mages to come and handle either they are gonna be magic rats again or they were gonna be some sort of giant rats with weaponized claws or teeth. Either way the mage was gonna have to once again defend and probably have to fight hard to make sure this time he damages the building less and gets the most clearing for this time. He has no idea how many giant rats survived the first place he cleaned out he knows this is just another bump to getting to the bigger leagues and maybe find a cure and have that family he was thinking about in the future. He needs to handle this faster cause last time it took a week for the smell to come out of his clothes he has to be honest this probably isn't gonna be worth it.


Pest Control 2 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:02 pm


He walks to where the request says he has to clear out the rats and the place looks like it has seen far better days then the state it is in now. Might actually be a good place if they tear it down and rebuild it cause no way of saving this place as it stands. if it has the same kind of over flowing rat problem as the last place, this place was gonna take time to clear and to make sure that they stay gone maybe leave less survivors. If they think that they want a place that will probably smell like rat piss and shit into the foundation the place will be okay then. he wants to see if it will even last if he kills all of them this time. Kaito looks at Revy who he sends in to scout once again around a little and see how bad it is.


Pest Control 2 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:02 pm


He wasn't just gonna stand around this time so he jumps up on to ledges and he looks in he scouts a little himself so Revy isn't the only one doing it this time around. He is trying to build for a future that may never come still but he has hopes and he has dreams that he doesn't want to just stay an illusion on a far off horizon. He doesn't want to fall flat and leave people behind wanting more, he wants to end his show right with a bang. He still wishes to be true to himself and those around him but he knows that he is dangerous and he is a danger magnet. He doesn't want to leave people behind to mourn him to have to deal with a mess he may have left behind for them in his passing but he knows that his chances of having a happy ending are nearly zero or to meeting his goals but he figures if there is a chance over zero then there is a way that he can make it happen if he wants it bad enough. He hopes he makes it and takes them out of the fight and the pain of it all that maybe he can see a happy sun raise with someone that loves him. Revy comes running out this time not a shaking mess like she was last time looking like she has a story to tell.


Pest Control 2 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:03 pm


Revy tells a story of how many rats there are and how much rat food she saw on the inside of the building. She was just glad that she can be of help to Kai and how this time around she avoided them far better then she had the first time. He figures it is probably gonna be like last time, where they are in a huge group up top then thinning as they go down. He knows she does do a little too much for what she is but he could never replace her for anything or anyone. He runs in this time it seems they were a bit smarter as these ones were spread out and not all grouped so it gave them more room to move and fight with Kaito who wasn't gonna back down after coming so far and needing to pad his jewels for the future.


Pest Control 2 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:03 pm


Kaito is unsure how he would have gotten so far if it hadn't been for this small cat creature cheering him on and keeping him in check as she was his right hand woman and she was never backing down or giving up till she has tried every last thing she can thing of to do. Judith of course he should still go and visit as on his world tour he has come to miss talking to her, plus he wonders what became of her son after they got him to go home. But now is not the time to be thinking about it and remising he needs to focus and to get this dirty rat business down and dusted so they can hurry up and out of this area and trouble that they might have been made while he was here so he is not blamed for it. He doesn't know how This giant rat will be when he reaches the underground but he knows he is gonna have to handle it well again. He knows he is gonna have to grow up and move one some day but for now he still feels some fleeting pride in Fairy Tail sooner rather then later he is gonna have to make a change, rather he likes it or not.


Pest Control 2 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:03 pm


He opens another door and the new assault begins as these rats were bigger than the ones in the main hall they had just come through and they were not gonna let him have this area without a giant fight for who will be the big dog. He keeps his sword arm strong as he cleaves through the horde of rats that have seemed to be coming out of the walls as he was thinking maybe this time they would be able to just have a mighty clean quick sweep of the place. He has Revy do her thing to help keep the rats at bay while he killed the ones that seemed to be locking on to him, maybe because they didn't see Revy as a threat or maybe because he just smelled like he would taste better. The rats left out blood curdling screams as Kaito was use to hearing it, it had very little effect on his focus as he kept up his murdering of them with little to no stopping after taking out a dragon this should be light work.


Pest Control 2 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:04 pm


He laughed as he keeps fighting through these rats going into his wild dragon force form to make the work faster and easier fro himself and Revy not wanting to fall behind starts kicking some smaller rats ass as well she was not gonna be shown up by them and she needed to keep getting better and stronger so she can keep up with Kaito and not slow him down like from the earlier time that she had been shaken up about almost being bitten last time. Kai is glad to see she is able to stand taller against them this time. He had grown to like not having to be the only one having to fight and working as a team like he was when he was helping Quilla fight that dragon. His dragon force form makes him feel nearly unstoppable he is mad he hadn't though to use it more before instead of just blasting everything that crossed his path like he was some gun crazy trigger happy crazy man on a killing spree.


Pest Control 2 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:04 pm


The surviving rats are starting to fall back and regroup like they did the last time and he keeps on them in his new form he wasn't gonna let them get away this time as he sees his opening and he is gonna take it and keep them down. Kaito starts making portals and he jumps into them slashing and attacking and to protect Revy, who is still giving it her all as she was not going to slow down. Kaito hopes that he can save as much of the random junk that is around them in case any of it is worth something to the people that hired him to do this task for them. He has gotten more use to this dragon force form as he keeps going and cutting them like butter with a hot knife. He is using it for good bonuses for using them and he feels far less weak and useless. He wonders if it is gonna be another acid dipped rat or if it will be a new type of rat this time around.


Pest Control 2 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:04 pm


The floor under them rattles and Kai portals Revy to a safe spot and Kai jumps forward this time as a massive Rat claw smashes through the floor and swiped at him he clashes with it as this time the claw is like swords attached to its paws instead of the last one that had acid on it, he wasn't gonna let that thing hit him or Revy it will probably to gut them like fish if it had hit him or the cat. Like the last one that had effects it had broken through the floor boards to try and reach them. Kai was lucky that he was well trained in this to protect himself and Revy quickly again so that they can live to see this through, he hadn't let his guard down for a moment this time and Revy almost looked like she wanted to dive into the hole in the floor. He runs at the paw slashing it again to try and force it to withdraw back into the under ground again and it withdrawing back to the basement and he knows that means that is where he is gonna have to go again.


Pest Control 2 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:05 pm


The squeals are getting almost deafening as he rends flesh and bulldozed into the rats this time around he kicks them down the stairs and he watches them to see if they will react differently than the last batch had done when he had gotten to this point gets into the basement landing and he keeps fighting his way through the swarm of rats that have started coming up the stairs at him lucky for Kai they can only come up one at a time as they had last time. He keeps kicking and slashing them as he goes through the stair way and into the basement, He keeps on his way and Revy is following and knocks more of them on their dumb rat heads and they were nearly unrelenting in their attempts to climb up and attack him. Revy is starting to feel a bit winded so he has her climb up into his hood to take a break as he keeps fighting and taking on the rats as they go he wasn't gonna let her get worn out and get hurt.


Pest Control 2 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:05 pm


Kai keeps himself in the lead so Revy can keep resting and she won't need to rise a paw unless she is ready to fight and willing to fight. Revy sees some smaller rats that she should be able to take and she jumps out and she starts getting down to fighting and not gonna let Kai have all the fun and leave her to end up wanting more then she can get. some smaller rats stand to her challenge to fight and keep herself busy. Kaito takes on the big ones that he was more on size with him now that he is using the dragon force transformation. He needs to hurry then get to the boss and seal the entrance they came through he wasn't gonna just enjoy this but this will probably work well as a part of a book one of the Rune Knights wants to write about Kaito and Revy. He is gonna be vs the blade swift rat monster once he gets to it and right now he is neck deep in vile rat monsters that have hoarded some stolen goods as well.


Pest Control 2 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:05 pm


It was time for Kaito to make sure this rats nest was no more so he got serious and he fired of a stronger beam at the rats as he slashes with the other hand to make sure that he can get space and not get busted up himself as he is strong and he can take bigger hits and deal bigger damage to those that try to step to him he doesn't have to feel fear or feel like he is at a major risk here he can just rage through them and not give a care about it as he can do any thing he wishes to do as fast or as slow as he wishes with them he doesn't need to worry just swing his sword with his extra power. He keeps getting closer and closer and he can taste the win coming to him as he watches the rat with blades cannibalizes other rats. Kai wonders if they will really be okay fighting this thing or if he will be destroyed.


Pest Control 2 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:06 pm


He enters the field and he goes up vs this Razor Rat one on one as the rat had already eaten all of his close by allies so the field is wide open for them to fight and he doubted that any rats will come near them in case they will get eaten or if they will get smashed in the fight before they can do anything to help. He runs and he throws himself at the fight as the rat swings their hand full of blades at him and he keeps parrying them and he back hand springs and he gets him into the area for the rat to move forward and he jumps at the sky and he flies past them and he slashes at them and it falls over and he makes sure it is dead as the other rats flee and he closes the way in and he smiles as this went smoothly and Revy runs to him then they leave to go and get paid for a hard days work.
(2400/2000 20% WC 10%guild+10%compainion)

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