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Friend ore foe

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Friend ore foe Empty Sun Mar 27, 2022 4:28 am


She picked up her letter and read about some cold Colliers hideout that she needed to go to. Who's going to meet Motoro once more? She definitely was. Today she wore her regular pants, boots and large T top. She had her hair and a ponytail as she was ready to get going for work. That is what this was called, right work. As soon as she got there at the old place that was literally cold, which she wondered if that's why it was called "Cold" Colliers, she went inside. As soon as she went in, she saw him look at her with happiness as he was pleased with her accomplishments. He asked her if he could have her assistance once more and then wanted to give her the details and what she needs to do. Currently one of the three contractors were guilty, but she wanted to know which one.


Friend ore foe Empty Sun Mar 27, 2022 4:28 am


She looked at the letter to see which name she was going to be looking after. She realized it was the three people that she was studying beforehand. There is the cute one. The large one. And the really scrawny-looking one. Apparently, these guys are at least one of them was a traitor. Apparently, the one that he wanted to blame was the cute one, and when she wondered why it was him, but then he explained that he was present during the attack itself, unlike the others. Really hoping that it wasn't the cute one. Need to test this all out as she went ahead and went into the House of the first contractor. Apparently, he was away in another business, so his house had no one in there. She wondered how she was going to break into his house, so she tried to find a window. With a lock.


Friend ore foe Empty Sun Mar 27, 2022 4:28 am


She wondered if she could use the edge of her sword to pick herself in. As she had to be very careful due to how sharp it was. Once she got in safely, she then looked around the house. She remembered she was told that she was not supposed to go in there because she didn't want to make a mess. She had to be careful so she didn't alarm anything. What if this person had an alarm system? With magic. Soon enough, she went into a library and found that there was a letter on the desk. It took about an hour to find it, but she started to read it and it was a letter from the guy who is a larger than the other two. The letter was talking about the problems that him and his gang are causing and how they should have made sure to kill him when the mine originally collapsed.


Friend ore foe Empty Sun Mar 27, 2022 4:29 am


She couldn't believe what it was saying, but she then started to continue reading. She was really sad to find out that the big guy and the cute guy was Guilty. That only leaves the scrawny one to find out. She left the house and closed the window to make sure it was locked all over again, so it didn't seem obvious someone came in. She was told Frankan did not have any residence. Guys wandered as she was looking for him and saw that he was moving into an alley by himself. She swiftly went over there, and it was just him and her. She started to throw punches as she interrogated him asking about the letter. He started to explain as he was really scared that he would give any information. As he was giving away all the information, she then looked over the timetables of what they do. She finally went back and gave mattoro the information.


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